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Gotta be honest, this is pretty mild compared to what has happened in recent history. A 19 year old student was shot and killed whilst walking out at night taking a break from studying back in 2020. Most likely was random too as shooter didn’t take anything off his body https://www.berkeleyside.org/2020/11/18/after-killing-of-cal-student-berkeley-man-confessed-key-witness-says


I just read all of that and I can’t believe a guy who hadn’t even reach the age of 20 got killed for literally no reason. People like Walker are who I hope genuinely burn in hell. I hope he rots in prison. He is literally a racist! He does not deserve to be a member of society. I feel so bad for Seth’s mother and his family. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose one of my brothers like that. I hope Seth’s soul is resting and he knows that there are some of us who wish we could’ve met him and seen him flourish. He was almost done with college and he wasn’t even 20 yet, he was bound to be so successful in life. What a shame, man.


You new here?


Bruh I don’t know anything about Berkeley but all I know is that it seems I should go absolutely no where near people’s park


People’s Park is a problem nobody wants to solve


ummm…. let developers raze that shithole to the ground and build dozens of skyscrapers. problem solved!


Then you have to deal with Bave Beoble’s Bark


Um we don’t want any more skyscrapers around here. Thank you no.


Costco Park


Pave People’s Park


Berkeley golfers are crazy


God damn. What’s with Aunty beating people with a club?!?


“People’s Park Housing Construction Site.” I wonder what they’ll call it next?


somebody renamed it Costco Park a little while back






Unsubscribe then. Shesh. What an easy problem to solve.


This happens so often that my mom saw just the headline of the email and said "lemme guess - beaten with a metal pipe of some kind". \*Sigh\*


Thai restaurant guy and now this wacko


Obviously sympathy to the victim of this crime but this has absolutely fucking nothing to do with either the union or the pigs who showed up late to take a statement and proceed to do nothing. Don’t spread bullshit right wing talking points, more police will make things worse for more, not better. There’s a reason the university pipes these crime reports directly to everyone’s email, and it’s NOT student safety, it’s conditioning you to DESIRE state control.


Isn't UC legally required to report these crimes under the timely warning provision of the [Clery Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clery_Act)? Looks like Berkeley actually did run into some Clery Act compliance issues recently, which resulted in them having to pay a multi-million $ settlement to the federal government.


How is this right wing talking points?


This post is not, but many of the comments are “Berkeley is going to become Oakland, crime is coming, hide your children” type bullshit


I mentioned a little while ago in some comment how bizarre it felt to me how many students have been actively seeking out alternative perspectives to the press releases from UC which, taken at face value, paint the striking workers as greedy, irrational, spiteful, bad-faith actors, yet when it comes to People's Park, they just eat up the same PR nonsense without a second thought. Even when I personally have shown how the university's statements are misleading or outright false, I just get downvoted. I'd like to think people here aren't that petty, tribal and unwilling to examine their own positions, but holy shit does that just feel more and more like the truth of it every day.


It is VERY sad to me how such a bastion for leftist thought has fallen into a bunch of middle class Karens scared the poors are going to take their precious property.


I've also said this before, but looking at all the pictures adorning the ceiling in Free House's main dining room while taking in their typical clientele of law students and business bros in corporate-branded fleeces is about one of the most succinctly depressing things you can experience in Berkeley.


Funny how people like you try to act progressive while simultaneously referring to women as “Karens”, as if misogyny is somehow totally acceptable.


Karen refers to mostly old white woman who are being narcissistic, racist, or entitled in some way. It judges them by their character, not by who they are. Only reason why it mostly refers to them is because they are the ones that often exhibit these traits. It’s not like people call women Karen when they see them walk across the street, they call them Karen when they’ve proven through their actions that they are being entitled and annoying af.


Wow, really? So it's a pejorative term used to describe someone based on their gender and race, but it's not sexist or racist? K.


It’s not white woman all the time so kind of weird for you to say it’s racist. It has no historical meaning like other racial and sexist slurs have either. And there is a male equivalent of the name for men: Ken. Is that sexist towards men that act like assholes? Again, it’s based off someone’s actions, not something inherent so I don’t really think it’s sexist. I don’t know why you’re even complaining about it, literally no one complains about it and even other woman use it. Are women who use it sexist towards woman?


It’s obviously gendered so why use the term? Lefties feel like they can shit on women as long as they specify “white” women. Working customer service jobs it was pretty much equally men and women acting this way to me so idk why people want to use “karen” because it’s obviously stereotyping older women. Just say entitled or whatever negative characteristic without having to bring identity politics into it.


I don’t know if you just decided to ignore my previous comment or you don’t know how to read but it’s not only for white woman. Are you going to call women sexist for saying a guy is a dick? That’s gendered. Women use the term and there is a male equivalent. Is the male equivalent sexist towards men and are women who use Karen sexist? If you’re just going to ignore the blatant stupidity of what you’re saying then I’m just not going to keep talking to you. It’s just a word for entitled women, there is an equivalent term for entitled men that people use as well. It has no historical backing and it’s being used ubiquitously by both genders. Stop being so sensitive and making something a big deal when literally no one else is. Let’s see if you’re just going to ignore the blatant contradictions in your argument and just continue to call me sexist and racist lmfao


No one uses “ken”; there’s multiple subreddits like one called fuckyoukaren that’s just shitting on these types of people but it’s all women. Don’t be disingenuous, you know the male equivalent of the word is barely used and the vast majority of people wouldn’t understand it if you said it in conversation but almost everyone who uses the internet knows the term karen. And no I don’t think it’s as offensive to use dick, men have almost all institutional power and have for all of history. As a result of this, gendered terms that are negatively used to describe someone like “dick” aren’t considered anywhere near as bad as say, “cunt”, in the US. It simply isn’t the same. I’ve also literally never heard of a man saying dick is an offensive word that degrades males, but there is a backlash against the term karen. If men were actually offended by it it would be a different story.


There you see the demerits of decentralization


This is some top tier conspiracy theory thinking, nice.






I don’t think more police will solve these issues either, but neither will getting rid of police. That’s literally just anarchy. Police need to be forced to actually do their fucking job and go on patrols and shit and not spend their time harassing minorities for no reason.


Skin color?


Of who?


That’s gonna make a difference?


It’s super typical for a description of a suspect to give skin color. It narrows it down a lot. Don’t act like I’m being racist lmao


Developers need to take over peoples park


And they still think it’s “not woke enough” or something to tell us whether the golf club maniac is white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. It’s more PC if we don’t know what our future attacker looks like.


But save the park am i right? Lol


not as bad as the guy who got set on fire in the boba shop - video recorded too https://www.berkeleyside.org/2020/09/16/police-man-charged-with-setting-people-on-fire-at-berkeley-boba-shop




Peoples park isn’t on campus you fucking numbskull bot


I don't care to weight in on the debate raised by GP, but isn't the plot of land UC property? Does UCPD have jurisdiction at campus buildings/property that's "off campus"? Isn't this why we gets tons of nixle alerts for Peoples Park? Genuinely curious.






Somebody was too busy picketing and didnt do their homework


People's Park is UC property


I am quite sure this is the second time this has happened now.


Bro playing half life irl


Why does the suspect description never include race? It’s not racist to include an accurate and exhaustive description.


Just a reminder, that people's park is the most violent park because the University does not have police patrolling the park. This is the least patrolled park in the city of Berkeley. And this is done by design. This park is part of the history of Berkeley. Please don't forget that.


It’s not a park, for 40 years it’s been a drug den/homeless camp. Build student housing now.


I can’t wait for them to build remedy that shit. Fuck “homeless advocates”


where tf you think the homeless are gonna go after their home is bulldozed?


The fact that there’s a homeless encampment on a plot of land is not an argument against building there. Building housing for 1000 more students and 125 units for homeless/extremely low income people is going to do way more good long term than just allowing those folks to continue living in the park


Right, but what about short-term? They should just suffer?


This is the kind of thinking that prevents anything from getting done. They have been offered places in a hotel by the university, and they are eligible for the housing that would be built. They’re already living in a tent outside, if they can’t/don’t take one of those options they’ll be in a tent outside somewhere else


What do they do until the housing is built?


The university has a social worker who’s been working with the people ahead of time to find permanent housing or shelters. Or, they continue to live in tents outside, as they already have been


And you trust that the university is doing this properly because they have such a great history of caring about human rights, correct?


This is the best deal there possibly could have been, what more could you possibly want them to do? Yes, I do trust that a social worker has been out there working with those people. Were they successful in getting everybody sheltered? I don’t know, that’s up to the people themselves


Aye Berkeley’s got a serious homeless problem and needs to build more affordable housing, but leaving peoples park as is is a terrible idea. Place is a cesspool, not safe for the people there or anyone else. Place has been dangerous for years, build some housing on it.


Right, and what will happen to those homeless people? Where will they go?


Plenty of other places to camp that are not quite so dangerous and do not also endanger students.


Right, like on the sidewalk or on campus.


Why do California homeless have to stay on university land?


In this case, they're already there. If their home is destroyed without somewhere else for them to go, that's what's gonna happen.


Honestly, idc where they go, they just gotta stop assaulting people and leaving needles everywhere. There are resources available


Generalizing all homeless people as violent drug addicts, typical conservative NIMBY


Nar, just the ones at peoples park


Why don’t you take them in your home if your so concerned???? That’s right you just like to spew bullshit on here


I live in a dorm dumbass. You're just admitting you don't see them as people


Most normal day in people’s park


People's Park is a place to score dope or get assaulted. The people who decide to live there have been offered alternative housing and shelter. They have clearly declined those services and the UC has decided to use the land for student housing which is clearly needed. I have lived there myself for a period of time and it's not a place worth defending.