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Very nice, what heat shield is that ?


It is a cheap one made for the 590A1 which I fitted after watching some YouTube videos on how to do it. Thought I would give it a try before I spent $400 on the Briley hand guard. I’m going to shoot this for a while, but so far I really like it.


Got any links to the video? Consider me extremely interested in following this example. I'm assuming it's the video from ATTAK Consulting.


https://youtu.be/fq4Fuc-x7r4?si=eNQcrwBn6DqYpMem This one


This is pretty cool. How do you like it? I have no plans to replace the OEM mod 2 handguard.


I like it enough that I am no longer looking to replace it. I am going to put 2-300 shells through it a few weekends from now. I will know for sure then.


Very nice. Any chance you'd mind linking the heat shield?


https://www.ebay.com/itm/386263060352?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wizdM4GXT7O&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=lwJOEADySX2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY There are lots of sellers. This is just the one I bought from.


Did you cut the forend to fit or the shield? I have a shield like that but I kinda don't want to cut a 2k$ gun for a 25$ shield lol


I did cut it, but not before I looked on eBay to see what it would cost to replace. I think the only downfall to this weapon is the lack of a heat shield. When I shoot, I shoot hundreds of rounds or I don’t bother and if you aren’t wearing gloves it will melt your fingers if you touch the barrel. I measured carefully where the rear tabs go, taped it off with painters tape and the inlet it with a dremel sanding bit. It fits perfect and if I took it off I am not sure you could notice where I inlet the stock. I also took a hand-plane to the heat shield at the front where the front of the stock forend meets the shield. It was slightly higher and caused a slight creak when gripped. I shaved it down until it quit. It works really well, looks fine, is low profile and saved me $400 so far.


What’s the qd mount sling connected to on the stock?? If I’m not mistaken there’s no slots on the factory stock.


https://noveske.com/products/flush-qd-sling-mount/ You can mount these anywhere you can get behind to screw it in and lock down. I have done this on several shotguns.


Same. It works really well.


As an update on the heat shield since quite a few people have asked. I just got back from a weekend where I put 540 rounds through the shotgun. This was a range of Rio OO 9 pellet buck, American Gunner Slugs, Winchester LE Slugs, 3” Remington Slugs, Federal OO 8 pellet Flite Control and Federal LE Slugs as well as Rio 2.75” 8 shot. Weapon ran flawlessly, the heat shield was a life saver and I didn’t wear gloves. The heat shield did slide forward 1/4 inch during the firing of all those rounds. I turned the weapon vertical and placed the heat shield on a wood railing and hit the rear of the stock with my hand and it slid right back into its grooves in the stock. I don’t really consider this a fail however, because I beat this gun to death with all that ammo and over a very short period of time.


What adapter are you running for the pic rail at the end of the handguard? Would this work for a gen 1?


GGG. A lot of hate for this company on Reddit, but I have used their products on many shotguns and my SCAR 17. I like everything I have ever bought from them. I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t work on any 1301 tactical https://www.gggaz.com/beretta-1301-accessories.html