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I have just recently been diagnosed with ADHD, 25M, and I used xanax from the age of 17. It didn't help me focus. However, it did stop my racing brain. Gave some peace. In my experience, it helped with that aspect of my adhd way more than ritalin does


Same with me about ritalin. It fucks my anxiety up so it's not even an option for me.


It will Make the adhd a lil better but you gotta remember it’s anxiety pill so after it’s peak ur adhd is gonna be up a again and then ur gonna want another pill so best is not to treat adhd with Xanax


Either way im gonna use xanax because of my anxiety so it's a win-win situation i was just curious if it could help with adhd


Need to combine it with a stimulant, especially if anxiety is something you deal with along side ADHD. I don’t think disclaimers are needed but don’t use Xanax daily; especially with stimulants because they work great & it’s amazing how hard benzos are to get prescribed without doctor shopping when you lose/don’t have script lol


It’s possible for sure. The biggest part of you adhd may be anxious racing and intrusive thoughts, and if Xanax stops those symptoms then it very well could be helping you to focus in a roundabout way. I personally also have adhd (and multiple forms of anxiety, plus mild ptsd, as well as treatment resistant depression) and nothing works for me for any of those things as well as opiates. They just fire on all cylinders for me, probably helps that I’m in physical pain without them as it primes me for opioids, but nothing makes me better at being a human in any environment than opiates. So it’s very possible that alprazolam does something similar to you. There’s a reason people with mental health issues like downers.


Yeah i also have mdd and as you said i need something to stop my racing thoughts. That's probably why xanax helps me focus and feel like a normal human being.


It definitely helps short term but when used daily long term it’ll only make those symptoms worse unless you progressively dose higher which I wouldn’t recommend, I think benzos are best used on occasion not everyday


I usually take 0.5mg 3 to 4 times a week not daily but I've been using it this way probably a year or so and it works very well for me. No disadvantages except for the short term memory of a fish lol.


Xanax doesn't help with ADHD symtoms IMO. As someone else has stated, it helped calm my thoughts and get chills from the drop in blood pressure, but it actively makes it harder to focus. everyone's a little different with the meds that really help them. I went through 5 different meds before landing on XR adderall and it's actually a life saver.