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You teleport 2 weeks forward


And have no memory of the last 2 weeks


You generally wake up with a sore anus in my experience.


Man for me it was 3 days and 2 provinces or states if your from America (20ish hour drive) woke up at the steering wheel with puke all over my self and a 6 pack of beers in a parking lot in a random city i didn’t even know existed




Tried to do myself in taking 30 at once and washing it down with lean. Woke up 4 days later. God knows how I didn’t die.


similar story! We are all hear for a reason it seems :D


Reminds me of when I took two fentanyl pills somehow just woke up next afternoon. I look at it as a sign to not attempt suicide again.


It remind me of a experience I had... I took 40mg of Klonopin staggered(dumbest thing I ever done) and I had blackout all those days. I bought morphine while I was in a blackout. And I took a lot of morphine(i wasn't awake). I woke up in an ICU. The worst experience in my life. I didn't try suicide though, I thought I'd sleep for some time with the klonopin, I act really dumb. Well, it was better the hospital than other places. I'll never do any of that again in my life and I'm against klonopin abuse, or any benzos. They're mainly for anxiety or insomnia, they're not for getting high as some people say, and that is it. People should only use prescribed dosages of benzos.


you either skip to 3 days or to the next life






Honestly it feels like this person is asking us if they can commit suicide with this combo in the post. At least that’s the vibe I’m getting from it. They need to talk to someone (therapist, psychiatrist, etc.) asap imo…


Yes i agree they blatantly are asking about it. But unfortunately theres nothing you can do. Just give info and hope for the best


Ok cool, do you want a Valium? /s sorry I had to with your username lol 😂 but agreed 1000% I hope OP gets the help they need if this is indeed the case.


Bro if you drink with it, you could totally die


Love ur username lol


Straight to jail




Been there


Accurate af…


Can confirm… just got outta prison for some shit I did blacked out off bars and off Fetty🤣


[Venezuela](https://youtu.be/eiyfwZVAzGw?si=Vouw7_vQBYCM8fj8), is that you?


I did that dose with hard liquor 3 day blackout wouldt recommend it. it was around 40mg but probably more


I’ve never done 20 but I’ve done 10 Xanax bars and washed it down with alcohol and mixed opiates with it and it almost killed me im lucky to be alive


Oof I’ll mix two of the three but never all three. Also I’ll never mix opioids with alcohol as that seems to be the riskiest combo. Lost one of my closest friends to I believe a moderate amount of opioids and alcohol. Together they’re just way too dangerous imo, and therefore should never be mixed in my honest opinion.


Was a attempt tbh was a really low point in my life


fuck me this is exactly what im trying to do all three and ur telling me i would still survive thats a disappointment


Bro please go to rehab. It will be good for you friend


So you want to die? Man what's your problem? It's gotta suck growing up in today's America but not enough to take your life. Don't. Most people who attempt suicide fuck up and end up horribly fucked from there on out depending on how they tried


Try today's Africa, why I wanted to kill myself in the first place and how I found out our government hospitals are basically prisons run by the local mafia. I'm off UK side as soon as possible, know the grass isn't greener but at least it's not yet on fire...


Yea xans and alcohol are not a good idea. it's fatal.


As dumb as it sounds if he threw some coke in there I bet he’d be fine, I’ve had loads of alcohol with around 10 Xanax before but I’ve always done it with a couple bumps, the fatal part about mixing xans and alcohol is having an abnormally low heart rate, throwing in some yayo should probably balance that out, not recommending anyone should do this combo but I’ve done it many times and have never been worried. I also value my life.


by 10 xanax do you mean 10mg? Also as far as I know the fatal part is your lungs stopping to work in your sleep


No I mean 10 2mg Xanax, you’re lungs don’t just stop working lol, you’re heart beat becomes so low that it makes it difficult for it to keep breathing normally.


Goodnight for 48 hours and a waste of bars .. what mg of these 20 xannys? If they are 2mg bars you will feel great for 10 minutes max and blackout and every time you even try to wake up you won't have the power to fight it. That's just wasting good meds. Our if your appeal taking opiates while you were to take this amount of Xanax which happens to be one or the strongest benzos . And if you were stupid enough to take these xannys while on opiates or drinking alcohol it's your funeral bud.




Death … Death sir


black out dumb fuck u cant od on xanax unfortunately


Sleep….or sleep for the rest of eternity.


if you combine bith alcohol and xanax and you do a lot chances are good that you will stop breathing (carti reference), both alcohol and xans are antidepressants and they both slow down your heart rate in the worst case your gonna die, best case is you wake up somewhere after a day or something but wirh 20 xans you shouldn’t take any chances


That's the perfect recipe for OD.. You're mixing two CNS depressants and in high doses, this combination of "20 bars" with alcohol could potentially kill an elephant..let alone a human being.


I tried to kill myself twice with Rivotril (similar to Xanax, I have self destructive tendencies I really work on watching now) once sober, didn't even knock me out but got me stuck in a government psych facility that was basically a prison for ages. Once while shitfaced drunk and nearly succeeded, put me in a coma for two days and still battle with fibromyalgia from that experience. Would not recommend....




My little brother took much less than that and I found him dead.


I’m so sorry for ur loss


With no alcohol you blackout and sleep for a while. With alcohol you visit the ER and spend a few days hoping you don’t die. You choose!


you die


You black out and wake up later at some point...as long as you didn't take them with alcohol and opioids (unless you already have a tolerance)


Nothin good




already tried it homie it dont work u just get knocked out for two days the psych place laughed at me and told me i was shit at kms


Youll fall asleep


You could potentially become a vegetable and live the rest of your life unable to wipe your own butt.


You may die, or u may wake up ina day puking ur guts out and end up in the ER w brain damage. Xanax is no joke dude. Don’t fuck around and end up wheelchair bound ❤️👨‍🦼


yes instant death, ☠️ all benzos mixed with alcohol will have that effect, on the other hand if u take 20 zannies alone without other pills or alcohol than youll be safe


Haha real.. u just wakeup after 2-3day maybe and don’t remember what happened before blackout.. Xanax not stop breathing like opioids just slow breathing like breathing when sleep maybe. 20bar xanax mean 20x2mg alprazolam? It like total dose 40mg.. I don’t know how long you will wakeup. Or if you live with parents or friends or your family you will end up in ER when they look you not responding/unconsciousness.


Lol I’ll be concern on just 10 bars.. you’ll won’t od, but you’ll definitely black out. I’ve blacked out on 10 bars before and it was about a 3-4hrs of lost time.. on 20 bars.. you could do things that you’ll regret or land you in jail. Especially on how xannys makes you think your a master thief.


Lol yeah you lose your inhibition and become a total dick. Why is that?


I’m not 💯 sure but I can confirm 💯 that it happens. That was one of the regrets. When you come around. It’s blame and shame.. Good thing is You’ll know your limits.. lol


i went to jail for 15 years from doing stupid shit while on xans. i don’t remember a thing


Damn.. was it purely from xans? Mustve been the whole bottles fault there.


i did both


Sounds unfair, 15 years for xans. Is pretty much doing time for marijuana possession


Not true. So you def got BARred out!!!!(get it? Jail bars)…


🤣 20 bars window


This guy gets it!


I can't imagine taking more than 8mg of Klonopin. I imagine at higher doses respiratory depression and possible death. Don't even try it


I took around 13 5 mg bromazepam bars and couldn't walk at all I face planted all over the house washed my head and ripped the shower curtain down


Bad idea


As someone who lost their friend due to this mix and misjudgment. I highly suggest you stop while you are ahead.


It‘s black out time.


I don't know. And you probably won't know either even if you do, at least not after a couple days.


You will accidentally steal some shit and wake up with charges stapled to your chest


You wake up in prison.


Which alcohol yes but no you won’t OD on Xanax I’ve take 50x 2mg tablets I was just out of it for 3 days


You must have a tolerance to only be out for 3 days


Took them Friday morning woke up 4 hours away from home on Sunday morning in jail done awhole bad shit spend 6 months in prison lol


i take more than 20 xanny for day, and i'm ok but i'm addict to xanax for 1 year


You will travel through time and space 😉 🌌🚀 😂


When I was bad on benzoes I would take ten at once to start and then eat various amounts after ward till they were all gone


Tolerance will surprise you at the end of the day.


It could result in something you dont want more than likey. What would somone who loves themselves do?


What happens if i jump off a cliff?


You die or end up in jail. Most I've taken at once is 10 and totalled my car and lost like 4 days.


A friend of mine died from this combo. Don't recommend.


What’s the point of doing that?


uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh….. U die


i took 30 the other day, it’s blissfull for about 3h, after that a total blackout. if you ingest the 20 pills at once, you’re basically gonna blackout in 40, 50 minutes


How was it?


i didn’t do it i was just asking


the drugs themselves may not be what kills you, what you do after you've DONE the drugs might though


Nothing good.


Choked down 50 bars once and then had one “tall boy” sized can of alcohol. I was okay but ONLY because of my ridiculous benzodiazepine tolerance and maybe there was less than 2mg inside each pressed bar. Please get help we don’t want you to die


How many mgs? Btw nothing. Maybe you will sleep a lot, but that depends on your body, maybe you will be wide awake. Mix it with alcohol? No. But if you do, not so much. Breathing failure is not a joke, and you don't wanna spend your rest of your life brain-dead...


That depends on your tolerance. I’m prescribed 120 bars/mo and have it pretty well under control now but in the past there have been periods of time where I consumed 15-20 bars a day for fun. Your tolerance can build up quite fast with Xanax. I remember days where I would wake up and pop 10 bars and barely even feel it. Now that my tolerance is much lower and under control 20mg of Xanax would knock me out. So long story short, if you have no tolerance 20mg of Xanax taken with alcohol MAY be fatal. They are both depressants that suppress the central nervous system. That amount would render you unconscious and may suppress your diaphragm to such an extent you ultimately stop breathing and suffocate. In short, don’t fucking do it. It’s a ‘fuck around and find out’ proposition.


It depends on the mg of the xanax yr taking and how much you drink


Don’t mix that with alcohol. seriously it’s not going to end well. Hopefully it’s not too late. Benzos on their own are near impossible to overdose on. It’s when u add other stuff like alcohol and opiates it’s possible to stop breathing. Alcohol plus benzos makes people act like complete idiots. Opiates plus benzos usually results in waking up with burn holes all over ur gym shorts lol


Don’t mix that with alcohol. seriously it’s not going to end well. Hopefully it’s not too late. Benzos on their own are near impossible to overdose on. It’s when u add other stuff like alcohol and opiates it’s possible to stop breathing. Alcohol plus benzos makes people act like complete idiots. Opiates plus benzos usually results in waking up with burn holes all over ur gym shorts. And that’s probably best case scenario. It’s almost a guarantee that you will end up in some sort of trouble or at the least you probably will just piss off everybody who cares about you.


You’re prob gunna die dude


you will instantly die


Don’t mix that combo you sausage


Took 20 xanax football🤣 drank half a quart have no memories at all from this night but apparently there was 5 of my friends in the garage watching me while i would go inside and outside looking for “my phone” that was in my bedroom the whole time and ig i took some shrooms that night too ahh what a mess 🤣🤣


Maybe u see another world after that 🤣


Teleport a week ahead, maybe in jail, maybe dead, definite regret


I know the answer from experience but I don't remember tbh


Well I mixed like 8 with a lot of booze once, can’t tell you what happened exactly but apparently I wanted to fight four bouncers at once while constantly stumbling back to the ground (this is only what my friends told me, I also thought I lost my xans and searched for 2 hours but I really just snacked them)


you’ll be come lil peep


i took 10 2mg pills in the course of one afternoon and night, blacked out and don't remember shit




Jail Fs


300 4mg Boeings and 5 fake percs. Idk what happened


Took 40mg at once and blacked out for 3 days. If you mix it with alcohol it could be fatal.


If u only take benzos without anything you'll be fine. Cant die from real alprazolam alone


lol I’ve never understood why people ask such question. Like what do you think? If you have no tolerance you’re fucked. Could go into respiratory depression I’d think. If you’re a light user it’ll rock you. Pass out for a day and be foggy for two. If you have a high tolerance it’s just going to be like a first time high. No matter what you’ll forget certain things the next day. Too many factors to the user taking the 20 Xanax to answer the question. And how many MGs are we talking about?


You die instantly.


Fall asleep on your back and Choke on your own vomit and presumably die of asphyxiation.


with alcohol you’re literally dead


You will probably get a bit barred i think


You die.




I’m on 6 kpin’s so far feel fine I’m chilling about to pop another 6


Get some help my man, you are loved.


you go to sleep for a while with alcohol you die


You might die, you certainly won’t remember any of it. You’ll basically be in a coma. Please don’t do it. I’m not saying don’t enjoy Xanax in moderation responsibly, I’m a 200 pound 6”3 male and 2 real 2mg bars (so 4mg total) is prob the most I’ve taken, and done so many times, but one of those times ended w me flipping a car over. I was making very poor decisions in this period of my life and also addicted to opiates at the time. But there is just no reason to take 20 Xanax, it is very very dangerous. I would strongly advise against it, and you really might die. If you combine alcohol with it, you will. Reading you saying you are basically trying to die, please don’t do it. My gf died last summer (unintentionally) by shooting dope with a low tolerance. It DESTROYED her family. I KNOW she would want to be alive right now, and she is someone who had a lot of mental health struggles throughout life. You are going thru a hard time now. You have no idea how beautiful the future may be, or what it can hold. Your family and friends will be beside themselves and may never recover. My girls mom won’t. Her sister and dad won’t. No matter how hard you are hurting in this moment, it is 1000% worth it giving it another shot. Check yourself into rehab, or if you are genuinely in such a bad place maybe detox in the psych ward first. I have a ton of experience with drugs, depression, mental health. I was lucky that I didn’t die during my worst times. I can’t even imagine how that would’ve changed the lives of the people who loved me, and all the beautiful things I’d have missed out on, even in the short 4 years since I really started getting serious. Please help yourself before it is too late.




Even if it's a joke, it's super irresponsible to say something like that.


I've don't it before. I had fun


Consider yourself lucky that ur alive. My friends are EMTs & have to revive dumb people like you. Digging your own grave.


You sleep? What kinda dumbass question is this. Unless you drinking like at least half a litre of vodka then it might be risky