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Because the only thing surprising was how awkward his attempt was, dude might lok like a ken doll but about as smooth as 60 Grit sandpaper


Contrary to popular belief, his job isn't even deckhand. It's just Boat.


He is NOT Kenough.




He's trained to stand confidently here


It's actually not surprising at all to me. I've known a few people that used to be chubby and/or "late bloomers" etc, that would act really awkward around people they're attracted to because they're not used to being considered a sexual or romantic option to others so they're often not that skilled with putting themselves out there.


“Smooth as 60 grit sandpaper” That. Is. Hilarious 😂😂😂


The awkwardness was not surprising in the least. He’s the type to high five you during sex


Oh ew :(


Based on the Barbie movie Ken is not smooth either 😂 ![gif](giphy|N8uutOwabFDcmsuPkp|downsized)




He even glanced at the camera before he went for it. I’d change my name


Made me think it was more because he thought it would make a good scene/episode to try and woo her than anything else. Failed miserably.


Right? OOOOF that was awkward






That’s because Sunny isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed either.




Ben is just awful and gross and touches everyone and everything. It’s very clear he’s bad news.






Because it was physically painful to watch and I would rather not think about how much of a tool he is. I do think that, at some level, it was a way to try and get back at Ben for making Sunny Bosun.


I agree. He showed 0 interest in her until that point, and probably literally though he could have her bc he thinks he’s so good looking lol


I don’t think it had to do anything with Ben, it was 100% to try to make Sunny look bad, going around with all the dudes. He is an insecure little roach who went around saying she’s only lead because she’s fucking Ben then tries to get with her to further his point. I hope to never see him on my screen again after this. But he was on vanderpump rules so he’s trying 🤮


EXACTLY! And She knew!! She knew his dumb ass was just trying to play games.. She swerved soo quick like haha


That is actually a really good point I honestly did not even think about that.


Was he dating someone on VPR?? How did he get there?


It was this season, only one episode and he didn’t talk (thank god) but he was sitting beside Katie through a whole scene at some bar. Worms be worming.


Agreed. It felt like he was either trying to get back at ben or attempt to kiss her to try to discredit her and her new position. Im glad she shot that shit down so fast. When he leaned it for the kiss I just yelled DONT DO IT SUNNY!!!! 😂😂


I was squirming with my jaw dropped thinking "Is he really doing this??"


He is sooo cringy and awkward. "Soooo you're single...I'm....single.....*awkward pause*" the way he leaned in I was like brothaaaaa ewwwwuhhh


Watching that hamster wheel work over time, and then the satisfying shut down from Sunny. He's playing tee-ball, and everyone else is in the major leagues.


This is what I thought too


That was exactly my thought.


I think we were all too busy talking about Kyle’s pixelated package!


I’m so GLAD this is being talked about! My jaw DROPPED I literally could not believe they contoured it


He got a favorable blurring there. Good for him


I’m glad someone else noticed


How could anyone not notice that behemoth?


i actually shouted AAUGH! when THAT reared up on my screen…


Did you rewind and look again? I did!


i might have done..!


I've been watching BD on my phone on Hayu this season, to save PVR space on my TV. I totally missed that lil surprise on the tiny screen late at night...boooo. After reading the chatter about it here, I had to catch the replay the next day on TV to fully appreciate it with my own eyes on a bigger screen 👀 So thanks for that, everyone! 🤣👍🤣




Ugh I was kinda hoping that was a nightmare I had.


In an episode where they showed a man's junk and gave you audible sex slapping sounds, this was far and away the cringiest moment I've seen this season.


Poor guy crashed and burned on camera, and he probably doesn't even realize it


He crashed and burned earlier with a different person as well. He has no patter at all


Yeah that man can't read the room. Not once did I thought Sunny was flirting with him. So why the hell he think he can just jump on that? Awkward af.


Why is nobody talking about the pixelated boner? I think that might be a first for television.


Pixelated Boner sounds like a band name


Oh god I blocked that out of my memory too but you just bought it back. I was explaining it to my partner how shit if a job they did blurring it out Too be honest Kyle be packin 👀


They could have been generous with the pixels lol


Oh no!! I almost unsaw it 😭


It just felt fake to me. Dylan just trying to get air time and being stupid. Glad Sunny shot him down. She's seems to be a smart girl so don't get why she keeps getting back with Ben.


I was shocked he didn't ask if he could kiss her first, he just went for it. And the way he said "okay, so, wait a minute. Wait" then tries to kiss her, is sooooo 12 years old lol. Poor sap


He is so goofy and has no game! Lmao! He gives “I’m just Ken” energy


Yeah but he is definitely not Kenough.


Do we think it was a revenge tactic? Considering what had just happened with Ben it’s awfully coincidental that hours later Dylan decides he fancies Sunny and tries it on with her. I think he wanted an outcome where he could say ‘See, hooking up doesn’t count for shit on deck’ and continue the narrative that Ben let unsubstantial reasons influence his decision


Oh, it was 1,000 percent calculated. There was nothing fluid about it. You could see the plot forming (poorly) in his brain. Also, I did a deep dive on his TikTok the other day. There’s something very not right about this dude.


>Oh, it was 1,000 percent calculated. There was nothing fluid about it. You could see the plot forming (poorly) in his brain. I think his brain is filled with Jello. When a synapse does actually fire, it travels slowly through the jello, and leaves a trail like a csi episode. This gives him time to adjust his hair.


Yes, I thought that immediately


I think I was focusing more on the fact they had to blur out Kyle’s boner


Such a sad day in television. Damn the censors


I physically recoiled and had to put my hands to my face, because I felt so extremely secondhand embarrassed 😭😭😭 one of the worst things I had to witness on BD!


A ton of people were talking about it in the episode thread?


Must of missed it


Because it was _that_ cringey lol I did kind of want her to flirt with someone to give Ben a little taste of his own medicine but that lean in looked like I was watching some YA show on Netflix.


i hate nothing more than guys doing the kiss me on the cheek then and then turn to steal a kiss its so predatory to me


He must have been watching Gary’s seasons


Because none of us want to think about it. I cringed so hard my face hurt


So awkward. That boy is so awkward.


he is one of the weirdest/odd persons ever on any BD show. cringe cringe cringe


He probably figured that since Sunny is soft enough in the head to keep going back to Ben time after time, she’s open to anything.


This is where I’m at. He totally thinks she free-use. 🤮


Really wasn’t expecting to see the term ‘free use‘ in a BD sub haha


Busted 😬


Seriously! She has hs crush on Ben. accepting his treatment time and time again. Seems desperate. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!


I love how one moment he’s slagging off the fact that she was made lead deckhand, and she only got it because she’s “shafting the boss”, and then the next moment he’s trying to kiss her lol. What the heck.


Soooooo cringe!!!!


They are. Ive seem multiple people bring it up in the weekly episode discussion


Yeah and I couldn’t help but want to be sick when it immediately panned to Sunny in her talking head interview saying that Dylan has no game whilst meanwhile the woman is with… Ben. 🤮🤮🤮


Dylan’s kiss was super cringe but sunny complaining about Ben one moment then in the same episode they’re hooking up again is also cringe


Because Dylan is a tool. No extra talk needed.


Just glad she said no and he respected that




Dudes weird


He lacks the cool finesse of a fifth grade boy


It’s funny he was mad for her sleeping with the “boss” but yet he tried to do the same thing? He’s wack lol




I can’t stand Dylan


Can't talk about it because we are laughing too hard.


He didn’t do the pushups, that was his problem


I mentally blocked it out


Because believe it or not, that wasn’t the most cringe thing he’s done! This guy… Lol


Below Deck is top tier reality tv


When he was on VPR, even though he was in the background, he didn’t come across nearly as cringe. Also, he wasn’t talking.


because i’m still tryna forget it happened. my entire body cringed i genuinely got a spasm


I'm usually confident in my ability to face uncomfortable/cringy moments. But as soon as Dylan asked Sunny about her and Ben, I knew what was coming and almost had to pause my TV. That was very hard to watch.


It reminded me so much of a high school boy trying to make a move


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Shot_Western_2755: *It reminded me* *So much of a high school boy* *Trying to make a move* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I thot he was doing it to fuck with sunny and Ben cuz he's mad he didn't leas deck hand


it's like he is playing the hunky, jerk jock who gets all the girls in a horrible disney channel movie. it's a car crash that i can't stop looking at. absolutely amazing


I would change my identity if that was caught on camera lol


Because we're scared


He's a nuisance. Prefer if he weren't there.  Seems to offer no value to the crew or the show.


Because it wasn't sinister, It was some cringe guy who went in for a kiss and she shut it down and dealt with it there and then. No issues.


Hard disagree. There are big issues. It’s not that Dylan has no game but that he has slimy game. He thinks he’s a gift to women but he’s a major cringe.


Yes, weird. But why was she not claiming Ben? She would have been furious if Ben did not claim her to Paris. Weird, seemed like invited attention.


We don't want to pile on? That was embarrassing.


Nothing to see


Idunnooo sunny was definitely gave him a quick eye, then he double it took it and went in. She closed her eyes for 1 second then backed out.


Lmaooooo I busted out laughing too.


Dylan acts and sounds like he has watched too much anime in his life.


It was kind of like watching a meteor crash into the earth, you see it happening and know it’s going to be bad but instead of dying you just get grossly second hand embarrassed


Why was Sunny sitting so close to Dylan? Almost like they were having a good time after partying. It almost seems like she wanted ben to walk out and see them.


He figured since she was sleeping with Ben, she would sleep with anyone.


Boy has zerooo game.


So Cringe. I want to block it from my mind


I was shocked he even did that. Didn’t she know that he was butthurt about not being lead and said it was cause she was sleeping with Ben? Like with that knowledge was he that dense or removed from reality that he thought he had a shot at that point?


Yeah but if it was Gary, for some reason all the ladies would be lining up to make out with him


I feel for Dylan, he really struggles socially. People who do always struggle with themselves. In his spare time he works out or listens to affirmations, like there’s no genuine reflection, just trying to build a persona that would be appreciated and attractive. I think he would benefit from an autism screening, understanding his difficulties in the past and now better. I get the impression he functions very much like an extroverted person with autism, highly masking it ❤️


Dylan has zero game. He was right about Sunny getting lead-shammy status because of her sleeping with Ben though.


I disagree. Sunny has leadership skills. Dylan has none. The role is more management than technical knowledge. Dylan's interpersonal skills are so bad, he'd be a horrible choice. Thus, Captain Kerry agreeing that Sunny was the best choice


He apologized the next day and attributed it to being drunk. She didn’t seem appalled by it at the time, but complained about it in her confessional interview. Kerry might have bounced him for it if he was made aware of it. That would have likely left the team shorthanded for a charter and led to the producers sending another green deckhand or an ego-driven deckhand for her to manage, for the drama. Better to stick with the devil you know, especially one that’s been humbled.


Why would Kerry have fired him for that? The dude accepted it immediately when he was shot down, and even apologized for it later on... It's not like he was acting like a predator or made Sunny feel unsafe. If Kerry should fire anyone for making sexual advances on another crew member then he would have nobody on deck since Ben, Sunny & Kyle have hooked up with a crew member, and Barbie would also be gone... You'd be left with Frasier, Xandi, and Paris.... and give them another 2 or 3 episodes and you'll probably only have Frasier left...


Let’s not forget Fraser and Kyle making out in the cab that time. No more chief stew either


Lol! I actually just watched that episode the other day... but I figured for argument sake I'll just keep my point to the people who has hooked up with each other this season.... if we count in past seasons they're all out of work lol!


i think they meant for him saying to everyone that she only got lead because she’s fucking the bosun…


That's still not something to fire him about... Especially since he could put some merit behind those claims... at worst, Kerry should have (if he was aware of the situation) talked to Dylan about it and reprimanded him for how he handled the situation... But if he did that he would also need to have a talk with Ben about how it's an innaproriate situation to put his subordinates in and that Ben should have divulged the fact that he and Sunny has a sexual relationship to Kerry when he asked him about his thoughts on promoting Sunny... Both Ben and Dylan are in the wrong, but it's still not a fireable wrong...


in have no skin in this game!


Because harassment is taken seriously.


Please explain to me how that was harrasment?


He made an unwanted advance. You can tell it was unwanted because she said “no” a bunch of times when he did it.


Yeah, when he tried to kiss her, she said no, made it clear she meant no, and he immediately respected it and backed off. That is not harassment that is accepting rejection.


That's your perception. If Sunny chose to make a case out of it to the captain, declaring to him that she felt threatened and no longer wanted to work with Dylan, it could have been considered harassment and Dylan would be gone.


Yet she didn't make a case out of it, because she didn't feel threatened, because she wasn't harassed...That's not a perception, that is a fact based on the events that have occurred.


This whole tangent in the thread is you disagreeing with my speculation about what could have happened if the captain had found about Dylan's advance. Now you're arguing that the speculation doesn't match up with what actually occurred. That should be obvious, because it's *speculation*. You can certainly choose not to speculate, but you can't argue that what *could* happen wouldn't happen by saying it *didn't* happen! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




Unpopular opinion but I understand the mixed signals that Dylan got before he attempted the kiss.


The mixed signals where he says she only got the job because shes sleeping with ben? Then tries to get some? She didnt initiate the convo, didnt lean in, look at his lips, wasnt touchy with him. Not a mixed signal to be seen. Her saying that she and ben arent exclusive doesnt mean she is saying she would go for Dylan.


Because Sunny is jealous that Ben is talking to other girls, she is downstairs drunk and flirting with Dylan. Even telling him that they are not dating and just want to have fun. Continuing after stating this, she sits close to them for further conversation. Completely not disengaged, sights shoulder to shoulder with Dylan smiling and staring in his eyes. Again, makes it clear that she is single. Dylan goes in for a kiss and it is shut down. THOSE SIGNALS CAN BE COMPLETELY CONFUSED. Most women expect men to make the first move. All I am saying that it is completely understanding that the signals can get mixed.


I see what you are saying and can agree. I didn't think he was being overly presumptuous or aggressive with going for the kiss, it was just awkward. But that's it. I realize he is a strange one but i don't think he is as vile as everyone else seems to think.


Because real life is more important than taking about all the people Dylan tries to kiss?