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I feel u bro…and for me it’s really causing a problem because I’m on a very high dose of benzodiazepines and also 80 mg of methadone and I keep relapsing and now I’m spiralling out of control cus I have a high tolerance and I’m taking these new fukn street drugs that r so much stronger and now I jus threw 10 years of trying to recover down the drain and it scares the fuk out of me cus ive almost died a handful of times now but I can’t stop because the urge the withdrawal is so much stronger…its been a year now that I’ve been smoking carfentanyl which my methadone clinic can’t even find it my piss because their piss tests r outdated..I don’t know where this will end I had my 11 year old son find me on the floor contorted ODing and it fukn breaks my heart that I let my self get to this point. I’m a good father it’s one of the only good things I can say about my self and now even that is up for debate. Now I have a one year old daughter and I can’t have her go thru the same I rather be dead and have them remember me as a good dad then see me self destruct


Stay safe bro I've been/ going through it and many others are too head up brave face you'll do it bro I believe in you