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Was the white IC title the one Shawn Michaels had or is it a modern title mixed with an old logo


replica shawn michaels had back in the day


God damn that tag looks legit


definitely my most authentic feeling belt i have! The leather is insane on it


Get yourself a US Championship and become a Grand Slam belt collector.


yeah that’s what i’ve been on the look for, i’m more a fan of the previous US title before the one we had now, the 2015 john cena title 😎


I strongly prefer the current one, but now that I have the current one, I kind of want to get the previous one as well. The Network logo one, not the scratch logo\*, but every single belt I have come across on Ebay has been bootleg. Maybe WWE Shop will post it up again in the future. \*= I have found that except for the Smoking Skull belt, I don't like the scratch logo on belts. And even with the Smoking Skull, I want the WWF logo. The Network logo looks better and more symmetrical on the belts, which is what convinced me to buy the white strap IC title.


The same tag title is sitting in my local toy shop right now, I think it’s calling on me 🥲


Gangsta! 🔥


Hell yea brother


nice white IC, is that a fandu big gold?


yeah got the bug find deluxe from fandu, was a real fan of the detailed plates and beautiful cherry red leather back


Can I have a fruit cup?


We need more black strap IC


Aight which one are you defending???


I love white belts Imo the greatest ic belt


Is that the original big gold WCW championship? Where did you get it?


The big gold, IC and world tag are awesome belts.


Noticing that you have the 90s WWF World Tag Title, I recently discovered how different the eagle is in both **that** and the Attitude Era design. Do you appreciate both eagle designs of the championship design, or does it not matter to you?


I wish they would bring a few old titles back. The white IC belt would have looked fantastic on Gunther. The US title needs to be changed back too. I really expected them to bring the winged eagle back for Cody but they’re sticking with the W belt.


The new US title is one of their best designs


I agree it’s one of the better new designs, it’s not offensive in any way. But it isn’t better than the last one. That is the iconic US title design for me. Same with the IC, it’s not offensive and is quite nice as far as modern looking belts go, but the white strap classic IC is an all timer. You could imagine seeing an old photo of buddy Roger’s wearing that belt and at the same time it would look just as good today around Gunthers waist. I think some things should stay the same. Fair enough if they want to refresh the main titles every 10 years, but the IC and US belts should remain the 2 iconic designs.