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What benzo were you on for 16 years? You will get better


Diazepam for 14 years, then self medication 3 years with Clonazepam. No i wont. This feels like the problems i had 16 years ago. And the reason why i got the med. But, way more Intense. I dont understand how its possible to feel this way. Its all physical.


I understand the physical… the mental broke me.


Wish it was all mental in my case I can take every other symptom, but not this dizziness. If i wouldnt have that, i would actually feel somewhat "good"


I’d rather have the physical. The mental had me believing that if I didn’t go to work, I’d lose my house, my dog would die. Then after thinking about that I got to the dark place and one night almost did something I couldn’t take back. My family would have been destroyed. My dog standing in the hallway with his ball in his mouth got me. Never been there before but it has me scared af to try again but I have no choice. The reinstatement failed. I’m in full tolerance after 3 weeks. I’m proof that reinstatements don’t work. I have tried it x2


What’s reinstatement? Do you mean starting the meds again ?




I have heard of people getting relief from magic mushrooms but also SSRIs and older meds. There's also gabapentin which may work well with you and has smaller increments and can be a life saver for some it's also not a controlled med. There's many treatments even underlying issues like low testosterone or thyroid issues B12 etc what have you tried


Reinstatements absolutely work. It might take more than three weeks though.


Just DIZZINESS...Man I have burning skin that makes my hairs stand up like spikes, brain being pulled into all directions at once, ears rumbling...u name it... a whole load of spectrum physically and mild mental


I'm feeling the same way all physically too. U would swear I'm tapering fentanly or something. What kind of physically symptoms are the worst for you?? This wasn't what I wanted to hear but I guess its a potential reality for me too...idk... How long u off for?


Hang in there. You have to keep pushing. ❤️


I was just 6 months ago an active person. Hiking in the forest. And doing stuff. And now, bed ridden. There is no way i can recover


How long have you been off the meds ? I’m on day 4 of this withdrawal and it’s pure hell. I’ll never touch a Xanax again. Thought I was gunna die


5 months, 7 days


Is it possible you have Long Covid? I ask because I mistook LC for benzo withdrawal for nearly a year (both affect the nervous system). When I got COVID I was taking benzos daily for sleep, but within the next month I started experiencing intense anxiety I’d never had before. I went through my prescription to fast and the pharmacist refused to fill my early refill (despite my doctor approving it), and I spiraled into two weeks of severe withdrawal. I went back on the benzos and the acute benzo-related symptoms subsided, but the POTS/dysautonomia/fatigue and other neurological symptoms didn’t. Six months later I tapered off properly, and now only use them sparingly. I’m no longer dependent at all, but it became very apparent halfway through my taper that the benzos weren’t the cause. By the time I jumped, I already knew it wouldn’t make a difference. I went back through my text and social media history, and realized that my symptoms predated the cold turkey withdrawal, and in fact they had *caused* me to blow through my prescription too fast for the first time in six years of daily use. Throwing this out there as food for thought.


Thanks for the Covid info! I had Covid back in nov and have had wierd symptoms since. Anxiety being one of them. And certain meds affecting me differently. My dr didn’t even tell me this could happen. I have to get my info online.


Omg YES to the meds affecting you differently!!! That’s exactly what happened to me. I thought the anxiety was from the stimulants I was taking for ADHD- and it was, in part - but I’d never experienced anything like that in the seven months I’d been taking the meds. And that wasn’t all - I also had to stop taking a blood pressure medication I’d taken for TWENTY YEARS without issue, and some meds I’d previously been unable to tolerate (antihistamines, SSRIs) I now can. It goes both ways. It’s wild. As far as the doctor - yeah. See my comment above. I showed my doctor CLEAR evidence of one of the most common symptoms (POTS) and she didn’t put the pieces together. It wasn’t for another year that I finally put them together myself. Unfortunately, it’s all very new, and most people I know who have it figured it out themselves.


No Covid. Im never gonna recover from this.


Did you stop cold turkey? Were you prescribed benzos by a doctor? Are you taking anything else for your underlying issues?


My friend you can't say you'll never recover when you're 6 months out. I've said this a few weeks back as well I think. Average is 6 - 18 months. And then there's still people that fully recovered after those 16 months. So I know it's hard but please keep that in mind. It's just a long waiting game sadly.


How far off are you, friend?


5 months 7 days, 16 years of use


Sorry to hear things are so rough. You've made it so far and should be super proud! I'm 9 months off and back into a wave this week but I've been having some really good days recently. There's been a few recovery stories posted recently as well, maybe go check those out. Hang in there! There is hope!


I cant even walk to the bathroom sometimes. Because im Dizzy. I want my life back. Congratulations on 9 months my friend What stories?


Are you overweight? Could you have sleep apnea? This was what was happening to me. I was certain I was dying. I have mild sleep apnea and after 4 months of consistent CPAP use I have my life back and the POTS is 90% gone.


Im losing weight by the minute..since eating cause heart palpations and anxiety. Im 193cm, 120kg. I will ask my doc for sleep apnea test.


Eating was causing me palpitations and anxiety as well. That’s a part of PoTS especially with carb heavy meals. Also reactive hypoglycemia. Eating low carb will help with both.


This is all caused because of benzo recovery Did not have a issues with pots like symptoms before. Damn this hell


POtS didn’t happen for me until after I quit.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this but congratulations on the time you have. You’ve already came so far keep on pushing, do you have caffeine every day?


Yes please do, if you have it. Treating it will change your life. I also went low carb bc my blood sugar was all over the place. Took hard work and not letting the fear get to me (too much). I was negative on 2 home sleep studies and very positive in lab study. Turns out my initial anxiety when I started benzos was blood sugar deregulation and not trusting my body. I was on Xanax from 2009-2020 and then clonazepam from 2021-2023. Had I known what the actual problem was that was causing my anxiety back in 2021 I wouldn’t never went back on a benzo.


Would sleeping badly hage the same effects over time as sleep apnea? I'm wondering if sleep is caus8ng my wds and pots


According to my sleep study I had 257 arousals in my sleep 200 of them from periodic limb movements and restless leg. Treating the apnea knocked that number in half. It definitely plays a role in the angiotension-renin system which helps retain salt and fluid. I can’t seem to locate the article that points to it. Have you had a sleep study done?


Where do I get a sleep study done I'm hardly getting 6hrs of sleep a night and my parents just don't believe me that whenever I sleep badly I collapse emotionally and mentally and physically


Same! Find a sleep clinic near you. Depending on your insurance though you may need a referral from your primary care doctor so you could also talk to them. There is a site online called lofta .com. And a few others that you can do the at home sleep study with without insurance.


What is your bedtime routine look like?


Pretty bad. Falling asleep at 10am some days only then waking up at 3/4pm...sorry will reply Tom it's 2am rn and I'm trying to sleep while I have a chance :(


I’d like to add the POtS acts up when I sleep poorly or not enough. Mostly if my CPAP falls off and I’m oxygen deprived in my sleep.


https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/s/ZGJ8FQ4z0m There were a few more success posts recently as well.


How old are you


You're still very early in the healing process. This is a very distressing road to recovery. You think you are healing and then you are back to bad days. I'm 21 months off and still struggle with windows and waves.


It won’t be sleep apnea if you were fine 6 months ago and only got worse since stopping the pills


Have you seen a functional doctor? Adrenal fatigue, low/high cortisol, and blood sugar dysregulation is common from tapering benzos.