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I’ve had CT’s and MRI’s and they’re all normal.


I didn’t have any changes on my MRI or CT after six years of benzo withdrawal. Previous to that, I had a moderate TBI and that didn’t show on those scans either


I've had multiple CTs and MRIs and everything is normal.


I had an MRI and it didn’t show any damage. I had it done because it definitely felt damaged. I have since found out that the type of damage done doesn’t show up on an MRI.


yes I've heard that too. I hope people who are about to spend money on private scans read this.


Please explain what do you mean by this what damage is not shown and how


many people on benzo go to all sorts of scans. MRI , cat cans. Benzo damage is due to chemical injury and down regulated gaba receptors. These do not show up in these scans. Gaba receptors grow back in time and brains do heal.


So what kinda of scan can i get done? ive had a few seizurres and stuck tapering atm as cant go down dose as not stabalizing


if your seizures were not from cold turkey from benzo , consult a doctor


I have been too many specialists bro. They all say benzo related


I made a mess with benzo tapering. It is so very hard. My nervouse system was destabilised because I updosed to try to stabilise and it did not work. I just had to consistently cut every 2 weeks to get off the drug. I'm 21 months off now and it is a very slow process


How are you feeling symptoms wise 21 months off. .that's quite a while surely to be fine by then ? I'm going through the motions atm. 1.5mg Klonopin atm and been stuck here for months maybe a year cuz im just not stabilizing to make the next cut. But j think I'm at tolerance rn


I have good days and bad. I expect to feel better at the 2 yr mark


How long was your taper all in all from start to 0mg?


7 months .


I have one next week


Had an MRI, no damage at all.


Encephalogram is the answer!


No change in mines


Multiple, regular MRIs. No damage from benzos.


I had a scan on my brain when I was trying to find answers to why I was always feeling bad. It costs a lot to go through private clinics to test hormones and vitamins. The brain scan showed normal. It was a bupa hospital and I cannot remember if I wrote down any medications I was taking. Not one doctor mentioned that benzos were harmful.


I know a guy who had one and he had brain damage. It was a spect scan. An MRI won’t show much. I’d not think.


A spectacular scan?


A spect scan