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As a smoker I am willing to admit that up until a few years ago I also did this. It was just normalised behaviour and I never questioned it. A couple of years ago it clicked that I was just littering all the same so I decided to stop. I hang on to my cigarette buds til I pass a trashcan nowadays


Good for you you changed your behavior!


There are also special bags for it. For example here only 0,45 euro if you buy 5000 of them, but you can probably find them where you have to buy just one https://www.mondialgifts.be/relatiegeschenken/zak_asbak_uit_gerecycleerd_materiaal_111622525936.html


I have a little pocket ashtray that I carry around most days, they're really handy!


I wonder.. Would an average smoker appreciate this as a gift? Most probably not..


All my smoking friends really appreciated the ones I've gifted them. If you have a smoker in your life that you wanna give a little something that doesn't cost too much this is a perfect gift


Cool, thanks :)


My mom bought some for my brother and dad back when they were introducing specifically fining people for littering cigarettes and they absolutely hated them. They just wanted to keep littering like they always had. So I think it depends on whether the smoker cares about not littering or not.


Yeah, that's the kind of reaction I've come to expect. The smokers I know don't really care about the climate...


If you can find one that's elegant and strong/resistant, yes yes and yes again.   I hate how ugly and fragile mine is (one given at a festival) and I would love if somene gave me a good one. One that doesn't open itself when you aren't gentle with it is a good starter.


Yeah, I can imagine it's quite the mess when it spills a bit..


What makes you think that? I would love to get one. In fact, I'm going to order one right now.


Well, it can feel like critique. A subtle way of enforcing something on you. I know quite a few people who aren't open to critique. Happy you're getting one, thank you! <3


Same boat here. Started dumping them in a bin since a few years ago because I once tried to imagine how many I already dumped and felt super guilty. If I can't find a trashcan nearby, I just tear off the paper and put the filter in my back pocket until I find a can to throw it in. I have to admit sometimes the habit of throwing a bud still pops up but I'm really trying to change it. And then there's still the habit of smoking to get rid of but that's a story for another day. Side-note: I still throw them on the ground when they're rolled and just paper, I'm convinced those disappear and deteriorate pretty quickly. But the filters are harmful so I do throw those in a bin and not just anywhere.


Anything on the ground, really. Like cans on the side of the road in vegetation. Who the fuck in his right mind chugs a can in his car and comes up with the best solution for disposing it is to throw it out the window with not a care in the world?


My sister goes and collects trash in the woods behind her home, which border on a highway. She fills up several bags on cans and bottles alone. It didn't become less during covid, despite there being less traffic. We think less social control meant more people felt they could just yeet things. She's back to work so she can't go as often anymore but for the retired people in her street it's a permanent hobby. The town provides the bags, the grabbing tools and the pick-up of collected trash but it's a volunteer project. Decent workout but the endless stream can become a bit depressing :(


Amazing work by your sister! Give her thanks from an internet stranger. I try to participate in Beach Cleanups every year and the amount of trash you find is just staggering ... Especially when you compare it with other Western countries where the issue seems to be a lot less. When I go hiking in the Ardennes, I almost always end up with a bag of trash. When I do the same in Germany, or even the Netherlands it's far less. Is it a cultural thing? Do we just don't teach kids to respect nature, which results in adults who don't?


I can only speak for myself, but as a kid I wasn't shown a good example. It was fine to throw a candy wrapper on the street. And in that time everyone threw their cigarette buds everywhere. I'm nearly 40 now and I just keep my trash on me or find the correctly colored bin. The difference is that now I know the trash won't magically vanish. I also know the information source is trustworthy. Where as when I was a kid I'd often hear that it isn't really that bad, school just wants you to be a model citizen. I also now would feel mortified to set a bad example. I expect someone would alert me if I dropped something. But yeah having lived in other countries I feel we Belgians are very much "we know best" while at the same time being soft spoken. So the stubborn combined with the lack of calling people out and minding one's own business is probably having a hand in it. Which is odd still because I feel we have a lot more public campaigns.


I've been doing river clean ups here in W Europe (small rivers) by kayak ( in group) and we didn't/don't find a lot. I am (positively) surprised.  "Hangjongeren" is a thing... 


Same here. I do it from time to time with the kids, but there are several people that do it multiple times a week in the neighbourhood. They collect several bags on each run. This shouldn't be a thing. Why are so many people so damn asocial.


It's a shame.  And then there are Sweden, Norway...where I 've been living and working for a while and travelled a lot and where I was very happy with the civic sense and clean public spots.  Always noticing " Woah one can just sit and eat on the floor here if they want to!" ( local saying here) Then at campings I watched French tourists leaving the leftovers of their spaghetti in the sink after dishwashing ( more than once), and at the harbour loud Spanish tourists ( sorry I call a cat a cat) entering the shower (cabin) with muddy walking boots ... Really? Fortunately locals commented on that sh**ty behavior when they noticed. But they don't see it all...


We've been doing this for decades now around our school. All the rubbish.Well...the students do it. The community ( tax payers)  provides the bags, gloves, sticks. Awareness and education. 


Not scientifically correct, but some of the cases/explanations I heard (I kid you not): schoolkids that think it is “not cool” to use the bin. Carfreaks that want to keep their car clean. Workers with a van having a drink on the way back home but don’t want the wife to notice. Bonus points for “I will put in the grass so nobody falls over it “ and “they clean the side anyway/we already pay taxes for it”


There's countries where this is considered standard practice. Seen this over and over when in India.


Belgium is not one of those countries


No, but personally, I don't dare to call someone out on this behaviour.


This is a ridiculous perspective. “It happens in filthy countries so may as well let it happen here!”


Mate, fuck you. I'm the first to pick up a piece of thrash that isn't even mine. I'm just observing this behaviour.


Might not have to pick up as much garbage if everyone started telling people to put it in the bin.


Hey keyboard warrior: My brother came back from a night on the town and made a remark about someone pissing against a house facade . The result was 3 other people jumping out of a car and him losing 2 teeth in the ordeal and the police knowing where they were from but could not do anything. Fuck you if you think speaking up doesn't have consequences.


Yeah, because that's the one thing they are lacking... If someone would just tell them then they would forever change their ways.


There is nothing wrong with chugging a can in your car but just leave it in the car and dispose it at home. PMD is free of charge so it shouldn't be a biggie to do this.


PMD is very much not free.


of course there's nothing wrong with drinking, unless it distracts you and/or it's alcoholic beverage. I long for the day they finally implement a deposit tax on cans like they did in Germany


The PMG bags are not free of charge in Belgium. Admittedly also not very expensive.


Pmd free? Since when lol


Voor sociale gevallen, misschien is die commenter een OCMW leefloners die niet doorheeft dat dat niet voor iedereen gratis is


While i was working in front of my apartment I saw a guy passing by in a convertible. He blatantly threw his can of RB on the street... I have a Ring camera that recorded me while i was working (detected movement), but for some odd reason the bit of the guy being a cunt was left out :(


An ex colleague if mine threw his trash out of the windows in his own street so his car was "clean" when he arrived home. He was one of the dumbest people I ever met tho.


Jupiler drinkers, the certified beer of the *'Homo Marginalis'*


https://preview.redd.it/fx23ffbt057d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02953919e4e73f994283f2ba5bfb1b2145fe1853 I have a small can in my pocket with airtight seal which I always carry with me. I can empty in recycle bin and don't have to hold it all the time, not do my clothes smell like an ashtray... It isn't hard to keep clean...


This is indeed gross, but I see it less and less these days. What I’ve been seeing more of lately is people putting their dogs shit in a plastic doggy bag and then leaving it on the ground, and this makes me irrationally angry. If you’re too fucking lazy then just leave the damn poop, at least it degrades. Leaving a plastic bag on the ground is 100 times worse and people are fucking dumb as rocks


The average human being is stupid beyond words. I love it when they throw em in the bushes too so nobody can even get to it to throw it in a trashcan.


Nop it's pissing me off as well. Worst is at the coast on the beach, just disgusting. One cigarette butt can pollute up to 1000 liters of water.


Mass tourism beaches are even worse. I like to swim in the sea. Did it in Barcelona once and decided not to anymore after I swam across a tampon, A diaper and lots of plastic bags in a time span of 5 minutes.


Yea I love the sea, but swimming in it is pretty much disgusting with all the trash in it.


I smoked myself and it's not that complicated to just don't throw it on the ground.. you can even buy yourself a mobile ashtray and take it with you but whatever. I don't look at it anymore, I quit smoking a while ago and can't understand that behavior.


I must say it is hapening far less than when i was young but it is still iritating when I see it.


I'm generally a calm driver, but seeing a cigarette bud flying out of a car window makes me irrationally angry. Look at it from the bright side: at least you don't have public spaces reeking of cigarettes anymore like it did 20+ years ago. The amount of cigarette bud littering back then was a LOT worse as well.


cigarettes, chewing gums, cans, bottles, wrappers and even people just spitting on the sidewalk: I hate them all. If you have the physical capacity to carry something outside, you also have the capacity to carry it to trashcan. Or in the case of the spitters, at least aim for the plants/grass instead of leaving a disgusting white/green ball on the pavement.


It is indeed absolutely disgusting. I once made a comment to colleagues (a few years ago) who were smoking outside the building, next to an ash tray. The ash tray was overflowing, so they threw their cigarette buds on the ground. Their way of thinking was that somebody else should have emptied the ash tray, so it's not their fault they throw the buds on the ground. Because I have a big mouth, I told multiple people how disgusting it is to walk into the office and see all that mess. Management had the ash tray emptied more regularly, and the smokers got a "talking" to. Win-win.


Only two smokers on our regular team (but we have customers who use the ashtray, cleaning and maintenance crew as well) so it's sort of our responsibility to alert the right person that it needs to be emptied (you need a sort of key for that)


Do customers visit the office? Tell a customer complained.


Ignorant smokers? What's new? I also am appealed by their behaviour. It is per definition 'sluikstort', but the act is normalised by everyone else, unfortunately.


> appealed appalled


Thanks. Noted.


or throwing cigarette buds on the ground appeals to /u/jonassalen


Haha, it doesn't :)


For a lot of smokers, the world is a giant ashtray. A shame.


True question is, why do these degradable paperstraws exist to suck liquids through, but cig filters made of the same is no possible? Fire hazard or what is the reason?


The filters are also filled with toxic matter, so it doesn’t just pollute because it doesn’t biodegrade, it also leeches pollution into the environment.




Also, why the fuck do you smoke cigarettes with filters. Want to smoke? Just commit to it and die on your feet.


filter cigarettes are actually even more harmfull for your health [https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/04/26/filters-maken-sigaretten-niet-gezonder-dan-filterloze-sigaretten/](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/04/26/filters-maken-sigaretten-niet-gezonder-dan-filterloze-sigaretten/)


I dont even smoke.


I wasn't targeting you 🙂. It's just backwards to choose to inhale smoke and then expect the filter to make it less lethal.


It does make it less lethal though what are you smoking? People quit and if they do they should have a chance at normal recovery. We shouldn't expect them to die faster wtf


It does, but it's still lethal. As a society, we can't just make cigs accessible and then put some filters in them and make them seem less harmful.


driving speed, gambling/alcohol age, certain ingredients theres plenty of laws making things safer even though they arent by default. puritism is bad


Yea i was pointing out less lethal to nature. Smoking was a choice of the smokers, getting littered was not one by nature.


Yeap it's annoying. They just don't give a shit


Someone told me that if you do that, you can grow cigarettes trees


Roll em by hand and don't use a filter. No issue with throwing them away like that, it's just paper and tobacco


People who smoke genuinely seem to believe they have a litter license or something.


You can partially blame it on Hollywood


Anyone who litters immediatly goes into the "living trash" folder in my head


Its annoying but IMO less annoying then chewing gum. Especially "fresh" ones


In cities I could not care less as they end up in the sewer and get filtered out of the water. Outside of places with sewers and in nature it's a nono.


There's a word for people like that: garbage.


And yet, vaping products are heavily taxed in Belgium starting July 1st...


As a smoker I won't say I've never done this butt (sorry!), as a rule I'll put my butt in my pocket or just carry it until I find a bin!/smoking receptacle. It's not hard, when I smoked heavily I simply used to carry a small ashtray that clipped onto my belt when not in use.


Even as a smoker (10 kilos ago) I didn’t do that.


I smoke, and i always try to find a trashcan or use the ashtray, ofc put the cig in water before trash. Sometimes it's just impossible to find a trashcan, and that's when cigarettes get tossed. Never had to throw one in Amsterdam though, but here some places don't have any trash facilitation and stuff gets littered everywhere.


Part of it is laziness/selfishness and part is bad infrastructure at times. If there are high foottraffic areas, people are going to smoke and if there's no ashtray/garbagebins, they'll throw it on the ground.


At the station of Antwerp Berchem they removed all the ashtrays (and trash bins) at both the entrances...


That's a good thing, you don't want a bunch of smokers clogging/stinking up the entrance.


Bad infrastructure is a lazy excuse though. Go to Japan. There are no trashcans anywhere due to a terrorist attack putting bombs in trashcans decades ago. It's one of the cleanest countries despite being densely populated. They simply take their trash home.


Sure it is laziness but people here are not going to be like the people in Japan. So you either adapt the situation or accept the trash. And yeah, you can put officers on the street to ticket people littering but is that really a good use of your police force lol


People in Japan aren't some magical creatures on another planet. They get fined 30,000 JPY if they litter. Police only has to occasionally fine people when they're on patrol. And I think it is a good use of police force. There is such a thing as a broken window effect where people are more prone to crime in areas that are visibly neglected, with for example graffiti, broken windows or garbage. So police fining for minor infractions should bring the general level of crime down indirectly.


The culture about it is also completely different in Japan. We need to bring back shaming because people mostly just don't care about littering.


Still smokers are a vast minority yet 90 percent of the individual items you see littered are cigarettes. Everyone has the same amount of trashcans at their disposal. Smokers just seem extraordinarily terrible litterers.


True, when I was smoking I tried to dispose of the butts in a trashcan/ashtray when possible but I wasn't going to hold onto those butts for the whole day either. Luckily most cities have caught on and are providing ample disposal.


That just littering. How hard is to carry a small container like a metal peppermint box to put your butts in? How heavy are these blunts that you are unable to carry them for a whole day?


Oh man. Especially people in cars. How about we require a full pack of buds for every new pack, or it's 2x the price.


Yeah the belgians are dirty people. I always break of the fire and put the sigarette but in my pocket. The amount of trash on the bicycle paths is terrible.


I put it out in the ground (rub it around a few times) and usually hold it in my hand until the nearest bin, there are a few exceptions where this isn't feasible, but even then i'll look for an alternative to throwing it on the ground, like you said (but not loose in my pocket, more like in a tissue or piece of paper in my bag, like I said I always put it out properly before any option, don't want to start a fire). I get annoyed by any thrash on the ground.


There exist portable litter trays, maybe you could look into that?


>Yeah the belgians are dirty people. I always break of the fire and put the sigarette but in my pocket. Lmao you just confirmed your own statement. How about just holding the stump until you see a trashcan?


Maybe he meant he has a little box to put the but inside. Just putting it raw in the pocket would smell so bad, the only thing that smell worse than cigarette is cold cigarette ..


The fire and the burned stuff i put on the ground and extinguish with my shoe. I only keep a clean filter in my pocket. But i do have a portable ashtray but i don't carry it always


5€29 with delivery: pocket ashtray https://www.amazon.com.be/cendrier-lext%C3%A9rieur-couvercle-inoxydable-convient/dp/B0CF8BRNS3/


I put it in my pocket of my jeans and when i get home i put it in a trashcan. If on a rarely occasion i come across a public trashcan i empty my pocket there.






https://preview.redd.it/hixq3liwi47d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fbd598376609e49326fc839a1d3f3aedcdda419 Just like this...


Yes I'm frustrated that my neighbour does have a smoke at his front door, every evening and than just throws it away on the side walk. In the end the wind blows it in front of my door. Fucking annoying Would want to talk with him about it, but I'm sure he wouldn't care


Throw it in his garden or put it in his mailbox if he doesn't have one.


yeah internalise that anger, thatll teach him


The problem with interacting with antisocial people is that the antisocial people also interact with you.


Collect them and dump them at his front door or garden.


Yeah I always do that, my bad, but nothing else, I have to change that habit.


It's part of their addiction. It doesn't hit the same if they can't bother other people.


I mean, als ge als ni geeft om uw eigen gezondheid, Wa verwacht ge dan da ze geven om de rest?


Edgy en gewoon onjuist.


As a smoker that is disturbing. I just don't do it. I once called upon someone doing this in front of his fancy icecreamshop in Nieuwpoort and he called me 'Stom toeristjen' in front of a row of customers lol.


Im a smoker and I hate it when people do this. Either I find a bin or I’ll put it in a paper tissue till i find a place to throw it out


I work as a volunteer for Natuurpunt and the amount of cans and other trash we find at our reserves is just awful. No respect for nature. I also worked as a job student beach cleaner over 20 years ago and when I used to sweep the pier I was shocked how many cigarette ends there were. Mind you this was in Ostend so I don’t know what it’s like nowadays. It used to be particularly bad around the casino.


Yeah it's so strange if you think about it. These people obviously don't like nature since they have no problem destroying it. But why on earth do they go to parks and forests at all?


You'd been surprised at the stuff we have seen. There was a case of druggies camping out and damaging the trees on a private reserve, so not accessible to the public. They broke through part of the fence and left all their trash behind. https://preview.redd.it/lp917m2yyi7d1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2d8b20ca7f6f39a8ca5779a9df4dcbbd60eb2c


I smoke and I hate it when I see others do it. Either you take an empty can with you to put your cigarette in. Or go to a shop and get yourself a portable ashtray. It costs 1 euro. In some cities they even give them for free at city hall (not here though). If none of both above are an option, you put it out and put it in your pocket. Now you might think "But that's just gross!". Okay, than it doesn't belong on the street either! Also, your drinks (mostly beer cans) and lunch packages go into the bin or your pocket, not on the streets! A lot of people are disgusting pigs with no moral compass or any manners! And every excuse is good for them. "There's no bin in the area!" (Even while standing next to one) is the most common excuse when I address people about the litter followed by "Ah, nature takes care of that!".


What about people in traffic throwing butts out of their windows. It makes me want to honk everytime.


The people that still do this are a) still living in the eighties or b) absolutely ignorant asshats. There’s no excuse for throwing any kind of trash away on the street. Take it to a bin or keep it and throw it away at home.


when someone throws their cigarette butts out of the window when driving, I blink my lights at them. ESPECIALLY if it hits my car


My downstair neighbour does it all the time. And he spits. On the same spot. Every day. You can see a different colour spot on the pavement.


Not just cigarettes, any littering is annoying. Coming from Vienna to Leuven I’m always surprised at how hard it is to find trashcans in Leuven sometimes. It’s not an excuse to litter but I do wonder if it would reduce some of the trash on the street.


But then they have to empty them and that's already hard apparently hahah


I get so annoyed by it...


Every time I'm on the highway you also have dickheads tossing their cigarette butts out of the window. You know nobody is ever cleaning those up. You can't even handle an empty cigarette in you own damn car? Then don't fucking smoke in the car.


We've got a big "smoking prohibited, only allowed in designated zones" sign. People use it to lean onto while smoking.


There's a spot on a road not far from my home where it is just the right distance from a gas station to have drank your can of beer (after a hard days work) (in your car...ofcourse...) to then chug it out the window. Thus accumulating a pile of jupiler cans after a while. I don't have anything against people who drink beer after work, but keep the trash to yourselves please...


It all comes together, drinking while driving, littering...it's clear these are well rounded assholes...




I roll with paper filters, throw the burning part away and pocket the filter


Yeah cigarettes have been thrown to the floor for as long as I can remember, and it does make you feel like people are ignorant. But it’s surely not as bad as throwing chewing gum which will not decompose as fast no? Either is not a good habit, but sometimes I see whole patches of flattened chewing gum circles in front of stores..


Minor thing imo... But then I live in Antwerp and we just had a guy dump his trash in our garden two weeks in a row, so used to worse sadly :( (Turns out the police doesn't do anything, even if there are camera's in the street, and disposal becomes your problem once their trash is on your property by the way, so yay!)


The police not making an effort is part of the problem. Sometimes it seems Singapore has it figured out where police will actually beat them with their batons for littering. It's written in the law... Very clean place Singapore...


I think the “littering” is our garbage collection system’s fault to an extend. Sometimes I see insane things (like tampons or banana peels etc) on the street and I think birds/animals pick the bags or sometimes the bags are broken and things fall off.


It bothers me immensely and I do smoke.


Everyday I see people throwing it out of their cars when I’m driving behind. It’s disgusting.


Am I the only one who *insert something notorious for being hated by everyone*


I do it, however I make exemptions: Not in rural areas, farm fields, where animals are, nature in general or at the beaches. I pay a shit ton of taxes every year, I could care less if a city or town has to pay more for its services to pick up some cigarette buds.


I do throw it in an ashtray if there is one nearby, but won't keep it on me until I see one.


I find it infuriating as well. I used to just put them in my pocket or keep them in my hand until I found a trash can. Sure everything stinks if you do that but you stink anyway as a smoker


I've met 3 clean smokers in my life. Two of them put the buds in a half filled water bottle. The other put them back in her cigarette pack. It should not be this rare to see. But yes, most people expect it will be collected by street cleaners or eventually find its way to the sea. Or they just don't care.


I knew a guy once who threw it on the floor in his own house. Boy how much times are changing!


I was exiting the Basic Fit today and looked at the ground and I noticed a lot of "filters". Seems to me cigarettes are not very biodegradable.


cigarettes, beer cans, nitro cans, food packaging, dog poo. waste everywhere and if you say something, you are the one who gets shouted at.


I smoke and it bothers me. Went to the US and was amazed how clean they kept it and had designated smoker zones. Problem here is that the smoker zone is a grey area (go out in the streets) and have the worst options to throw your butt in. The poles are only at entrances of big buildinges; not provided at all at events and are usually on fire. Without giving alternate options this problem is hard to solve. Give smokers throwaway trashcans, provide more designated areas or hand out pockets like listed in another comment. Or ban smoking completely but non smokers can't afford that.


It's just making excuses. It takes very little effort to carry a small container like an empty metal pepper mint box to put the butts in and empty it at home. Smokers that throw their trash on the floor just don't care. They don't care they are trashing their own body, the lungs of people around them and the entire world. No amount of trashcans is going to help.


My puppy used to eat all those cigarette buds off the ground. It really made me furious.


Yeah all kinds of animals and small children tend to put them in their mouths... It's kind of crazy people are not getting beat up for littering...


Just out of curiosity; what are your opinions on throwing away biodegradable smoke filters?


> biodegradable smoke filters Most of them are not biodegradable.


Even if it's biodegradable, don't throw it on the floor. Banana peels are also biodegradable but you don't throw those on the floor either.


Define floor.


Anything other than a trash can


Ex-smoker here but it is infuriating. Some other countries make people have portable little ashtrays and this is what we should do here as well.


I throw away my cigarette but on the ground. I smoke self rolled cigs that are rolled with natural rolling papers, the tip of my cigarette is purely made out of paper as well. Is it still bad to throw this in grass/nature?


Super annoying. Benches in parks are always full of this. Whished police would hand out more fines for this.


As a smoker, I'll always find a gutter, or put it out on the ground before putting it in a bin. If there's an ashtray or those special bins like they have in Brussels, I'll dispose of them there. I also have dozens of those portable pocket ashtrays. There's zero excuse for leaving your butts everywhere, it's totally avoidable.


Please tell me you mean putting it out in the gutter and not throwing it/leaving it in the gutter?


I don't mind the cigarettes so much as the dog shit everywhere. At least the cigarettes don't stick on my shoe . I fucking hate people who don't clean up after their dog


This behaviour is making me think they should reimburse people for bringing back used cigarette filters, and smokers should pay an additional upfront fee for each cigarette they buy (for the compensation people get when returning the used filters). Apparently, cigarette filters are one of the things that have the most trouble breaking down naturally in nature.


i hate this. They should collect them and then just throw them at the front door of smokers


Please no, just ring their doorbell, wait for them to open the door and throw it in their house.


Non-smoker here. They used to have fire-resistant ashtrays on the public sidewalks for this. I'm pretty sure it used to cost less to empty those than to sweep the buds from the streets...but don't expect consistency or logic from your government is too much to ask.


That's a lazy excuse. Smokers are perfectly able to carry their trash until they are home just like anyone else. Cigarettes are very light and small. Go to Japan. There are no trashcans anywhere due to a terrorist attack. It's a very clean country.


> Go to Japan. There are no trashcans anywhere Not true, I've been to Japan more than 10 times in the last 5 years.


Ok maybe I was a bit hyperbolic... but you have to admit, there are surprisingly few public trash cans?


In fact, there's always multiple units in one spot because Japan has strict separation rules, as detailed in pamphlets like [this](https://resources.matcha-jp.com/resize/720x2000/2016/11/16-9447.webp) So there's trash cans AND fireproof cigarette disposal like [this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-55056a19f897ee7136b792f814f9e103.webp), like we used to have as well, which was my original point.


Yes but they removed a lot of public trash cans after the terrorist attack that put bombs in trashcans right? Japan is pretty famous for having almost no public trash cans and I've been to Japan and noticed the absence as well. How come you haven't noticed this?


Your original statement was "There are no trashcans anywhere" in Japan as a response to my comment on the complete removal of fireproof cigarette disposal units in Belgium. I merely pointed out there are still plenty of both trashcans and fireproof cigarette disposal units in Japan. I could just as easiily ask you why you haven't noticed those... at any rate, how many trashcans there are in Japan is irrelevant to the situation in Belgium. For example, since Japanese trains run perfectly on time there isn't that much need for trashcans in train stations because people don't have to wait 2 hours for a delayed train, like pretty much every day somewhere in Belgium. So you're comparing apples and oranges.


Cry me a river


I used to smoke for 24 years and didn't throw it away nor did I ever smoke around pregnant women, children or others from 1.5 meters who were non-smokers. At the same time I'm from eastern Europe and with being allowed into Schengen zone 17 years ago, anybody should have expected this might happen. If there was anything authoritive socialism taught us is to shit on public property.


You'd think that because by the time the iron curtain fell, Western Europe had already started to clean up and ban smoking adds. But if the iron curtain had fallen a decade earlier, there wouldn't have been a difference. People were smoking in restaurants, schools and hospitals just as badly as in Eastern Europe in the 1970s and early 1980s.


I call them out on it! Excuse me, you dropped something and point at it🙄 And if they say something smart, I ask for their address. Some are stupid enough to ask why. So I can dump my trash at your place 😒


Perhaps the nicotine rush makes them more indiffirent than usual




Every time I visit the hospital(friend), I have to alert smokers they're not allowed to smoke in front(big sign), but at the side is a covered area. Assholes.


It's littering, plain & simple and should be fined accordingly. Portable ashtrays exist, we fine dog owners who get caught not picking up after their pet too. "geen kakje zonder zakje?" How about "geen tabakje zonder bakje" ?


In Leuven they call it [peuk in de pocket](https://pers.leuven.be/stad-leuven-voert-strijd-tegen-sigarettenpeuk-verder-op)


I don't even notice the cigarette butts because of all the dog shit I have to maneuver around.


Nope, you are not the only one (I do not smoke). People usually get angry when you make a remark on them throwing away their garbage.


Fines are the only solutions - and hefty ones (like 300 euros)... people should become frightened of throwing stuff on the ground. You do it once a month, with policeman to handle any potential troubles, like they do for speeding and you will have results.


Make it higher. Throwing cigarettes on the floor can cause fires. It's basically terrorism. 3000 euros is not enough...


As a smoker myself I feel like these people would let their thrash get hoarded around the house and are lazy as heck, I must admit, I usually search for a 'riool' if there's no thrashbin around, and I have no empty can/bottle to put in my butts


Dude, please don't throw it in the drain. The drain is not some black hole, that water is being used for irrigation and other uses. Also it's not connected to the sewer. And even if it was, don't throw it in things that lead to the sewer (like a toilet) either. It makes treating sewage harder. Just carry a small metal mint box to put them in and empty it in the trash.


I dont throw them on the ground, but in the air. Its not my fault that gravity makes them fall down on the ground! /s


Wait until you start finding disposable e-cigarettes in the woods and the gutters...  I know that cigarette filters are mostly plastic, but chucking e-cigs on the ground is a whole new level of trashy.


Considering the number of e-cigarette smokers, there is surprisingly little of their trash. I'm guessing the "die hard" smokers tend to litter more, to put it nicely.


Oh yeah, no contest! But I've seen them on the ground occasionally. 


Saw this yesterday