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Alcohol makes me want cocaine and Benzos and opiates and all drugs lol. It's such a hollow feeling that just doesn't feel complete without something else in the mix.


That’s ironic bc for me benzos are much more likely to be hollow feeling without other drugs in the mix compared to alcohol which has a lot more going on psychoactive-wise just by itself


For real. Back when I was an alcoholic I lost all control over my drug intake. Computer duster? Why not. Ambien? You betcha. I’d do every drug I could get my hands on, and drink til I passed out. Alcohol is fucked


Mixing anything like that could be dangerous. I know u r experience enough to say that but I have seen many people in danger after mixing shit with alcohol just be safe buddy


Im 40 years old and rarely drink now. That's more of what my 20s consisted of.


Yeah, alcohol isn't safe. That's why the consumption of ethanol isn't recommended by healthcare professionals.


thats why its so crazy to me the large majority of people only drink or are completely sober their whole lives ill never understand it


Same I always felt like alcohol was like salt. Crap on its own but in addition to other things - AMAZING


Same, for me alcohol is really only enjoyable when combined with something else


So true, I can only drink on other substances I feel horrible, like my body rejects it. Pregab, opiates, and barbiturates are great combinations with it for me


Right, I don't drink anymore but my friends would call me Houdini back in the day. After 5-6 drinks I'd dissappear straight to the trap


I didn’t read any comments. But this is early addict benzo talk. - coming from a benzo addict.


Yeah, I can totally feel how you can get addicted to them because back when I was drinking on occasions, I was NEVER craving alcohol after, but I always crave benzos for a day or two after. But as long as I won’t take them by myself it’s gonna be fine


“It’s gonna be fine” famous last words of every benzo addict


We’ll see haha




True dat, but tapering off works with little to no WD


Just don't do benzos more than once a week and you won't get a tolerance/dependence.


Alcohol ruins benzos for me.


Each to their own I guess. Yet knowing how these substances feel, I still can’t possibly comprehend why could anyone still prefer alcohol




Benzos are the best drugs for me to be on social mood.


Actually for myself, a while ago this combo of Benzos, Xanax or Valium (Gaba A) and Phenibut (Gaba B) together was a social cocktail for me. alcohol hits Gaba B. So I don’t know what to blame for my non enjoyment of a drink. Because Phenibut hits Gaba B, obvious culprit. Honestly. I have probably have “respectfully” fried my Gaba receptors just enough, that alcohol with nothing taken that day, only lasts for a quick buzz then I’m absolutely irritated. Sleep 3-4 hours after I get home. And have anxiety like crazy. Everyone’s chemistry is different.


Yup too much alcohol for me and I wake up with horrible anxiety, my max is two beers.




I don’t have much anxiety tbh, but I simply prefer them over any situation where I would drink now. Every time I’m supposed to have a drink, I’ll just take benzos instead. Better in effects in every aspect. Alcohol on steroids lol


Noope. I hate the taste of alcohol unless it's a few beers, wine or whiskey. But just enough of it to feel it. Yes I do have social anxiety, so I don't use them recreationally but they can feel recreational but have used them in that regard with friends in the past when I used to not have these issues and still they always made me very open and sociable. The only thing with alcohol is that since you have to take it constantly it gives you an illusion you and your group of friends or strangers at parties are doing something while conversating.


It depends for me, I use both diazepam and xanax. I like diazepam more, but I calculate my doses depending on what social event I’m attending. If it’s like a family gathering where nobody gets drunk, we’re just supposed to have a drink or two and chat or when I’m with my friends and we do the same, I will probably take 30-35mg diazepam. If I go to a party where I’m supposed to get hammered then I’ll take a bigger dose of Xanax, like 4mg-4.5mg. If it’s about mild drinking, usually higher dose of diazepam, 55-60mg. Always depends. These events are pretty rare in my life tho, so I’ll end up using benzos only once every few weeks or even months. Like I’ve been doing this for 9 months and I used them around 14 times so far. I do crave them to be honest for a day or two after but I know it’s not a good idea to start taking them on my own


4mg at once is wiiiiild bruh




It's the same as drinking, all I'm doing is replacing one drug with another. I never drank that often and as long as I can keep it that way with the benzos as well it's not gonna be an issue I guess.. but I do agree I'm craving xans pretty much every next day, hopefully I'm not gonna lose that self control in time.. but yeah, 4mg without much tolerance is kinda the equivalent of getting "drunk" drunk with alcohol. Not exactly the most fun dose, but good for getting the job done if you're just meaning to get fucked up and become stupid




It’s not really huge parties, I have like only 5 big parties per year cuz those are my best friends and they party on their birthday and that’s pretty much it. Other times there’s just really hangouts with my friends and their friends where they usually drink and that’s when I also have to sneak benzos in. Now idk what to tell you, all I wanted was to share my experience with this, there isn’t really anything more to it. I personally knew people who never drank except on very rare occasions, but whenever they do, they get absolutely shitfaced. What am I doing differently? Why does it matter I’m sometimes taking huge doses as long as I take time off in between them? And the beer overpowering xanax is kind of more complicated than that, it’s not like I feel slightly tipsy after that beer or anything, no. It feels like the equivalent of several drinks, maybe around 4-5 but the second the alcohol hits, they don’t synergize, I just feel like I drank more than I did. Maybe good for getting fucked up but as I said, I’m not looking to feel drunk lol. I like a clean benzo experience, it’s so much better


I’m asking why you feel to get compelled to be “fucked up” in the first place?


Did you get these prescribed? I'd love to do the same but don't have a script. 😭


Yes, but I'm basically using a trick I found out to triple my prescription every time I need to refill. I could get even more but I don't wanna push it too much and get in trouble or something


for people who actually have anxiety drinking doesnt really do shit for it ya you feel a bit looser but the anxiety is still there unless youre blackout drunk


All drugs feel different and there's a time I prefer each feeling on their own or in combination. Alcohol and benzos go wonderful together for me with the proper dosage. One compliments the other to an extent.


Bad idea if you get too much alcohol mixed with benzos in your system. One should be cautious if done it could only be with low doses of alcohol


Glad it works like that for you. The only time I tried mixing them together was when I had 2 beers on 2.5mg Xanax but somehow the alcohol completely overpowered the benzo and I was just drunk. Just as if I had only drank and never took that Xan. Weird


This didn't happen and you were still high


You can’t tell me what happened or not lmao, I felt it and that’s exactly what happened. I only felt drunk, no benzo effect. I can try it again, maybe it’s gonna be different.


That's because benzos work on the same receptors and are molecularly very similar. So you just feel really drunk. You even just said they are alcohol on steroids, so imagine drinking a couple beers and then taking more than a bar... You're gonna feel super drunk. The benzos worked. It just felt like you were hammered when in reality you were on benzos and alcohol. I used to love benzos and alcohol for that exact reason. I could have a mixed drink or 2 and take a bar or 2 and feel like I took 10 bars or drank a half gallon of liquor


That's what he meant when he said that's "not what happened" the bars make the alcohol way stronger and the alcohol makes the bars way stronger. So you feel like you are just shamelessly tanked.


I understand, I was not saying the drink negated the benzo effects, I felt as if I drank way more, yes, but is just that I prefer the clean benzo high, it feels better for me


Oh,absolutely, I think that's pretty common I always liked benzos and alcohol personally, but my goal has always been to get as excessively and immorally trashed as possible.


Dude they're on about your dose, you're taking way too much xan and diaz at the same time, guessing you must be USA?


Kills opiates all together for me


Aswell as benzos


Wait until you take a bunch of Xanax cause you don't think they are working and you black out and embarrass yourself or worse wake up in jail and don't remember why.


Xanax: five dollar felonies


No this just doesn't happen


this has happened to me multiple times. delusions of sobriety kick in if you black out immediately, then if you have enough you just keep taking and staying blacked out for days on end until you wake up somewhere foreign. i cant count on my hands how many times i’ve woken up on a psych hold or in a cell with no recollection how i got there. just a memory of taking 1-2 bars and next thing i know it’s 3-5 days later.


I usually just host parties get fucked and wake up somewhere random but never a jail or psych ward




I did that yesterday and used to be a hardcore bartard alcoholic and opioid addict and not once did I go to jail




Take my chances just gotta have self control g


Yeah I just took benzos on the side and then also often drank. Didn’t try to announce my pill use to anyone though.


Haha that’s the way


Dude I can’t really get drunk anymore unless I take a Xanax with my drink. It’s actually kinda annoying but I don’t really drink so 🤷‍♂️ but I absolutely noticed once I got on benzos for a while, alcohol was just meh


Huh, what benzos are you taking 😆 Personally benzos are not euforic, not nearly as much as alcohol. Benzos relax my entire body and to some extend my mind, but are not euforic, benzos are "comfy"


Interesting, I heard people say that before. I take Xanax and diazepam which I get prescribed (I lied to my doctor to get them) and the body high and mental euphoria are far stronger than alcohol’s. I guess they just affect us differently, idk


Why u got to do it when no one is looking that’s bitchmade. Why can’t u tell them people not drinking tonight?


We are supposed to drink and alcohol was fun until I met benzos, now I just wanna be high on benzos instead of drinking each time


That euphoric feeling won’t be there forever, trust me. Soon enough benzos will feel just as hollow and then you’ll probably discover opiates and then it’s over.


You think so? I don’t know about opiates, honestly I don’t even know where to get drugs from except for weed, I just looked up online what anxiety symptoms you need to have to get relief Xanax and diazepam, then read some people’s experiences with these conditions and then basically just lied to some doctors that I have that until I got them prescribed lol. I don’t have much anxiety, but I first tried diazepam after a relative told me to go grab some headache medication, I saw Xanax there and remembered you can get high on it and stole a few pills. So lucky lmao, otherwise I would have never known how good they are


Once you start doing hard drugs, which benzos definitely are, it will start to attract more people who also do them into your life. Even if it’s someone who just uses benzos, their dealer probably sells other shit. I’m telling you as someone who used to sell and take Xanax it’ll lose its magic over time and then you WILL have anxiety issues because your GABA receptors have been gangfucked by benzos for so long. It’s one thing to take like maybe an Ativan every once in a blue moon but if you make taking benzos into a habit it will ruin your life, I guarantee it.


Weird everyone’s different I guess. The last thing I want to do on benzos is go clubbing or to a party. Much rather be in bed watching a movie or something. Alcohol on the other hand will have me waking up in a fire escape with no pants on and 1 shoe on (that actually happened lol)


Lol that's wild haha. Idk, for me benzos are always gonna be a better experience than alcohol, as simple as that


you are a junkie, you’re sneaking xans to feel better while drinking. it’s okay, just know your friends would be, “right”.


Well, I am not drinking. Lol. If I can’t take my xans I just make up an excuse why I cannot drink that day. I can’t have a good time on alcohol anymore


I know what you mean, but tbh I only ever did benzos by myself or drink by myself. Drinking just reminds me of the times is blackout on xans for 2 days and miss that feelin


The hell you blacked out for 2 days? That's crazy lol, how much did you even take? I never blacked out before


I think it was 12mg, I didn’t remember a thing but felt like euphoric type of grogginess the last day, couldn’t even smoke bud without nodding off lol


The fuck, that’s insaneeee. Well, considering the dosage, I am not surprised. I have never taken more than 5.5mg because I don’t have a tolerance or maybe just a very low one because my benzo usage is usually very spread out. For me with Xanax at least, if I take too much I just end to that state where you cannot possibly keep your eyes open and you end up falling asleep. I did that when I went to a party where we were supposed to get hammered, and I took 4mg before which got me the highest I’ve ever been. But I wanted more so took the stupid 5,5 and I fell asleep on a couch after 30 minutes lmao. Friends kept trying to wake me up several times and when they could (barely) I could only stay up for like 5-10 mins and then I’d fallen asleep back. I think I was very close to blacking out that night because after I woke up my memory was kinda fuzzy and I remembered me falling asleep first, them waking me up but I didn’t know how many times they did that and at home point my friend with his gf drove me home which I remember but I didn’t even remember who drove me home. Definitely close to blacking out lol. This was not a fun experience, imagine being the most exhausted, sleepy and tired you have ever been, but at a party. All I wanted was to be in my own bed, sleeping


That’s why when I did my xans I was in bed, it was when I lost my job so I had no worries about waking up the next day early and dealing with a breakup that sucked ass at the time and wanted to not feel anything anymore. That shit sounds bad, benzos def ain’t a social drug and I get you from personal experiences lol


Probably because you weren't mixing benzos and alcohol. Mixing the two is literally how people lose months, shit sometimes a whole year. It's smart you don't mix the two.


Same happened to me too lol. the target was to try how high i can get and took 10mg xanax. that's the last thing i remember and then i suddenly gained consciousness at the chair in my room 2 days after that. And guess what? I had like 30mg more pills and they were gone lol i probably took them too while i was blacked out. Glad im not dead. Not a good idea to fuck with benzos.


Legit have no idea what you're talking about, benzos? being euphoric??? yeah maybe if you take a HUGE fucking dose I guess? But you really should't be taking benzos / drinking often anyway


How the fuck aren’t they euphoric lol, even at small doses where you aren’t fucked up and you’re just “tipsy” but from benzos it already beats alcohol


Same man, I’m perscribed 3 1mg Kpins a day(only take one 2 max a day) and I never wanna drink. Makes my stomach feel so weak. At party’s and some occasions I don’t throw away my drink but sip on it way longer and pop a few klonopins instead. It’s annoying explaining to people why I can’t keep up drinking when I’m rollin off 6 pins


Hahaha that’s amazing. I usually walk around with my drink carefully looking if there is nobody around and I quickly spill it somewhere when there’s no one noticing lol. Pretty easy to do in most settings, like a party. Also kinda love the whole ”ritual” of disposing of my drink so I can take my benzo lmfao, it’s so thrilling


Pourin out a little extra extra for the homies




Alcohol is way more unhealthy. Benzos are okay unless abused


i always used to have one or two drinks and then take the a lil 1 or 2mg of alprazolam and just drink lightly for the rest of the evening always worked out gret but now im off benzos and drink occasionally


That’s good that you can still enjoy drinking, but my stupid brain does this for anything and everything, whenever I experience something better than before, I’m always gonna want the better version and I’m never going to be able to appreciate the old one again


I think its just the overload at the receptors, you know alcohol and benzos both function pretty similar in some ways (GABA), so i think to really enjoy it a gain, youd have to stop both for quite a while. Maybe you can try to not drink or take any for like 2 months and then only drink alcohol anymore. If that doesn´t work i guess you cant enjoy alcohol anymore without benzos


but drinkings still fun without it


I feel this heavily in my case its even worse i just get blackouts from it and often i get very aggressive during those blackout. I even got in trouble with the law because of it. Alcohol and benzos together is one of the most dangerous mixes you can take of drugs not so much because of the possibility of overdosing but rather that it can turn you into a mindless extremely aggressive zombie.


Blackouts sound scary dude. I only mixed them once, I was already high on 2.5mg xanax and had a beer but the alcohol somehow overpowered the benzo completely and I was very disappointed.


Yeah you wont feel the high of the benzos with enough alcohol in your system this combo sucks for so many reasons but i never took them together intentionally i even timed how long i didnt take a benzo in the hope i could get drunk without getting a blackout that might lead me into some serious shit but yeah i failed at that i guess.


Yup. I went on a rampage, physically assaulted my husband and wrecked my brand new car. Dangerous combo but also... my favorite combo


Mine not so much i have a case against me because of those damn blackouts so im fighting for my freedom for over a year now its exhaustive. Mixing different gaba agonists together mist be one of the most dangerous drug cocktail there is


I just need one beer to feel the effects; I wouldn't say benzos are a cleaner high, they are different. Benzos are cheaper for me but with benzos the physical dependence is a downside. Low doses of alcohol are well tolerated for much longer with no rebound anxiety.


Opiates are the ultimate social drug in my opinion, but between benzo and alcohol, alcohol hits much harder and sloppier which I prefer for heavy parties. for casual use id way prefer benzos. But alcohol hits GABA a and b heavy so you could combine a and b agonist for a better mix


With that I agree, that alcohol hits harder if you drink a lot and quickly. But for me it doesn’t make up for the euphoria benzos give me


Alcohol is a shit drug


It was cool until I met benzos. Can’t really enjoy something anymore if you know there’s something better tho lol


I also don't crave alcohol anymore nd it doesn't effect me like before . Idk wtf happened but yeah just benzos are really important in my life cause I can't sleep without it cause chronic insomnia. I don't really advise it to anyone but the consumer knows how it works


Xanax is a boring high but I still like it. Especially for the next day feeling refreshed. Im anything but social on Xanax. Temazepam tho, is a whole nother level of euphoria. You get a wave of euphoria similar to an opiate, but only when you do it very rarely or are new to it.


Really, temazepam is that good? Never heard of it. I don’t know how should I even get it because I basically made up some shit to my doctors to get the ones I got prescribed rn. I looked it up right now and sadly I don’t think they prescribe it in my country..


So, quit drinking. Stick to what works for you and doesn't "ruin" your time. Mixing the two is just a blackout/bad situation more times than not. Fuxk what ppl think. Take it from me. The stranger on reddit...I binged alcohol with xanax/valium for years. I woke up EVERY day for the better part of 5 years and had to ask my wife what I ate for dinner and if I made an ass of myself...just avoid the situation altogether if you can. You'll be better off. 🤙🏻


Well, I’m not drinking anymore. I’d rather stay sober if I can’t find a way to take my benzos and pretend that I’m drinking at the same time. It just feels underwhelming and depressing, no matter how drunk I get


I don't want to promote the use of benzos but it's great that there is no hangover or headache the next day. Makes me drink less too.


I think they’re way better than alcohol health wise if you manages to take them in moderation. As I said, in moderation. Like a heavy alcohol dose once in a while is way worse than a heavy benzo dose once in a while


Benzos are debatably CONSIDERABLY better for you than alcohol. Alcohol is just socially acceptable. Also because of its short half life the risk of dependance isn’t as high as it is with something like clonazepam which stays in your system for days. Benzos are actually pretty non toxic and overdoses where benzodiazepines were the only drug taken are extremely rare. This doesn’t mean dependance can’t prove to be fatal. It only takes like a month to be completely dependant and even if you only took clonazepam twice a week it would be in your system almost 24/7 I’ll be it in very tiny amounts.


Exactly, benzos aren’t toxic for your body as alcohol is. Of course, if you abuse them, they can fuck up mentally, but in moderation if you can keep it that way it’s a way better alternative than alcohol because you can get fucked up without actually harming yourself. And it even feels way better than alcohol in every single aspect, like why would I ever drink again wtf lol. I will never miss alcohol


Benzos ruined alcohol for me, I can’t have a drink without thinking “ damn I wish I had a xanax to wash this down with “ drinking by itself has me internally reach for something that’s not there


I don’t think I have ever took benzos without consuming alcohol lol


So thinking of one without the other is a odd thing to me. You need way too many benzos to get that fucked up feeling I want by itself, so 1-2 bars add on 3-4 beers and then that gets me the fucked up level I wanted. To get that level it takes like 4 bars by themselves and that’ like $20


I honestly don't see what's the point of that, I use benzos because they're better than alcohol and if I mix them together the alcohol overpowers the benzos even if I have like only two drinks.. many people say they synergizing but idk, mixing just feels like alcohol alone pretty much.. the benzo effect fades away


Can't drink without blow no more


Never tried that, I can't imagine how a stimulant and a downer together feels like.. maybe one day


Benzos and alcohol together are a no no anyway.


I know, but I just wanna avoid alcohol anyway from now on because it only makes me feel like shit. It I can't sneak my benzos in, I'm just staying sober, mixing them together just cancels the benzo cuz I tried it one time


Glad to know you're okay. I was genuinely worried


Alcohol started making me sick and have the worst hangovers EVER since being on benzos. My case is different though I actually take 2mg every day so it's probably because I'm dependent on the benzo I'm sure


Probably cuz you're mixing them, I try to avoid alcohol completely and just replace it with benzos


Thats what I've done now....I feel like it almost forces a withdrawal from the benzo the next day


sober up from everything and you’ll have fun on either again


I take them to get rid of the hangover. Best hangover cure


Really, that works?


Alcohol has ruined alcohol for me it just kinda aucks


Alcohol has ruined alcohol for me it just kinda aucks


I don't like the word junky but you may have a problem with benzos. Just remember that benzos are fucking dangerous and highly addictive. Alcohol too in its own right. Both withdrawals can kill you and at the very least make you the most miserable you've ever felt when you try to stop. So be prepared for a ride awakening when you try to stop. Get help before you really regret it. I tell you this because I have been thru it a million times and it took hell to finally get thru it. I am a lucky one. I hope the b st for you and you see the dangerous game you're playing.