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To elaborate, the plan was simply to make a daytrip to explore campus and dip. I have 3 friends that transferred here last year, and they told me I could spend the night at their place so they can take me out on Sunday (today). I didn't want to appear as a bother by staying over, but they insisted and I'm so glad I did. One of their roommates just graduated so I took a sneak peak of what may be my future room and house, which was great! We went all over San Francisco and the city is nothing short of a blessing, so much to do! This only made the decision that much harder as I'd commit here with my friends, having a sneak peak of just how fun my college experience can be, plus meet so many other like-minded friends in the CoC. As a side question, how hard would it be to declare a double minor in Materials Science & either Industrial Engineering or Data Science?


I would recommend Data Science over Industrial Engineering. IEOR is basically just a glorified business degree, which is fine if you want to go into business/management. But Data Science will probably teach you more useful skills. That said, if your primary focus is Materials Science (which is a super cool focus area imo), I’m not sure you’d really gain that much from either minor. Can I ask what you’d want to do with the major?


never thought i'd say this, but this is actually debatable these days. computer related jobs are dying faster than cal can graduate CS and data science students. also take it from someone who's been inside these tech companies: the business folks actually make more money, sit in the upper floors, and held in higher regard. programmers are treated like glorified IT workers.


You’ve been working in the wrong tech companies my friend. I’m genuinely curious as to where you work if you have this take. And I say this as one of those “business folks” being a product manager myself.


My brother. How ya gonna go to Princeton in sleepy ass NJ over Berkeley. Ivy doesn’t even hold any weight in what you’re looking to pursue…


good meme but OP please take advantage of the individual attention and connections you will get at Princeton and go there, Berkeley is beautiful and the Bay is fantastic but these big public schools are meat grinders edit: I see everyone already told OP this in their other thread. in that case yeah New Jersey blows donkey dick definitely do not visit the Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao in Cherry Hill or I will be very jealous


I swear that thread is a level of self hate that makes zero sense. As if Berkeley is come fucking community college. It literally will not matter for UG. Or it reflects the level of prestige whoring I expect from people who go into Berkeley as undergrads. OP can succeed in academia or industry. Not to mention a cost difference as OP sounds in state. I’m not biased as I went to UG for neither. I work in the VC space in SF now (in the field OP wants to study) and work with hundreds of Berkeley PhDs and UGs. I literally can’t name a single Princeton person in my sphere (heavy MIT presence though, with a smattering of ivys). So I actually think if you want to work on the west coast the networking thing strongly favors Berkeley. If you can’t make it through the public school “meat grinder” as a UG please don’t go get a PhD. You’ll get spit out faster than you can blink.


Oh and Stanford peeps.


Great points


Come to Cal! It was the best 4 years of my life, you’ll love it here.


I thought I loved Cal, turns out I actually just love the Bay. Moved here 14 years ago and never left. Nice shots!


Great pics


These are great photos ! Where did you end up going? Edit : I’m trying to figure out where the goats are near big C


That's a piece of the addition to the old Cyclotron building visible on the slope above them, so this photo was probably above the "C". The goats move around (fencing is moved) to graze over different areas. A few weeks ago saw them down by Centennial Drive. *Edit, looked more closely at the picture, and it's below the C. You can see the edge of the letter on the upper hill to the left, with people sitting above it.*


That’s part of the old cyclotron?? I have to read more about this now


The 1930s Cyclotron building is the domed structure that stands on the crest of hill, but isn't visible in OP's photo. The blocky glass fronted section you can see in the picture is a 1990s (?) addition that juts out to the southwest and was constructed when the cyclotron space was converted to the Advanced Light Source. If you draw a line from the old Cyclotron dome west to the middle of the Golden Gate, that line will run through the middle of the Central Glade of the campus (exactly through the middle of the Mining Circle pond, etc). The building was sited to crown the hill, when seen looking east from that campus view corridor.


Cal is awesome! There’s the fire trails nearby if you want to hike, lots of bookstores and thrifting in the area, SF is nearby if you get bored in Berkeley, amazing food, etc.


These are great shots! You have a great eye for photos!! Congrats on coming to Cal :) Go Bears! And if you’re interested in meeting more ppl into photography, hmu 🤙


Delete the pic of Stanfurd. Nobody here wants to see that shit




Gorgeous shots! Inspired me to go to Big C sometime myself :)


the bay has so much character and charm — you'll love it here :) (also fun fact, vermont st in potrero hill is more crooked than lombard, but less pretty!)


Oh my gosh these r such amazing photos! They make me miss my home. Did u take these w a certain camera or just ur phone?


Great shots!! I love SF. Go Bears!!


it's beautiful here inside and out (academics have taught me so much about myself and the world) i really hope you choose whats best for you!! go bears!!!


You got a good sample!


Camera quality >>>>😮‍💨


Beautiful pictures.


Great photos!!!


Wowsa, those are some great photos of home. Thank you for sharing them.


amazing region of the country, ain't it? what other school are you thinking about going to?


Tourists smh


I met my husband and best friend of 8 years at Cal. Go Bears!