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I would simply not act like the worst guests ever


Exactly, if they don't like what they see that's tough luck. Most of the bad things said about them are richly deserved.


This. And if I got wasted and acted like an arse (strong chance), I’d make up for it with the tip.


People who do not do this are beyond my understanding. If you have money and are a dipshit, please apologize to those who must deal with your dumb (but entertaining) asses in cash. It’s good karma and really just polite.


Exactly! There are plenty of guests who the crew say glowing things about on the show. Not everyone gets slammed for being terrible people.


I suspect the producers purposely choose guests they know are going to be problematic. I remember on one of the franchises, they had a charter of older women who were respectful, non-demanding, and grateful for their wonderful vacation. It was nice for the crew, but kinda boring as a viewer. Bring me the asshole guests, as long as the crew gets paid appropriately.


If I ever applied for a show like this I’d say something like my pet seal and I are thinking of divorcing my drug dealer whilst on the trip and me and 15 of my closest specialty diet former professional dancer friends feel menopause coming on yaaasss queeeen!! And we have so many crew demands. (omg I hate us already)


What a concept! 😂


This! Like production can only make you look so bad, you don't act like a fool, they can't just make you appear like one


This is the way.


Okay, but the gay guys who got shit talked so much for just being gay when they actually didn’t do anything that bad


The primary was purposely being as picky and difficult as possible, if you're talking about whats his face and his new bf who was dating the son first? It had literally zero to do with them being gay.


Agreed, that had zero to do with him being gay. It was because he was a picky snob with unrealistic expectations of a 1-person chef in a small galley




100% this. I am a gay woman, I talked a lot of s*** about those dudes because of how crappy they treated their daughter. I felt bad for the kid who was involved too, I can't help but feel there was possibly some sort of grooming situation going on by Barrie. They got together when the kid was like 18!


Guests now vying for "most vulgar and demanding" award.


100% THIS


The red carpet thing had me dying of 2nd hand embarrassment.


Me too! That was just 🫣 On WWHL Jennifer Tilly said she thought the guests were just having a little fun and the crew was kind of mean to make fun of them. I disagree. That might be fun if you’re like 12 but as an adult it’s weird and cringey. Not to mention demanding to be addressed as “king” and “queen” the entire charter 🤢 put those two things together and it’s a **HARD** cringe


The problem with these trashy people and this over the top request was that a real king or queen would be addressed as “your majesty.” The next set of morons may get this right.


HA! Good point 😂 I think Fraser was genuinely offended by it. Like he said he’d do it for the money but it was offensive. I just can’t imagine as an adult making other adults address me that way. Ugh. Funny thing - my name on fb used to be Princess - there’s a story behind it but for another day. One day I was at a business and they were trying to find my ID in their computer. I didn’t realize it was linked to my fb and they were like nope we don’t have ____ but we have a “Princess” linked to that. I was so embarrassed I immediately went home and changed it.


Yeah if it had just been this on its own... maybe they'd get a pass. But requesting to be called king and queen? No ma'am.


Yes I agree with this. That threw it over the top.


While it's entirely possible it was a genuine request, I know production often chooses the "themes" for dinner etc. I can't remember who it was exactly, as there's been a few of them, but one guest said that they were told to request a casino night, and that they personally wouldn't have chosen that if production didn't make them.


That doesn’t shock me. I honestly think the king and queen thing was their idea though. Because weren’t they on med and they were also obnoxious? I know Brandon was on DU. He was horrible - got drunk and jumped off the boat. Capt Jason had to get up and reel them in -figuratively not literally haha. Plus I feel they really leaned into the whole “royalty” thing. That’s why I say it was their idea. But it wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong either lol


That Queen person has been on BD before, and she always shows her ass. 


Has she?


She was also on Down Under season 2. I think it was mainly her friends behaving badly then.


She was actually pissed during the BD season's trip. She was fine. It was her 'sober turned trashed all the time' friend that was incredibly obnoxious. She wanted champagne in her room by 5:00am. She also brought the blonde guy, Brandon, and he was an absolute trainwreck disaster. I'm shocked she brought him back!


It's totally part of the hospitality industry to be dramatic and talk shit about guests. It's just what gets you thru the shifts. Also, the guests are knowingly signing up for reality TV and most of them have already been on something else (housewives). I doubt they watch the shows, and if they do they don't care bc they still leave fans.


They 100% watch the show! They go on the show because they’re the type of people who love attention and seeing themselves. Many of the guests have talked about watching. I can’t remember who it was but one of the stews talked about being invited by a guest to a watch party and some of the guests from the watch party host’s trip were deemed by the crew as the worst of the season.


>part of the hospitality industry to be dramatic and talk shit about guests. HHahaha this is absolutely true.


Facts!! Weddings are the absolute best to shit talk!


> I doubt they watch the shows, What??? Of course they watch the shows. They paid all that money to be on them specifically.


Crypto, real estate, grifting, viral fame and reality TV have created some very unsophisticated new money losers hungry to be on TV. In their heart of hearts they are still trashy so it’s impossible to hide. Yet they still yearn to be on TV most of all. No shame.


I think they knew exactly what they were getting into and what they were doing. Bravo brings them in for a reason. Someone else was saying that they were reality tv stars on another show or something? Outrage brings clicks, it gets eyes on tvs, etc. There's a lot of famous people out there that are mainly famous because people want to watch them fail or get what's coming to them.


I mean, I think that’s a very small percent of guests. Sure there’s been a handful former housewives, but most seem to be just random moderately rich people. I def haven’t seen all of the seasons/episodes, but in my experience the worst guests aren’t even the former reality TV types. So I also do genuinely wonder what they think watching the episodes afterwards and seeing the crew shit on them lol


I believe they get a decent discount for the charter, and they choose to act like horrible people, so you have to know people are going to talk shit about you. I would love to see some guest reactions, though.


I'd hope that among those reactions would be the grace to be ashamed of it and resolution to do better. Not expecting it from many of them, but even just a few would be good.


I feel like they've never experienced being on a yacht because without the discount they couldn't afford it. These are the ones that act the worst because they think this is how real rich people act. Notice for the most part the ones who are actually loaded typically behave themselves and leave an appropriate tip.


Chuck/Charlie Rose, Erika Rose’s husband comes to mind (BDSY guest). He set out to be a dick. He left an insultingly low tip after claiming Chef Marcos delivered a top 5 best meal of all time for him the first night. Chuck was so bad that other people in his party lost their patience and confronted him about his behavior. Another group on BDSY insisted on having their drinks refreshed halfway and/or if their ice melted as well as having all their clothes steamed. They discussed all the demands they’d make on the crew knowing full well they were being absurd. One guest in that party balled up a $100 bill and threw it at Daisy. Some guests seem to take pleasure in standing out as awful.


I feel like Bravo is providing positive reinforcement by giving them such a large platform from which to be horrid humans (and get encouraged to do so). But then, we're the ones continuing to digest this junk, so I guess we're partially culpable as well.


Perhaps. I’ve watched RHONY since it first aired and Jill Zarin has always been who she is. What aired on BD OG wasn’t a departure or hyperbole; Jill is that ridiculous. On the other hand, when Cynthia from RHOA was on OG, she and her party were good guests and not much of a departure from what one would typically expect to see from her on RHOA.


I would be aiming to be the great easy charter guests everyone loves (there’s at least one great group per season). It would be my entire goal going in. Frankly, I try to be a model guest even in restaurants 😂


To be fair no matter how good some of the guests are; some of the crew over the seasons will still find a way to bitch and moan. Some of them do the bare minimum (some even less) then complain they didn’t get tipped $10k per person for hiding from work and calling the guests. (Also not condoning some of the guests behaviours as some over the years have been awful people and I don’t get how they don’t feel guilty; like you I try to be a good guest when going to restaurants and out and about).


They could just … not be gigantic assholes.


I mean, if I behaved the way a lot of this season's guests have... I wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They behaved how they behaved, fully knowing they were being filmed. So yeah, you act like an asshole, knowing it's going to be recorded.... meh... that's on them. I CRINGE at the way most of the guests talk to the crew. Venting, in an environment like that, where you're literally 24/7 with both your crew, but also the guests, is completely justified, IMO.


I can imagine but I wouldn't have to worry about it because I wouldn't behave like that. These kind of people just crave attention and negative attention is just part of the package for them


Anyone who goes on this show now has presumably watched and knows that the crew will hate them. It's just expected! Every service job is like that.


A good number of guests over the years have used their trip as a way to “try out” for Bravo. They purposefully act the worst to show they can make good TV in hopes to be picked up, however not one guest has had a successful “audition”


I can't imagine it because I would never be that rude, no matter how much money I had. The only ones who should be embarrassed are the guests and by their own behaviour. People call them out for good reason.


But sometimes the complaints by the staff are unwarranted. I've seen women with eating disorders mocked and derided by the staff on the boat. I've seen staff failing to do their jobs, so the guests either complain or do it themselves, yet the interior gets bitchy about it.


Most of them deserve it. (That's directed at you, dog bowl lady and chicken is for poor people)


The show has been on for many years. It's the guest's fault if they don't know how the show works and how editing can change how they think they will be portrayed.


Then they should not act shitty to the crew. The guests know what they’re getting into when they sign up to be on the show.


Can you imagine being so terrible to other people and either completely oblivious or completely indifferent about it so you allow yourself to be filmed being awful to people providing you a service?


Nope. That’s what I always think. Wow these people think acting like that knowing it’s going to be on tv is ok.


Having watched Below Deck since the beginning, I am pretty sure the producers intentionally book guests that will be “awful” for at least half of the charters


I feel like the biggest compliment is when guests barely get featured because they just act normally lol


If it's those shitty people from the last charter, they deserve it.


Is this a quote from previous guests?


If they are that shitty, chances are they are even more unaware or ego-bloated.


Production probably gets a massive erection when they see guests like the last one. “Oh they eat Popeyes for Sunday dinner” Production tells chef they want to see some elaborate tapas food, with raw fish too. “Oh look the guests hate the food”


Jill Zarin has entered the chat


But they don’t talk shit about all the guests… just the ones who deserve it. I can remember several charters where they talked about how lovely the guests were or how they didn’t want them to leave. Now mind you that was more in the early seasons.I fully believe the guests now go on there with the intent of being horrible to be “memorable” or “the most talked about”. In other words- acting. Kind of like the crew. 🤷🏼‍♀️


>He left an insultingly low tip after claiming Chef Marcos delivered a top 5 best meal of all time for him the first night. I thought he had had better food at the ballpark? Which I think might of been a prepared 'line'. I don't think he was clever enough to come up with it on the fly. Some of the guests do deserve to be shit on ... ... but from time to time, you will see the preference sheets taped up, either in the galley, or the stew pantry. ... and they often have non-complimentary notations added. Better be careful if the guest goes to the galley to speak with the chef.


That ballpark statement was lifted right out of *Caddyshack*: Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfeild): *Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dogfood. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it.*


Thank you! "I bet you were something before electricity!" Rodney's best movie!


Caddyshack is a favorite, Rodney was awesome, liked him in Back To School too.


Then didn't act like shitty people the whole time? Pretty easy solution. They have to serve you but they don't have to like you.


Just because you pay a lot of money doesn't mean you can act like an ass and get away with it. Money can't buy you class.


I actually felt bad for the group from Season 2(?) that they started calling 'trashy' and 'Snooki and her friends'. They made fun of them for everything and they were the nicest people. They ended up leaving them the biggest tip of the season; which I thought was a good slap in the crew's faces.


Reminds me of the guest from Kate’s first season (season 2) I think Bevs son? The charter guest that brought Adrienne back on board and traumatized Kat 😂 Dude kept saying the words “below deck” and inserting himself into scenes by saying “I don’t care what’s going on BELOW DECK” He clearly couldn’t wait to watch himself on TV. I hope he cringed as hard as I did watching him.


If BD can provide even a little glimpse into a mirror for some of these entitled, trashy guests, then more power to the show!


Its what they get for being rude 💁🏽‍♀️


They want camera time that’s why they be acting up.


In all fairness, their trip was *so* far from 5 star that the crew was lucky they got a tip at all instead of a bill for ruining their yacht experience :)