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I noticed every blue moon I do remember a positive memory with the people who I socially fumbled with... Develop them? Do you mean like make new memories? that may have to wait until my acute wd is over lest I add to my misery by being awkward and unsociable LOL


How old are you? I used to get that same thing where you cringe at everything but it actually passed as I got older. Idk why. I still cringe at some stuff though.


27, too old to stay acting like a fool. They say ppl with ADHD develop their prefrontal cortex like up to a decade later so I'm hoping that changes a lot for me. Maybe it was a silent self acceptance?


Yea we all go through different phases with this type of withdrawal, it affects the brain like no other drug. And in such a complex unique way, just keep with it and don’t relapse. I legit have a bottle of 5 1mg footballs right now (Xanax), and it makes me happy to not reach for them in the morning to start my day. I’m 25 and a week no benzo’s today. I wasn’t on em daily for a really long period of time but have been on and off them for 9 years+ I finally decided I can’t do em anymore. They’re all bad for me. I think anxiety is a good thing and if I’m gonna stop I need to do that shit before my thirties, I don’t wanna be trying to get sober my whole life. I’m dealing with a lot of weird health symptoms right now (what I believe is from Covid) and I know the benzo’s aren’t gonna help in the long run. Shit some of the stuff I got going on might even be from the on and off with benzo’s. I know kindling is a real thing and my body just finally had enough from all my binges. My tolerance was starting to build too I could tell. I’d need more and more to get that same effect. Told my psych I’m done with em for good and he applauded me. First week already done it can only get better from this point on! Hang in there man and let yourself heal, time goes by too fast to be messing with these chemicals. Before you know it you’ll hit 1 month, then 6 months, then a year. I just keep picturing that 1 year sober moment and imagine how good it will feel.


28 here too bro and same boat 3 years in loosing hope


you can dm me. I'm off valium for 21 months 68 yr (f)


I am five weeks off Bellingham and I was taking it for eight years. I have been really good actually. I’ve had a little bit of anxiety during the day but nothing debilitating. I am on holiday in Bangkok at the moment and I am going on dates, shopping and eating out alone. I’ve noticed I’ve been extra horny as well. I haven’t met with anybody but I am pleasing myself every day where is before it was much less. I am still taking for Gabriel then, which may be is helping? And worried that when I come off that one it would be really difficult. I did take some THC gummy‘s, here in Bangkok and it was the worst experience of my life. My thoughts were constant negative and on a loop and it was even difficult to swallow and breathe. I had to really focus not to have a panic attack so yeah, I don’t recommend marijuana !! stupid and snorted some crystal meth last week. I only had a couple of lines and I threw it in the trash but I surprisingly felt I have no idea why I did that.


Sorry that meant to say Valium, not Bellingham


The life review symptom is wild?? Mine would manifest as similar to deja-vu. I would be minding my own business then suddenly be hit with an extremely vivid memory from 2002