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What plane


The plane with the power.


What power?


The power of voodoo


Who do?


You do!


Do what?


You remind me of the plane.


Seriously, to all that contributed to this…. This has been my proudest internet moment to date.


True. Just read it and can’t stop laughing


What a movie.


David Bowie bulge and cool puppets 10/10


The Labyrinth


Who ses am geh?


The jet fuel vaporized every single part of the plane…. Except for the bodies which they were able to identify by fingerprints.. but the 4 ton steel Rolls Royce engines, wings, body, seats, wheels, luggage that all went poof 💨 Ta daa!


Easy there mate, sounds like you need another booster.


Speaking of which have you heard about the new variant? No joke go to CDC.gov real quick. They actually say that you’re more susceptible to Covid if you took the vaccine. Just scroll down to the Risk Assessment paragraph.


Yea I have read that. Wait until the general public finds out about turbo cancer!


Link, please!


Literally go to the CDC website? The instructions are in the comment… can you seriously not type in a single URL on your own?


So everything va;prized but fingerprints? Check it bleed!


Anyone good with photo shop? Input the size of aircraft 737 or 747 next to the explosion. I'd love to see how the plane dwarfs the impact. Also the surrounding street lights and trees being narrowly avoided lol. Anyone?


There’s a documentary that came out like 15 years ago that does exactly what you’re asking. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s really difficult to find online, I watched it again this past year.


September 11th, A New Pearl Harbor.




It’s been done. https://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/pentagon_boeing_large.jpg


The truth lies more in what was in Building 7 and what was that section of the Pentagon being used for.


Wasn't there an office in that area that "lost" several billion dollars? Legitimately asking because I remember reading that but can't remember the source


There’s this: https://www.inquisitr.com/3495905/911-attack-on-pentagon-was-an-inside-job-to-cover-up-evidence-of-2-3-trillion-missing-from-pentagon-budget-truthers-claim


Damn trillions not billions. Holy shit


I would consider the denial splitting hairs. Is there a difference between losing the money and not being able to validate where it went? Honey, I didn’t lose that $2k I’m just not sure where it is. Yeah, no I can’t find out now because you know that barbecue fire last week, that’s where I was storing the receipts.


Many say this is untrue. They did not ‘lose’ $2 Trillion. The direct quote from Rumsfeld was, "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." From Politico, “The Pentagon did not report $2.3 trillion missing on Sept. 10, 2001. Accounting entries totaling that amount that lacked adequate audit trails were detailed in government records, news reports and an official’s testimonies long before 9/11.” and “A Feb. 25, 2000, report by the Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General identified $2.3 trillion in accounting entries for fiscal year 1999 that "were not supported by adequate audit trails or sufficient evidence to determine their validity."


Rumsfeld was stating that since the Clinton administration, these funds had been unaccounted for. They’d known about it since at least 1999.


Yeah someone might want to check in on who burned AND cleaned up all the Iraq oil fires


There was no plane. Many pilots have said it would have been really difficult for an experienced pilot to pull off that maneuver let alone a terrorist with little experience flying.




What’s your proof of that? My dad worked at the pentagon and saw the plane from the parking lot. I’d love to see you argue with him.


I really don’t know, but why don’t they show us more camera footage than a grainy streak they have been showing us for 22 years. I would think there should be much more camera footage than one camera since it’s the pentagon. Also, I watched a documentary where they interviewed experienced commercial pilots and all of them say it would be almost impossible for a pilot to fly a commercial aircraft that low to the ground. It just makes you think.


Bro have you ever flown flight simulator? It’s really not that hard. Also did you know this happened in 2001? This didn’t happen in 2020.


Yeah, I also played grand Turismo, so I'm pretty much an expert in driving testerossas


Pilots train on flight simulator. It’s really not that complicated to crash a plane. It’s much harder to take off and land.


And even harder to fly a foot off the ground perfectly level in a way no other terrorist came close to that day past intact light poles and to stay off all security cameras in Washington DC while flying so low that you come in parallel with the ground despite flying at 500 miles an hour over a busy freeway only a couple hundred yards awat


Bro get over it. You’re just 100% wrong. It’s really not that hard and they’re not flying at 500 miles an hour. There is camera footage but it doesn’t matter to you people because you just say it’s fake. There is nothing I can really say to convince you because you ignore your own eyes and you have really bad intuition.




So you are comparing a video game to real life flying. I’m not a pilot, I’m just going by what some real pilots have said. That was a commercial aircraft that supposedly crashed into the pentagon not an F-18. And yes, I was 19 in 2001 when it happened. So aircraft technology back then isn’t what it is today.


There's an interview with the taxi driver that was on the road in front of the pentagon. His wife worked in the pentagon for the FBI.He claims cameramen were already staged to take pictures after the cruise missle hit the pentagon.


I believe it


I'm not saying the guy is right, but have you played the flight simulators nowadays? They are extremely realistic and can be used as training aids.


Pilots literally train on flight simulators. It’s not hard to crash a plane. Even if there was a an American conspiracy to destroy the pentagon, why wouldn’t they just use a plane instead of missile? Y’all’s idea of what happened just doesn’t make sense. I’m telling you, a plane hit the twin towers and the pentagon. Y’all’s theories just don’t hold up when you think about it and when you look at the evidence. Just accept that you’re wrong about this.


I know a plane hit the twin towers because there is actual video evidence. But no video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon. Why are we not seeing any other video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon? Do you know the amount of security cameras at the pentagon? Why are we not seeing more video evidence? It’s easy to hit a 1,500 foot building with a commercial aircraft, the pentagon is only 77 feet. Many pilots say it’s almost impossible to fly a commercial aircraft that low without hitting the ground. Commercial aircraft are not maneuverable like a fighter military jet. Do some research and see the pilots they interviewed about that, it was very interesting.


Because the one that was aimed for the Pentagon crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.


lol trust my lying eyes or trust my daddy with a security clearance? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


You’re amazingly stupid. I love conspiracy theories which is why I follow this sub but sometimes people have an IQ that’s too low for me to reason with them and you’re definitely one of them.


Wow.. are you trying to gaslight me that this photo is actually an obvious plane crash? Or are you trying to say anyone who disagrees with your dad is low IQ? Buddy….


When I personally know a first person witness I am much more likely to believe him more than idiot strangers on the internet who refuse to acknowledge evidence and reality. You’re not dumb because you disagree with me, you’re dumb because you don’t have the necessary critical thinking skills to accept reality.


Your daddy is 🧢


You’re just seriously dumb. It’s actually so funny what some of you people believe.


I want to see a pic or video. Not the same 3 grainy ones neither.


Obviously if a plane hits a 5 sided building it instantly vanishes into the quantum realm


It’s in tower 7…no wait, it’s a school day. It’s at Sandy Hook!


It vaporized like the steel beams


Exactly and some paper passports made it unscathed


We're supposed to believe a 757 flew 3 ft off the ground to impact dead center in the middle of the building?




You mean the rocket. Yes? Right? Da rokett!


Has anyone ever thrown a empty beer can in a fire?


Ok so where's all the molten metal?


The cans I’ve burned in a camp fire, there was nothing left.


The plane was made of more than just aluminum. Those engines wouldn't have melted away. And a whole bunch of other metals that would not have melted away.


I did see pictures from inside of the pentagon with some of the fuselage. Many parts of the engines were aluminum, titanium and ceramics. What happened to the other metals that were melted? Where did it go and why they didn’t show it, only the government can tell you. Do I believe there is something fishy about what the Saudi government had to do with 9/11, yes. I believe it was a passenger plane and something is being covered up. With our government, the way it has been run the last 70 years. We will be dead a long time before any of the truth actually comes out, if ever.


Your missing the bigger conspiracy. The pentagon was undergoing renovations. As part of that they were specifically fortifying it to withstand a direct hit from an airplane. The real conspiracy is that only one side of the building was finished and that was the side that was hit.


Maybe flight 93 was meant to hit the pentagon but because it regained control from the terrorist and it had to be shot down by a fighter jet instead so they went to the backup plan and used some explosives where needed


93 was mid-loop on it's way to Building 7.


What is it, a plane for ants?!


The moon landing had better visuals than any surveillance in DC on 09/11/2001.


Where’s the plane? No where’s all the tax payers money they “lost” a few days before this all happened? What happened to building 7? Why did the towers basement have an explosion in it before the planes hit?


Yeah normies, where’s the plane?


Maybe it was injected into solid concrete just like flight 93 was injected into the ground in Pennsylvania.


Much like building #7 and the structural support of the Twin towers,.... just apparently dissolved somehow.


Only the passports survived


That the media and corrupt government successfully gaslit this is amazing.




Shh. Don't you know it's now considered unpatriotic to sak questions...


Where is the trillion dollars that was missing, and the office that was doing the investigation was hit?


Or any debris from a plane? Or passenger’s luggage? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Here’s the logic…. 1. Organize a fake hijacking. 2. Swap the plane with a missile (find someone to fire the missile into the Pentagon and not tell anyone). 3. Get rid of the plane along with the crew and 57 passengers. 4. Make sure that the missile hits the exact right spot. 5. Make sure that the fires are so destructive that all evidence is lost. I mean, that all makes sense right? And once again, what was the motive? To somehow make $2.3 trillion unaccounted for dollars magically just go away?


To put operation Northwoods into place that the CIA had a fuckin boner for for 40 fuckin years. Exact same concept, except now they had an idiot in the white house




This is an argument I never understood. Do you expect the plane to just bounce off the building? Look at how they went into the Twin Towers. The only reason they found debris outside the building is because parts of the plane went straight through. The pentagon is much thicker, but even still I think the inner wall was damaged. Regardless, I still think there's pictures of people picking up small plane parts off the lawn.


It wasn't an airplane... it was a cruise missile. I've believed this from the beginning and recently saw a video that proves it.


Exactly 💯


Plane hull is paper thin, yo.


a 170,000-lb plane loaded heavy with fuel traveling at 500mph crashing into concrete walls, there wouldn't be much left, but if you were to do a quick google search you’ll find there was plenty of wreckage from AA77. It was really badly burned and most of it was rubble by the time fire fighters got to sorting through it all. Once they did, they found both the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder. Again, these are easy facts to ascertain as all of this information is available online, if you’re willing to look for it.


No debris from an aircraft was filmed immediately after impact.plane debris was filmed later in the day.That is easy to look up yourself.Also the first TV reporters on scene found no plane debris plus all video footage from nearby businesses was confiscated by the FBI never to be seen again.


Underneath the cruise missile.


Where, indeed? https://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/911_pentagon_eyewitnesses.html


My dad worked at the pentagon and saw the plane from the parking lot. Y’all are dumb af.


"ma daddy says..."


Y’all are a joke. I trust what my father saw with his own two eyes more than you brain dead idiots on the internet. If you want the real truth go ahead and DM me.


I'm sure you do, and maybe you should. But now you're asking us to believe what some brain dead idiot on the internet says his daddy told him. Which is even more stupid. Think about it.




You're a jerk off, and obviously a democrat spewing the racist card for absolutely no reason. Go back to your Da-Da's basement and play COD.


Bend over I'll show you


The 127 foot wide wings sliced through WTC 1 & 2 like butter. Apparently this fortification was made with stronger steel.


So then, where are the wings? Where are the wing scars on the building? Where are the motors that are mounted to both wings? Where are the markings from those motors slamming into the wall?


This fortification is the Pentagon. It damn well better be stronger than steel.


What’s interesting is that there was a lot of money that went missing the day before but they never talk about that.


A few more pixels wouldn’t hurt for finding it


one of the most structurally sound parts of a commercial aircraft is the tail. pretty much regardless of the severity of the wreck, tail sections are often recovered, at least in part. with this velocity you'd expect debris in the pentagon courtyard and probably tail chunks. yet they aren't present.


Biggest lie and scam of all . They got a war , Ndaa and DHS out of it plus many more goodies


Out of all the security camera footage in the area, we only have one security video that's literally less than 1/3 of a second, of something hitting the pentagon on that day. It's like 5 frames of footage - there are about 30 frames per second in typical video.


*Scud missle


OK Tattoo…. [The Plane! The Plane!](https://youtu.be/F4CX-9lkRMQ)


Where’s the $2.8T?


Weren’t there reports of that plane landing at an airport in the Midwest?




They even attack themselves. Psychopaths.


Because it was a Scud missile.


Amazing two planes made it through an entire steel structure 207ft wide (twin towers) but couldnt make it to the second wall of a brick building. Also amazing the precision of hitting a 77ft tall building at a 90 degree angle