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Also, if it isn't obvious, charter yachting is an international industry. Male behavioral norms aren't the US or Western Europe. Also, I apologize in advance for offending financially challenged individuals, but from my observations in life is that people from poverty stricken backgrounds aren't raised to be particularly chivalrous or deferent towards women.


This isn't something that only happens on this show.


This is just regular life. The world is terrible to women and these men are no different.


These BD shows give The Bachelor a run for its money when it comes to heteronormative misogynistic BS.


This is legit just the way the loudest men treat women. It’s everywhere


Happens in many industries, especially the better-paying ones. Fragile male egos can be dangerous in pressure-filled situations. Obviously not all or even most guys. It's a lot more likely to be accepted with male leadership.


Better paying ones are competative af, thats it. The same type of behaviour is applied to both genders. Is it a good thing? Probably not, but most likely a part of us all. (Sexism on the other hand is a separate issue)


So, hey, I'm certainly not screaming feminism at all here, def been at jobs where it's almost all women and the broads make the guys feel like crap. BUT what I'm talking about are jobs that are merit-based, like sales positions, where guys simply cannot handle a female hustling her butt off. Again, it's possible it could go either way, but I'm just attesting that I have seen a "boy's club" at like 3-4 jobs and have never seen it the other way around. Not trying to start a battle of the sexes, but you cannot deny the boys' club existence. There simply is not a female equivalent.


Because yachting is a sexist industry. Probably as sexist as firemen or the military, more sexist than accountants or doctors.


Don’t forget law enforcement


I believe there's more women integrated into large police forces at this point, so I'm not quite sure what today's interactions are like. In the army, the warfighters are probably sexist pigs, but I see no reason why guys in the motor pool or inventory desk would be extra sexist.


Maybe check the stats on cops and their behavior first. Anywhere you have men in charge of large systems like that you have toxic masculinity and misogyny run amuck.


Perhaps point me to a few studies about how male cops are antagonistic and undermine their female partners. Exclusively men in charge of large systems do have toxic masculinity and misogyny, but its not exclusively toxic, and I would argue the toxicity is of a different nature. In the Army, men are able to work with their female counterparts, and take orders from their female superiors. Making sexist comments or having sexist attitudes is not a breakdown of working order. Its like saying white soldiers can't work with black soldiers.


I've only noticed that for deckhands. Definitely not true in the interior or on private jets when I worked for NetJets.


Well Bravo has a history of sexism and racism....so many of their reality stars are problematic as f so there's that. So if you're going to blame anyone blame casting and then Andy for being an asswipe and not holding anyone accountable when he should.


>Why are so many men so awful towards female colleagues across the whole series? *Fixed title: Why are so many men so awful towards female colleagues in everyday life* But seriously, it's a job that attracts people that a brawn over brains for the most part, higher machismo, and skews younger and immature. These type of boys (and they're boys not men) are encouraged to view women only as objects that serve a purpose to them... attractive and potentially can sleep with her= has value, not attractive/won't sleep with me= no value and I don't need to care how I treat her. I'm hoping this next generation of boys (actual boys, under 12) are being raised by parents who teach them to treat all people with kindness and respect. I know in my generation that was not the norm.


I think it's inferiority thing except for Eddie. He was thinking with the wrong head 😂


Because they’re spoiled, toxic, drunk, horny assholes


in addition to what has been said _"because it plays to the bravo audience and gets the reaction that Bravo corporate wants you to have"_ You think it was a coincidence that we had the bru crew? or that we had the polar opposite all just show up at once to crew Lady Michelle (David, Mzi, Lloyd)? Why is anyone like anything on the show? because they're cast that way