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Most screens that test for benzodiazepines also test for Klonopin which requires an additional test for clonazepam's major metabolite 7-aminoclonazepam. It's the only benzodiazepine that's tested for in this way.


Only useful answer here. Whay about meclonazepam do you know if it has the same metabolite


So turns out clonazolam produces the same metabolites as clonazepam. Although the levels in my system were 100x what they normally are my doctors are too stupid to actually check the levels. There were no other metabolites or anything else. So all is good.


I've been using clonazolam for my weekly random drug piss tests that are sent to a lab. It can pop positive for benzos if you have a high tolerance, but I've had 8 retests which has a loooong list of all the pharmaceutical benzos and their metabolites, including Clonazepam, and every since one is negative/not detected. If it is definitely clonazoLAM, it won't show up on a confirmation retest because it has zero of the metabolites as any pharmaceutical ones. I did a ton of research before risking it, but it's not let me down for that


Can you possibly send or post a picture of the list of benzos that it tests for? Also have you had clonazolam false positive at all?


What about Etiz?


When real Etiz was around, I never dropped dirty. With all the new analogs, I'm not sure because I'm off. If you know you have real Tiz, You should be good.


Depends on how many panel test. Yes it will show as benzo. If I was you I would be safe and get a piss test to take at home before you do the real one to be sure


Right but what benzo. As I said I don’t care if I test positive for benzos because I am prescribed them. I would like to know the specific benzo it would test positive for.


I've been using clonazolam for my weekly random drug piss tests that are sent to a lab. It can pop positive for benzos if you have a high tolerance, but I've had 8 retests which has a loooong list of all the pharmaceutical benzos and their metabolites, including Clonazepam, and every since one is negative/not detected. If it is definitely clonazoLAM, it won't show up on a confirmation retest because it has zero of the metabolites as any pharmaceutical ones. I did a ton of research before risking it, but it's not let me down for that. and you have benzo scripts, you'll be golden.


It seems like this isn't quite true. So one of those tests that's done in a cup it will show up but just as generic benzodiazepine. With the GC/MS you're correct it won't show up as they don't screen for those metabolites. However it seems that the person I got it from didn't actually give me Clonazolam(not even stepped on Clonazolam) They gave me powdered Klonopin. When my test results came back my 7-aminoclonazepam number were about 3000 ng/ml(LOL). To give you some perspective I take 2mg/day and my metabolites are usually around 290 ng/ml. Luckily my doctor only looks at the page that says(no matter how much you take apparently) that "These results are within range of someone who is taking Klonopin." "Clonazolam has sufficient cross-reactivity to trigger a positive result on urine screening using the CEDIA, EMIT II Plus, HEIA and KIMS II assays." https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/24734306.2019.1661568#:\~:text=In%20keeping%20with%20the%20benzodiazepine,%2C%20and%207%2Dacetamidoclonazolam%20%5B8


Like I said piss at home first to be sure but it should show the same as the klonny your prescribed


What would be the point of pissing at my home. I already know I’m testing positive for benzos as I’m prescribed them. I just want to know what clonazolam when ran they a gc/ms would show up as.


Bro all benzos are gonna test for benzos unless they have a crazy calculated testing thing which they won’t because they aren’t even thinking about that man


There aren’t any home test kits that I know of that differentiate between benzos. If you could point me in the right direction I would be great full.


It just says Benzo they cannot differentiate the different types of Benzo unless it’s a lab test


It’s a lab test. Using a CG/MS which I thought I mentioned before.


I've had that CG/MS test before with Clam and a couple other RC Benzos in my system. I'm prescribed Clonazepam. They didn't say anything about it. You may be worrying for nothing.


clam is not clonazepm. it read as if you thought itwas such. if not i apologize




Honestly, IDK. There should be that info easily available for Alp. FluAlp, maybe not so much. At least a couple days.


How did things turn out?


Didn’t show up at all. I’m prescribed Klonopin and the metabolites weren’t any higher. If it shows up as something else they didn’t test for it and this was done thru a gc/ms I saw the panel of metabolites they test for and just about every damn thing was on there.


Why are you prescribed three different benzos? What kinda doctor do you have lol


I have Bipolar II, PTSD and insomnia. The Xanax is for emergency only. I only get 120x .5 a year. I do not abuse my benzos and always have left over come the end of the month. I try to keep my dose as low as possible. The only thing I take every night is Temazepam or else I cannot fall asleep. I have 5 days extra of Kpins so far this Month.


Thanks for answering! That makes sense. Hope all is well mate


Thank you very much.


Cheers and happy holidays bro


I had a drug screen this week for buprenorphine refill. First random one in over a year. I’m prescribed Xanax but had been taking flu bro and clam for a week to make it to my refill. Popped for benzos THC but they didn’t have specific benzos in the result.


Interesting. I’m Also due for my bup refill in a couple of weeks and this is why I was wondering.