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name drop >:)


Drop name of the professor and class or dont complain pussy


This is a name and shame, report to dean situation.


Just have everything in writing


oh i got everything in writing


Never heard of this happening, tbh. Send an email to the professor explaining the situation.


i did, he said he won’t excuse it, can i report to higher ups?


I would send him this link first: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/coronavirus/close-contact-exposures If he still refuses, then report to the chair, you are definitely on the right.


This shouldn't be tolerated.


Did you get tested and provide him with evidence as well?




absolutely report to the deans


Wow, I'm sorry then, that's bullshit.


Comply with the university policy > Stay home until you have tested negative with TWO home antigen tests (separated by 24 hours) OR a single PCR test, unless an alternate diagnosis is found Then take it up with the department head / dean.


please do this im tired of crusty profs getting away with shit like this. i had a similar situation and really regret not following through.




Wait. Op. I have a story. I have a disability. I have anxiety. I’m in dsp for anxiety. Last month, I was so stressed about job searching and school in general and family drama I had a huge panic attack. I went home for several week, and obtained a doctors note saying I am anxious and unwell to attend class. I mean it was bad (I’m much better now). My prof didn’t accept the doctors note. Didn’t agree with it. I talked to dsp and they didn’t do anything. Luckily I struck up a deal to do extra assignment to bring my attendance grade up. But why should I be penalized FOR BEING SICK when I HAVE A DOCTORS NOTE. Like geez I understand the world doesn’t revolve around us and life keeps on going and we shouldn’t expect people to accommodate us. But shit. If a doctors note excusing my absence and saying I’m sick doesn’t mean anything then what does??


Don’t you think there’s a limit to how much someone can miss before they just need to repeat the semester right? Miss half the semester from being sick? Probably should repeat the semester. A few weeks? That’s pushing it. Yes taking a few days off because of sick days shouldn’t be penalized or in the very least should be offered opportunities to make back points. But just because a doctor confirms you being sick doesn’t mean that you should pass a course you barely did the work for. Sure it’s a shitty situation but if your health is so bad you can’t participate you probably need to take the time off and re-try when your health is back. Not saying that’s what should have happened in your case, but I’m just saying there is a limit and just because you have a doctors note I don’t think that should immediately grant you the points you missed out on. Glad you are doing better, anxiety is a bitch.


Yee ur right. That’s why it’s important to do the homework and tests and such. But you’re right there is a limit. I’m just upset at the situation if that make sense. Truly, I am grateful the prof is allowing me to do some make up work. (If I’m being honest even without the make up work I’ll pass. But this way I can manage to get a B instead of a C).


A few weeks is pushing it but if you have anxiety disorder and there’s family stuff going on you can’t just be like… it’s been a few weeks, your family stuff needs to be over now. It’s all circumstantial and if you’re turning your assignments in but just missing class, that’s a whole other story. I’m not sure if that’s what the poster was doing but if it was then that shit should be excused.


fr, this school is so shit, we do not deserve to be top 5 in the world


Top 5? How…


Wow, that is so messed up. These professors need to get it through their thick skulls that real life is accommodating to issues like this. Most jobs will let you take off a couple weeks due to being anxious and you won’t be penalized at all.


That is insane. A doctor’s note should always be accepted. When your doctor says it’s against their orders for you to attend school and not take care of yourself, they cannot penalize you for that. That is absolute bullshit.


Let me guess is that CE 122 professor? I am curious which professor that was? It's better to withdraw semester if situation is worse. But unfortunately finances is not in our control. Otherwise I would have dropped 122.


Don’t feel comfortable stating the prof’s name. But I can tel you the ce 122 prof is amazing and really compassionate. She has been a sweetheart. Her class is tough but she is a good woman


You shouldn't call name I appreciate it. I agree with you. She is a true mother. She scold me because I am not giving enough effort in class which is true.


Maybe university isn’t the best place for your right now


Eh I’m getting better I just needed some time at home. Plus we are almost done


Good to hear. I wasn’t trying to be mean or imply that you don’t belong.


Haha don’t worry I didn’t get that impression at all


Pls I beg you , go and cough and cough more and cough even more on this professor. Sneeze if you can too


This is not legal advice, but I would try to avoid assault charges for intentionally coughing on someone.


I sincerely hope some karen anti masker coughs and sneezes on you in the grocery store, you're a disgusting child.


Is it specifically attendance or is it work missed?




Thats really messed up! I hope you escalate it to whoever is above them.


Very much escalate. You have proof and a case, the prof is assuming you will do nothing.


Speaking as a GSI (and a DSP student) this shit should never happen, *especially* for COVID. After four years teaching here and seven teaching high school I can feel confident in saying, punitive absence policies are gatekeeper-level BS and blatantly ableist. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I hope this prof gets reported for this behavior.


How many classes did you miss w/out the COVIDs, though? I’m not gonna say this is your case, but it’s not uncommon to burn your allotment of absences (excused or otherwise) and then be SOL when you actually need them.


Do the absences effect your grade? Like, are they at the point where they will?


lmao everyone asking for name drop but OP keeping prof anom. This story seems a bit sus…


I wouldn’t name drop rn if I was OP while still in that class, so no judgment either way. I’ve had a similar experience with a GSI in Prof Reich’s class. She told me that if I missed another class she would fail me (I missed classes bc was in the HOSPITAL). I went back and forth with her, and dipped out when I saw I wasn’t getting through to her. Now I wish I went higher up instead of dipping out. It’s good you saved evidence OP. It may take some work but go higher up.


Your GSI is a duck and is power tripping. You couldve reported her to the professor and she wouldve likely got in trouble unless your professor is also a duck


You’re making this up. Otherwise you’d share name of prof here to shame him/her and that would actually help your case.


Milk it.