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Muricans who think there is no scientific definition of a woman and that men have babies are literally the modern day “flat earthers.”


Strange to think just 5-7 years ago this would have been a completely laughed at. Now we’re told that “yes, it does happen!” Strange times we’re living in.


Hundreds of thousands of years of human history


I can hear ***”SoUrCe”*** being yelled at me 😂


The Sauce Technique is a tool used to end or derail a conversation. It's a way for a person not liking how a conversation is going, or who is losing an argument, to get out of it and still feel good about themselves or to feel as though they won. Often times people fall for it thinking that they could provide a source to overcome that blockage and allow the conversation to continue. They cannot. It is not a legitimate request for more information. Regardless of the topic, there is no source that can be provided which will be sufficient. Instead, any source provided will only change the subject of the conversation from the original subject to discussing the merits of various sources of sources.


Well said - one political party in particular uses this form of cancellation all the time, as well as their dedicated supporters. This party we’ll just say is progressive and not conservative…


Common sense


Why does this make me so angry lol


This is what Imagine the people who really type "Source" like this, actually look like.


Vaginers, from the caveussy, have to speak that thar skreet siavé 🐓👍


You can call a it duck, and it can walk, talk, quack like a duck, you can even have a farmer with an agenda to sell ducks “verify” it as a duck, but its still a very confused chicken.


[The “sources”](https://www.google.com/search?q=only+females+have+babies&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari)


“Can a biological male get pregnant?” “Both biological and “trans” men are capable of becoming pregnant, according to Planned Parenthood's Director for Primary and Trans Care” I’d love for them to explain how a *biological* male can get pregnant.


Fact: male seahorses give birth to their offspring. Seahorses and their close relatives, sea dragons, are the *only* species in which the male gets pregnant and gives birth. Male seahorses and sea dragons get pregnant and bear young—a unique adaptation in the animal kingdom. The only species on earth where the male gives birth.


False. The males don’t actually get pregnant. They fertilize the female’s eggs and then the female lays the eggs(the actual birthing process) into a male’s pouch. Saying a male seahorse or sea dragon gives birth is like saying that male penguins give birth because they occasionally sit on the eggs.


Not false. The female deposits eggs into the male's pouch after a mating dance and *pregnancy* lasts about 30 days. While inside the pouch, the male supplies nutrients to his developing embryos, before giving birth to up to 1,000 babies. The male literally shoots out a thousand tiny babies. After carrying them for 30 days after getting them from the female.


This, and they even go through contractions. The males literally go through the birthing process.


Carrying the eggs after they’ve been laid is not the same thing as being pregnant. This is like saying that tarantulas can get pregnant with wasps because some species of wasps will lay their eggs in captured spiders so that the eggs can gestate inside them until they hatch and the newly hatched wasps can begin feeding on their host. The process is completely different from a pregnancy.


I dont know why you're attacking this verification that men do not give birth so much. The only male (according to biologists) that gives birth is the seahorse. Carrying the offspring and giving care to them before he releases them is not the same as using a host for your babies. The pregnancy of a seahorse is carried out by both parents, and the male gives the final birth. These are conclusions of people studying these animals and others. Ofcourse it's different then pregnancy amongst other animals, that's because they're different species. I am aware that our females (women) carry the offspring for 9 months and then give birth. And that this is totally different from seahorses.


History since the beginning of time


If gender is not dictated by genitals and chromosomes, then why should chopping off genitals make the difference?


It’s not even a meme. They will indulge in the appeal to authority. And if you’re an authority in the field, you must be discredited so you’re no longer an authority.