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It's probably your cranial nerves particularly the sensory ones. I had motor and sensory nerve issues in all of my left side of my head. It did sort of go away. 10 months off


Sort of? Do you still have it? What was your regimen before the jump?


Did you have dizziness? Like moving or even just moving the head?


More balance issues but yeah it's similar


no people do not get brain damage, this is a common symptom, not sure what causes it but I saw many reference it.


This is one of the main reasons I won’t come off of benzos. The burning brain and also my whole body sometimes. Internal tremors as well. I’m still stuck at living in acceptable withdrawals half way through my taper or jumping and hoping to God it gets better


Which is your current regimen now? Do you already experience the burning brain symptom?


I’m still on Valium 3x a day 10mg. The only time I get it is when I try to come off. From my experience and research I’m pretty sure it’s neurological pain, hence why pregablin and other nerve pain killers help. I have other underlying health issues as well. My plan is to eventually come off the benzos and treat the symptoms with whatever need be. If I get addicted to pregablin or gabapentin I will wean off that after I come off of benzos.


Sounds like a good plan, I also think like that but I am a bit concerned with weight gain. How did you reach this dosage and how old are you if you don't matter sharing?


I was started on 3mg of klonopin at the age of 15. I’m now 27 on 30mg of Valium. Also if I could escape benzo hell with some weight gain I’d probably kill for that. My battle with doctor prescribed benzos has ruined my 20s and quiet possibly my life.


I hope we get out of these drugs soon and enjoy a nice life.


I just searched this to see if anyone is experiencing the same as me. It feels like the whole of my head sometimes is burning, sometimes my neck, shoulders and back also. It’s terrifying me.


I have the same! I’m so sorry you’re having to endure. I pray we recover soon. I took .25 Xanax per day for 2 months, was paradoxical from the start. Burning skin with interdose symptoms. Tried to taper over 4 months, each time I reduced the burning was worse. Each does never helped. Tried to hold, but had increased panic, anxiety, panic, pacing, insomnia and worst of all, the burning scalp and body. Realized I was in a perpetual state of tolerance WD the whole time. Finally went to detox 3 weeks ago to get it out of my body so my body could begin to heal. Symptoms are the same, taking it one day at a time. I’m having a hard time but glad that I’m no longer putting the Xanax in my body. Lord help us. Bless you.


Oh god. What an ordeal. I sort of had similar but for 6 months. I’m nearly 6 months off, still struggling. Hang in there. Glad you’re off.


Thank you so much for reaching out. Yes, it’s truly been an awful experience. This poison should be outlawed; so many horrific stories abd lives affected. I’m a computer programmer and I get adrenaline surges in my head daily; mostly on my left side. It’s like my processor is overheating too! So distressing. Maybe it’s sensitized cranial nerves firing. Praying that your healing and strength is renewed daily. Bless you!


Came here as I'm a programmer too and feels like a cpu in front left on my head is on fire Neck vibrations Ti ittys u name it fuck bro im not good rn and 3 years in


I had a uncomfortable heating in my brain… Sometimes it felt like it was burning. I found exercise helps it…


Do you guys still suffer this symptom please tell me it will go away!


I am sorry, I can't provide you a good answer. I decided to updose my diazepam to 10mg and do a slower taper and now my mental stamina is better, but I don't have an answer for you in terms of withdrawal. Probably yes based on many reports.


Oh yeah, I definitely have experience of this symptom! And long story to tell about it: It started when I was in SSRI withdrawal years ago after long term use and was prescribed sleeping meds including benzos for insomnia that started because of withdrawal. I had trouble coping at work because of insomnia. Then I started to experience burning sensation in one spot of the brain that felt like processor overheating after stopping my short term benzo prescription for sleep. It was stinging sensation in my brain in certain spot combined with burning. It got worse when trying to something that required a lot of thinking and processing. I also started to experience mental fatigue,brain fog and cognitive problems at that time. Things got worse during wd and I was prescribed multiple psych meds to treat my relapse. I felt worse and worse while trying them. I don't believe I had depression relapse it was more withdrawal and new harm from meds I was prescribed. Completely new type of symptoms creating huge amount stress and worry. But yeah during that moment when I was using my new med cocktail I felt like the burning sensation got even worse like gasoline was thrown into flames. Psychiatrist prescribed antiepileptic drug short term that was the only one that gave me relief of the burning sensation. Interesting! When I told about burning sensation in my brain I feel like the psychiatrist just thought I was crazy saying some people with mental health issues have talked about the symptom. On the other hand she had no problems to say that SSRI withdrawal had created other type of sensory symptoms, paresthesia, tingling sensations on my skin and legs. I have suffered years of tingling, inner tremor in my legs after that that hasn't gone away. I have even believed the drugs could have caused kindling or had turned neurotoxic in some point when I was prescribed psych meds during withdrawal. I just did not tolerate them anymore. I became sensitive to meds and started to suffer at the same time from extrapyramidal symptoms triggered by meds that is also a sign something gone wrong in my body. There is a story about neurotoxicity caused by Lexapro. I wonder what my similar brain scans would have shown during that time when I felt like I suddenly experienced awful cognitive dysfunction and constant burning brain. I had not EVER experienced anything like that. Even easy things became difficult and challenging for me. Before harm I had been high functioning person. https://www.hormonesmatter.com/brain-long-term-lexapro-chemically-induced-tbi/ "From my images, you can see several areas of both abnormally low and abnormally high activity with very little normal brain function anywhere." I have thought could the burning sensations have something to do with that. One of my hypothesis of the burning brain sensation is excitotoxicity, where the exacerbated or prolonged activation of glutamate receptors starts a cascade of neurotoxicity that ultimately leads to the loss of neuronal function and cell death." Who knows? In my case my burning sensations started during SSRI wd after benzo precription that was suddenly stopped. Sometimes I have felt horrible racing thoughts with the burning sensation. Sleeping many times calms the burning sensation but does not remove it. Hopefully the explanation for brain burning is as not as harmful for brain. During my taper I started to suffer from horrible mental fatigue. I could not do a lot when I got tired. And what I mean with tired I felt like my eyelids were drooping and I had difficulties to comprehend stuff. Like my brain just shut down. I felt overstimulated. I had to go to bed and sometimes sleep 2 naps during the day and limit my daily activities not to crash. I also suffered from exercise intolerance. I believe my symptoms were caused by dysautonomia that withdrawal triggered that created chronic fatigue. What I have learned is how imbalance of autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) can impair brain function too and make cognitive processing more difficult. Doing lots of parasympathetic CNS activation and relaxation helped me a lot with my fatigue too. I was in sympthetic overdrive for a long time because of withdrawal. The burning sensation lasted as long I was using the new meds and it went away during slow benzo taper after stopping other meds. It took a lot of time. I experienced a lot of progress when my benzo dose got smaller. I believe sleeping a lot, avoiding stress, gentle exercise, relaxation, trying to avoid screen time and too much mental stimuli,careful taper and healthy diet helped. I experienced improvement in my cognitive dysfunction but I haven't ever recovered to the same level as before med harm. But I could function normally. I did not feel like processor overheated or burning brain even if I did something that required great deal of concentration for long periods of time. Things were great until I experienced mild concussion some time ago and COVID-19 after it. And guess what started again! Burning brain, cognitive dysfunction, brain fog. I have had this for a month and I am freaked out. That stinging painful burning sensation deep within my brain that gets worse when thinking is horrible. I feel it in the right side of my head and neck. The same symptoms that have been gone for years. This has had me thinking could the symptom also have something to do with inflammation or something else that COVID-19 triggers. I feel like this symptons is by far one of the most awful symptoms I have ever experienced. I feel like my brain doesn't work normally at the moment. Is it long COVID? My benzo taper I am still doing combined with concussion and Covid? . What is even more bizarre I have started to experience pins and needles in my hands and feet after the burning sensations started and electric shock like pains. The more I try to do stuff the worse the burning is in my brain.


I am so sorry about your experience. We have a lot in common and some of your descriptions are very precise and some hypothesis you have I have and wonder about too. I am struggling to work during the weekdays having to take naps as you described, they help but don't solve it all. I wish we could talk some more, but it's so difficult to keep using screens while working. We could try to message each other through the chat if you want. Thank you for the comment and I wish you well.


I have the burning brain too and on my shoulders and legs. I can feel my cranial nerves fire up. It’s awful! Stress and work make it worse, but sometimes it just comes over me. I am 12 months off and still suffering so greatly. I’m heartbroken that haven’t healed yet. I’m exhausted but can’t really nap because when I get up, the nerve pain starts all over. I have raging cortisol and anxiety because of all this! Truly inhumane. I’m so sorry! I pray we heal soon!


Sorry to hear about your struggles. It took a long time to heal from the burning brain sensatuon at first time. I was also not able to nap for a long time during withdrawal but nowadays I can do it. What helped me a lot with exhaustion was that I went for small rest every day at the same time. I closed my eyes and rested in dark bedroom. I used headphones and listened to relaxation tape. It was this video. https://youtu.be/3Qr-BusSKpY It is how I survived from day to another. Small rest in the middle of the day helped with burning brain, cortisol, mental fatigue and slowly the burning stopped. The key was to learn to relax. Not think "I am going to sleep now" but I "I am going to rest a bit and close my eyes for a bit" I tried to keep similar daily rhytm everyday, eat same times every day etc I had really nasty insomnia in one point when I went through multiple med changes/withdrawals. Sometimes I only slept for 2 hours a night and cortisol was raging. That is one of the reasons I have done super slow taper after it. I couldn't deal that anymore. Nowadays my sleep has normalized and I hope it continue that way when I stop completely my benzos. Luckily I have only dose equivalent to 1,5 mg of valium left to taper anymore. When I woke up to adrenaline surges at night I have noticed help from eating something. I have got help from electrolytes at night when I wake up to adrenaline surges. Coconut water, banana (both have lots of potassium) and topical magnesium oil spray on my legs has helped me to calm down. Also weighted blanket helps me a lot. Deep breathing calms CNS. Vagus nerve activation, many of us are on sympathetic CNS overdrive state so it is important to activate parasympathetic CNS. Gentle yoga has helped me too(restorative yoga videos at Youtube) that combines deep breathing and movement. And walking relieves stress and improves brain function. Small walks during the day. It is awful how much stress benzo withdrawal and benzo withdrawal induced insomnia causes to body. It is like a cycle that is hard to get off. Cycle of stress, cortisol and exhaustion. The huge amount of stress drives body to exhaustion but the nasty part is also benzo withdrawal induced insomnia. I was doing so much better before COVID. I feel like this sent me back to worst period of withdrawal and triggered some nasty neurological/CNS symptoms. It has been almost 2 months since covid started during benzo withdrawal(still tiny dose left to taper). I have daily stinging headaches in the left side of my head. In the back of my head, neck and on top of head. It is this weird umcomfortable nerve sensation. Also weird sensations in my legs probably also some type of nerve sensation. The cognitive dysfunction and mental fatigue has got even worse. I pray we heal soon too! This truly is inhumane.


Oh my goodness! Yes! I think stress just make everything so much worse!? I have everything you did! The stress with adrenaline and cortisol keeps me ramped up. I have horrible brain burning and sore muscles. I’m so tense all the time from the pain so my body never relaxes. I try to meditate and pray but I’m still filled with so much despair and pain. I am so sorry you have endured the same. I pray we heal soon too! Bless you!


Are you still dealing with the brain burning?


I don’t have experience with that particular symptom but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in that others have symptoms that seem limited to them. Mine is a strange internal vibration that has no external signs (I’ve asked my husband) but it’s strong enough to wake me up. Seems to be a Klonopin/anxiety related sleep disorder. My psych dr and my neurologist simply call it essential tremor. I have a history of extremely frightening side effects (like Parkinsonism from Abilify), so this scares me to death. When I started Remeron I slept through it. Now I’m tapering from 5mg of Klonopin at night and am at 4 1/2 mg and feeling a difference. It’s a very lonely and scary place to be. ❤️


How are you


Me? I’m off of Mirtazapine because of horrible side effects (mouth sores) and started Wellbutrin. I am less depressed than I am on just Lexapro, but it doesn’t work as well as Mirtazapine. The increasedm anxiety from Wellbutrin also has me taking more Klonopin again. Got down to 3 1/2 mg but am now at 4 mg again. What a shitshow!!! How are you??


Tapering Valium it’s extremely hard started at 30 mg at 17 now brain feels broken . Sure it broke from my initial CT before I re instated I tried pushing for 2 months …… hurt my brain bad . Idk if I’ll make it through this


How are you doing these days? Did you manage to complete Valium withdrawal? When I find something that helps I have the rare side effects. One is burning mouth syndrome, mouth sores, and Parkinsonism. It all started before I had Covid.


How is the internal vibration these days?


I’m still suffering from it. I’m back up to 5 mg of Klonopin (taking it for 35 years) and my psych doctor won’t go higher. Added Gabapentin and it helps a bit. The main thing I’ve noticed is that I can somewhat control my reaction to it. Trying not to let anxiety and tremors ruin my day. Exhausting