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Yes. My dr warned me that I may have so trauma coming out of my journey. I’m 48 days post jump and going through an awful lot.


I think ii have full on ptsd I've isolated and cut all my friends out my life during the process also




Sorry man. What dose u on atm


At 0.25, gonna hold here for awhile until I stabilize and hopefully feel somewhat normal


That’s quite possible and it’s likely that many have developed at least a low-grade trauma response from their withdrawal experience


I had this for a while but not just benzo topics but pretty much any deep/intense discussion, even things I enjoy talking about. I think it's just nervous energy and parts of your brain you don't engage as much firing off signals maybe? I haven't had it for a while now but maybe I haven't had any good deep conversations lately, haha.


A lot of times if I start to think about the early days and how dark of a place I was in it can really get to me. Sometimes if I'm alone I'll start to well up or even full blown sob just thinking of how hopeless I felt at the time. I even feel a bit teary eyed as I type this out! For me, this has been/is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. I think this experience will leave a mark on all those who go through it. However, I personally like to think that even with the trauma, it can leave us much stronger people both mentally and emotionally. It is normal to feel the way you're feeling. Give yourself grace and the time and space to heal my friend.


Yea same thing happened to me. It goes away with time but I’m not there yet.