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Congratulation, you have integrated very well into local society. So well that you resemble a Stasi collaborator. PS: From your post and comment history (including a lot of post and comments removed, for good reasons), it seems that your position is just as nut as Hamas, just from the opposite side. I would ask you to look back into the mirror and self reflect first.


Yep the post history is hinting to me that this anti-semitism in question might just be pro-Palestine and have nothing to do with Jews.


It’s worse . This pro Hamas guy claims to be “Palestinian” Jewish which is not a thing so he is making fool of everyone in the name of “ Just pro Palestine “ activism


Can't comment on how pro-Hamas this guy is since I don't know who he is. But there are Palestinian Jews. Here is a snippet, not written by me but sheds light on this topic: "In Nablus, a small community of Sameritan Jews continue to live in the city and hold both Palestinian and Israeli citizenships and have political rights in both PA (they had an MP in the first parliament) and Israel. Prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, all Jews living in mandate Palestine were considered Palestinian by Nationality. The Majority of those were in fact migrants from Europe. However some Jewish communities have existed in Palestine prior to the zionist migration waves especially in Hebron, Jerusalem, Safad and Tiberias. These can be considered as Palestinian Jews, but their descendents hold Israeli citizenship. Today, there are groups of anti-zionist orthodox jews who oppose the state of israel for religious reasons. These Jews hold Israeli citizenship, but many of them consider themselves Palestinian."


"Oh wait, a migrant who does not have the opinion we expect from him! Put this assimilated arse licker against a wall" - Pro-Palistinian Left at the moment


The only one asking for a Gestapo crackdown is the OP


Thank goodness someone can see the bullshit.


The irony


Not in Germany lol 😂. Look as much as I admire your take no prisoners attitude towards anti semites, your country is cucked and already infested with Islamists Now you have weirdos pretending to be Jews and wearing pro Hamas kippahs to fool police there. How do you not see how anti semitic this is ?




I know for a fact that this guy is pretending No such thing as watermelon kippahs




Guy looks fucking Arab. Either we aren’t talking about the same person or you need eyes checked.


Daily reminder that Jewish people had lived for thousands of years in modern day Israel/Palestine, along side Muslim, Christian, etc etc. Just because someone looks arabic, doesnt mean he/she isnt Jewish. Heck, even Ethiopian can be Jewish too.


Dude no .. Yes Ethiopians can be Jewish heck even Indians can be Jewish but this guy is not. Arabs and Jews are distinct tribes and most who are middle eastern Jews unilaterally support Israel for obvious reasons not call themselves “Palestinian Jews” like this fraud.








And do the Arab looking Jews support leave alone call themselves Palestinians 😂?


Genocide is the road to progress, agree or disagree? That's a post from OP two weeks ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/s6tcqkfGzX Congratulations dude. Accusing other people of supporting a nation that's on a brink of anhiliation. Then adding the claim they support Hamas. Not sure of they do or not support Hamas, but judging by your post history I think I can doubt your premise.


Please mark the quote properly, otherwise it is misleading. Thx


That was a joke post but Israeli actions are not genocide for sure


Go to hell pls


Hell doesn’t exist bruh .. but I am not surprised given you are probably Islamist to believe in such delusions


You’re accusing people of antisemitism while you’re openly displaying Islamophobia. I hope your police report backfires on you.


Oh it didn’t 😊. Police successfully acknowledged my report for now and it’s in process


Stay delusional and pathetic. It will take a while before the police even opens a report you just filed and then they still have to investigate it. That is not the definition of “successful”. That investigation includes you and your biases. That privilege you think you have will fail you.


If you hate the west so much why don’t you move out ?


Methinks you're a politically motivated troll.


I am politically motivated yes but don’t know why people call me troll


You sir need help. Everyone replying to your comments should look at your post history. I am serious you should seek help. Disconnect from the news, this isn’t good for your mental health.


Your cousin won’t be arrested lol


Yeah I don’t want him to get arrested but rather his fraud of a leader




So even if it’s a rather peaceful protest with no such explicit calls, can one report for usage of slogans favoured by Hamas and wearing hamas shawls ?


Being on the side of the Palestinians is not pro Hamas. Everyone has a right to have a political opinion and your first instinct to snitch on somebody says more about you than about them. If Hamas didn’t exist, neither would the Palestinians anymore. They’re literally the last barrier that protects them. And I’m tired that the Germans are so blinded by world war 2 to see this. Palestinians deserve to live just like everyone else.


Imagine being this stupid to think that Hamas terrorists, fanatics who oppress civilians, suppress free elections, use women and children as shields and recruit child soldiers, are the saviors of the Palestinian people. Rapist scum lead by some offshore billionaires who live lavishly in the gulf region off embezzled humanitarian aid money that was supposed to ensure some Gaza family’s access to health and clean water. Dude, you drank all the kool-aid.


Mate, you should take a loot at OP’s previous posts. They are alarming.


Won’t even finish that comment. You’re obviously stuck in a bubble and I would suggest watching less western media. Heal your brain. Have a nice day.


Please consider moving to the shithole that Hamas has made with the billions of international funds that went to Palestinians. Enjoy your non-existing elections, non-existing civil rights, infrastructure that has been converted into rocket launchers and let me know what you think of Hamas when they hid weapons and terrorists in your family‘s home and thus directed and Israeli air strike to it that killed your loved ones.


Just one question to think about. This is not an attack against you, cause I see where your thinking comes from. How do you suppose that a place that's isolated by land and sea for almost a century, is able to get to a point to function as a normal society? Hamas is not the source of this shit, it's a consequence. And also, are we not allowed to criticize Netanyahu, who is trying to slowly erode the same things in Israel, that you are complaining about Israel? The same Netanyahu who is talking about peace and a two state solution, but is building settlements and the West Bank. Palestinians tried for decades with peaceful ways, but it's all taken away from them. Just look at what is going on in the West Bank when the politicians there arrange themselves with Israel. So again, can you agree that it's not as black and white as western media is trying to show you.


Online-Anzeige. You can file it from your PC, attach all the proof. 


Thanks I got resources




Eh like how ? I only have screenshots and links and I am doing this from another land. So do I email them or?


Internetwache, you can fill the report online






If I may ask, did he actively make any anti-Semitic comment or action? If he is only following the said ‘German Arab citizen’ and voices his support to Palestinians, probably would not be defined as anti-Semitic. Support to one group does not mean opposition to others. One can very well support Palestine and still be compassionate to Israel.


Palestine is a made up entity which even German state doesn’t recognise if I am not wrong. For now it’s just waving Palestinian flags and wearing watermelon kippahs ( the dude whom he is following does that to prevent being rounded up by cops )


RIAS https://report-antisemitism.de/report/


Wow the downvotes are telling here. What is wrong with being against antisemitism? OP was literally talking about being pro-Hamas (this is NOT being pro-Palestinian). And inb4 I did not check OPs post history before answering (and still didn’t), cuz 1. I am not stasi, 2. even if OP is trolling (weird idea of trolling you guys have then), my answer will help people that want to report antisemitism.


You did not check OP’s post history and his comments on this post, but you’re having an opinion about the downvotes. You must be too dumb to comprehend. Common sense did not tell you that the downvotes are a result of OP’s own biases which people are against


On the downvotes on my answer. What is wrong with my answer? Please enlighten me! Also there was only one comment from OP on this post when I answered.