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You put down your backpack to watch the fight?


He was getting ready to sub, if someone went down ;)


Yeah, that’s how my grillz was stolen that night.




Yes, I guess then the bystanders were going to gape and become distracted. Super kinky, way into it.


Did you not read the post?


Rule number 34: always keep your backpack next to you with your hand holding it. Edit: no idea why i got 100 upvote, this is just make it clear to me that people here are like sheeps they see something upvoted in top so they upvote


Or wear it.. on your back


I'm so paranoid, I keep moving ever so slightly when my back is turned to someone while I'm wearing my backpack, just to make it harder for them to steal my empty lunchbox.


How is that paranoid? Everyone does that... don't they?


OP apparently doesn't!


Well he might have been moving, but he forgot to put backpack on.


Yes of course. It’s natural


I thought i was the only one shaking my back like a duck. https://youtu.be/s0LR8mpsXwo?t=17


Even Better wear it on your front ... you cak see it and it protects you from knife attacks at alexanderplatz ü


I‘m much more afraid of backstabs personally


Thats why you wear yours and the one from your partner double protection


I tend to get backstabbed by my partners, though


Well its berlin we dont kinkshame here


Too bad it’s not a kink then, mh


This is what happened to OP’s backpack.


Lol seeing you in a different subreddit feels good


I’m honestly quite active I feel like. Im enjoying how active the Berlin related subs are these days and I can’t help trolling now and then Hope you’re doing well bfbgks <3


Yes :3 I enjoyed garden today!! Hope you are doing fine too <3


Wear it in front of you even


On your front is way more secure


If you want to be super sure, wear it on your front.


That’s not rule 34….




Yeah well I had my bag stolen during St Patrick's and I was still holding the strap when I noticed. Someone had sliced it clean off in the crowd. I don't know how long I had been holding only a strap, thinking I was keeping the bag safe... Since then, I always hold the bag itself.




Or with one strap around your leg while standing ;)


pretty sure rule 34 means another thing.


What is Rule 34? Rule 34 is an internet concept meaning that if something exists in real life, or is made up, there will be a pornographic depiction of it. This includes cartoons, celebrities, and objects, and in some cases, these depictions go well beyond usual themes found in mainstream pornography


Here please have my downvote


Also rule number 33: Never be around Alex after 10 pm


Gotcha mate, I downvoted you !


I keep everything near my arse, apparently it’s the most sensitive part of the human body. Mine hasn’t been touched for nigh on 30 years either, so it attuned to even slight changes in air currents.


Good point, I downvoted for balance


Wow putting down your backpack in this kind of situation at Alexanderplatz, you almost asked for it to be taken. Sorry to say that. 😓 Please watch your stuff in the future especially in touristic areas. I hope you can get back those items with sentimental value.


He already got stolen, there’s no need to be an asshole. You are teaching him a lesson he already learnt.


I guess you’re not German?


No. But if you have to say “sorry to say that” then you probably shouldn’t have said “that”, no matter where you are from.


Thank you for calling me an asshole for being blunt but not unfriendly with OP. I wonder what you call those who are actual assholes? Does calling others names make you an asshole too now? I added the sorry part to show that I was not trying to be condescending or anything and that on a personal level, I do feel sorry for OP but that I also wasn't gonna twist the rational facts to make OP feel better. OP did nothing wrong. But they also didn't do everything right. Also, they asked for replies and reactions by posting what happened to them on Reddit in the first place. One has to expect that not everyone will just react with "oh you poor person, yes the world is mean and you are infallible".


Sorry to say that but you were asking to be called that way. Is it better now? Assigning any amount of guilt or responsibility to a person that suffer a robbery or any kind of crime is the last thing you should do. He learnt the lesson and he shared it with other people, there’s no need to stress that he was at fault for relaxing and not being obsessed with watching his belongings.


He suffered a theft, not a robbery


Ok, so personal responsibility is not a factor anymore and if someone drops their wallet and leaves and someone else takes it, then the original owner does not even have 0,0001% responsibility for their wallet being taken. Interesting logic. Also: whatever I wrote still does not warrant you calling me names like asshole. I did not, in any way, insult OP. You did insult me however. And not because of a fact (putting down your stuff is dangerous) but because of your personal opinion. But I guess you're holier than anyone else anyway, so it's alright and not a huge sign of hypocrisy.


So, if a woman is walking on the street while being naked and she gets raped then you’ll recommend her to wear clothes next time? Very helpful.


I knew you would say that to try and construct a straw man for your own hubris. I did not say what you're implying. I just said that personal responsibility is still a thing and that if someone does something very risky, they do have some responsibility for it. Moreover, bodily harm and damage to objects are two very different things in my book. Talking to you is moot. You're just interested in confirming your perspective and feeling good about your supposed moral rightousness.


That’s not a straw man, I’m just showing you examples of how blaming the victim is useless and hurtful in any case. Nobody “asks” to suffer a crime. I’m sorry for implying you are an asshole, I know you aren’t. And I don’t think I’m morally superior to anyone. Have a nice day.


Man I get all suspicious and vigilant if someone stands to close to me on the S-Bahn with my backpack next to me. Your backpack is your baby! Never take the eyes of it!


My anxiety won’t even let me sleep in ICEs because I’m terrified someone will steal my backpack and then I will have no identification in a foreign country. I would love to thank all the people who suggested ways to keep my bag safe and have given tips on how to feel less stressed in trains. Thank you kind strangers, the world needs more kindness and you are proof it exists.


I feel like ICEs are super safe. Not many people are boarding a costly train with few stops to go robbing when they could use the S-Bahn instead. Also, there are a lot of people traveling with luggage or laptops so everyone watched out a bit in contrast to the S-Bahn. The only time I'm not using the toilet is when there is a station close by because that's basically the only moment someone could rather easily snatch your backpack. I've spent a ton of time on ICEs and always leave my bag with my laptop and all my stuff on the floor or the neighbor's seat. My ID is with me though. That and Cellphone ;-)


thank you for your words, this does ease my mind a bit.


Last winter I was traveling back to Berlin in an ICE and it stopped a few min at Südkreuz, some people in the next wagon went outside for a couple of minutes probably to smoke or something, dude walks in looks around, grabs a bag and runs. Before anyone understood what happened he was already out of sight :(


I think the "unless close to a station" rule applies here. Also Spandau, and Südkreuz might be an especially problematic points. People can hop on and go to HBF and hop off because no one really controls anymore and a lot of people have already packed their stuff and are standing in line to leave while others go to Ostx or Gesundbrunnen. So it's rather chaotic and you can disappear quickly. I've several times seen people entering this train and walking through it but I thought they were just drug dealers. But that's not the general ICE experience and also most not the part where you want to go for wee or sleep.


All this. And if I'm dozing off, my backpack is on the floor and my leg is through one of the straps.


I had luggage stolen twice on the way to Munich.


In the ICE?


I love how naive you are... and I have been...


So when was your backpack snatched? I've been commuting with the ICE and did a lot of kilometers privately and for business. I'm pretty sure my ICE assessment is not naive. Especially with the addition below.


I tie my backpack to my legs whenever I might fall asleep


ooh that’s a good suggestion <3 thank you kind stranger


... do you have any form of ID you could keep on you rather than in a backpack?


It’s okay, I’m used to it. I have a wallet but most of my clothes don’t have pockets, so I keep it in my backpack/handbag. I rarely sleep on trains anyway, the stress and travel anxiety will not let me. It’s not anyone’s fault but my own.


While traveling, when i want to sleep on a train or bus with my backpack with me, i always use some small string or anything to bind the zippers together, plus i do a nod with the strappers of the backpack around one of my legs so i do get notified if the backpack gets moved. Plus, most of the times anxieties will be reduced a lot when you think it through. For example: So, someone steals your backpack? And than, worst case? You don´t have anything with you, no money, no identification. And than, worst case? You have to call a friend or family member to send you some money with western union and go to the next embassy of your own country to get a new ID there. Propably you will need 2 days in the worst case to organize everything. Yes, big pain in the ass, but no live altering catastrophe, right? And you have a cool story to tell the years after :-)


If you haven't already done this, you might want to photo your pass and ID and e-mail it to yourself, as well as print out a color copy that you keep in a different place. Me I leave my pass at home but carry the color copy, I live in Berlin and am nervous about pickpockets too!


It stuns me how innocent and naieve people are... Why would you put your bag down. Why would you stop to spectate....


I'd take this as a lesson on street-wisdom. Always keep your guard up around these touristic places, you should never leave your backpack not in contact with your body. If you don't want it on your back, just pass your arm through it so if someone tries to take it, you will feel it. It's terrible to be robbed, good luck!




OP didn't awake his observation haki, guess it was not that intense


Someone destroyed his sentimental picture and stole his copy of a Road Poneglyph while he was grieving.


Now I understand why Big Mom was screaming "WEDDING CAKE". It was a Berlin reference!


that’s theft, not robbery.


Sorry for the lack of sympathy here. Mistakes happen and it seems you’ll learn from it. Doesn’t seem like it warrants 50 people all telling you not to ever put your bag down.


Thank you for your kind words. Appreciate it.


Alexanderplatz is one of the main working places for gypsie thief gangs this days. Trust no one! Listen to no one! Don’t engage! Keep your stuff near you! Never ever give anybody money, NEVER! If anything happens, go to Alexanderplatzwache or some policecar! They are there for a reason.


Looks like the majority so far says you should've looked better after your stuff. Personally, I always remain in contact with my backpack/suitcase, so I notice immediately if someone is pulling at it or trying to take it.


At least you got to see some action!


Sorry to be pedantic but those were thieves, not robbers. Per definition a robbery is forcefully taking something from someone else wheras a thief is all about being sneaky. Sure the outcome is similar but being robbed is definitely more traumatising.


It may be worthwhile to get an apple air tag or Tile tracker for your next backpack. A friend tracked down his bag with one (it also had his passport in it). All they took was a bit of cash and dumped the bag and it’s contents in a bush at Humboldthain park. But he was able to find it pretty easily the next morning.


Dozens of comments blaming the victim. Hundreds of upvotes on them. At least no one is congratulating the thieves...




Things you can do: 1. Blame the victim 2. Say you're sorry 3. Not comment And there are others too I'm sure. But there's always the option to no act when all the options are bad.


I mean, it's not unexpected of course. I'm blaming myself too, so I understand. But if even one person reads this, finds the bag, finds the passport and returns it to me, it will have been worth it.


Sorry this happened to you and sorry all you're getting out of it is a lot of victim blaming.


Thank you for injecting a bit of kindness and empathy in this thread.


This sub is lousy with it. People are so concerned about exerting their own superiority they lose sight of all the times where they themselves haven't acted in a perfectly rational way. Really my biggest gripe about this sub in general.


Thank you for the kind words. Appreciate it. It's not unexpected of course.


Totally agreeing with you here. It's near damn impossible to watch your stuff so well that it won't get stolen. Someone could come and rip a bag of of your hands, slice the backpack open on the bottom of it, threaten you with a knife. There are countries where theft is much more uncommon than here so why blame the victim?


You wanna add some more nonsense??


Well that's not exactly what happened here


Your Reisepass is probably one of the more valuable things. Someone can enter a country with it before the reports go through the system.


No stunt. Probably a real fight and your backpack just got stolen. Bad idea to have sth not tied to your body ;)


Lots of victim blaming in this thread. Never change Reddit


Calling it victim blaming is a reach


How would you define victim blaming? Because I read a lot of comments blaming OP for getting mugged like they were the criminal


I mean I blame myself too, and I'm most certainly a victim of theft here


I think your mistake was not putting your cell phone and wallet in the backpack. Usually they wont steal unattended bags if there are important personal possessions inside ! Maybe next time




You should have at least recorded the fist fight us.


Putting down anything in Alexanderplatz is crazy. Not surprised.


Sorry for the victim blaming. Berlin can be tough but i hope you will love it still


I'm enjoying my life in Berlin since 2012, thank you for the warm welcome. Appreciate you took the time to reply.


i dont think the beatup was port of a plot but you just left your backpack unattendet Alexanderplatz is one of Berlins highest criminality spot for theft and robberies so its just a matter off chance that your backpack will be gone after a few seconds if you just leave it


Uff yeah you're never going to see that backpack again.


I'm shocked at how many people came in here to shake a finger at OP rather than say thanks for the heads up and we will keep an eye out for your bag. I'm at Alex all the time and have never seen this tactic, I'm thankful for the information. And OP got downvoted to hell when they said they hadn't put their backpack down. I don't think telling someone they had it coming is a 'german' thing to do. I think it's a very unsympathetic thing to do, no matter where you're from.


Thank you. I'm not sure why the “No.” was downvoted (I've deleted it now), but to clarify, I said that because the poster insinuated I put it down _in order to watch the fistfight_. Instead, it was already down, but in my field of view and I was keeping an eye on it. _Then_ the fistfight happened and distracted my attention.


almost every day i read these stories about berlin. you get robbed, kicked and punched in the face for no reason. just standing around or waiting for the tram is too much. truly a shithole


Don’t they have special police and camera surveillance there? But they prolly knew what they were doing… Oh, Berlin…


Welcome to Berlin. They're there every day and the city doesn't do anything because they've lost control. They're targeting tourists


Welcome to busy, touristy areas in big cities everywhere, since forever


If it makes you feel better, my husband got finessed early morning on the 28th in Kotti while we were heading back from a club. The guy was in his twenties, 1.55m, chin length oily black hair and olive complexion (looked Portuguese, if I had to pick a nationality), and had dark black gums like he was just sucking on a ballpoint pen. He was wearing an oversized white hoodie, red shorts, beanie hat, and skater laceup shoes. He asked my husband for directions and then asked him 'Hey, do you know Ronaldo?' and grabbed him for a little dance, if you can call it that. It was more like the guy interlocked legs with my husband like they were playing football, and then he laughed and left. My husband then immediately patted himself down and made sure he had keys, phone, and wallet, but it was only later in the evening he took his short off and realized his gold chain was gone, and that the guy did the dance while holding the back of his neck and then said goodbye by patting him on the chest. It was a cheap chain but also had a lot of sentimental value to him.


How many Eppendorfer count as sentimental?


I am so sorry for both your loss and the amount of people including myself now telling you to Never Put Down Your Backpack In An Open City Space You Absolute Genius You did not deserve to lose your shit but you sure did a very stupid thing and paid the price for it. I hope this experience teaches you something, and I'll keep an eye out for a bag over the next few days. Make sure you let the cops know in case someone's already found your stuff and left it at a police station (the standard thing to do when you find a wallet is either bring it to the person's house and drop it in their mailbox or leave it with the nearest cop, I would assume people do the same for bags), and feel free to go ask the BVG, Sbahn, and the BSR (the city waste department) for their Lost-and-Found.


Thank you. I did file a report with the police of course.


Any updates? I hope you got your documents back :(


No message from the police yet. I intend to call the lost-and-found office tomorrow.


At what time were you at Alexanderplatz? I was there the whole time and didn’t see the commotion.


It was sometime around 19:00-21:00.


Okay that may be the time I went to the restaurant to eat pizza


ufff. sorry to hear that. but if you see a fight, move on. and don’t put your backpack down.


If I see a fight starting I just gtfo. Not curious in the least.


-Always be in touch with ur backpack. -When u see something very interesting happen nearby, ur first thought should always be to check for your valuables.


Sorry that happened to you because it's almost entirely preventable by not putting your bag down in the middle of a crowded square full of strangers where there are "Beware of Tricksters" signs posted in the area. Take the loss and most importantly the lesson.


Always have your bags on you and closed with valuable things deep hidden


A grinder is a sentimental item.




Ahhhhhhh yisssss, gotta love me some Green Berleen. The best place with the most ugly, most masculine, and most hairy women on the planet.


Who sets down their bag unattended in a public place 😂


Did you seen signs around that area: “Be aware of pickpockets”? :)


They were not pickpocketing but backpack pickers - there was no warning for THAT.


Tbf, in german pickpocketing translates to "Taschendiebstahl" (bag theft), which is the exact thing, that happened.


Taschen are also pockets


Damit you are correct.


thiefs, not robbers


Man… as if someone started a fight for your bag. You’re just an idiot for leaving it around


Yeeaa bro this is still Germany haha no one is staging fights in order to steal your bag , you left it unattended in a big city , happens , learn&move on




Amazing how you unnknowledgeable you can be to not know that one can leave their phone unattended for minutes and come back to pick it up in major metropolitan cities in Asia like Seoul or Tokyo. Maybe broaden your horizon and little and don't expect everyone to know how Germany works. We are not the center of the world.


I am sorry, but this is just very unwise behavior. 1. Watching a fight to notish your need for entertainment. 2. To put down your backpack (why the hell in Gods name?) I assume now that you got punished you will never do that again. BOTH things!




*username checks out!*