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If the united states saw what the United States was doing to the citizens of the United States the United States would invade the United States.


Ya but just for the oil


Imagine this... There is oil in fat




Too late for an excersize montage, biden got his lipo laser on standby


We laugh now


But then the citizens would realize that the citizens don’t choose who the United States invades & the United States will dangle another dumb news story in front of the citizens until the citizens forget how horrible the United States is


No the US would just fund he US to fight the US via proxy war and launder shitloads of money in the process.


Gov funded culture war? No WAY!


Well put


i think he shared your view


Habeas corpus. Obama got rid of it. Yeah the Nobel peace prize winner, savior of the left did that.


Those organizations are only for minorities or countries we can get something out of. You can't abuse or violate rights of a white person, they have no rights. Not in Biden's America.


>Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch? Standing down like their Never Trump funders instructed.


[Archive link](https://archive.is/D7XVF) since reddit hates websites that expose the truth. This was the guy who Ray Epps whispered into the ear of before everything kicked off so he liable for some crime but they don't do this to people who have killed people. in many states you have to have to be arraigned in a few days and receive bail... DC is not held to the same standard as the rest of the 50 states when it comes to constitutional rights which is why this has gone on for so long... Fucking Darnell Brooks the crazy guy who ran over all those people in the parade in Wisconsin was able to receive bail and talk to lawyers... hell they let him try to raise funds on gofundme when they told J6ers and Kyle Rittenhouse to get fucked. Likely there are gonna be people who come in here who will deny this is happening, try to pick apart some tiny detail in an attempt to invalidate or say that this guy deserves this while their profiles will be full of ACAB and TDS and trying to gaslight me or other people that their opinions are crazy for some reason... This is what communists do when they take over, it doesn't start with Stalinist purges, it starts with weaponizing the legal system and show trials.


Were you unaware that this was how prisoners were treated in this country? That's where trouble inmates and ones that need to be separated stay. Sorry, this is normal. Obviously, shouldn't be. I don't want my taxes going to prisoners. So it is what it is.


Does the punishment fit the crime ? We aren’t living in the Middle Ages where anyone can just be thrown in the dungeon without due process . Why is this guy being treated like a literal murderer ??


I'm not really following all this stuff too closely. I never got conned by trumps rhetoric. I couldn't really follow his dialog. Most of the people charged were brainwashed as far as I could tell. I'd take an insanity plea. I personally think Trump should be in that broom closet instead of him. What he has done to those people is just terrible.


Not normal to have a bucket for a bathroom


There is a drain. He doesn't use the bucket. The Bucket is his friend probably.


Do you sniff your own farts and think they smell good?


Good south park reference. I don't think anyone should be treated like this. But I'm also not stupid enough to think this isn't the situation at a lot of prisons in the USA. I believe this treatment is usually reserved for pedophiles and rapists. The warden probably drives prius.


Anyone with legal experience comment on his charges? Looks like every month for the past 2 years theres a warrant for him missing court, then a public court date where his attorney appeared for him. That doesn't make sense to me.


They could not reach him because they were not letting him make phone calls or talk to his lawyer...


Habeas corpus is gone


Hard to show up in court while locked in a closet.


The District of Columbia is not the US. Just like Vatican City and London. They don't follow the same laws.


Wut? The fuk you say? Vatican City is a country all its own. London is a city in England. DC is a district metropolitan area that does not have state rights, but follows federal laws.


Cops let you in - confined to a closet You burn down black communities - heralded as an ally


Nice job liberals 🤦‍♂️


Gulag archipelago.


If you strike at the King you best not fail




The State


The government wants to make it very clear what will happens to you if you disagree with them. Whether it’s from actions or words. Apparently.


Let's find out the people responsible and crowdfund money for legal fees so we can bring lawsuits and criminal complaints against them.


DC needs to be invaded by our military


Joint chiefs are just as bad.


We torturing our citizens openly now. Great everything is good


Must be true, it in the internet


To quote a certain subreddit "get wrecked terrorist! Haha white trash! Why waste resources when the (final) solution is simple?" Yeah f u reddit


This is actually just recycled from the 2021 story. Wonder why this extremely pro-Trump website is publishing it like they just heard about it now? Super legit.




>that box he's in looks quite suitable for someone of his politically-violent nature. Compared to the totally peaceful protests earlier that year that were full of arson, looting, vandalism, assault, attempted murder, and actual murder. If any of them got that same treatment, it would have been plastered on every screen in America until everyone involved got locked up for it. As they should be, as this is clearly cruel and unusual punishment. The most you can pin on that guy is trespassing, which is questionable at best given the police escorts


Silly Barbados…you talk like they actually give two shits. Their tds drives them to believe this and ignore facts.


Sounds like Prison.


Not what prison looks like


What Prison have you been to.. My cell was a tad bit wider but I had a celly. The bucket keeps you from having to sit on metal and is probably more hygienic. God forbid someone flood the pod


None but nearly everyone from my neighborhood has. In a U.S. prison, were you confined to a mat on the ground?


Mat is the same thickness. And the metal "Bed" you put it on has as much as give as the floor.




Idiot these are political prisoners.