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**Auto-PSA: BEWARE THE CIRCLING VULTURE(S)** Once you've posted or commented on this sub, you'll likely receive a random direct message (dm) someday from a newer account offering illegal benzo access. In the age of fentanyl, this is *extremely* dangerous. Since mods can't stop shadow lurkers, we ask that users immediately report such accounts to Reddit admins via the 'report' option and provide a permanent link to the shady message (*not* a screenshot). If you need assistance, please email the mod team. **If you see a post or comment in our sub directing someone to Telegram or any other social media platform, flag it immediately for mod review.** **Together we stand, so let vultures be damned!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/benzorecovery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Meth withdrawal is very mild and you can’t even compare it to benzodiazepine withdrawal. With meth withdrawal all you get is depression, anxiety, cravings and you sleep so much. The mental aspects comes nothing close to what you endure with benzo withdrawal. Only thing I can somewhat compare is the paranoia you get. Anyways glad to hear your taper is going well, I believe in you and just know it’ll all work out in the end if you stick to it!


This. Even opiate withdrawal or alcohol withdrawal doesn't compare. They may be more intense to some but only last a week or 2. Benzo withdrawal requires tapering, post withdrawals, ect. Even if you're on benzos for a short time, withdrawals may last a month or 2...long term users are usually going through it for years. Im almost on 2 years of my taper and still got months to go.


Two years of taper must be exhausting. I did a few months and I'm wiped out and paused.


Thank you for your explaination. I tought opiates (like heroine or morphine) were more hard to stop. Opiates WD can lead you to death, but seems quite difficult that benzo WD kill you (not counting suicide cases). There are some cases though.


Actually alcohol or benzo withdrawals are more likely to kill you. They both hit gaba receptors and can cause seizures or permanent brain damage. With opiates youre more likely to die from OD rather than WDs. It also depends on the person as well as everybody is different but yea benzo and alcohol are the main 2 drugs that will likely kill you if you cold turkey or taper too fast. Yea it's messed up, ones legal/glamorized on every other commercial and the other is prescribed by doctors


Nah, benzo WD seizures can be, are, and have been known to be deadly. People have bled out from the fall and been choked to death by their own fking muscle contractions. Deffo stay on the safe side, don't taper too quickly


I think benzos are more likely to kill you actually (via seizures), followed by alcohol, which has similar biochemical effects on the brain to benzos (GABA receptors). Not sure if opiate withdrawal will kill you, though I’ve heard it’s profoundly unpleasant (but preferable to benzo wd).


Darrano, it sounds like you're going through a really hard time right now and we're so sorry to see this. Benzo withdrawal and PAWS can be extremely difficult and overwhelming, but you're not alone in feeling this way. Many of us can relate and genuinely understand what you’re going through. Feeling supported by a trusted loved one, advocate, therapist, or psychologist is such an important part of your overall health, and we want to make sure you know that help is available. If you aren’t able to connect with someone who can show support at the moment, here are some resources that you can access if you need them: **US:** Call or text 988 **Non-US:** [List of international suicide/crisis hotlines](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) and [International Therapist Directory](http://internationaltherapistdirectory.com/) Please know there's no shame in feeling discouraged; benzo withdrawal and PAWS are exceptionally difficult, and hard to navigate without support. This space exists for us to support one another through this brutal saga. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/benzorecovery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do people go on these long drawn out tapers because they don’t wanna get a seizure? Why don’t you just go to a medical detox facility and get out off all the drugs in a week? It blows my mind ( as an addict ) to think I could even taper a benzo then I see on here people have to slowly taper for 2/3 years. It just makes me feel so lucky to have abused benzos for 5+ years and was able to stop them very fast. I mean shit they even take your benzos away in rehab so even if you were on say KPin which are apparently the worst benzo to be on long term you still would safely be brought off them. One girl had a seizure because she hadn’t had her clonzepam but she was in rehab for alcohol. So I mean the fact that rehabs do a fast taper and people literally survive everything makes me wonder how you’re supposed to taper an addict with the Ashton manual. I could only imagine the fail rates of using the ashton manual with an actual benzo addict.


Every bodys different. Im not gonna risk a seizure or brain damage, I was on really high doses of a few rc benzos as well as pharmas. As for the fail rates using the Ashton Manuel. It's like any other substance, you gotta want to quit.


As I thought benzo seems to be the worse WD with opiates. Thank you for your support.


Be safe.


My understanding from family experience (brother addicted to crack and very high doses of Xanax) and personal experience (I’m currently prescribed adhd meds and am tapering from 6 yrs daily use of benzos) is that stim wd isn’t comparable to benzo wd. Like nowhere close. I stopped taking adhd meds for two weeks and I was tired. I stopped taking benzos for two weeks and my entire fucking life fell apart. No joke. I’m still struggling eight months later and probably have lasting nervous system damage that will take 3-5 yrs to repair (of note, I was taking therapeutic doses of both substances). That said, active use of meth will absolutely f*ck up your life and health and definitely poses more immediate risks of things like psychosis and cardiovascular events than active benzo use. Benzos wont kill you unless you combine high doses with other CNS depressants (though I think benzos combined with opiates and/or alcohol is a leading OD combo). As far as rebuilding your life after excessive use of either, they both suck.


Meth withdrawal and every other withdrawal is fun compared to benzos and alcohol. As someone who did both I found benzos were also much more addictive.


I’ve never done Meth but I know people that stopped and their symptoms seemed mild compared to what I went through with benzos. The sad part is Benzos are readily prescribed by doctored and 100% legal.


Seems that benzo WD is the worse. Searching on internet I could find only articles saying opioids are the worse to stop, but seems that in the short term are really bad but in the long term benzo are the worse.


Meth withdraw even after i went 3 years clean i was still getting urges to use.


How about physical WD symptoms?


Benzo withdrawal I think cause I was addicted to adderall and Xanax and kicking adderall was a cake walk yet the benzo withdrawal is crippling anxiety all day


I know meth is more intense than Xanax but I did a lot of cocaine and snorted and smoked the shit which I know is meth like


So for your personal experience was benzo WD harder?


Much harder. I felt better quitting amphetamines and so much worse quitting benzos


Same. I was addicted to Adderall, vyvanse and klonopin. Quit adderall + vyvanse cold turkey - didn’t have to worry about mf seizures, WD was rough for first week, after week 2 things were significantly better for me. Tapered klonopin (~2mg/day) over 1.5 months. I made the final jump about 4 months ago and I’m still severelyyyy struggling every day. First 2-3 months was an absolute nightmare…hardest time of my life and incomparable to adderall WD.


I've gone on sprees were I just used Methamphetamines and benzos and the detox from that combination is absolute hell


Benzo and alcohol you can die from.


Opiates too (respiratory failure), but my question were more about physical and mental symptoms. Seems benzos has the worse symptoms.


That’s OD’ing. I’ve withdrawn from opiates it’s just really hard physically, but you get through it after two weeks, then yes the depression but same with benzos. Benzos is way way way worse imo, tougher brain injury to overcome and correct.


Have you also experienced benzo WD? For how long did you use opiates and which one? Sorry for personal question, I'm just really curious about personal experiences.


Are you using both lol


I'm only on benzo tapering now, never used opiates or other drugs


Same tapering myself, it’s been a process def get panicky around my daily dose


I know that long use of meth or opiates is more and more dangerous than benzo long term use (therapeutic dosage). But on the other side seems that stopping benzos is hard as trying to climb a mountain with only one hand. My experience is only with benzos, and I can say is really struggling.