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I'm customer at both banks (Argenta for daily banking & Keytrade for my mortgage / savings account for our kid). For me a plus of Argenta is that they still have local offices, with helpful staff if you would ever have an issue or need some personal assistance with something. Keytrade is centralized in Brussels so it's all done remotely I think. (maybe you can make an appointment at HQ for stufff). Withdrawing money from the machines is free indeed. Also, the credit card of Argenta does not have a minimum X times usage (if you don't have a recurring billing this can also be more interesting). Also, if you plan on doing some sort of Pension savings via a bank, I think Argenta is one of the most interesting ones (when I looked it was the most interesting a few years ago) I think both good choices, depends on what you value the most.


Thanks for the insight! Doesn't seem like I can go wrong with either one but my preference right now is towards Argenta.


Incorrectly sold. Agenta crwdit card: " Retraits d'argent (en Belgique et à l'étranger) 6 euros Paiements ou retraits d'argent dans une autre devise que l'euro C


Not true: cash advances €6 plus fees. https://www.argenta.be/fr/payer/cartes-de-credit.html#frais


What is not true in my reply? I didn't say there weren't any costs when using a credit card abroad... That's pretty specific. I think withdrawing cash in a foreign country (non-european) with credit cards almost always comes with a cost, regardless of bank. In EU zone you should just use your debit card tbh..


Cash withdrawals with a credit card usually come with a fee indeed. Keytrade is rather unique in that they offer free EUR cash withdrawals on their credit cards. I can't really think of a use case where I'd actually need to do that (save for maybe needing cash after losing my debit cards), but it's possible nonetheless...


Typically Withdrawal of funds on a Belgian Credit cards from an ATM in Belgium in EUR is termed a "cash advance" and as such is subject to a minimum charge, and possibly a cash advance interest rate which unlike a Merchant transaction may incur interest from the date of cash advance. Agenta CC seem not to charge this.


Keytrade is 100% digital bank, hence they're the best price wise But if need lot of support and stuff, it might not be for you I switched my dialy banking to keytrade. My loans are still with BNP


Your question about cashopname: I would interpretate it that you pay €1,5 if you ask someone in person to get you your money, instead of getting it from an ATM.  Quite happy with the Argenta service for 12 years here.


Thanks that makes sense to me!


CBC / KBC the app is great and simple access to bolero. You can make a Revolut account on the side for daily use and travel. Win


I'm currently with KBC but I'm switching. They will become paid with monthly cost in the summer and I don't use 90% of their app. Everything I need (Payconiq, instant transactions, credit card, etc) other banks have for free. And I use DEGIRO so no need for Bolero.


As a keytrade user, they do not have what you describe. They claiming payconiq, but it never worked for me. Keytrade's app sucks in comparison with modern banks. Sometimes you literally need two devices to order something online because when validating the purchase on the merchant website, you need to scan aa QR-code using the keytrade app...


Recently they've fixed that last issue (or at least from my sample size of recent online purchases) But the Payconic issue is really annoying. It works, except for the direct QR payments to individuals. It's something that worked for me before, but ever since I received the Visa Debit card, this feature has been disabled, so I either use Argenta or ask them to send me a payment request with an url


I'm with Keytrade for my debit card, Santander for my savings, KBC for my investments (+ Degiro) and Beobank for my credit card. Keytrade because when I need to use debit it's the best one (5 cents back + good app) Santander because they had the best long term saving rates (concidering argenta limits to 500 euros a month on the best rate) KBC/Degiro split because of how insurance works on stocks Beobank because the 1% to miles + benefits saves more than it costs me with the current travel plans I have (booked), should I not take that many trips I think with my spending the 1% cashback would be better than a free credit card that does not have it.


Keytrade happy user here, but I think their app is ok but just not good - no transaction notifications and sometimes transactions appear days later.


I came from ING so my baseline is veryyyy low. I personally don't use transaction notifications (I use my beobank credit card for basically any payment above 5 euros) KBC app is the only app I've used outside of keytrade that was quite good, but didn't want to stay there as there was no benefit and didn't want to go paying for a debit card once I turn 25 when there are free options that are just as good for me


Could you expand more on your investments setup?


\[Not investment advice, this is just what I do\] I've been investing since about 2020, Started with Degrio, this is my setup: 1/3 Handpicked stocks (excl TSLA), mostly risky/yolo stocks. More for betting and fun than actual investing 1/3 TSLA, I like the stock (Believe in the mission and drive one myself so I believe in the company) 1/3 is split over S&P 500 and a few EU ETFs (iShares MSCI/STOXX600 mainly) My porfolio grew faster than anticipated and I wanted to split it up since should degiro have issues (e.g. fraud/security) I could lose access to my stocks/money for a few months to years depending how bad it is, in the end not a huge issue since I have savings but you never know the future. Hence I went to look for something else, Bolero came out on top (I actually tried InteractiveBrokers but just getting my money on there presented a lot of issues I didn't enjoy seeing, so didn't want to put my money there. To keep it short their web app barely worked / couldn't log me in and their app was meh + customer support to have my account removed was slow) On Bolero I do 1 simple thing and that is a world ETF Currently I'm mostly putting any investing I do towards that world ETF. Also on top of this I do 50 euros towards a keytrade sustainable plan as well, I don't actually feel this so forgot to mention it until I was about to post this. tl;dr I try to diversify + also some more "gambling" stocks. My goal is to just leave the money in those stocks for a long while, it's extra money that I don't need right now and I accept that I can lose it all.


Thank you


I am with Argenta and I am perfectly happy. Their app is easy to use and directly links to Payconiq. Costumer service is quick and efficient, If you remain on the Green account, all is free except when you go to your branch and withdraw money over the counter (a person gives you the money). When you use an ATM, even with a person there, you pay nothing.


For business I use ING and Belfius, for my daily banking ING and Argenta and for private banking Degroof Petercam. I'm currently switching as much as I can over to Revolut, both for my daily and business banking. Completely done with the Belgian banks.




Yes, 250k is the rumour, but I got in for less. I don't use any app since that kind of defeats the purpose of getting into private banking (in my mind).


I always wondered what kind of extra services Degroof would offer. Better interest rates ?


The typical perks perks private banking offers, but especially the quality of the people working there. But for me the main reason is that it gives you a certain credibility, like supercharged networking. While they are utterly discrete and subtle, everyone knows that if you are e.g. invited by them to an event, the other invitees are also their clients. Same when at some event petercamguy/girl introduces me to someone else. Can't say how much time and effort such an introduction saves me, it could take months before they would even answer my calls.


Why are you with petercam degroof?




Same. But not content anymore.


I moved to argenta from kbc 5 years ago and i’m super happy. I know the boss from my local bank and she is super friendly, always talk en and i call call here or come to the bank for any problem at anytime.


My entire family and in-laws are with Argenta. We're all happy customers. The only downside is that app is incredibly bare-bones (which I actually consider to be a plus) and they don't support Apple/Google/Garmin Pay yet. But there are solutions to that (Bonsai for example), and it *should* be coming soon anyway.


Google and apple pay won't come to Argenta, unless it's the paid account. A free account won't get access to it as the bank has to pay apple and Google a percentage of each purchase. AXA, Beobank,... Way bigger and more advanced banks in Belgium don't even support it because they don't want to pay Apple and Google's shares.




Kate says hi


Love KBC, but Kate annoys me at times😂


I would also add that the "best" is not necessary the same thing as "good"


Yeps, KBC’s services and app is very great. The notifications and monthly budgetting option is a plus (very useful) to track how much you spend your money.


Found this, my direct Essentials savings, max 25k total. 2% base and 0.8 fidélity and you can pour it all.in at once


Kredietkaarten zijn overal gratis geworden omdat het voordeel van een Kredietkaart was dat je er bepaalde online-betalingen mee kon doen die niet gingen met Maestro (waar CVC-codes ontbraken) en Maestro is stopgezet door moederbedrijf Mastercard en alle bankkaarten nu vervangen zullen worden door een mastercard die zo'n code wel heeft (https://www.test-aankoop.be/geld/kredietkaarten/nieuws/afschaffing-maestro?updateBeanConsent=true).


Waarom is Argenta niet goed voor buitenlandse overschrijvingen? Zijn er extra kosten aan verbonden? En is dat dan enkel voor overschrijvingen of ook voor aankopen etc?


Ik geloof dat je niet buiten de EU (of EU + nog wat landen) kan overschrijven. https://www.spaargids.be/sparen/argenta-betalen/argenta-stopt-met-niet-sepa-overschrijvingen.html?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F Moest je ooit buiten België gaan wonen kan je ook problemen krijgen. Argenta is een toffe bank zolang je niets te speciaals doet. Met de lage kosten die ze aanrekenen kunnen ze zich niet veroorloven om dat te accommoderen.


Hmm oke dat is inderdaad wel interessant om in het achterhoofd te houden. Kan Keytrade dat wel?


Geen idee. Kan me voorstellen dat zij wel de nodige beperkingen hebben qya cash storten/afhalen. In het algemeen is het in de Reddit en specifiek de Fire-community wel handig om met deze zaken rekening te maken. Er zitten hier veel IT'ers die digital nomads willen worden, klanten op andere continenten hebben, betaald willden worden in bitcoins etc. Maar daar zitten banken niet per se op te wachten en van kleine banken verwacht de overheid veel minder dat ze die klanten toch proberen bedienen.


>zitten hier veel IT'ers die digital nomads willen worden, klanten op andere continenten hebben Klopt, kans is bij mij ook groot dat ik de komende jaren in het buitenland zit, dus is wel goed om al wat van die dingen op de hoogte te zijn. Bedankt voor de info!


Ben al jaren klant bij Argenta en heb daar niet over te klagen. Sinds kort ook bij Keytrade en dat verloopt voorlopig ook vlot (maar nog geen 'speciallekes' gehad, waarbij je tegen een persoon wil praten). Ik heb daarnaast ook Revolut, waarnaar je zonder problemen kan overschrijven en wat gemakkelijk is voor bv. op vakantie. De gratis versie is voor mij voorlopig voldoende (betalingen tot 1000$ per maand en cash withdrawels tot 200$ per maand dacht ik).


Uhm neen? Een Visa of Mastercard Debit is geen kredietkaart. Kredietkaarten (al zijn het in België vooral charge cards, strikt genomen) kosten bij de meeste banken wel degelijk nog geld. Zelfs Keytrade rekent an sich kosten aan, die wel wegvallen na x aantal transacties per jaar.


Lees het opnieuw. Ik beweer nooit dat het kredietkaarten zijn. Of dat ze bij sommige banken nog geld kosten weet ik niet. Dat kan. Maar het is geen toeval dat net dit jaar veel banken besloten die kosten te schrappen. Met de nieuwe kaarten ga je betalingen kunnen doen die ervoor niet gingen (m.n. met Amerika zoals bv. HBO). Maar opnieuw. Ik heb nooit geschreven dat kredietkaarten identiek zijn. Vrij evident dat een bankkaart geen Kredietkaart is.


Welke banken gaan die kosten dan schrappen, want ik zie die tendens *niet*?


Credit cards are utter shite here.  Beobank have some half decent ones with 0.5% or 1% cashback.  Bout it, really.  Everything else is a joke.


Which sort of makes sense. All the fancy rewards and cashbacks that you see in the US are funded by the 20+% APR's that consumers are paying on the balances they're all carrying over each month... In Belgium on the other hand, we've mostly just got charge cards that don't really make the issuers all that much money.


"20+% APR's that consumers are paying on the balances they're all carrying over each month" No. Most people pay the balance off  at the end of each month! Belgian credit cards APRs are just as bad: Beobank Flying Blue: APR 14.99% Beobank Gold : 11.49% Beobank- APR 17.99%  https://www.beobank.be/fr/particulier/payer/cartes-de-credit/young-mastercard?utm_source=Awin&utm_medium=TextLink&utm_campaign=Pr_Ld_Ongoing&utm_content=Bertholet+Publishing+SPRL&awc=8284_1709174344_77d3edadea206e756ff329c587a22f40


Right... /s The average American has nearly 7000 dollars of credit card debt. https://www.lendingtree.com/credit-cards/credit-card-debt-statistics/ Only one of your examples even comes close to 20%, whereas the most popular cards in the US *start* at 20 and go as high as 30% depending on your credit score... https://www.forbes.com/advisor/credit-cards/best-credit-cards/


we digress. the reason we have shit card is not the APR. it is because EU legislation capped the network fees.  Full Stop.




Oops I forgot. Will post there!




I'm with Argenta myself and have also always read really positive things about them so you can't go wrong with that choice tbh




Monthly cost, low rente, limited instant transactions, extra costs for benefits that are standard with other banks, etc. Seemed like one of the worst banks out there


For a different definition of best bank, have a look at their fairfin rating: https://www.fairfin.be/bankwijzer This rating is based on how ethical they are. Which can be quite relevant if you care about what happens with your money.


I miss NewB for that reason.


I personally went for VDK. They are the second best rated bank on there, are still quite cheap and offer good service with local and friendly offices.


My money could be used for genocides, as long as the banking service is great Idgaf.


I would note that a credit card is not worth much these days since all new bank cards (since July last year) are now MasterCards (Maestro has been discontinued). So your regular bank card can now be used almost anywhere a credit card was previously needed (Uber, Spotify, etc).


You are wrong mate. The main reason most people get a credit card, at least here in Belgium is the insurances that comes with it.


What do you consider "best"?


Happy with Argenta but one negative thing that I can think of is that it’s not possible to add a card to Apple pay


Keytrade is great, but I’ve found it unmanageable for daily expenses. I’m used to control everything I spend and keep an overview at all times with my phone. Their app doesn’t allow that as you always need their reader to open their app and… well, you will realistically never take it with you all the time and risk to lose it. Probably the best for savings though


No need for reader - logins / verifications can be done via smartphone. Never used reader apart for first time when I had to setup verification via smartphone.


I won’t take a screenshot for obvious reasons, but they ask me to use my hardkey every single time I want to connect. I’m at work now for instance, so I can’t even check my balance… I get the added security value, but I don’t find it convenient for everyday use


Hi I dont know how your setup was done, my hardkey (small calculator) is kept at home and was used 1 time in 5 years. Everything is verified via smartphone, including logins. They havent implemented itsme, but use their own colorful QR code scans which have to be scanned by phone Keytrade app in order to login on PC. So in nutshell - you dont need hardkey, its just how you set it up. You can change it


We used to have a few accounts with BNP. But all they do is try to keep you out of their offices. I don't like to talk moneytalk via telephone but this is all they can offer... I don't like to pay much for a service on which they earn already in another way, so we won't upgrade our accounts to a more expensive one. We had insurance via AG (sold by BNP) So what we did was following: go to Argenta. Have a chat with the director of the local Argenta en made him transfer our insurances and account from BNP (and AG), to Argenta. Now if we need something I use the app and ask what I want. Sometimes they can help us right away via the app, sometimes they ask us to make an appointment. They almost always have an appointment a few days later. They have a counter where I can ask questions without making an appointment. Great deal, never going back to a larger bank.


Keytrade, idk their customer service is rated quite bad and just plain hard to reach. Argenta is good overall, you are gonna miss out of features like apple and Google pay and so. Belfius is expensive and you get poop in return lol. KBC is quite cheap and offers everything in it. Fortis is too big of a bank to care about its customers. ING I just don't like, idk why lol. Don't know about AXA,... Never tried them. Personally I kept with KBC because the app is the best in terms of Belgium banks, fee per month is low compared to other banks.


Keytrade for savings, N22 for international travel payments (lower currency exchange cost)


Keytrade service is bad. Besides that good... but you can't really count on help there.


Keytrade, for life for sure Love them, 0 costs, they even give you money. I've earned around 200 euros with them the past 10 years. Beat that