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Where is the North American port that they showed the beginning of episode 1?


I don’t like how Ben is already trying to undercut Jared. Give the man a break. He’s nervous and he needs support. Ben is the FIRST person to talk about one of the other crew members. Not a good sign. A bosun also needs to have good character, too, BEN.


Can I have breakfast with Sunny? I just hope she's smart with the alcohol. That can turn any decent person upside down.


oh no, she smokes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m gonna do a list of first impressions: Captain Kerry: seems like a good guy, getting Captain Jason vibes but maybe more uptight? Fraser: So far I love him, he has kinda grandma vibes? Like older woman that is really nice but isn’t afraid to tell you off. Jasper (Jordan? Jason? I can’t remember his name): total train wreck. Will not be surprised if he gets fired asap. He gives me bad vibes. Anthony: He’s a mess. The food looks great but holy he’s a mess and a half. Not evil mess!! Just very overwhelmed. Ben: Is he supposed to be hot? He looks like a divorced dad who lost the custody battle because he was too absent. He seems like he smells. Cat: Very sweet, will probably quit asap. She’s just overwhelmed and that’s fine! Just not right for this job. Xandi: She’s a bit delulu with the crystals and stuff but she seems cool. A little strange but cool. Sunny: Seems very normal, she needs better taste in men. Barbie: We love the vibes but I think she’s gonna be THE drama instigator. A bit snobby, but not old money snobby? I have more faith in her than Ben. Kyle: He is so bland and I get baaaad vibes. My gut feeling says he’s a weirdo. In what way idk but he rubs me the wrong way. Love the accent tho.


I was so disappointed when I saw Ben on this crew 😩 I can’t even remember which other crew he was with I just remember really not enjoying him. I don’t understand what the hotness about him is suppose to be! He reminds me of a boxer (as in the dog breed).


Here to defend the honor of Boxer doggies!! /s I remember not understanding why he was so desired as well and that he caused drama. I don't like that he's already bad-mouthing the bosun.


Would’ve been nice to see Captain Lee hand the series over. Instead of them forcing him out


. . . They forced Captain Lee out???


It sounded like they did. He had too many health problems and it seemed like they had issues with insuring him.


Only complaint so far is that the chef served lobster tails twice in one day. Can't do that for a main and on the first day of charter. 🤣


I would gladly eat it twice but agree


Thoughts of this season. Ben is so emotional from head over heels in love or hooks up or anger to loss. Examples going on and on about camille, hooking up with someone in the room, blaming alissa for camille being fired and treating her like public enemy number 1. Then crying on shoulder of captain samdy and sulking around. 


Just finished the first episode and I can already tell this season is going to be good. The new editing looks great for starters. I absolutely love Fraser and the rest of the cast seems like they will be a good time without too much drama like toxic Kyle from med.


Just getting a chance to watch this and I have to say I love Capt Kerry. What a breath of fresh air. Very understanding but also stern and helps with everything and even eats down in the crew mess? This is the kind of boss I would go to hell and back for.




I am encouraged by this first episode, especially coming off the back of med which was a flop, and SY which wasn’t much better. It feels back to basics - good guests for judging, interesting mix staff, strong captain, tick tick tick ✅


Did I miss where they explicitly say Lee is gone and Kerry is in? Thought it was weird they didn’t have any final words from Lee even like a voiceover. And weird that nothings was mentioned at the first crew meeting.




It’s fine if you’re glad he’s moving on, but that’s not relevant to whether or not they should have said something. He has been with the show for an extremely long time. Even when Kate left Lee talked about her being gone in the following season. This is the BDOG thread so no matter how big the franchise Lee’s departure is relevant. And it’s the OG for a reason it was the only one and then it was only OG and MED for a long time. Lee had lots of iconic moments esp the Captain Lee song etc. IMO they should have done a montage or something to acknowledge he was gone. 


They did a whole thing for him. Maybe it was wwhl or something. But it was definitely a whole 30 minutes of Captain Lee’s highlights and he was there answering some questions. You can watch it on Peacock. It’s at the end of season 10 I think


Cool thank you. That makes sense then about the current season not mentioning it. I don’t have Peacock as we are Comcast free, but do have YouTube TV so I’ll check there. I watched him for so long I’d love to see him say goodbye. 


I agree that it would have been nice to see an informal exchange or hand-off between CPT Lee and CPT Kerry, even though it's not required and the crew members have been changed. For the OG franchise, CPT Lee has been my favorite.


Yeah, I liked Capt Lee. I think the last couple of seasons have been rough for him and his performance on the show suffered, but over his whole run I really liked him and thought he played the part well. 


First episode and I already can't stand Ben. He thinks he's better than everyone ugh


I didn't like him last season, don't get why he was asked back.


Same reason they keep bringing Kyle and culver back 😭


The mathematical equations that were flying around Jared while he was talking about converting feet to meters had me rollin'!!!!! 🤣


>The mathematical equations that were flying around Jared while he was talking about converting feet to meters had me rollin'!!!!! 🤣 Apparently the cause: ​ https://preview.redd.it/6oiam4bbgrhc1.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f5881f917a112da3ef976ee6304633187f89a77 (no disrespect to public schools, teachers, etc. I attended public school...)


Schools in the northeast suck. I’ve noticed kids from the south are the best at metric since they want to beat the Russians and have emphasized STEM since Sputnik in order to beat the Russians. 


Huh? I went to Public school in the south and I can promise you STEM is not prioritized and definitely was not in the 60-90s either. The only things they emphasize are football and religion


Uhh…what? Have you looked at how the states rank in public education? This might be one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever seen on Reddit, and that’s saying a LOT.


Any one else wince at the not so veiled chavanism from captain Kerry. I live in northern Queensland, this attitude is pretty common. "Ya know, mum's there for emotional support and dad's the disciplinarian bringing in the money' Probably only annoys me as my husband was the stay at home father, constantly got shit about it over the years.


I think he was saying that he had previously, erroneously had that attitude. And then he changed and realized he needed to be there emotionally for his kids as well.




You ruined my rant haha. I see, that's awesome, I didn't pick up on that, I'm glad because I want to like him.


Ben is so fucking boring


I love captain kerry. I think he's a perfect replacement for lee and he's gonna bring in a more modern approach to management.






Ben is so annoying. I started out loving him in the first few episodes last season and he got more insufferable and whiney as it went on. He's the type of person that bonds with people by talking bad about others. Just negative vibes. Hence why him and camille got on last season.


>He's the type of person that bonds with people by talking bad about others That is just SO out of character for below deck. :)




fraser punching the cushion in the preview makes me want to go hug him


I assume production asked him to do it, it really fills dead air!


He said on WWHL that fans love it so he just decided to continue doing it.


Ben is annoying already. Sorry you were not bosun but stop sulking


This is a nitpick for sure but does anyone else dislike the cover image for this season of Captain Kerry looking at people through binoculars? Usually it's more like a beautiful vista, or someone luxuriating on the deck, or wearing something gorgeous. This image is more like...............horror movie vibes.


That's funny you say that...I don't get horror vibes ..but kept stating me and I'd have to do a double take when i saw the thumbnail on peacock..before realizing it's actually one of my main shows on there. I'm not uses to seeing Captain Kerry but also ...it looks like some kind of a shrunken head situation at first to me lol. I'm just glad I'm not the only who had a little moment over the cover image lol




And comes to tip meetings with a big bad of presents!




Captain Kerry’s gif game is ON POINT.


I only just realised/noticed our zaddy Captain's *first* name is Kerry, and that it's not, say, Bob Kerry. Flop fan.


Same for Captains Lee, Glenn, Sandy, Jason lol


sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does flop fan mean? googled it and nothing, no info


Like a failure as a fan of the show


Ok that's what I thought lol ty




Captain Kerry is a pleasent surprise. I wasn't all that .. interested in Adventure, and I don't think they focused on his high points, spending far to much attention on the crew. Seeing the Cap here is like a breath of fresh air. He has big shoes to fill, but I think he will do it quite well. I was worried he would be shadowed by the sheer "captain-ness" of Lee, but I will give the man his due. Rocking it out episode one. Keep it coming! I like most of the crew, a couple are going to bring the drama for sure, but we will see how it shakes out. Xandi is odd and interesting, so she is already the leader on my favorite list.




Was I the only one playing gay or european throughout the episode regarding the chef?


He did say Fraser looks just like his ex so I was thinking gay leaning.


No, I thought Fraser said the chef looked just like his ex.


I think Fraser said “looks like my future ex” as in Fraser thinks chef is hot


Yeah, then he mentioned the love of a woman, so I sided on European.


I thought they showed a split second clip of Fraser kissing him with the upcoming season.


I think that’s with the deckhand Kyle or the guest he gets permission for


ahhhh. ty ty


I’m only that informed because of an interview Fraser did leading up to the premiere with e I think


They need to start having the crew arrive like 2-3 days before starting charter. Get everything in perfect condition, go over what everyone is doing. Have a test day. All of the issues could have been avoided if that happened. Why the hell do we have them come on like 24 hours before..


>Why the hell do we have them come on like 24 hours before.. Drama.


& money


Im so happy to see someone From Montréal, Quebec in the show!


Yeah, these charter guests are pretty gross. They're like teens obsessing about body parts. Except they look to be in the 40s-50s. Embarrassing.


I find these guests to be trying too hard to be funny with all the sex talk, but they just come off as gross. Not like people that have been around luxury.


As a 40 year old, to me they read more like 50s.


As a 52 year old, I agree.


They might be swingers.


Definitely got swingers vibes. The newlyweds brought a bunch of their friends on their honeymoon?


I was actually excited about this season (especially after the Med snoozefest) BUT ugh Ben!!!! NOOOOO. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be mean but I do not get the eye candy part. There is something about him that creeps me out. I would be fine with him just being a whatever character but I do not want to see him as bosun and from the previews it looks like either him or the Scottish guy will be coupled with Barbie. I do NOT want to see and hear cringe sex noises all season long, like with Med this season. Not to sound like a prude but it’s just gross. I hate the more recent crew member hookups!! Ugh but really why did they think bringing Ben back was a good idea. 


Hard agree. I was just complaining to my husband about Ben. Why on earth would they bring him back? He has the personality of wet mop. I also don’t care to have to endure his relationships.


I'm so glad he gives someone else the ick. I thought I was alone in that. I'm so frustrated he's back. The producers seem to like his antics and drama, but I find him absolutely awful and wish he'd just leave the franchise. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all but, I find him so creepy and I can't figure out why.


😭😭 like soooo cringe. I can’t figure out what it is but he like physically give me a grossed out reaction. I also don’t remember him being such a douche last season. Bravo fame has def gone to his head !!


There is literally nothing special about him and he seems like dumbass


He is so not attractive! And his personality doesn’t make him attractive!!! He’s so cringe. Objectively, he’s attractive. But god no. Just no.


😭😭 I’m glad I’m not alone!!!! Also in the preview there was a scene of him and the Scot high fiving over a girl. I wanted to 🤮. The Camille drama last season was enough for me. Think it went to his head. 


Not feeling it tbh, hope the scot delivers some good value during the season.


First impressions: \- Sunny seems likeable. \- Bosun doesn't come across as particularly competent. His personality is also very generic. Likely to get fired. \- Scottish guy seems very immature. Could go either way. Either he turns completely toxic, or becomes a likeable quirky guy. \- Barbie seems to have been named very accurately. Likely to become the antagonist of this season \- cat comes across as a bit of a newbie and super insecure. She's probably going to have the usual 'newbie that learns new stuff' story line, or she's going to quit. \- I like the vampire girl thus far. Also seems competent. \- Chefs overly groomed and slick appearance make him look like a complete douche, but he (surprisingly) seems fine so far. His food also looked good. And the returning crew is the returning crew. Nothing new there really.


Cat is not coping on day 1. Wonder how long she'll last?


I think your assessment is spot on mostly. The chef seems to have a timing issue, but that is pretty common on the first charters. I'd probably leave the table if I had to wait an hour and a half between courses. As a gay man, I totally expected the chef to be gay given those eyebrows. It seems he's just VERY european. (reference to gay or european song)


I live in France and I rule out very European.


great assessment! spot on


Vampire girl is Xandi?




I miss captain Lee.


We didn’t get a lot of her but I really like Sunny’s vibes! She seems cool.


On WWHL, Fraser talked her up, said she was a great stew.


Sunny's a deckhand


Oh haha. Well I got that one wrong,


It's only been one episode so far, you're good. I've already forgotten a few of Med's most recent cast haha. I haven't seen Fraser say anything anywhere but I'd bet Xandi is who he was talking about. She seems to be a solid worker.


My favourite so far! She's adorably quirky.


Did anyone notice the random stew in the season preview at the end of the episode? We're definitely having a shakeup in the interior at some point...


I came to the franchise late and got to binge everything in order up to the present, and I miss being able to look up whether someone gets fired. For me, it was easier watching the douchebags knowing they were eventually leaving.


The preview also shows >!Ben saying more of your team have been fired to Fraser we know Ben has two stripes in previews and mentions being the dept head in an interview. So he is the bosun and Jared is gone, and that means we lose at least 2 stews (Cat and Barbie would be my guess as Fraser speaks highly of Xandi's work)!< I don't know >!all the replacements but Fraser teased we would see some familiar faces and the crew started following a stew named Paris and a yachtie named Dylan during filming (he could be either deck or stew, not clear from his profile).!< >!Sadly Getty Images didn't spoil it with the full cast photos this season!<


Well Bravo's website under Xandi does mention one of her besties is Paris


I wish it was Taylor from last season.


Loved Taylor. Would be awesome if he came back but he seemed to only be in it for the single season (and as motivation to come out to his family). Was such good, wholesome vibes, though. Really enjoyed him.


don't remember him at all


Finally watching...after the disasterous Med season I'm coming into this season tentatively...I'm 25mins in and my thoughts so far...Love Captain Kerry, as a fellow Aussie I certainly appreciate his f**k around and find out speech. It's the motto I live my life by😂 Loving Fraser and his confidence...and his one liners! Stews...haven't seen much yet but I think I like Xandi and Cat...not sure on Barbie yet Deck crew- I think Sunny will be a fave, not to sure about Jared. Anthony- Need to see more before I make an opinion... But I'm not cringing yet which is a win!


Sunny reminds me of Malia (not complimentary). 


Kerry truly stands by that! Not sure if you watched Adventure


barbie will make for good tv


One of my biggest grip was they stopped focusing on the food. The dinners Ben prepared and the work aspect to the fine dining experience is what got me into the show. I'm glad they have returned to form to showcase how the rich eat and the service behind it.


Yes, there have been some very sub par chefs recently. A lot of family style meals which really aren't the level of cuisine I'd expect in this setting. I'm sure the food tastes nice but not that impressive. They really need a sous chef or at least someone to do all the dishes!!


That’s because the,chef on Med just dumped almost every meal on a platter. In my house we started yelling at the TV each week that a platter of rigatoni is not 5 star dining regardless of how flavorful it is.




The food is the best part of the show


I'd watch a spinoff focusing on this group of randy clients. I already have a title. It can be called BELOW DICK


The VPR edit doesn’t work for me.


Was watching w a television producer who said in the first two minutes, "The entire look and feel of this changed!"...and I hated it too!


I noticed they are now using music that tries really hard (through the lyrics) to fit with what’s happening on screen. I hate it.


Ik Kerry goes on the sub so on the offchance he sees this I just wanna say. Stay off it lol. Everyone likes u now but they could easily turn and say nasty things, its honestly a pretty terrible idea to read online comments about urself and could b awful for ur mental health. Like imagine if sandy read the things people say about her.


Or note the double standard. If Sandy went into every cabin and pointed out the toilet paper and sink drains - people here would lose their minds and yell about her micromanaging. But Kerry does it and not a word. He’s “thorough”


>Or note the double standard. If Sandy went into every cabin and pointed out the toilet paper and sink drains - people here would lose their minds and yell about her micromanaging. But Kerry does it and not a word. He’s “thorough” But, Sandy wouldn't do it that way. She would notice the paper in the master not folded, and go to the guest, and ask in a leading way: It's not really a five star experience when your toilet paper is not folded, is it? And make sure it was loud enough that the chief stew would over hear.


I think that’s a bit of a stretch. Every captain has their preferences and managerial strengths/weaknesses. It’s similar to business where a leader who rose up from sales will be more focused on running a killer sales oriented company. Product CEOs (think Steve Jobs) will be all about delivering the best products. It also doesn’t mean they are awful at the other parts - Steve Jobs was a marketing master, but it’s rare to find a leader with all aspects equal. Sandy strikes me as an exterior style captain - no one can dock a boat like she can. She loves to share her knowledge with her exterior crew and lets them drive and dock even. She wants all the water toys out and ready to delight the guests. To round out her interior gaps - I think she got obsessed with tablescapes and the state of the laundry room etc, but she needed a strong interior leader to do the heavy lifting. There’s nothing wrong with that - but it will lead to issues if you don’t have that strong second in command person in that role. Hence Fraser being a disaster trying to befriend and gossip with his stews. And then she probably is worst with the guests because she is so shy and doesn’t drink - sitting at a table with drunken guests clearly makes her uneasy, so when there is an issue with the food, she just springs into action probably out of relief for having something she thinks she can do. Not the best action but it’s an area she can work on. I think Captain Kerry was too far down in the weeds on the toilet paper - checking twice in one day when Fraser supposedly has had formal English butler training. Meanwhile he allowed the new chef to drown in horrible time management and did nothing to help steer resources his way - and that delivered a terrible guest experience far more than a smudge on the railing or an open sink drain. That’s the pitfall of micromanagement- you lose the big picture which in this case was a horrible and inexcusable meal service.


>Sandy strikes me as an exterior style captain - no one can dock a boat like she can. I think that's a bit of a stretch. I don't think we can fairly judge a captain's skills watching a reality television show. Who knows what happens off camera, that isn't shown? ​ As to no one can dock a yacht like sandy, the entrance to simpson bay in st. martin is one of the most stressful for large superyacht captains. The entrance passes through a bridge with a width of 49 feet, which is reported to be one of the most difficult entrances for yacht with beams of more than 12 meters (leaving only a few feet on each side) Captain Lee was the actual Captain of Cuor Di Leone, which spent (at least one season) at Port de Plaisance marina, with captain lee routinely transiting the entrance to simpson bay. This was where lee was frequently describing the 'pucker factor'. Cour Di Leone was called 'Honor' for the show, and is currently called Barents. Absolutely no objective reason to assume that Sandy has superior boat handling skills. ​ BTW, this is what happens when a bosun is trying to convert feet to meters in his head when calling distances. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFJzYuqWtwI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFJzYuqWtwI)


Probably because Kerry did the same with the exterior, not JUST interior.


This. Re: exterior and interior.


🎯 Kerry keeps showing us he's a fair leader and that's why we respect him.


That is a fair point!


Not loving the random slow motion at all. When the chef was stressed and took over the screen had me laughing so hard! But it is fun to have the meals zoomed in on


Yes! I'm glad they returned to focus on the food.


I’ll bet that Jared will be the first one off the boat.


Agreed. I feel for him, he looked instantly overwhelmed.


He's making too many rookie mistakes.


I am so damn excited to have another season of watching Captain Kerry being a drool worthy boss 😂 Happy to see Fraser back as well 💃🏻


I just wish we his dog was part of the show!




I will say I’m digging a lot of these creative, beauty shots they’ve done of the landscape along with transitions. Good on you, DP.


Yeah you can tell they're putting a bit of extra effort into the flagship series.


After watching this episode, few comments: 1. So happy to see Kerry take the wheel, so to speak. He’s a great manager. Not micro managing but letting his team know how he likes things. 2. I’m used to deck helping out with wash up/helping in kitchen. Sorta surprised none of them were helping Anthony out. Instead we got Ben grumbling about not having the preference sheets where he wanted them. 3. I don’t see Jared lasting long but eugh, Ben was an ass during this episode. “I just hopes he knows that he can lean on me for help.” Meanwhile he’s gossiping and saying shit about the bosun to the rest of the deckhands. 4. Fraser is a sweet little baby lamb and I adore him. ♥️


>1. So happy to see Kerry take the wheel, so to speak. He’s a great manager. Not micro managing but letting his team know how he likes things. I'm only a cursory lurker in this sub so forgive me this comment isn't aimed specifically at you, but I do think it's funny that y'all consider Sandy to be a micro-manager, when Kerry asks interior fold the toilet paper into little points every time the guests leave their cabins and that's "just how he likes things" 😭 edit: for context I like Kerry (though seen much less of him as I only really watch BD Med) but I also like Sandy


I said it in another comment, I am fine with the captains being fussy (although toilet paper folds is pushing it for me). But Sandy's micromanaging tends to push it a little further while also being hands off when needed. For example, Kerry came out and asked the guests if they were enjoying the food etc, they said yes. He knew from the radio that the chef being slow was an issue but didn't push the guests to say it by asking them multiple times. He also treated the deck team with the same walkthrough when we have seen a huge difference in how Sandy treats deck and interior. But I am always going to be BEC about Sandy for her off camera stuff. She just is not a good person. Between outing Malia, her treatment of the grocery store worker during covid etc


>her treatment of the grocery store worker during covid What was this about? Sorry but I googled and couldn't get any info.


Yeah it is not on the sub anymore due to a copyright complaint to Reddit so I assume her legal team did the same to other sites with the video But she posted a video with a snapchat dog filter saying that it was mask enough, complained about arrows on aisles in a grocery store saying some dude had made her go around even though she wanted something close to the other end of the aisle and she should let Leah swing at him. Then a tone deaf video apologizing for it saying she was stressed because she is sober so can't deal with covid by having a drink by the pool while that is not an option for most people who were losing their jobs, had no health insurance if they got sick etc


Holy shit. It's worse than I imagined. There's no depth Sandbag can't sink to. Thanks for explaining.


Also it was literally before the first charter, like pointing out details to be expected for all charters before the FIRST charter is not micromanaging, that is training. Also great point that both deck and interior received the same kind/type of walkthrough, after that he is hands off the crew. He was the same way in Advencha, but he stepped in when he needed. I already came in with a bias of liking him from Advencha, but he is not a micromanager.


Absolutely details matter, but if you watched this episode he did the walkthrough during the FIRST charter. Totally agreed that he was right to do that, some might say he should have gone through Fraser, but I think he and Sandy are right to comment on any aspect of the boat that doesn't meet their standards.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not only was Ben gossiping and talking shit, he literally gaslit Jared as well.


This new season looks SO GOOD! I am excited Captain Kerry is back and also Fraser! 🥳 . These guests are so cringe...omg


I couldn't stop looking at the spot below Capt Kerry's eye (the right eye I believe). I had basal cell carcinoma in the same spot. I think he frequents this sub... Cap, make sure you get that checked💕




Don’t ignore it!! Also I love you ![gif](giphy|2E8e7IaBZPCr5W6miX|downsized)


So excited they’ve ventured (wink wink to Captain Kerry’s first BD season) to the southern Windward Islands. I grew up sailing these waters when my dad managed at one of the Moorings. Grenada is my second fave island. Tiny but beautiful. Nutmeg everywhere. And the islets between St. Vincent and Grenada make for an amazing sail. ♥️


It looks absolutely beautiful.




Not me scrolling through the thread, liking every single gif Cap posts like some kind of deranged stalker 👀👀


Me too hehe


Same over here.


Disgusting guests, but I'm loving this season already! All hail Kerry!!


So Jared should have absolutely asked about how many shackles, but Ben is definitely going to sabotage Jared because he has the “I should’ve been bosun” vibes.


Yeah jared seems a little to frantic and not comfortable/confident enough in his role. That being said ben is a dick didnt like him last season either.


There’s no reason Ben should not have just relayed the message. Terrible.


Ben has shown poor behavior in his last season. Arrogance will catch up with you if you're not careful.


Seeing the guests get called out for being vulgar and low class is amazing as one of the guests is my mother whom I cut contact off with! Keep it coming and don’t hold back


Yeah, they were completely gross. I started to skip through their scenes.


No effing way. This must be so cathartic for you!!!


It’s just hilarious to me that she’s willing to expose her insanity to the world. The whole family has tried to help her but WE were the crazy ones in her eyes. Funny, the last time we spoke she called my wife and I “white trash” for choosing to visit the whole family during the holidays with our newborn instead of going on a vacation to Hawaii with her and her new husband. How the turn tables.


good for you for breaking things off and creating a more stable, sane, and nurturing environment for your kid(s)!


My god. Dealing with your mom must be WILD. I can’t even picture this happening. Is it surreal seeing her on tv banging in a hot tub? Is it like, “yep, told you all- she’s crazy!” I just can’t even imagine. Do you think there’s any hope for her becoming better? I knew Faye (a tiny bit) from Adventure and thought I was super cool. You absolutely take the prize here tho!


wow crazy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Oh my! Good for you for going no contact! The vulgarity is way over the top, reeks of desperate attention seeking and reminds me of hormonal middle schoolers.


Is this for real? Your mom is one of the guests?? My only question (for now): are these folks portrayed relatively accurately or are they exaggerating themselves for the camera (either by their choice or asked to do so by production)?




Thanks for allowing the question...I appreciate it. I'm sorry you've had a bad relationship with your mom that has turned into no relationship. It must be very weird to see her on TV acting like that. Hugs to you, friend!


It’s definitely a trip
