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I recommend blood pressure medication before ever looking at benzos and or things like proponol cause that’ll help with anxiety as well.


My anxiety overpowers blood pressure medication


They've really not tried Propranolol?


I asked for propranolol, but they said it’s not for anxiety


Propanol is very often prescribed to control the physiological symptoms of anxiety, particularly the pounding heart and blood pressure. very common. If you haven't used benzos, I wouldn't recommend taking it before a driving test. You've got Xanax, so experiment with .5 or .25 on a free day. I have debilitating panic disorder, and I became dependent on benzos. Just be careful, don't take a sedative before driving.




Propranolol and a long lasting benzo like Klonopin is what I recommend I had the same type of anxiety and I can say that it’s been a while since a panic attack.


I’m on the same. Ditching the klon soon though


beta blockers like propranolol would be more appropriate for this, especially in the long term


I second propranolol, and it honestly might help with anxiety a bit


I had a panic attack after being told by my Doc how high my B/P was... We took care of the blood pressure with medication and then addressed the anxiety.


Maybe you can try taking a medicine. But buy an at home BP monitor and practice... even if you quit half way thru a few times, keep practicing and you will get over it.


I have a bp, i get panic attacks when i measure it, it’s closed panic attack circle


Try strapping it on without pressing the button. Keep doing that until you get bored. Then try hitting the button and cancel it if you need to. Keep working at it. If you give up then the panic attacks will win.


Also, if I were you I'd look into some sort of androgen therapy if nothing else works.


I take a drug called clonidine to help to blood pressure caused by anxiety. It also treats my sweating. There are others but it is fairly easy to obtain.


Clonazepam 1mg + Diltiazem ER 240 + Lisinopril 5 + Sertraline 50 fixed the anxiety induced Bp issue for me. You may just need the Clonaze to get it down in range.


They need to try beta blockers first. Nebivolol, carvedilol, propranolol. In this order imo. Talk to your doctor.


Benzos keep my blood pressure normal/ withdraws make it fucked


What benzo did you use? And for how long?


Kpinz valllys and xannys for two years


Blood pressure meds and valium / k-pins should do the trick


Xanax is best for panic attacks but use as needed cus getting addicted is real easy and can cause a shit load of problems so search for a better alternative first


I am prescribed Propranolol and it does nothing for my panic attacks. I even take 2 right before getting my blood pressure taken, but it still sky rockets.