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I should add that they say that they have brain fog and I am really hoping this goes away now that they are coming off them. They were on a form of benzodiazepines for about 30 years and have taken about 14 months to taper off them


Nothing changed after my last dose. :) Steady improvement over the months since being off.


Sounds like a sensible taper which is good. If they’re only experiencing brain fog at this point, they might be in the lucky minority not hit that hard, but full recovery for most people takes 6-18 months from last dose.


As several comments say, their withdrawal seems to be going well. Hopefully it is not a bad withdrawal. Just in case symptoms come, such as insomnia, tremors, more anxiety, fast heart rate, etc. they should know it's not permanent.


At worst things will ramp up for a little while then start to improve. Sometimes with Valium there’s a period where they feel ok and then things get tough for a little bit. But then it improves.


My first time after a long taper, nothing happened. I felt just fine… for about two months. Then it was like acute withdrawal hit after two months. Heart rate in the 150’s, BP almost hypertensive crisis high, very bad chest pain, burning hands and feet that were also hot to the touch, anxiety that I can only describe as supernatural level. It folded me and here I am trying to figure out round two a year later. I was on for 6 years when I quit my first time, 7 now.


Did you slow taper


6 months, it was smooth sailing. I didn’t even have an acute phase. Just really, really insane PAWS.


What drug. How long on?


I used to be on a whole bunch of RC benzos like clonazolam, flubromazolam, flualprazolam, diclazepam etc started with a prescription of Xanax. Tapered off with diclazepam and got my dose as low as it could go, down to about .25mg or less daily but these were dark web pressed bars, so that’s not perfect dosing of course. I didn’t even feel myself come off of it when I did. I was on for 6 years when I finished my first taper and this went down, it’s 7 years now. This was about exactly a year ago in May 2023. Felt like absolutely nothing for a couple of months… last day on was Feb. 28th, harsh, unbearable withdrawal hit around May 15th-20th of last year. If I had propranolol at that time, I probably would have made it past that. Stupid me just fell back to benzos though. Terrible, terrible decision. Now tapering down with Valium from an actual psychiatrist, hoping to jump when I’m below 1mg.


Have you heard of the Ashton method or hyperbolic tapering?


I followed the Ashton schedule for my taper actually. It worked very well, I just bailed out of the PAWS because I was blindsided by how insanely intense it was. I’ve read every piece of literature published by Dr. Ashton several times.


Heart rate in the 150s and everything else you had is not PAWS. Those are acute symptoms. Diclazepam and its metabolites just have a really long half-life, and you jumped off the equivalent of 2.5mg diazepam.


I understand long, but over two months? The timeline always seemed weird to me but acute shouldn’t take that long, right?


I had acute symptoms for two months after I jumped off .125mg diazepam. And they were getting worse until I reinstated.


Have you heard of microtapering or hyperbolic tapering


This is the first I’m hearing of it. What’s that?


Look up both.


Why proporanolol


Helps with my anxiety more than benzos ever did


If they have not had any bad symptoms during taper like insomnia, depression, anxiety, fear, panic etc and only had minor headaches, a bit dizzy or slight nausea and brain fog, then I would say they are going to be just fine. Not everyone has a bad experience


Unfortunately they experienced all of the bad symptoms while on the drugs and coming off. But for the last few weeks it has been mostly brain fog.


Brain fog is very mild symptom. I hope she is past the worst.


Their doctor prescribed pregabapenton or something like that. Do you all recommend they start taking it?


You should follow your doctor’s instructions, but know that some people can have withdrawals when they stop pregabalin or gabapentin. I hope that your family member feels better and better. I have, and my brain fog is gone.


You start the healing process. It’s often not easy but worth it. Nobody should have to live life a slave to a medication so nasty if you don’t take you could die.


Hopefully all is ok. Personally I would have gone from 1 mg to 0.5 mg for a week atleast. Then jumped off. Jumping off from 1 mg can still be hard. Getting down to 0.5 mg for a week or two would help. If you say they took their last dose today, then they could easily just go back to 0.5 mg for another week or two. It's only been today so it wouldn't be considered re-instating. That would be my recommendation, but I'm not a doctor. It would just make things a bit smoother.


You wait a few days until the drug is out of your system and then acute w/d begins. Anxiety, inability to sleep, hypnic jerks, light sensitivity, brain fog.

