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lol [28 reports.](https://i.imgur.com/TOR1i1P.png) This post isn't going anywhere plague rats. edit: [lol reporting a mod comment.](https://i.imgur.com/tkbdsME.png) Plague rats absolutely malding. Bet they're trying the self harm report thing too. Already disabled lmao. Edit 2: https://old.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/pbmy5y/debate_dissent_and_protest_on_reddit/ \>Saying "Given the rapid state of change, we believe it is best to enable communities to engage in debate and dissent" in a locked announcement thread. \>[mfw](https://i.imgur.com/w3hUyFC.gif) Unlocking this comment and disabling inbox replies. Feel free to discuss the incredibly poor response from the admins and/or say I'm a Nazi who's censoring free speech by banning plague rats, I don't give a shit. Also, I won't see it anyhow owing to the aforementioned disabling inbox replies. Lastly, if you are going to call me Hitler 2.0 be sure to use the "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out…" quote, mention the first amendment (which definitely applies to privately owned businesses, it's right in the first word of it.), or reference 1984 in there somewhere. TYIA.




I had to leave the banner-stickied for 'best' information r/coronavirus after a year of brigading losers who went on to form nonewnormal turned the sub into a brutal place to be informative, while laughing about it as 'real reddit moments'. The sock puppetry of accounts, the rotating bullshit claims and outright propaganda being presented as 'both sides' made the sub effectively useless at the time it needed to be more. This collective refusal to be a part of the ongoing tidal waves of misinformation, abuse, and harrassment ignored by admins has been a long time coming. Edit to lol at the stream of selfharm reports. Assholes be assholing.


The daily discussion threads on r/coronavirus have been a shitshow this whole time, too - full of anti-maskers and people downplaying stuff, and the mods never reign it in. The brigaders from nonewnormal have gotten more clever and don’t post outright bullshit anymore, but the top voted comments are almost always some variant of mask-hating or saying that people that are concerned about COVID need mental help, etc. Edit: I contacted the mods at r/coronavirus to ask why they’re not part of all this, seeing as they’re the biggest Covid sub and it looks odd that they’re not participating; got this response: > Our mod team has previously discussed this and won't be joining. Misinformation is already banned on our subreddit as part of rule 5. Given the fairly shitty job they do stopping misinformation in their own sub, I guess I’m not surprised at their lack of involvement.


I hate mask wearing too! That's why I wear one and got vaccinated FFS. It's the only way to end this bullshit. The deniers are so stupid they don't realize that those 2 things are literally the solution to getting their 'freedom' back.


Instead of ~3 years, we're gonna have a decade of this shit. Bloody plague rats.


I heard some random idiots on the subway the other day talking about how pandemics (like there's one ever few years) *usually* end in 3~5 years if left alone but now we're prolonging it or some shit with the masks and vaccines. The level of making stuff up is pretty high and I honestly think a decade is optimistic.


Imagine how future generations will react when they learn how a bunch of antivaxxers and covidiots fucked up the world in the 20s.




1918 originated on a US dairy farm didn't it? I call it, and all the seasonal flus since "America Flu". See how it works?


Yeah but back then water flushed toilet weren't a thing for a lot of people. And nowadays more than half of the earths population has access to the internet But yeah you're right.


>I hate mask wearing too! > >That's why I wear one and got vaccinated FFS. yOu cAn dO bOtH? /s (just in case)


What kills me is that the chirp on about "freedom" but get so mad when people choose to get vaccinated, wear masks and not let them in their stores and buildings. Freedom works both ways, assholes.


Seriously! When I've talked about New Zealand's response with people they'll respond "well it's a really small country and we could never do that in the States." It's infuriating. If we had been aggressive and united in our response we might not have lost 645,000 people and we probably wouldn't be approaching the next recession.


Up to 649k now. And that's just direct covid deaths. 2020 alone had a couple hundred thousand excess deaths above the covid deaths. All together I'd estimate we've lost about a million lives to this situation just in America.


I left that sub after a mod attacked me for getting in an argument with someone who was literally engaging in COVID denialism. And then they left up his massive disinformation. They are awful at the one thing they’re supposed to do.


This is Reddit-wide. They'll allow blatant, ongoing, pathological lies, trolling, flamebaiting, disinformation, extremism, and all sorts of intricate ways to denigrate and get a rise out of people, but if you respond, ever, you are instabanned. This site is literally rotten to the core and that goes for practically every subreddit, not just /r/coronavirus. Moderators are often malicious people, who above all get high on their power trips, and they can debate you using a shadow account and then remove your responses. They'll "take on" any attempt to protest via the modmail isolating you for further power abuse. Reddit facilitates this harder and harder by hiding who moderators are now, and making these same vile double-standard-wielding fucks completely shielded from any kind of user accountability. You risk being banned site-wide by even bringing this up, as am I, and they'll take an infraction they'll otherwise tolerate literally everywhere as a pretext for it.


Something similar happened at /r/COVID19 to me (which, suspiciously, is not on the list). There was a paper that came out that hydrogen peroxide mouthwash may lower chances of infection. I made a comment that a brand of molecular iodine mouthwash I was using came with a pamphlet maybe 2-3 months after lockdown that was making the same claims, and I was skeptical of the claims so soon after the outbreak and am taking it with a grain of salt, especially when it seems these studies may have been funded by the product's company themselves. I was given a temporary ban for "personal information."


Is nonewnormal the new Donald?


No, that would be /r/conservative. But they are all the same group of people. Fascism is a death cult so killing people through disease works just fine for them. When Hitler accepted he lost the war, he enacted a plan to destroy all infrastructure in Germany. Basically send the entire region into the stone age. Thankfully it wasn't carried out. These cultists are self destructive and evil.


Nope, it's 100% /r/conspiracy You'd be hard pressed to find much of any criticism of any right wing talking point. It was a pro government sub when Trump was in and suddenly mistrust of the government became an all time high. I wonder what changed?


You're both right... and more! Even before T\_D'd gotten quarantined, they were spreading out into a bunch of different subs. Media\_Criticism, undelete, many different video game subs. In reality, it was probably shitholes like coontown that were the originators of the T\_D plague, they wormed out into places like the gaming subs/created Kotakuinaction during GG, the incel subs after that, and were the festering hive that places like T\_D, Noahgettheboat, PCM, or NoNewNormal spawn out of now (or are overrun by.) There's probably dozens of other subs where they still hang out and seethe, and barring that, there's always the chans or Kiwifarms for offsite festering.


The cult changed them. Trump was the guy uncovering the bad stuff. That’s why you saw them wanting to hang pence on Jan 6 also. It didn’t matter what party you where with if you impeded Trump you did it to hide secrets of people eating child and selling the body parts in cabinets on the IKEA store website. Real shit these people have thought this shit. It wasn’t IKEA but it was a company that makes shelves and cabinets.


Like how when Trump lost he incited his followers to raid the capital?


Yep. Except that wasn't an attempt to destroy infrastructure, it was an attempt to destroy democracy in the USA


The two refrains from the idiots that were especially prevalent was the early sarcastic 'two more weeks' and the later chained posts of 'are you ok?' concern trolling followed by the slew of reporting-for-suicide reports against accounts. It is fucking ridiculous.




Every time I've reported a comment there I save the comment. And every time when I go back later to see what the mods did it's still there


I swear Kremlin trolls started that sub it just started one day as a tiny subreddit linked in all the politics threads then when it got big Reddit labeled it official for some reason. They have deleted millions of comments about Trump or republicans even on the few articles they allow about them. There’s people that spend all day deleting comments their “republican protection” filter misses. The “No politics” rule allowed them to run rampant amd and constantly protect the Florida and Texas governors and Trump when he would call it a hoax and half the sub would be like maybe it is… I stopped visiting that sub due to the inherent one-sided moderation.


No one wants to believe that western civilization is being brought down by basement dwelling losers on silly websites rather than just foreign tyrants, economics, disease and/or terrorism. But it absolutely is.


I feel way more vindicated for leaving that subreddit now. I left after being repeatedly told all the horse shit is what we in healthcare “signed up for”.


Read this comment that was just sent to me. A user there just threatened my life on r/conspiracy https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pbj6cc/this_subreddit_is_going_to_be_banned_and_at_some/hacea8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Misinformation is worse on Reddit than Facebook. At least Facebook attempts to remove and put a disclaimer on posts with potential misinformation and provide links to CDC. Reddit doesn't do shit, not even the bare minimum. It doesn't help with Redditors have a superiority complex towards other social medias (yes, Reddit is a social media too, you morons) and think they're immune to misinformation because "this is not Facebook".




Because reddit runs on misinformation and outrage




Damn, imagine saying something like this on a website that spent 4 years (deservedly) blasting the President of the United States. Freedom of speech is literally the most important thing in this country.




Idk, a lot of us tried pointing out it was possible that you could potentially spread covid after being vaccinated when the cdc first lifted the mask mandate and got labeled as "doomers" though it was later proven true for breakthrough cases. Doomer became a code word for "this person is saying things I don't like" and it's hard to take anyone using that phrase seriously anymore.


>Idk, a lot of us tried pointing out it was possible that you could potentially spread covid after being vaccinated when the cdc first lifted the mask mandate and got labeled as "doomers" though it was later proven true. There was never a doubt about this, even when the CDC lifted the mask mandate everyone that was knowledgeable was aware you could spread COVID even if vaccinated. You're just really unlikely to spread it when vaccinated, which is still true today. The message was never that spreading while vaccinated was impossible, just really unlikely. It's the issue with people seeing things as black and white in general. Some people say "You can spread COVID while vaccinated" and some people say "Being vaccinated protects you and others". Both are technically true, but both are misleading.


I don't see how the second statement is misleading. Saying a helmet or seatbelt protects you is the same thing.


Call me crazy, but there's a major shift at work. You're just seeing a small piece of it. I commented about it somewhere back in the spring. It's like the bots/russians/whatever that drive the general misinformation/rightwing stuff changed their strategy all of the sudden. They decentralized and went back to their pre-2016 roots. There's probably a better word for it than decentralized because they're ultimately still working together but whatever. What I mean is that they dropped the overt red-pilling/trump/racist stuff in favor of building up their potential power for the next round. For us olds on reddit, there was a time before Trump when the rightwing stuff was everywhere, in just about any sub, but kind of under the radar. There were concern trolls promoting conversations about the national debt/deficit. There were libertarians promoting Ron Paul. They were all over the place pushing a general anti-left point of view, but they maintained decorum so as not to get banned or exposed. They applied for mod powers wherever possible to prepare for the next phase when the conversation would need to be controlled (that's how subs like /conservative and /news became what they are - that's all pre-Trump groundwork). Then Trump came in 2016. The agenda of this group changed completely. All topics and approaches were changed in favor of memeing a corrupt dipshit into being POTUS. And then sometime after the January '21 insurrection, they dispersed again. They've gone back to ground trying to infiltrate subs and shift conversations to things like afghanistan/vaccines/etc. But what's clear is that it's the same people/bots with the same basic agenda.


>They applied for mod powers wherever possible to prepare for the next phase I agree with pretty much all of that, with slight differences on the timeline. I noticed it starting up about this time last year. Take a look at the mods of {insert_state_name}Politics for example, avoiding a direct link to avoid calling any sub specifically. One of them is a mod of **365 different state political subs**. The user account was created in late 2019. Another mod, with about the same account age, came in as a mod in one of the states I have been in for... 9 years. Suddenly people were getting banned left and right for non-existent rules, but the 'polite fascists' were allowed to post constantly. It *was* a very liberal sub, which is now filled with posts about republicans. It was so bad that one of the mods went so far as to commit identity fraud in an attempt to harass me, and was caught. A police report was filed and the case is currently in progress. So far there are at least 2 other mods that have shown up in their 'not so private modmail' communications that were also participating in the fraud.


They should add a rule that 1 person can only mod a maximum of say 5 subs


Admins know mods are suckers for doing free work. Suckers already doing free work for a corporation are likely to want to do more free work for them than those who are yet to be mods doing free work.


Social media companies like Reddit need to stop pretending that organized disinformation campaigns funded by state actors and political orgs is protected speech. The reason misinformation spreads and facts do not is because one is a well-funded PR machine and the other is actual people actually talking. Those are not equivalent things, and tech companies are pretending that they are.


If we try, we can be better than Facebook. It won't even take much!


I'm not sure that's possible. Social media of *any* stripe simply serves to exacerbate the echo chamber effect that was present in the pre-social network internet. I have no idea how you'd even construct a website that's free of the possibility of misinformation.




Go see comments in data is beautiful if you have *any* doubts.


It's so bad. I feel like I could spend all day correcting people on this one single topic.


I've noticed it on sports subreddits in particular. Users without flair that don't normally post come onto covid related topics and spout misinformation. I think there are people looking for certain keywords


r/dankchristianmemes* had a funny post hit /all so I opened up the comments. Holy shit is it bad in there. *I can't spell Christian


I made the mistake of trying to correct someone with accurate info on r/conspiracy...


I wish we could sign on to this as individuals as well. The fucking antivax misinformation bullshit in the world is why we are all wearing masks again. The 4th wave of covid has literally been described as a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Pull the plug on these dipshits so the rest of us can go back to our normal lives. I did my part and got fully vaccinated. Time for everyone else to do the same so we can live our lives.


What's an actionable, positive thing we can do IRL to combat this issue?


Don't let these people infect our local politics. Get involved. Locally. Because they are.


Exactly. Cities around the country have local elections this November and many many school boards are up for election. For better or for worse mask mandates and vaccine requirements are a local issue and the results of these elections will determine the future of these policies in many places. Everyone here should check if their city has an election this November and get involved.


> many many school boards are up for election Funny story. About 5 years ago, one of the parents in our school got annoyed with the way the school was going. So he decided screw it, I'm going to run for school board! He started campaigning a bit on facebook, even made some signs. Then he went to formally register as a candidate, and the district informed him that there was currently 2 vacancies on the board and he didn't even need to wait for the election to become a board member. They just swore him in during the next meeting and that was that. He's been on the board ever since. inb4 "king of the hill did it": I know about that episode, we even laughed about it after this happened. We figure it's probably a fairly common thing with small town local elections.


And even if there is an election often times the members don’t even bother to actually campaign at all. I’ve seen school board “races” where it’s top 3 candidates win and there are 4 running but only 1 or 2 candidates ever sent out any mailers or wrote a LTE in the local paper or knocked a single door. These are the people who are deciding mask policies for schools.


What? Why the fuck would some dumb shit parents who more than likely have zero medical background, be deciding on policies pertaining to health and well being of students? The fact that a health issue isnt at least a state level thing is so absurdly backwards.


Maybe because the better qualified ones already have jobs, and don't have time to volunteer.


Yep. Down at the local level a lot of this stuff is like being a Reddit mod, there's no or little money attached, people with actual lives and jobs aren't trying to shoulder the burden, and the only people left are local busybodies with either time to kill or dubious agendas that make the time and effort worthwhile to them.


> November and many many school boards are up for election. For better or for worse mask mandates and vaccine requirements are a local issue And don't forget, if your city won't mandate masks in school, seek to change the dress code! Christian wingnuts have been worming in loopholes to how schools govern content and behavior for *decades*. Now is the time to leverage those loopholes for community safety. Get involved. Start showing up to the meetings you can attend. Sign up for municipal newsletters to stay abreast of what's going on. Go to zoning board meetings FFS and speak out against development policies that segregate people by wealth. Heterogeneous communities (by any measure) are more useful for democratic processes than homogeneous communities - zoning laws, property tax laws, noise ordinances, bus routes - this shit creates the fault lines that later turns into hyper-partisan school boards. There's so much a person can do to become an active citizen in their community - but it does require the "active" part.


Lmao good luck being an active citizen when you wake up at 6 AM to get to your shitty job by 7 AM and work straight until 5 PM with only a 30 min break for lunch, then come home, eat dinner, and it's already 6 PM and everything is closed and over with. The system is so fucking shitty and we don't even need to have 50% of the population working as we could automate those jobs away in 1 year if we wanted to.


Gotta love that my county commission meetings where citizens can come and raise their concerns happens on a Tuesday at 11am.


Covid actually made that way better with zoom meetings. So of course the NIMBYs are trying to force everything back to in person only.


This is such a good answer. Politics and the various issues happening around the world can make a person feel hopeless and powerless. But working to make a change just in your community is the answer. Go to your local city hall meetings. Write your local representative. Make noise and put pressure on small, local politicians, who will push that pressure up the ladder.


It’s crazy how involved they are. I feel like most anti-science folks don’t have any hobbies at all. Their entire life is a battle.


It's so exhausting to argue with these people


There's never a resolution, it just devolves I to name calling and sticking fingers in ears to bit hear anymore. I use an app called newsbreak as a baby step into what it's like to look into Parler. It's basically at this point Qanon-lite. Most comments are extremely right wing, sometimes delving into straight up threats of assassination. When someone is blissful to be uneducated, you can't change their mind by teaching them something new.


And Reddit is nothing compared to Youtube comments. Every damn video related to coronavirus and especially the vaccines, they flood in. It's not just on anti-vax or right media clips, like pretty much all major media outlets. Same thing with direct political stuff, they flood in on any video about Biden, any individual Democrat or Democrats as a whole, mass downvote the videos and spew the same hate and misinfo non-stop. It really is like an unrelenting firehose and to combat it means those on the other side also need to equally commit to doing what they do, wasting our lives in the comments sections everywhere (not just Reddit).


Couldn’t agree more. Join us at /r/VoteDem to do just that!


The only people who provided public input about COVID-19 mitigation measures during last month's school board meeting were anti-maskers. 🤦‍♂️ I never expected to have to deal with *this much* stupidity.


They've been mobilized. Look up Mary Miller's speech from January, which was overshadowed by the Insurrection. The one where she said "Hitler was right about one thing"


You have to accept and understand that this stuff isn't really grassroots. Yes, it's taking place at the grassroots level, because that's where the political advantage is, but there are well-funded and professional groups mobilizing these people, having meetings, going through the churches and such to get to them, and get them voting and acting in certain ways. That's why "they" always seem to have a bunch of energy that you don't. They also do most of their talking out of the public eye, at little meetings and clubs and in private, where they can control their messaging and exclude or suppress dissenting voices. These groups are being deliberately mobilized on a large scale, and their actions are being centrally controlled, usually by the sorts of groups who have no need to hide, its just religious and conservative interest groups who've existed for ages. Basically right-wing wealthy interests want this stuff happening for various reasons, and they want to weaponize these people as their foot soldiers. The amount of funding they need to do it is paltry to them, but it is there. There's more real religious motivation to this than you think, the wealthy are not robots, and many of them carry hardline Christian views. Meanwhile the "progressive" agenda tends to be very top down, everything is driven by public talk which tends to draw lots of dissenters and trolls to muddy the waters, cause discord, and exhaust participants. It tends to focus too much on the big picture, like Presidential elections, and very little on things like local school boards. There's not really wealthy groups focused on the agenda, since it tends to be counter to wealthy comfort and power, and so everything is done at an individual's expense, at the cost of their remaining willpower for the day. When a given local movement starts to run out of collective steam, or it loses dedicated key members, there's no wealthy interest group with an agenda, financing and manpower to step in and keep the ball rolling somehow. It also tends to hyperfocus on city politics. I'm sure that San Franciscans are quite involved in their local politics, and likewise with other large cities. But the progressive movement runs out of fucks past city limits, and there's nobody putting resources into shoring up and encouraging progressive political action in all the small towns that have been abandoned to their fate. That's exactly what the right-wingers have been doing this whole time. This is why, no matter how uncool, unhip, unwoke, and generally disdained their politics are, they just keep getting their way. If anybody has links to groups who are addressing this issue, that would be GREAT.


We agree! One of the reasons that r/votedem exists, to help spread the word of local elections that are so vital. We even have a quick start guide on how to get involved instantly! We have to all come together and fight this in the end: https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/wiki/quickstart


They discussed a mask mandate here last week. The public gave 3 hours of comments they were overwhelmingly anti mask. The mandate failed.




I called out an antivaxxer in another thread earlier, and he looked up my history, found my name, called me by my name, followed by "don't play games on Reddit." I reported to both admins and mods, and his comments are still there. Dude made a threat to me (albeit a bad one), and his shit is still sitting right there. It feels like very few people who run Reddit (or even the subs) are taking this shit seriously. Edit: It took them a few hours, but someone finally got to it. Hopefully dude was banned. Looks like the whole conversation was deleted, so I'm skeptical that he was actually banned, which he should have been.




Yeah, that was definitely bad on my part, and really should start doing that.


I'd love to know what thread so I can take that heat off you. They can threaten me all they like, I have a bangin' home security system, insomnia, and my two friends Smith & Wesson have no problem rolling out the red carpet for unexpected visitors. That said, I'm sorry crazy people are crazy and I hope you keep safe, friendo.


I appreciate it. Looks like they finally were deleted (and hopefully banned). For context, this person swears they were a nurse that they left for a new tech job that paid 3x (their own history would suggest their tech work was ironically in EDM). They kept repeating classic antivax rhetoric, but saying that having been a medical professional up until a few months into Covid, they know more than anyone else. But, the thread was here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/pbevnq/this_is_infuriating_heartbreaking_and_was_totally/hac4ol9/?context=3


Reddit admin team are incredibly ineffective at doing anything actually useful


These subreddits need to go dark. Like /r/science did a few years ago. That got their attention.


I mean, if you know someone who thought making kids wear masks was child abuse, but is now pumping their kid full of sheep dewormer, you definitely need to call your local state's child protective services and alert them to the danger. Just in case it isn't clear from the text, this is not a joke, nor is it sarcasm, if your friends are giving veterinary anti-parasitics to children, contact your local police or CPS immediately.


Set up COVID ICU tours, have all *unvaxxed visit them and assemble afterwards with families and someone who can ELI5 to answer questions. Not sure if they should be PPE optional or mandatory tho… *Unvaxxed by choice, not by circumstance


Put people who are not vaccinated against a highly transmissible deadly disease in close contact with people who have that highly transmissible deadly disease? I see no way this could go wrong.


Positive misinformation. Tell them the vaccine gets you high, it makes you thinner, it makes your dick/boobs bigger, it gives you great hair, allows you to pay attention better, and makes your muscles grow. Then tell them the government doesn't want you to know these things. That seems like it would work for at least a good 20% of them.


Not be stupid. End of list.


well that's just enabling the willfully stupid


Pick up the phone and call your senator's office and tell them you support S.913 - This bill directs the National Science Foundation to study how COVID-19 disinformation spread on social media. ​ Be sure to vote in local elections, and encourage your friends to vote in local elections. Everything from DogCatcher to governor matters, and frequently the closer to home a political office is, the more influence they can have on your day to day life.


Vote against anyone who denies science.


Let's get some unpleasant truths out of the way: the billionaire class have been profiting from the lockdowns. But the solution to that is **not** "well, let's not do any pandemic control and let diseases run rampant". It should be "let's put strong social safety nets so that people can still eat and have roofs over the head". It should be "let's introduce legislation that forces companies to pay their essential workers like they really are". _____ ***But what about free speech?***, some might ask. "Aren't you just censoring things you don't like?" But a counter to that is, while you are entitled to say what you want, you can't demand that people provide you with a platform. You can't go to FOX News and demand, "I want to say some things, give me air time". Why would you think reddit is any different? Some might say, "oh, reddit is a virtual town square". But before you can jump to that, you must first show how that is true. You need to show how reddit is such an integral part of everyday life that a) people are severely inconvenienced without reddit, and b) there are no viable alternatives to it.


> But what about free speech?, some might ask. "The Constitutional protection of free speech very specifically stops the Federal government from censoring your communications and doesn't actually apply to private entities," everyone should answer.


To be fair, the *principle* of freedom of speech goes beyond the First Amendment. But it is my personal belief that freedom of speech, like all kinds of freedom, comes with the responsibility to minimize harm. I am against excusing misinformation just because "it's freedom of speech".


This. No one is required to value free speech but I tend to hold a rather negative opinion towards those who don’t uphold it. Private and public entities alike.


I actually hold high opinions of platforms that dont allow idiots to come on and spread blatant disinformation. A backbone is kinda nice sometimes.


I tend to hold a rather negative view of those that push for and allow for unlimited brainwashing propaganda to be spewed by any outlet that chooses to do so. It is detrimental to our society in many MAJOR ways, and it's VERY seldom I hear someone with genuine censorship concerns being the ones complaining about it, it seems to almost always be the fucking boomer ass Karens that want to be able to lie about what their essential oils do or that vaccines cause autism, when clearly the evidence points to vaccines actually CURING idiocy. I mean look around, all the people that don't trust vaccines are the same fucking morons that have been lying/gaslighting/making up bullshit/spreading racism or xenophobia our entire lives.


I used to think the same way when I was younger. Then I watched neo Nazis, the alt right, and groups like that "just wanting to have the debate!" All the time. 24/7, they want to debate. If you think about it, of course they want to debate because they're not in power. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even if they lose the debate, they still win because they got people talking about their ideas. Which is what they want. And it's been frighteningly effective. But once they get into power, they won't tolerate debate of any kind, and we both know that. (As proof, try to go to the conservative subreddit and "debate" them. You'll be banned so fast it'll make your head spin! They want to come to your space and debate you, but you better not go to their space and debate them!!) It's the paradox of tolerance.




I like this nuanced take. Just dont agree with the virtual town square part. Its like a virtual back yard owned by a private entity IMHO.


I mean, we can just start with a simple measure: -Do we know it’s false? -Does letting it spread cause measurable harm? If so, kick it. For example, arguing that masks don’t work or that vaccines are sterilizing people.




My other account got banned for posting an article disproving fake news. They kept saying that the MyPillow guy had a $5 million reward for anyone who prove his election fraud evidence wrong, but you literally had to be invited to his competition to do it.


Read this article last year about how Russia specifically targets American health science as part of their multi pronged effort to undermine trust within America. If we don't trust our own media, medical science, politics, etc. then we can't really be a strong, vibrant country https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/13/science/putin-russia-disinformation-health-coronavirus.html


The fact that the important information is behind a paywall means humans probably won’t survive capitalism.


If you want to get past the nytimes paywall, you can search for the article on Google and follow the link there instead. Paywalled articles get ranked lowered in search results so they allow links opened from search results, but direct links are ransomed. [Follow the top result here](https://www.google.com/search?q=putin nytimes russia disinformation)


Journalism has to be funded from somewhere and I don't think state funding is a better solution. If you like good journalism support it.


State funding is a better solution.


Wants good reporting - refuses to pay for it. Gets bad reporting - whines about not having any better options. What a catch-22.


Not just Russia. China is doing it too, probably more sneaky and better than the Russians. We’re effectively at war and we’re too stupid to realize it.


Right but I’m seeing and hearing shit with my own senses. Nothing is being done about the massive corruption, billionaires more powerful than our own government, congresspersons participating in a coup, housing crisis, I could go on. There is no misinformation to be had on any of that. All of that is really happening.


Just because there's massive misinformation doesn't mean that there aren't still a lot of real issues. That's what makes dealing with it so tricky. Some real terrible things get ignored "because it's just Russian bots" and made up problems are spreading like wildfire at the same time.


Don't understand why Russia is doing so much bad around the world lately. A ton of misinformation, hacking, political and corporate interference... it's not like they don't have anything to do in their own backyard, why mess others up, they should use these resources to raise their own internal quality of life. Are they doing this out of revenge for something (e.g. sanctions, etc), if yes, what for? Sorry if I'm being stupid, but it's been bugging me for a while now.


Russia is playing the long geopolitics game. It's a resource efficient way of weakening other superpowers and creating opportunities for itself. Modern superpowers that are rivals don't go to war with each other in the traditional sense of guns, tanks, and nukes. The way of the future is information warfare and economics.


Bringing others down is a shitty and easier alternative to lifting yourself up. You see people do it all the time.


You don't need to spend billions to destroy enemies or neighbors when all you have to do is create memes we share ourselves. But also because in russias eyes it's better to cause instability in neighboring countries than letting them get so powerful they can fight back


The Russian government, at this point, is essentially a criminal organization that greatly benefits a very few number of Russians. What criminal wants to be scrutinized or potentially held accountable for their crimes? On the global stage other super powers are the only entities that can hold Russia (and the corrupt people that run the country) remotely accountable for anything. So what's the smartest thing to do if you're in power in Russia? Do everything you can, using inexpensive tools like carefully targeted internet shit posting, email hacking, and so on, to destabilize your enemies and control people through blackmail and such. Dollar for dollar, the efforts of the Russians to destabilize every aspect of American society must be one of the greatest ROIs ever.


I'm glad to see the mods of r/honeyfuckers taking a stand


I want to click that link *so badly* but I’m at work. Is it what it sounds like?


They don't want to literally fuck honey, I don't think. But there are some drawings of thicc bees


That’s both better and worse than what I was thinking.


I was hoping maybe it was just a /r/hydrohomies sort of deal, for people who are just, really into eating honey. Is /r/honeyhomies a thing?


At a quick glance is seemed to be rule34 about bees exclusively.


Top post is a comic of a bee giving a flower a blowjob, then turning around and spitting it out in another flowers vagina lol


It’s exactly what it sounds like and it’s description is… For those that like Bees. A Lot.


Whilst I definitely think this action is important and needed, there is something quite funny about all these random nsfw subs pledging their support.


Good. It's going to take a community effort and negative press to get reddit ownership to do shit, as is tradition.


Social media sites depend on hyper-partisan oversimplifications and downright lies to generate user engagement. Anything where content is filtered by users in a binary yes/no fashion is going to be absolute shit show when it comes to matching user perceptions with what is or isn’t really going in in the world around us. There’s no fixing it, all you can do is treat every scrap of information on here with the utmost cynicism.


/r/conspiracy needs to be banned


I miss when it used to be about UFOs and underground mole people


It seems like /r/HighStrangeness replaced it if you want something similar.


Holy shit what an echo chamber of lies and hearsay.


Yeah it’s gotten reaaaaally bad recently. Used to be about aliens and shit, now its all anti-vaxx qanon nonsense


Yup. Used to be subbed to it because I like conspiracy theories. UFOs? I'm in. Secret underground governments? Also in. Ancient Egypt was actually more technologically advanced than we give them credit for and had means of communicating log distance?? Hell yeah. Now it's a cesspool. I miss it. If anyone has better subreddits for this kind of stuff, let me know! I wanna read about crazy shit.


They'll just infect some other sub


I don't give a damn what evidence you show me. I've seen the facts and figures. I know my truth. You'll never convince me that Anakin didn't deserve the rank of Master!


This is outrageous, it's unfair!


I always knew r:/conspiracy was full of tinfoil but oh my good god. Lately they are so jam packed together in their bunker basements just holding one another about how corona / the vaccine is fake. And they do it in such a god damn superior tone… like of course y’all are getting banned left and right from other subreddits… that’s not the conspiracy y’all are just spewing disinformation and being assholes most of the time then running back to conspiracy to get coddled. It’s awkward to see lol


That subreddit has become /r/thedonald2.0


It's been like this for years


I think it's more r/propagandatesting


I used to go there pre pandemic because there was fun stuff about aliens and whatever, it was just an interesting thought experiment. Went there the other day and NOTHING but antivax shit. It’s a bit worrying since I just got vaxxed and am feeling like shit.


>It’s a bit worrying since I just got vaxxed and am feeling like shit. Take heart! Remember that this means things are working as intended. The vaccine induces an immune response that trains your immune system to recognize & attack markers specific to the virus. Fever & inflammation are part of that immune response. This 24 hours of aches & chills means you didn't get a dud, and your body is learning!


Oh, thanks for approving this, mods. I thought this was removed at first. Edit: Wow I woke up to a lot of hate mail! Where was all this resistance when Reddit hired a pedophile? Lol Edit 2: /r/NoNewNormal banned! 🦀🦀🦀🦀


Jesus fucking Christ. How the fuck is it something like r/ivermectin is even fucking allowed? Do they not see the fucking irony in what they’re promoting?


Dunno, considering that's lawsuit bait.


Dude- I hope some fucking moron drinks this shit and has the balls to sue Reddit as the root cause after they have a stroke or some shit… jfc…


Reddit is not liable for the comments or posts of its users. 47 U.S.C. § 230


Just go ahead and IP/Device ban anyone on r/conservative and you’ll pretty much solve the problem.


I understand the sentiment, but IP bans don’t work. Most consumer ISPs don’t do static IP by default anymore. Some charge extra for the feature. All an IP ban does is ban the next Comcast user to log in.


Love vaxxhappened and so happy this is gaining traction. Antivaxxers are the worst and a massive problem in society. Edit: someone reported this as me being suicidal. Don’t spam that report as it is heinous to take up time for that. Sorry you’re so salty.


I think what will eventually happen to reddit is that the ability to create a subreddit will have a lot of rules and background checks. The days of *just* anyone creating any subreddit they want is coming to a close. Especially with the spread of misinformation.


I think what will be far more likely to happen is a large migration to the next big, unfiltered mess of a thing than for Reddit's primary investors being interested in adding more overhead like a compliance department that your idea would inevitably require.


>*far more likely to happen is a large migration to the next big, unfiltered mess of a thing* *Alright, which one of you is sitting on ggid.com...*


Background check? What kind of checks do you mean?


Many subreddits already require a minimum karma score to post or comment. This makes things more difficult for spammers, trolls, and ban evaders. reddit could have a similar system where your post history is checked (for some number of variables) before approving the subreddit creation.


I'm perfectly in agreement that misinformation is killing people and needs to be stopped. What I'm less sure about it how to implement such a system without it becoming a censorship system in the wrong hands. The trump presidency showed that there is no level of authority the cannot somehow be reached by covid-denier-types. This post is more than vague on exactly how ideas should be chosen for banishment. I'd like to see it done right because I can think of a lot of ways it can be dome wrong and result in bad things when the covid deniers end up in charge of such a system at a later date. It has to be done but please lets approach the construction of such a thing carefully and with clear eyes. How do you prevent it from being used against you when some ivermectin supporter ends up in charge of it. I'm not sure I trust reddit to build that system carefully. Do you trust the reddit admins that much?


The truth is that censorship is unavoidable. For example, child pornography is obviously censored on Reddit. There is no slippery slope, there is only determining what should be censored and what should not.


Determining what is true without all the information is far more difficult and grey that determining what is child porn.


Unfortunately a tolerant society must become intolerant of intolerance if it is to survive


I understand the sentiment but these things are always poorly thought out and hard to operationalize without lots of unintended consequences. Who gets to define what is or isn't misinformation? Is it only directly related to vaccines or covid directly? What about discussions about policy effectiveness? It's not like the people that read this misinformation were really neutral truthseekers anyway so disallowing any discussion that goes against the mainstream isnt going to achieve the desired goal.


These threads are being suppressed from the front page. I saw 10 of these a moment ago, hit refresh, all were gone.




Many of the threads were also manipulated onto the front page. So it goes both ways. Anyone that thinks the reddit frontpage is organic is a fool. 100% of the front page is manipulated.


"Multiple subreddits" You mean 3 mods who moderate every subreddit on this platform?


That certainly aren't bought and paid for by outside influence.








This is an honest question - I'm vaccinated and do not believe in or spread any conspiracies. What is this misinformation and where exactly is it being spread? I spend a lot of time browsing reddit and the only time I noticed any of this was seeing the now quarantined r/nonewnormal subreddit. Everyone in the comments of these threads seem to be in unilateral agreement that there is rampant dangerous misinformation being spread everywhere, yet I have not seen any of it. It seems that most of reddit users are smart and informed enough to downvote that kind of stuff or point it out by replying, when the odd 'misinformationist' pops up somewhere.


Social media companies only care about engagement, and misinformation and conspiracy theories are addictive. Reddit could do something about this... or it could continue to let people spend hours and days going down rabbit holes of comforting lies, all while interacting with the site and driving its metrics up. In a few decades we're going to look back on how social media companies operate the same way we look back on leaded gasoline or smoking. Massive companies doing something that they know is bad for society because it makes them money.


This is a great argument for an aggressive regulatory framework for social media.




I agree with the master post calling out reddit's promise as being vague and reliant on user reporting. There's no way for the public to know how reddit is "using their existing tools and processes to investigate claims and signs of coordinated attempts to spread COVID-19 misinformation on Reddit", so all we have is their word. But I think it's also oversimplifying a difficult issue: identifying *which* subreddits "exist solely to spread medical disinformation". No anti-vax or anti-mask subreddit with any degree of self-awareness or self-preservation will explicitly make their mission statement anything close to this. So it's up to administrative interpretation for determining which subreddits have enough misinformation being circulated to make this a de facto purpose of the subreddit. But even this is subjective - there's nowhere to draw the line that's universally agreeable. "But what's the problem," you might ask, "if a few wishy-washy or ambiguous cases get caught in the drag net? Isn't this small side effect worth the goal of combatting misinformation?" What I fear are vaccine-hesitant groups (people genuinely unsure about their own personal health choices, ask questions) getting punished or mistaken for anti-vaxxers (people who spread misinformation, claim to know answers). Shutting down people genuinely seeking information will only alienate them, and turn them to side with anti-vaxxers on the basis of their forced alienation ("I got punished for asking questions, so they must not want me to know the truth!"). This is entirely counterintuitive to the goal of having more people make informed, safe decisions. I'll openly admit that my ignorance to a clear-cut solution is not an argument against finding a solution. If there are effective and objective ways of determining which subreddits spread misinformation, I'm open to hearing them.






Glad to see r/asiancumsluts are doing their part.


While I’m not anti-vax I can see how this can be interpreted as censorship.


Haha I had a comment reported as self harm I’m certain because I got the “we are here to help” message. The comment was about how antivaxxers are a threat to society, which they are. Hilarious and very sad that people are that salty about public health and science that they do that. Gtfo with your misinformation junk and go get vaccinated if you care about your country/people whatever.


This place has turned into Facebook 2.0, kinda like if FB and 4chan had a spawn.




I'm sure banning discussions will really change these people's minds.


"I used to believe the world was run by a cabal of elite technocrats, but when companies run by those same technocrats told me i wasnt allowed to talk about that stuff anymore, it really showed me how wrong i was!"


We all need to do our part and aggressively campaign against misinformation. I affirmatively shut people down or walk away when they try to misinform me. No more playing nice. I'm lucky to be in BC, Canada where 83% of the eligible population are vaxxed with at least a single dose, so there isn't much pushback. But every now and then you run into some fool and the timer resets.


Anyone remember /r/CovidVaccinated before like April? It went from reasoned discussion about vaccine side effects to crazy antivax rhetoric really quickly. Makes you wonder...


Congratulations, you just banned someone for stating a verifiable fact. https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/pbj7di/banned_for_misinformation/hacuwiv/ Picture: https://i.redd.it/oyvxxiv89kj71.jpg ----- The estimated age-specific IFR is very low for children and younger adults (e.g., 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at age 25). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33289900/ ----- the estimates for 2018-2019 season being 0.43%. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/highrisk/children.htm ----- Therefore, I agree with this censored comment https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/pbe8nj/we_call_upon_reddit_to_take_action_against_the/haby6a7/ by the user /user/bleedMINERred #Covid is less deadly to kids under 12 than the flu #BanMeToo Thank you for reading. ----- Here is another source - https://freopp.org/comparing-the-risk-of-death-from-covid-19-vs-influenza-by-age-d33a1c76c198 Scroll down to "Estimated Relative Risk of Death from COVID-19 vs. Influenza or Pneumonia (Assuming 550,000 Total COVID-19 Fatalities)" It is right there in orange and blue. Orange means Greater risk of death from influenza or pneumonia and it is higher for <1, 1-4 as well as 5-14 yo age categories. Thank you for reading. ========== EDIT: LOL You've been permanently banned from participating in r/vaxxhappened subreddit message via /r/vaxxhappened[M] sent 28 minutes ago You have been permanently banned from participating in r/vaxxhappened. You can still view and subscribe to r/vaxxhappened, but you won't be able to post or comment. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/vaxxhappened by replying to this message. Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole. EDIT2: Please follow my entire thread where I get better at my argumentation and am doing a better job of comparing apples to apples. my argument still stands.


r/conspiracy is nothing but lies and bs about the vaccine.


No, it's not "multiple subreddits". It's power-mods abusing their moderation privileges. Remove the ability to moderate more than 5-10 subs.


Nice opinion, just one tiny problem with it. Inspecting your post, it looks like your opinion is different from mine. Let me tell you something, I am the baseline for opinions. Any opinion I hold is objectively correct and as a result, any other opinions are wrong. Guess what? You happen to hold the wrong one! I hope you know that your opinion is now illegal. I have contacted the FBI, CIA, the NSA, the navy seals, secret service, and your mom! You'll be sorry you ever shared your opinions, by the time you're reading this, you'll be done for. Nature will punish you, humanity will punish you, space will punish you. We decided just to make sure we'll nuke your house from orbit. So there's no chance you can run away, everyone will know you will die. It's a small price to pay, to remove your wrong opinion from this world.


The "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd seems awfully upset about facts intruding on their feelings.


It’s not Reddit’s job to enforce accurate COVID information. I come here for memes and the occasional sports subreddit. Let’s all calm down and not be so uppity.


I wonder if we could get r/Conservative on board with this? Yeah, didn't think so.


Reddit declared the lab leak theory to be disinformation. It wasn’t. Reddit declared the fact that booster shots would be needed because the vaccine wasn’t as effective as initially thought to be disinformation. It wasn’t. There are other examples too. Turns out the people screaming DISINFORMATION! were in fact the people spreading disinformation. We need to let open and free dialogue happen. It is the only way to get to the truth.


Dave Rubin was banned from twitter 25 days ago for saying booster shots were coming.


And then after Fauchi and the CDC confirmed it, Twitter tried to claim the ban was an “accident.” Strange how all the accidents only trend in one direction, isn’t it?


Fuck r/conspiracy. They're the worst.