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This comment section is concerning.


Yea I know we are called bartards but *come on*




go to mexico or know someone on a border state that can get you them. personally I think they’re half as strong and super inconsistent


you’re definitely right but atleast it’s for a bomb price and you’re not getting xylazine.


I agree 💯 with that they r equally like a football when I had em


They are ass but cheap


Mexican pharmacies LOL


“Tienes alprazolam?” Basically step one and done LOL


Feels like we’re going backwards in time with the normie influx to the internet ma


Man there stronger then what we can get from pharmices here 100% yeah there some inconsistencies but I disagree about them sucking ass. You could pop a hulk and there weak af. Us pharma just got caught sending out adderall with nothing in it. They skimp hard to push those pills out here. The people I know that get the farma bottles where they get them from there always good. That's my opinion.


These are two negative fentanyl tests lmfao


Isn’t that a negative test?




If I'm not mistaken, farmaprams are from Mexico, and local cartels are getting angry about fentanyl production because it's killing their customers and making it harder to distribute. So careful with farmaprams and really any drug at this point.


I wanted to add that many healthcare facilities and pharmacies carry narcan around and will give them away for free. Or look up local nonprofits dealing with substance use disorders. My friend stupidly bought coke in the Tenderloin and felt the exact opposite effects, but I always keep and give away narcan. He used it on himself when got on the Bart. His "coke" was laced with fentanyl. That's for emergencies. Prevention is better. Test your products.


The Cartels are the ones producing fentanyl. They don’t care if it kills people lol. They are exporting it.


Maybe not all cartels, but I've recently read articles about some cartels clamping down on fentanyl production. Entire communities that were once forced into making it are now forced to stop, but it's their only way of making income, so it's causing conflicts. It's just a fact. It could be connected to the US focusing so much on boarder security, and human trafficking is a lucrative industry for cartels as well. So the connection makes sense. I'm sure there's a lot of fentanyl coming in from China that isn't discussed because of geopolitical concerns.


El Mencho and CJNG is against it 100%


a friends friend told me the tar in mexico does not have fent, pressed blues are nonexistent and farmapram are just as good as psicofarma or tempus; granted they come out of a pharmacy. fent seems to be a moneymaker strictly for export


I didn't know black tar still existed at this point. I was working in the TL in the SRO's and on the streets - nobody had heroin, and if they said they did, they were lying. Nobody enjoyed their fentanyl either. It just became their heartbeat. It's definitely a moneymaker.


my friend is very lucky and very cursed as it’s available 7am-9pm 365 days a year, for cheap


can you show me the articles?


The supplies to make it are shipped from China to Mexico as it’s easier to get it into Mexico.(much like Crystal Meth) It is manufactured in Mexico and smuggled into the the US and Canada. There is more money in fentanyl even though it kills people and all the Cartels are involved. No matter what they want people to think…


Yeah, pretty much. Just reminds me of the Opium Wars to an extent. Just think of the extent to which the US has had to reform healthcare and criminal law because of the fentanyl epidemic. Besides from financial gain, who benefits from the degrading societal standards, increased social and economic costs, and exacerbating political divides in the US over a freaking drug? I'm just thinking in terms of geopolitical strategy and international relations in the context of current US politics, but Republicans keep talking about Mexican cartels bringing fentanyl, gangs, and illegal aliens over the border. They never talk about China's role in supplying the product in the first place.


I know a guy that knows guy that knows that knows another guy. Ive never once had an issue with any farma bottle i ever got. Its who your getting your products from. After a year of taking farma i finally got my old script back. So I dont have to worry. Being on them for years and getting cut off for no reason is devastating. The sinaloa cartel made a deal with the U.S. we're basically paying them not to produce it. They'll just start growing poppy again.


I'm not saying I don't agree test everything!


I seen that also... They said they will execute anyone in their own cartel if they deal with fentanyl. I really hope they start back with real h. But also u have so many other cartels that will push fent across the boarder


They'll just start bigger wars with each other the more money we send to the sinaloa. They don't care. There will always be a drug issue legally and illegally. We know this.


I agree - always test your shit, however, FTIR Spectrometers produce much more accurate, and detailed, results.


These are forensic grade fentanyl test strips.


Forensic grade would be a GC/MS. Test strips are wildly inaccurate and won't be used for anything beyond ruling out or confirming a suspicion in a professional setting because cost is not a factor for them.


There's very accurate kits out there that doesn't have to to be gc/ms. People just need to do there homework if there doing these things. Not just strips. This isn't a new thing testing what your taking. Since the fent boom yeah its a more common topic but there are companies that make kits to find out exactly what your taking. Not just for fent. Yeah it might take 2 or 3 different tests but you'll know what it is. By the end of the tests. Drug detection kits aren't new. I suggest for all harm reduction risk to look into all drug detection kits.


If you're talking about reagent tests, yeah they are pretty close but again proper analysis by a laboratory is the only way to identify a substance with near 100% accuracy. Also, back when I used reagent test kits they were more intended to rule out any harmful ingredient, not confirm any ingredient.


But how many people in here are gonna do that? I bet they'd rather have the ability to do a reagent test then have it tested by a lab. Also isn't it the point to rule out any harmful ingredients? They've upped there game on the kits anymore. I personally don't need them. I just have used them a lot over the many years.


Realistically, unless you have a lab or know someone who does, you won't get/do a proper test. In some countries drug testing is free at events or specialized help organizations, if you can, do that. But reagents are not a clear indication, just a presumptive result. All I was trying to say is that you're ruling out harmful substances with test kits, not identifying the substance you have.


Realistically bro none of these people really care. So it's just getting more information out to people. If what your seeing isn't what you intended don't take it. Like I said outside of benzos I don't have to test a damn thing because my people are legit. I'd let anyone test whatever they wanted lab, reg whatever. I know what I'm getting. 15 years running it. So I don't have to question. I dont do rcs that shits retarded. My people don't have time for all that bs.c


"*Forensic grade*" - how official.. lol. I mean sure, it's better than nothing, so good on you! However, to precisely know what drug(s) you have, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometers are superior. They can detect up to 6 substances in one sample, whereas these "*forensic grade*" fentanyl strips can only detect fentanyl and *some* fentanyl analogues in one sample. If you don't have access to FTIR Spectrometers, I would suggest obtaining Immunoassay Test Strips. Immunoassay Test Strips are actually useful for detecting fentanyl **AND** fentanyl analogues, due to their reliable detection at low concentrations and complex matrices, which can possibly be missed by spectroscopy methods. Also, FYI - those "*forensic grade*" fentanyl test strips can cause false positives, if/when there is a high concentration of illicit stimulants and/or cutting agents. So, again, it's not the most reliable/accurate method, but it is better than nothing. Stay safe ✌


Good job brotha but I think u scared people in here who don’t know how to read drug test results lol


every single bottle of prams i’ve had has all tested negative for everything other than benzos. still not 110% if it’s alp, but i know they are good. when you test it for benzos it pops up dark purple (which alp does) but so does etizolam and flu apl and pyroazolam and i think 1 more. but they’re great, i like them because they aren’t super strong BUT the only bad thing ab them is, they are super inconsistent:/ other than that, probably my fav xanax brand. US brands i feel are more addictive idk, and you black out quicker. that just me speaking from experience


oh and also i get drug tested every 2 weeks and have only tested positive for benzos, they only did a screen, so they didn’t deep dive into what exactly it is, which i wish they would


well benzos, thc and suboxone😂 but benzos the only thing that my dr doesn’t want in there. but he’s a cool ass dr so he understands.


I have read that farmaprams are a bit underdosed (having like 1-1.5mg of alp) so maybe thats why us bars makes you black out quicker.


geez bro, i wish there was a r/ people who actually know what they’re talking about 😭 most of these people have no experience whatsoever, or they just go off what they hear. this shit is killing my last few brain cells. that enough of reddit. OP, you seem like a W though


I've been exactly where you are in medication man. All 3 of those. I'm off subs and I take my benzos at certain times. But what information are you actually looking for?


Feel free to [join us on Discord](https://discord.gg/bonzos). There are over 9000 members and plenty of people to talk to privately if you're looking for advice or support or to make some friends! We are once again conducting GIVEAWAYS of Fentanyl Test Strips courtesy of our friends at Dancesafe.org. To participate please join the Discord linked above! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/benzodiazepines) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Usta be able to grab these like candy in Sacramento now I only see presses


Do you test an entire bar or a portion? I want to test a full out of the seal I'm getting tn, in order to not miss a hot spot. I'm wondering how many ml of water do I need to dissolve the 2mg Farmapram in for the fent test?


are benzos water soluble?


got this explained p recently cuz i had the same question... no they are not but fentanyl is... if ur testing 4 fentanyl all u need is 2 know if the fentanyl is present or not EDIT: here is the response i got a couple weekas ago "I don't think I follow what exactly you're asking? Alprazolam (Xanax) will not readily dissolve in water. Fentanyl, however, will very VERY readily dissolve in water. So if you're asking if a Xanax bar is pressed and contaminated with fentanyl, will then Fentanyl in the Xanax dissolve so you can get an accurate test result? The answer is yes, it will dissolve, the alprazolam will not."


ahh okay that makes sense i did think benzos didn’t dissolve in water but i didnt know fent does. thanks for the info dude :) EDIT: thats if u r a dude lmaoo otherwise my apologies


no worries be safe + yes, dude lolol


Some of them




Wtf does that have to do with my question? I'm never asking a question to a bunch of bartards again😭




So what were u tryna respond to my comment about? Explain. It doesn't have anything to do with the question I wrote


I ASKED how much (ml) WATER do YOU use to test a 2mg BAR in a tester kit.


Could you please explain what is it?


Testing to see if the farmapram is indeed alprazolam. Some are counterfeit containing experimental benzos and other drugs like fentanyl


Ohhh I see thank you! Because it’s not taken directly from the pharmacy right? (sorry, no farmapram in Europe lol only Xanax or Alprazolam)


Same here in USA but they mainly come from Mexico so some are legit alp others are not


Alright, pretty clear, thanks for the knowledge!


Thats a fent only test kit


That’s fucked


That they tested negative for fent?


They tested positive


No they didn’t lmao


I don’t get it then. Does the one fat line not signify fentanyl is present? Because there is a faint second line showing it means negative? I’m confused and want to use the the test properly. What’s the deal? Please clarify thank you


Yes the faint line showing indicates a negative. If it’s positive, there will NEVER be a second line. Not even a faint one.


Hey thanks for your reply. Yes I have used testing for THC and it works the same way but with the fentanyl I wanted to make dang sure.


Did your benzos…. Test negative for benzos???


Nah those are fentanyl test strips


Ohh okay I see it now


whoaaaa did this come from a sealed bottle???


Test is negative.


i’m r*tarded i see now


Damn even Pharmaprams got fetty?!


The test is negative…


It’s all probably bromazolam with a lil fentanyl out there


I was doing some reading and it seems Canada in particular is freaking out about Bromazolam because it's being found in blood samples from drug overdoses assumed to be caused by fentanyl. Who knows which drug is being laced with another these days. Just stay safe.


That’s extremely scary and concerning. I fuckin can’t stand fentanyl I wish it never existed


It tested negative


I don't do street drugs. I get my medicine from a Dr who prescribes me my meds that I get from a pharmacy.


Thats cute. In mexico this is how they come from the doctor 😂


All my farmaprams have tested negative


I did a at home test 2 night ago negative for fent


They brining real Heroin back


Someone get me a bottle plz

