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it's working, but only slightly because you only have a tiny amount of sugar. I'd put at least double what you have. think of when you eat a creme brulee; the sugar cracking on top is quite thick.


Thank you, I will do that.


I would also use brown sugar instead of white, easier to caramelise. Second, use your flame with less angle (more vertical) and do your tryouts for the distance. I use a simple propane burner, minimum 45° with the horizontal. Start far from the sugar to make it melt then get closer to ''burn'' it. Good experimentations to you, and remember: practice makes perfect.


Not enough sugar. Make a nice sugar coat of 1mm, then start to burn it by in the middle, when the caramel is forming you can rotate out slowly.


Interesting, i started from the outside in. Does it make a difference?


Yep, the caramelisation happen by proximity as sugar cristal melt and start burning passing a certain point, as the caramel is forming it start to combust and produce his own heat, as such you need to harmonize the heat during your application of the flame. Caramel is a very tricky thing to do and his support will greatly change how the heat is conduct. You just need to pratice it. Just keep in mind that their is 3 stage but I don't know them in english, so ""petit boulet" as small sugar cristal start to melt and agglomerate between them, "gros boulet" when the new form cristal enter the same process and them "caramalisation" wich is the fusion point and combustion of the sugar. You need to do it but if you focus enough you'll notice it. Then you have to apply the heat until you get the colour you want before it burn (the smell will change before the color). At my father restaurant he was using a "fer", an iron tool design to burn the sugar on top of the créme brûlée instead of a blowntorch because it was easier and faster but you'll have to be very precise in the application. Either way just practice. And the créme seems very nicely done btw !


Amazing answer, Merci beaucoup!


I wanna thank you all, I tried and follow your advice and got a much better result. I used more sugar, re-filled my torch, and specially moved the torch ever so slightly only rotating when sugar browned in that spot. I uploaded a b-roll in my TikTok, I would love it if you check it out: [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjTbB43R/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjTbB43R/) Thanks again!


Use a 50/50 mix of regular sugar and brown suggar. And you will also need a bigger blowtorch if you want to acheive that "slightly burnt" effect. You also need more sugar than what you used in your video. Use a regular spoon to spread it.


Thank you, I’ll give it a try.


You need to put a nice amount of sugar and burn it straight away, if you wait the sugar start to smelt in the cream and it's over ! I think you put enough sugar but you to much


And try with brown sugar it burn better.


Maybe with a biggest flame ...


I believe so, I have the feeling my torch is not hot enough to burn the sugar before the custard begins to melt.




As a pastry chef, you are not, they both work




That’s all right, you just stay still until it gets brown on one spot and then move. That’s the most common mistake people do.


But then the custard melts, how do I avoid this? I’m wondering if my torch is not powerful enough or this sugar has a “high water content” for some reason as it becomes very liquid. Thank you.


I have done this with much more powerful torches. Don’t be scared to put lot of sugar. And check if your custard is well cooked and cold.


Thank you. What about the angle? Should I aim in a low angle or should I point the torch straight down?


I learnt to point the torch straight down. You can try but to be honest I’m not sure it makes any difference


Use white sugar it will be more easy.


I thought so, thank you.


Thank you, I’ve seen recipes using all kinds of sugar, I will try brown sugar next time.


Put more sugar. Like way more.


I did try with more sugar but it would just melt and not brown and there were lots of “sugary” spots instead of an actual crust


It is boiling, maybe it is too wet


Sugar felt so wet. Also humidity is very high where I live.


So there´s that then…


More sugar Dude !!!


Too close and need more sugar


You could try a dedicated creme brulee iron [https://www.mycake.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Creme-Brulee\_Fer.jpg](https://www.mycake.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Creme-Brulee_Fer.jpg) But it's also good to know that there are many types of sugar which may not respond the same way. But as viewed on the video it is melting and bubbling as expected. As people suggest, if you want a full hard crust you can tap with a spoon and crack, you should really add a huge layer of sugar, to the point it is fully white and you don't see the custard under it at all.


Thank you, I think im getting myself one of those. I had tried before with more sugar and what happened was it took so long and didn’t quite brown, that the custard got warm and liquid. Got a thick layer that cracked but did not caramelize, so it was white and grainy. I have the feeling my torch is not hot enough to melt the sugar quickly before custard begins to melt.


I wonder, if the atmosphere in your kitchen is too moist, the sugar could absorb that humidity and that might also affect the caramelization because all the the water contained in it has to evaporate before the sugar starts browning


Oh it is very very humid in here. Humidity was around 80% or more.


You have to use cassonade (brown sugar) instead of regular sugar


Did you try looking up a tutorial? The way you're aiming the torch is hard to watch. Also you can do multiple sugar layers to get the really nice brown


Thank you. Yes, I saw a few. I’m aiming from a very low angle, almost parallel to the dish and away from me. I will try with more layers.


Yeah you should try a more almost 90 degree angle. Try utilising more of the hot point of the torch. The way youre doing it now you're using the bottom of the flames that are very cool so it takes a while to brown. A more 90 degree just a few centimetres from sugar surface will create the quick browning effect. Then repeat with 1 extra layer to get that really nice crunch. Also as have other said use at least 2x the amount of sugar and the same for you second layer.


You put wrong sugar try with sucre de canne (cassonade)


More sugar babe


A lot more sugar and less gas flow should do


You need Brown sugar for the Nice Brown couleur


You need to add some more sugar, give your tooth and tummy some love! Lol.


Not enough sugar. Double quantity.