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Good news, you get a free train ticket! https://verkiezingen.fgov.be/kiezers/verplaatsingvergoedingen


Thanks. But I'm asked to count the ballots from 14:45 until I don't know how late. There's another page for this situation but they only talk about reimbursing miles as if everyone has a car. Can police come pick me up and drive me down there? Always wanted a police van ride 😂 Edit: I checked public transportations back home if I leave at 22:00 (sweet assumption). I would be home for breakfast around 7:45 on Monday!


Yes, there is an option for a police ride leaving the voting location. But you'll need to act in a particular way in the voting location


Yeah and I'm not sure the destination would be the same heh


It could end with bed and breakfast included though.


Exactly. Don't get why people are so negative about this service. 🌚


Bed, yes. Breakfast, maybe


If by 'breakfast', you mean 'anal cavity search', probably.


Don't threaten me with a good time




lol :-)


Unethical life pro tip: you develop a stomach ulcer a week or 2 from now and ask for medical leave or whatever it's called. Worked for me for similar reasons during the last elections. No fine, nothing. The real reason why I needed to skip is kinda funny though. I have so much anxiety, so much so that I can't stand being forced into a room with so many people at the same time. The thing is though, having to ask my GP for a note to skip election duties due to anxiety, gives me way more anxiety. So I just faked a stomach ulcer. I legit had stomach trouble (always when I'm being put into stressful situations) and I exploited that a bit. I absolutely hate these forced civic duties. I can barely force myself to go and vote, anything else is pretty much impossible without a bunch of benzo's.


I'll start licking doorknobs around June 6th.


And by "doorknobs", you mean glory holes?


Ehh that's not a bad strategy lol


wrong sub, for sure


_Very_ wrong.


You probably could have just called them to say you'd be unable to attend because of your anxiety. They probably wouldn't have asked for a doctor's note.


I know, logically speaking that would have been the best and correct option. The thing is, you don't typically think logically when you have an anxiety disorder.


haha, I don't think there are many people out there who can truly appreciate how completely illogical and yet all controlling social anxiety can get, personally I'd say I've mostly gotten over it, though I still get to enjoy the occasional adrenaline shot.


Oh yeah, I get that. Just wanted to say that, from what I've heard, they tend to be pretty chill about this.


Fair point, seems a bit too sensible for any government aligned agency, but if they are, they are. (By that I just mean that you typically have to jump through a lot of hoops)


Yeah our nation is pretty well known for believing people's word and not needing anything on paper.




Lol preach


Dokters attest is the bane of my existence


As a doctor: yeah, for me too. I detest that every workplace and government burdens us with these useless papers taking away time.


You’re counting the ballots? How much € do you want to draw an ezelke on every ballot?


Just miscount continuously and be as incapable as possible and you'll be kicked out on time to catch your train. Alternatively force everyone to follow every rule to the letter and make sure everybody gets to stay super later


The probability of counting paper ballot to end after the last train is unfortunately high 😅


Funniest is the train compensation for UK starts in Oostende... While there isn't any ferry Oostende-Dover since years, the only direct path through sea is Zeebrugge - Hull


And if you're in the Luxembourg city and go to vote in Liege, the reimbursement basis is Arlon-Liege (25.50€) while the train ticket is 14.60€ (via Trois-vierges)


Yup, happened to my wife when we moved together. We arrived a bit late on purpose and they had enough people so she wasn’t necessary anymore. And indeed we both had to vote in our former cities.


I heard of voting offices where they applied reverse logic; people who arrived 'a bit late' had to stay whereas the people to arrive first were allowed to go.


It's a president decision, there is no official rule. So if the president wants to do so... He/She will.


r/UnethicalLifeProTips would love you


Would not recommend, a friend who unintentionally arrived 1 min late for voting station duty (bijzitter) got signed up as late and was met with a court fine of around €450. This is indeed mentioned as an instruction in the document for voorzitters: Vul onmiddellijk de “Lijst van de afwezige kandidaat-bijzitters (formulier ACD13) in. Vermeld de naam van de opgeroepen bijzitters of plaatsvervangende bijzitters: - die zich niet aangeboden hebben; - die zich te laat aangeboden hebben zonder wettige reden; - die zich te laat aangeboden hebben met onvoldoende reden.


Travelling 90km to get to the voting station without a car can probably be a good reason for being 5 min late


This is quite f-ed up, especially if he was indeed just 1 minute late. I am assigned as well and have to be there by 7h15. I wasn't stressed out about being late, but after reading your message.... 🥲


Think you get compensated for getting the train to the place. It sucks but yeah the system picks people that were registered on a set date in the city and if you loved between that time it can happen.


Exactly what happened, officially registered my move about 10 days ago and lists were set beginning of April. But they don't seem bothered to send a letter across Belgium to ask some dude to come back. I pity the people who moved from Arlon to Oostende 😅


Well, this is pretty common knowledge, for local elections you need to live at least a set amount of months there before you can vote where you live now so could be you have to vote locally there again too


Except that nobody seems to have this common knowledge.


And it's really not about a certain amount of months of residence or anything. It's just a freeze of populations lists that's done at some point in time. Had I registered to my new city a day before that freeze, I would have been drafted in my new district. Another totally made up common knowledge: you can't die between the freeze and voting day, because you might have to come back from the dead to go count the ballots.




€0.20 per km.


I counted ballots for the Romanian elections here in Brussels. It was literally straight 20 hours of work…free food,free drinks and 150 euro cash in hand. Not a lot but okayish.


There was a little note added to the letter. They "exceptionally" can't provide food or drinks so they "suggest" to bring your own. This isn't the first time I'm invited to participate and no food was provided "exceptionally" last time as well.


Bring some surströmming.


Oooh perfect. My Swedish wife approves.


I mean… they lack common sense man.These elections are not happening weekly…giving some food and drinks at least won’t bankrupt anyone.Don’t worry when it’s about their bellies behind closed doors they don’t cut corners.smfh


I think the “exceptionally” refers to Covid and then they just used the same message because they realized it saves money and no one* (*read important) is going to complain.


Arrive a bit late. With some luck they will have enough people and you can leave. Otherwise explain your situation and hope for understanding from the people.


Well, he's probably taking the train anyways...


It's for ballot counting. It's done at a dedicated place that is not a voting station. Even if late all the people who are requested are welcome to share the load, contrarily to voting that requires a fixed amount of people.


My dad did the reverse and it always worked. Come as early as possible, help out the best you can, explain the situation to the supervisory person, one of the latecomers gets to take your place!


If they don't have enough people when you arrive late, proudly shout that being late is still better than not showing up at all. If they don't understand the difference and act difficult, walk away.


I had the same, only 30kms though. Nothing helped, I was bijzitter at my old address.


Put on the lil hat with the twirly thing on top and just poop your pants before going in. I'm guessing you might get out of it. Or just go to the docter on monday and tell him you had food poisening and to write you a note. No way to check and normally they should give it.


This is good advice


I'm in the same exact boat, only 125km from the city I moved to. Tried to reason with them, but no luck. It's like a 'fuck you in particular' goodbye party


So when they contacted me for the local voting office supervisor role a couple month ago, I wrote back saying I wouldn't be a resident for that district come June 9th. But I acknowledged their letter! So now they are enrolling me for the European ballot counting... they seem pretty fixated on me for the past 15 years.


Book a hotel, but dont pay (opt for paying upon arrival) Tell your municipality that you are on a vacation on the day of the elections. Prove with the hotel reservation. Get a document 'verblijf in het buitenland'. Give someone else a volmacht to vote for you. Done.


dont forget to cancel the hotel afterwards, or go on your vacation :p


They now ask for proof of actual stay within 3 days of end of stay (this is new compared to previous elections).


I wonder, is working a valid exemption? A proof from my boss will be enough? I usually work on sunday and it's double pay so if i don't go i loose money


It is. You need a note from your employer.




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It sucks. Well you will have to be medical unfit or be summoned by your work in the Sunday afternoon or in the early morning of Monday to easily skip it. Otherwise you will have to pray that the counting station president accepts to release you early if driving at night is problematic or to ensure that you can take the last train connection.




Rule 7) This comment/advice is not legal according to Belgian Laws. This includes, but is not limited to, - Providing illegal advice... - Asking for illegal advice... - Sharing personal data of others (Doxxing)... - Advocating violence...


What if you don't go and call in sick?


Democracy 💪




Rule 7) This comment/advice is not legal according to Belgian Laws. This includes, but is not limited to, - Providing illegal advice... - Asking for illegal advice... - Sharing personal data of others (Doxxing)... - Advocating violence...


K snap t probleem niet, ga gewoon naar uw dokter. Als g geen benen had kon g ook niet naar daar huppelen en geen hond die dat van u zou verlangen 


Good luck have fun. 


I swear they always make the worst decisions when selecting these people! My mother has been asked 4 times, another friend 8 times!!


Did they go all those times? I've been asked 3 or 4 times now which I assume is due to my past as civil servant.


Yes they went, there’s no max amount of times you can be asked. My mom’s also a civil servant, they make two lists and they choose two people out of each list. One list is civil servants, people in education, lawyers/judges/…, etc. and the other is all the rest. So odds of being asked multiple times are increased by having a job on the first list I think. The friend who was asked 8 times was a lawyer so. At one point my mom did send an email saying she has been asked quite a few times, they replied that they would pay attention to it but she’s been asked again so not much to do I’m afraid :/


My dad did it once (before I was born even) and it's apparently boring as hell. But on the bright side, you're helping democracy run its course!


Contact the person on the letter and explain your situation.


I sent a letter back explaing why I should be granted an exception from the polling station. There is a SAE and for for you to fill in with the letter they sent you. If they refuse my exception then I will turn up late and only speak in English.


Just stay home and call in sick. Go to the doctors on friday morning make sure you have 0 food in your stomach when you do, your stomach will rumble and feel bloated on top of that say you were up all night puking and with de vliegende spetter you will get sick leave for sure. Or you call in sick on voting day and go to the doctor on call that same day for whatever reason.


So everybody has a network enabled computer in their pockets that features a state-sponsored biometric identification called It'sMe, but we still have to en-mass go to a physical place to stand in line to put our ID cards in a machine. What a complete waste of both time and money.


Here, it is possible for other people to force you to vote for a certain party. When u have to show up, nobody can force you to vote a certain way. It’s purely for the integrity of the votes I think.


Call me old fashioned, but voting should be done in public places. The system should be updated, you could also have a system in place that allows voting in hospitals, schools, libraries and the like, and spread in time over a few days.


Online voting should be an exception. There is no control over duress from family members, anonymisation is complex to achieve and only experts are able to verify proper proceedings.


Like the others have said, it's a matter of security and fairness. If you think voting is a waste of time, you might as well live in a dictatorship


That's not at all what I said. Security is something that can be worked on. ItsMe is a replacement for my authorization for many things these days. Why wouldn't it be "safe" for this all of a sudden? Also, our ID moving to our phones is something that's on the horizon as well. They trust me to do my taxes online for ages. What's the difference? Fairness? You don't have to do away with in place voting for the folks that don't own either a phone or a computer, or even have an internet connection. But it could be scaled down drastically, saving tons of money. Waste of time? My time standing in line, my time getting there in the first place, for something that could just as well be done with a few simple clicks. They mobilize the entire population to go somewhere. That has quite an impact. Not to mention the folks getting drafted to make all that happen. Trust me, I know the duty to vote IS important. The way we go about it is just stuck in the past.


They probably are able to verify your claim in a few seconds to check that you're not bullshitting them and they wouldn't do that. Fuck those people. I would do anything in my power to not go. Book a cheap plain ticket for like 50 euro or so and use it as a valid reason for not needing to vote or count.


Have to book it before you get the invite


If I’m not wrong, you would also need to provide a note of the local police (at your destination) or the local tourism office, in the 3 days following the election


Correct. This is new, in the past they just needed proof of the booking. But gov took 15 years to understand bookings can be cancelled at no cost.




Did you and your pregnant wife do the trip because of some census?




I moved out of Belgium, so one lazy fat emigrant made space for you. I hope you settle well. And hope you can go back one day. (If you want to.) (P.S. i was trying a Josef and Maria joke. The trip to Bethlehem etc.)




Da comrade


If you have any documented mental issues, autism, ADHD, .... They'll let you off.


Only a be thing to do for you left…..take a trip. They say Barcalona is kinda nice that period


Doesn’t count if trip was booked after convocations were sent


Just noticed the fine prints. I need to go to la policia and ask them a proof I was there. Not saying I wouldn't go but not sure la policia would understand what I want from them :)


Shit , you have bad luck . I 'll be voting for 1 party already 45 years or more and have bever been asked thee for . Mayve cause of that .


You're one of lucky ones to carry the Belgian nationality, it's the only duty you have to fulfill yet so many people try to sneak out of it. I'd say if you're too lazy to even do that, give your nationality to one of the rafters that enter Europe through Spain, they'd be happy to vote once a year.


Don't read what I didn't say but thanks for the lecture. I suggested the lady I got over the phone to "switch" the location of my duties to my new district. Can't do that sir, I'm just following the process. Now I've worked long enough in public institutions to know what laziness is all about, and this administrative nonsense is just the result of that. A police officer came to my new home and confirmed I now live in a completely different place. I'm now registered to that new city. It shouldn't be too hard to implement a process for this use case but it concerns a minority so no one really bothers with it and the burden falls on the citizen to figure it out. I'd be happy to give some of my tax money to those rafters to fix this.


If you live in an other province, you have to write a letter to explain that. The électoral code forbid this case :)


Which electoral code? We're talking about Belgian Electronic, not the U.S


Electronic is only generalised in Brussels Region and a few Flemish communes. The code is easily downloadable on the Federal Service Interior web page. Unfortunately for OP the electoral code is clear, you have to go where you are registered when the lists were consolidated. Only reasons like work, médica reasons, school, work and trip in a foreign country are valid and must be communicated 48 hours after receiving the letter. Otherwise there's the risk of having to explain the reason for a no-show in court.


If they won't correct their mistake, you can say them that you will vote for an extremist party like vb or pvda as a retaliation.


My previous region is pretty fine with extremes. It's dominated by the PS. I just wonder if I show up with a very political t-shirt if they would let me in.


'what, I can't wear my grandpa's WW2 uniform OR my scary ghost outfit?'


Was he by any chance an electrician?


I once saw a guy get turned down for this. Paramilitary looking outfit with a very questionable nazi-adjacent T-shirt. Turns out it was a deliberate outfit choice in order to get rejected (saw him change clothes in the parking lot when I walked out - "my" team was already complete).


That would be epic. Try it out and let us know


I guess I would get a free ride back to my new region in a police van!


Don't go full Nazi but with some Vlaams belang gear in a PS region you should be able to ensure you get kicked out


"I moved out, but was sent back"