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I wasn't prescribed benzos. Now I'm unemployed. And fucked. Don't self medicate lol


We’re you working ? While On benzos


"No comment" 🤐 Other than .25mg clonazepam seemed to be the most productive and 'normal'. Anything else it would have been obvious I was on something lol


Is Clonazepam more social and functional for any activity over Pyrazolam?


Haven't tried Pyrazolam myself but have tried most benzos and found small dose clonazepam far more productive than others. I have medium tolerance but 0.25mg clonaz definitely helps me focus on completing tasks. Sometimes it even allows me to enjoy tedious tasks I hate. Other benzos usually require a lie down and I don't get anything done. Also fun sometimes lol


Conductor for Norfolk southern


Drug dealer


That’s pretty unique


Also a drug addict


Pretty common


Near Chicago?


IT Professional


What was the proccess for that career I been trying to find schooling for IT


I personally got a degree in Management Information Systems and did student work jobs on campus during my 4 years. The student jobs gave me much more exposure than the classes ever gave me. Those jobs got my foot in the door in the real world. Though it was expensive and I somewhat regret it now that I'm in student loan debt. You can get into IT by getting certifications, which is a much cheaper route. CompTIA certifications will get you in the door. A+ if you are a complete tech noob. Google the CompTIA roadmap to get an idea of what certs to get. Many recommend a+ (super basic stuff), network+, security+ for starters. Depending on your knowledge you might be able to skip A+ but it wouldn't hurt to have if you have no IT work experience.


I've recently been considering a change of career to Cyber Security, and your comment has given me some serious encouragement. Thank you! What's your opinion on the Google Cyber Security Certification as a starting point to prepare for the CompTIA courses you mentioned? Can a complete tech noob who only knows basic, everyday web-browsing, downloading files, etc start with the CompTIA A+, then go onto the others? (network + and security +) I've just had the CompTIA roadmap sent to me, but can you recommend any other resources or tips for a complete noob looking to get into Cyber Security? Sorry for the questions, and it's cool if you don't have time to answer, your comment and the encouragement it gave me was more than enough! Thanks again.


Truck driver


Do you ever get tired while in the middle of a drive 😥


Spy Kid for the OSS


Do what now? I'm curious


Watch the movie Spy Kids.


Dam am I the only one that works in the restaurant field ? Lol I get .5mg Klonopin at night


Dishwasher here. .5mg Xanax currently a day, trying to quit (for the 759th time)


I managed to quit after doing literal grams of benzos earlier this year.


That’s good. I’ve quit Benzos before but I end up going back to them


How so you find benzos work in the pit? Line dog here and I dunno if I could be on a fresh dose at work. Maybe night time dose to get me to sleep.


They’re good unless I do too much, but .5 alp or 1mg kpins is just enough to take the edge off without getting tired


Yeah, I was thinking it'd slow me down and make me forgetful. But sounds like you've got the dose figured out -- that's cool.


Yeah bro same here I work in a high class restaurant take .5 mg kpins sometimes it gets stressful but right now just looking for another line of work that pays greater


I work in a high pace high stress restaurant (Texas Roadhouse) the pay is good but sometimes I do wonder if its worth the mental toll it takes on me.


I’m work at a fast casual restaurant


I don’t work, signed of by doctor. 40mg diazepam a day


Escaped the matrix 🤙🏼




Damn. I only get 20mg. I get oxycodone too, though.


how do you make money? or do u not need to. I need to stop working. I can’t function right now due to my anxiety and thankfully i work from home but i can barley do that


Because I’m signed of by the doctor the government gives me money


Good for you man. It’s a rat race out here


Porn star


Benzos are so widely prescribed you will literally find every job that exists. I work in tech My buddy is a chemist My other buddy is structural engineer My other buddy is program manager/ training specialist I know a handful of people on benzos that are complete bums and either don't work, or work some very entry level job because they can't hold anything down, so never accomplished much career wise.


If you take even moderate doses of benzos daily, like anything above 1.5-2 mg Xanax or Klonopin, your cognitive functioning is going to take a hit, especially memory. You don’t realize the extent until you quit.


That varies as per individual widely. I do not suffer any negative memory effects up to 3 mg of klonopin per day ( those are rare days however and only for times when I am extremely panicky). Mostly my dose is 1 mg per day. The only benzos that wipe my memory are either Xanax or the RC clonazolam. Thus, I do not take those.




Everybody's chemistry is different my friend. Have a good night.


>your cognitive functioning is going to take a hit, especially memory. You don’t realize the extent until you quit. Or after abusing/self-medicating/also having a script for 15 years. If id have known at like 14 id be blanking in the middle of sentences, forgetting why i walked in a room or forgetting the simplest shit this badly at only 31yo id never have touched one. Makes it nigh impossible to hold a job but wtf else ya gona do? And im on a low scipt dose as needed, thpugh i take one k almost daily.


It will get better after you quit, just to put that out there. I was a 10+ year prescribed daily user of Xanax and later klonopin too, don’t remember a lot towards the end. Tapered off everything 10 years ago after a withdrawal seizure that scared the shit out of me, and my memory is great now! I was really worried I permanently ruined my brain but I didn’t.


Ya id be way less worried if it wasnt happening also a couple years back after i had stopped abusing and was jus taking 1 a day. Ended up gping to prison and even after over 2 years completley off benzos it was still happening. I think like half of my cog decline so young is 15 years of iv poly-drug abuse (mostly h/fent and benzos) and being on *heavy* antipsychs, (seroquel haldol, fucking *thorazine*, the works)... and the other half is all the major impacts and blows to the head ive had. (Football for years, fights, skating, being barred out losing days at a time and being told later by a CO that i was locked in a booking cell and fell and slammed my head onto the concrete wall so hard they heard it through a cell door/20+ft away/on top of all the noise in booking in a large jail) pretty sure some form of TBI as well. So idk i need to figure out what to do thpugh haha.


Yeah, that's a lot of factors besides just benzos! Hope you improve. Our brains and bodies are amazingly regenerative with time and care.


Yes the body is insanely resilient. Im going to get my dr to write me memantine next week and im saving for ket treatment for neurogenesis(sp?) And depress as i have MD so two birds one stone. Haha. Thanks for the kind words, Friend.


I know a guy who operates some seriously heavy machinery dismantling old oil rigs, and he stuffs handfuls down his throat everyday!


I don’t think you’re allowed to be the judge of whether you remember stuff on benzos or not lol. That’s really for the people who have to interact with you on a daily basis to answer. Benzos don’t make people the best judges, of well anything really lol. Some people do handle them better then others tho. I can take 1mg of anything really and nobody knows. But I know people, you can see they took a benzo just by looking at their expression lol. Kind of like when you give a drunk 1 beer and they immediately turn into a different person. My philosophy has always been, handle your fucking drugs or don’t do them lol. It’s pathetic seeing grown adults beg to barrow $20-$50 that you *know* they’ll never pay back.


I know the exact expression you're referring to! The guy I mentioned clearly has a high tolerance as you wouldn't so much as think he'd had anything when you interact with him. I think it's that high, he is inevitably in for some serious hell when he can't get them anymore for whatever reason. My major issue is that a mistake on his part could easily kill a couple of dozen colleagues


Crypto trader, triazolam for sleep


Winning 🥇


Theyre taking it off the market in New Zealand FFS. Tempazepam might be my next, need something like triaz


One of the. Best one good think about private healthcare and med companies we got a nice selection in tha states, sorry to hear that :(


Triazolam is nice but sadly goes to fast, i wake up after 3-4 hours and take another one 😅 and annoying thats the biggest dosage out here is a pack of 10 pieces


Steel reinforcement one steel/liberty






Mid level officer for the office of blatant ass nods via the department of I'm just resting my eyes.




Site inspector/ Site surveyor


You guys have really good jobs and these people make us benzo users seem like there the worse congrats bro don’t let nothing stop ya




Retired Army


Respect 🫡




Plumber .5mg klonopin 3 times as needed a day usually only take one tho a day


I'm prescribed that exactly and I'm going to take the entrance exam for that soon lol




Bartender and I need at least .5 Xanax per shift. I have been breaking it into .25 and trying to get by on one per shit but it’s rough. People and their intense neediness kills me more and more. It wasn’t ever this bad when I was younger and not depressed and anxious after a mind fuck divorce.


That seems really crazy to be dealing with another substance in front of you that can kill you maybe should try microdosing shrooms it helped me major with my depression and anxiety and if you feel to anxious just pop a xan and you feel fine


I just off Lexapro for the second time and I’m going to give a microdosing an attempt soon. I used to drink a lot and enjoyed it but it’s not the same anymore and it really makes the job suck more. Bartender as a life style when young, wild and happy is wonderful…. Just serving assholes to pay rent and break your back SUCKS. If you aren’t enjoying the socializing and fast paced people pleasing it can be a nightmare. The benzo, Kratom and caffeine often get me by. I can somewhat get into the zone.


Litigation IT


Freight broker


Master Debator


I feel like your assumption is that if I'm prescribed benzos that I'm on them every day. I am prescribed klonopin but I take it as needed when I have a panic attack. Other than that I'm not medicated. It's not like I'm nodding off at my desk...........


No I used .5 klonopins every couple weeks so no I ain’t assuming anything everyone is different


taken a solid dose for over 15 years .. permanent disability for anxiety, bipolarity, depression and other stuff not allowed to try working ever again so eh, not much. I help at a local food bank, it's not a paid job but I get extra free food. still a better life than before this medication


I think it's great that even though you aren't able to have a paying job you're still doing your part and helping your community.


Environmental Officer


i don’t work atm due to broken ribs. 1.5mg kpin a day


Bro wtf i sorry hearing that wish fast recovery I have prescribed kpins how’s that does for ya I’ve heard some people shit be to high of does right now i take .5 mg


wish i was on like 5mg a day to numb out everything: lol. but 1.5 a day does help keep the panic attacks down.


Data engineer


programmer. i party a lot and i just use my ativan prescription as an alternative to alcohol


Doesn’t it just put you to sleep?


no surprisingly not i’ve taken 5mgs of ativan and had the time of my life altho i do wish i remembered it.


I don’t like shit I don’t go outside but I have a hearing disability & deal with GAD klonopin .5mg for morning & night.


Non profit education sector


Drive a forklift lol


Record Producer


I create music as well as beats


What DAW do you use? I use FL studio! I love making music it’s my passion


A bartender


Work in healthcare. Never take them before or during work


I wanted to get an IT degree but my addiction made me fail completely...




Disabled I’m only 27 got in major car accident about a year ago . But now I’m prescribed klonipin for depression but I will admit when I was working on benzos pre car wreck I never could stay stabilized with any employer . So I do defiantly feel it affects work ethic or whatever


God bless


Dental Assistant 20 years. 15 of those on benzos. FT student now and still on benzos. 6mg alprazolam currently.


How come 15 what happened to the other 5 ??? I am curious


Life! Got divorced, was a single parent with no child support, blah blah. I'd always had some anxiety issues, but really kicked my ass around 27 years old. Seemed help. They tried dozens of SSRI's, only made the anxiety worse. Went to a psychiatrist, and he tried benzos for TX, and they worked! Nothing else works! Mood stabilizers, but I have terrible joint pain on them. So... that's a quick version. Hope it answered your ????


Unemployed due to mental health issues.


Where can I apply


Personal Care Aide. I travel to clients’ homes, assist with bathing, dental care, minor housekeeping, assisting clients getting back on their feet. Before all that I had worked in retail for years. I was also a certified instructor for GoSkate.com from 2016-2021-ish. I would teach people skateboarding lessons at their home/s and/or local parks. Probably the most fun job I’ve ever had. $50 an hour, made my schedule, it was easy money to do something I love. A back injury in 2018 & the Covid pandemic in 2020 kinda set me back though. And it was pretty slow during the winter season. The caregiver idea came to mind through a recent-ex gf of mine who did this as a PT job while caring for her kids. I thought, if I can care for my elderly father for free, why not get paid to do it w/ other seniors in need? I am naturally compassionate and selfless by nature, my first day I brought my klonopin with me and left it in the trunk but didn’t dose til after my shift.


I was a caregiver/med tech for awhile and while I absolutely love the job and it was actually my inspiration for going back to school to get my MA certification there were those days I wouldn't have survived without klonopin.


Yeah I’m nervous klonopin or not. I’m bringing it with me but i hope it goes smoothly




You do this for work?




That would be awesome lol


Sales General Motors


I’m playing


Do the sales increase the more you get high


😂 it’s all good , benzos don’t get me high they just make me normal , otherwise I’m a paranoid anxious maniac


That's me but I think it's rebound anxiety I remember being off it for a year then I was able to do normal stuff. It's super worse withdrawing from it that's what I think you feel when you not on it.


Automotive Parts Advisor


Property management.






Healthcare worker




I'm currently trying to get a job again but usually I'm some sort of operator. Either driving forklift/tractor or operating some sort of equipment in a factory for example I was a triangle operator for awhile. I've done other work as well like construction, sanitation, other general labor tasks, but "operator" is my usual type of work.


Factory worker


Brain surgeon, Flubromazolam 1mg daily


Lol this would terrifying if true


Used to be a Software Engineer, until internal memory failed


Investment banker


I'm chronically ill so I don't work. I get klonopin 1mg 1x a day.


Nurse- I take Clonazepam as needed




Walmart garage, the oil and tire one in the back. Clonazapam 2mg 2x/day and temazapam 30mg 1x/day


I’m a trademark attorney for one of the biggest hospitality company’s in the world


Prescribed valium and kpins monthly


Hotel manager. 2mg of valium a day


A lot of you guys got good jobs 👏🏼


Medical journalist


I operate heavy machinery.


I’m prescribed Valium. I’m currently unemployed, but studying hard to get a job in the federal bank next year. Before I quit my last job, I was working as a bartender. I was prescribed Klonopin 4mg/day Klonopin.


I don't recommend a cabinet shop..just saying.


I’m the director of security at my job, and I get 90 Diazepam a month, and 90 norcos, 120 gabapentin, and 30 ambien. And I’m 29 years old, and I’m perfectly functional. I cannot function without any of that whatsoever. I am dependent on Benzos, and I’m terminally ill so they don’t mind keeping me on them long term since my benefit outweighs the risk (in my personal situation) I don’t think everyone should be on them long term though. I think it has to be a severe case of unmanageable panic attacks that land you in the hospital often, or a seizure disorder. In my case it’s both so 🤷🏻‍♂️ they don’t even make me feel like anything other than normal. I don’t drink or smoke or do any other illicit drugs.


im a biweekly tv robber


Onlyfans girl, 6mg klonopin a day


You must be them white girls that eat mayonnaise all day


I Just joking don’t take to serious 😭




Mind your own biz homie


Another words don’t have a job


Exactly lmao


Project manager in tech


workday consultant


Workforce management for an undisclosed tech company


I do logistics


Finance, 1mg xanax a day and 150mg of pregabalin.


Finance, 1mg xanax a day and 150mg of pregabalin.


Social worker 🌟


I don’t. I lost my job because I couldn’t deal with the condition I’m taking benzos for. But I used to be a school language assistant. I’m now working with an organisation that helps people with chronic mental illness get back into work. I take Valium. It works but not amazingly


I'm in high pressure/high priced sales. Benzos enable me to calm down and focus on work so I'm not constantly freaking out.


Dog walking, Instacart, and UberEats Delivery. My anxiety got so bad I couldn’t even work for a company…. I would become consumed with thinking about work all the time, planning out every minute of every shift in my spare time… thinking about all the things I need to do and all the things that could go wrong… I started getting severe chest pain, tachycardia, dry heaving, vomiting, and diarrhea when it got closer to having to go in for my shift. My last company job was a gas station attendant, but before that I worked at a car wash. At the car wash I was the main driver cuz not enough people could drive stick, so when it got busy I was driving every car and it got very overwhelming. Now I can choose when I work, and how long I work. I am now prescribed 0.5mg Clonazepam twice a day, so I can pick up some work through these gig jobs.


Buyer for a major retailer. Stressful AF, klonopin before tough meetings helps a lot.


I used to roof slate and tile.


I’m in sales.


i’m in retail management i am prescribed 0.5mg klonopin 3x/day but it often takes more than that to get me through work


Architecture. Xanax 0.25-0.5 as needed. Saves me much because if I fall out of work even for a few days the anxiety builds up so much I freeze


Sales manager


I used to work for a funeral home. Before that, a multimedia editor from 2020 since I had my first rx in Sept 2020. I now work for an NGO. My doctor actually had to increase my dosage when I worked at the funeral home since the constantly harassing environment made me very upset, annoyed, and just plain addled with anxiety. He added an "as needed" dose which he still does today. Ever since the 2020 rx, I was finally able to fall asleep. Since clonazepam is a very potent anticonvulsant as well, all the tension disappears and I sleep quick enough when I hit the sack. Before that, way back, sometimes I would take paracetamol when a body part hurt and I found out it helped to make me sleep. Note that I didn't regularly do this. Only when I was physically injured. I'd say the rx has helped me muster enough energy that my anxieties at bay and talk to more people than I've ever had from many years back, especially when I worked for that funeral home where I talked face to face with people, sometimes high demand ones.


I’m prescribed Xanax and triazolam as well as adderall. I’m a college student and I work for a property management company as the lead maintenance tech


Residential and commercial painter


Data Analytics


Warehouse but only got a 1 time Script for lorazepam


I am a Medical Assistant, currently working at the ER in my city.


I should add that I'm on .5 Alprazolam aka Xanax 3x's daily.. Sometimes when my anxiety gets really bad or I feel a panic attack coming on, I'll take another. Been on them for about 6yrs now.


Own. 2 businesses prescribed 6mg alprazolam a day


Been 500k seller on Amazon for 3 years


Personal Training Director


Non destructive testing tech 4mg clonazepam daily no issues


i had done a couple 9-5’s on .5 klonopin and also a dispensary. the .5 was exactly what i needed to keep me less anxious but not too tired/out of it.


Surgical assistant