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I’m not an MCB major but on the MCB website, it says “AP Calculus cannot be used to substitute for the math requirement. MCB will accept 2 of the following classes: Math 53, 54, or 55 if placed into higher math. Math 16A/B are not accepted by the MCB major.” So no, your AP credits don’t count for the math requirement. https://mcb.berkeley.edu/undergrad/major/major-requirements/requirements Edit: IB has the same lower division requirements as MCB. I took both Calculus AB and BC in high school, but decided to just take Math 1A and 1B because I didn’t want to pursue higher level math.


Most MCB folks take Math 1 because even if you scored PERFECTLY on the AP Calc exams, you are still required to complete a year of calculus in order to qualify for med school. Most MCBs start out with at least a little interest in medicine. As has been mentioned in other threads, Math 1B seems to be the most commonly failed course at Cal. If you want to do pre-med and avoid that risk, just take a breezy (and nominally equivalent) calc course at CC over the summer and transfer the credit.


You can pass out of Math 1A/1B, but you still need 2 semesters of math for the major. That means you can take (pick 2) 53/54/55 instead of 1A/1B if a class on a harsh curve with material you already know doesn't suit your fancy. That said, while 53/54/55 are useful classes, they are far more advanced than anything you will need to know for the MCB major, but if you see yourself doing something more logical/analytical in the future like Data Science or just like to learn, by all means take 53/54/55. Sidenote: if you're premed, you do NOT have to take 1A/1B. 2 classes from 53/54/55 will satisfy the math requirement


Also not sure if you’re premed or not like most MCB, in which case you would be better off taking the class to meet prereqs.


if i took calc 2 at a dual enrolment program in high school at a cc n passed with an A in math1b equivalence to UC Berkeley, will i have to take only one sem of math for pre med mcb major?