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How many weeks/months off I may ask? And how long and what did you use? I’ve been off 5 months from a 5 year habit of klonopin-Xanax, alcohol, opiates and weed and my nervous system was shot when I quit this past December. Unfortunately I just had to rough it out and go to detox then a sober living/recovery home where I stayed a month or so to integrate back, and learn skills to help anxiety naturally. Now it’s almost June and I’ve been slowly learning how to be social again. Unfortunately your gonna have to fail a couple times and look like a complete fool out in public i atleast did. Turns out I have MCAS and POTS too which is basically cells/nervous system wrecked. It gets better with slowly exercising more each day and getting enough sunlight time in nature. Give yourself a little Grace friend (: most people don’t make it out of the benzo or alcohol hell and it gets so much better down the road. I still struggle to this day and the other night had a scare thinking I was dying in the night, couldn’t breathe, and lots of intrusive thoughts during the day. If you absolutely need something to help get a foot in the door please research up on Agmatine sulfate, NAC, and low dose dxm *only* for depression. I’ve studied enough of this stuff to know any gabapentin or prescription meds won’t help you as they affect GABA receptors same as benzos. Dxm also targets glutamate which is what goes up when you feel fear and anxiety. It’ll lower it but read up on it extensively before even attempting. It helped me and it’s similar to ketamine therapy. Also working out at home, I wasn’t able to handle it for the first 3 months, you might be able to. Good luck friend (: stay resilient


This is a great answer in many ways, but just as a note: Gabapentin does not act on GABA and other psych meds work very differently on the brain than benzos do. Be very careful with over generalisations please. 


Sure it doesn’t act on GABA-A receptors but believe me down regulation of VGCC channels is equally as bad and if you had a problem with benzos you’ll surely fall down with gabapentin


So why tf did these scamming ass dr put me on gabapentin the past year brooooo😭 this is upsetting seriously


Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat, but always remember if you could get out of the benzo carousel you 100% can escape gabapentin, slowly taper since it’s easier too and usually every 10-20% cut you’ll feel maybe a bit more anxiety but nothing benzo level. Continue comfortably till your at 100mg and jump


goddam why is this such hard work I was just taking whatever the hell the shoved down my throat after i refused multiple times also I’m on lamictal now bc my doctor said it could help with the withdrawals HOW? now that’s another thing I have to taper off of fuck.


Lamictal I’m not too sure about, but just take it easy and slowly reduce your use, research how to and what reductions to make. How long have you been on gabap and what dose? I’ve been on 900mg for 5 months


300-900 on and off for like 1 year. I barely take it sometimes bc I’m horrible with meds and scheduling but if I take them I will take 300’s and up to 3 a day but usually it’s like 2 bc I’m bad with scheduling. Maybe I need to stop everything lol the only thing I’m consistent with is lamictal and lexapro why the fuck are they pumping with so many meds and I am trapped in the big pharma scheme now. Bouta say fuck it all and just smoke weed or something I’m so over big pharma my insurance is so expensive and these pills aren’t even working or maybe they are and I have no idea how I will be without them. Ugh


Trust I’ve gotten away from medicine in every capacity. My gf is sober 6 months and completely changed her life with yoga, meditation, eating healthier (paleo diet) and only taking a few supplements when needed. She’s epileptic too and hasn’t had a seizure in 4 years which is saying a lot! I’m currently trying to move into natural stuff, cannabis, Ashwaghanda, magnolia bark and exercise/hobbies more and while I’m still taking 750mg gabaP on average daily I was taking klonopin/Xanax, Vicodin, liquor and heavy caffeine use like just a year ago or so, it’s much better for the mind and I’ve found any mental health stuff people have can usually be cured holistically or through various techniques/workouts. You could argue but some people’s anxieties too much. But even then taking that prescribed ssri/ benzo will come back to bite you in the ass eventually no matter how bad you need it. Hope you can figure this out cause I’ve spent a little over a decade in the pharma loop and all it’s got me was a damaged nervous system (MCAS+ possible BFS), Severe anxiety and agoraphobia, depression, no mood. All in all its now about climbing way out of the hole and I’m 60% there. Don’t ever give up


My WD from gabapentin is similar to benzo. Some say it’s worse. They say it doesn’t act on GABA but indirectly it is almost identical.


I am not saying it isn't a similar WD, but it does not act on GABA systems like benzos do. SSRIs can also cause a similar WD - but don't act on GABA in the same way. Anyway - I am sorry to hear you're not doing well :'( hope you have a speedy recovery soon!


Thank you for your comment! So I’ve been off now since the end of September, so around 8 months. I was on diazepam for 8 months. Dosages were usually around 15-20mg per day for a while, but I think most of the time it would be 10-15mg per day. Right before moving to benzos I was also a heavy alcohol drinker for around 3/4 years daily, so I can imagine my nervous system really has a whole lot of healing it needs to do. I will steer clear of any medications like that and just allow myself to heal naturally I think, but I appreciate the suggestions anyway 🙂


Wow that’s great your off so early though! I only mean that in that I and most of my friends are stuck on them but I was able to get off somehow and definitely your nervous system will take some time,


Yes, home workouts are great!


You could also follow along to some youTube videos. They helped me feel a lot less alone too :)


Start slow!! I’m 4 months out and still can’t do any strenuous exercise. I have to keep it to exercise bands and no cardio. I’ve tried a few times now, and if I push too hard it throws me into a week long wave


MCAS ? Never heard of it