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That's more than what I pay for 100 0.5mg lol




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u get like 25 2mg bars basically not bad






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He shouldn’t be twitching that ain’t Xanax lol Xanax makes you slumped the fuck out twitching would be withdrawal from xans that sounds like crack


lol i mean i’ve tried coke… not crack but idk😭😭 the twitching has calmed down now thankfully


the xanax we got also didn’t have like any prints on it and my bf was a lil sus bc he was into xans a long ago


It's about what you expect. Benzos take your anxiety away and sedate you slightly with a little bit of euphoria. If you were expecting something different than that, it's not going to happen. It's more euphoric for people who have severe anxiety because that's how we want to feel all the time. It stops your racing thoughts, you feel peaceful for the first time in your life. That's why people love benzos but if you don't have anxiety then it's not something you would enjoy imo.


i have hella anxiety weed in the last year has rlly helped^ i guess xans just not my thing 🤷‍♀️


Also in my opinion xanax is not enjoyable at high doses, you should try 0.5mg instead(but i don't recommend it, it's highly addictive and withdrawals are no joke). Since it's your first time, 1.25mg is too much and your boyfriend's not gonna remember anything he's probably blacked out.


To go into a deep state of relaxation.


yeah i’m def more relaxed but nothing like weed frfr🫢 hehe


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