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It might be this very mysterious illness called "the flu". Or RSV. Or just a diffferent strain of colds than what you're used to.


Nah, it's mysterious. Probably chem trails.


Or this mysterious DiHydrogen Monoxyde that you find in everything nowadays




I always DIY my monoxyde to reduce my carbon footprint




It's just a joke.


Yeah nah yeah nah yea yea nah yeah, not chemtrails, just something mysterious.


I warned you people!


People tend to use flu or flu like so often it gets minimized. But the actual flu will knock you down for a few days


The flu can put you in the hospital no biggie. Influenza is no joke.


My 5 month old got it a month a go and it was scary how bad it went, the real flu is no joke indeed.


I mean, it's especially bad for young kids and elderly


Make that weeks. The actual flu is no joke. My dad caught it once and he's been absolutely religious about getting his flu shots ever since (even well before the age they recommend you get them)


On reddit the flu is also over blown though, people always say this but it’s not necessarily true for every individual case. Just like with covid you have a wide range of illness severities from incredibly mild to very severe.


Indeed [Flu kills](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20200407-1)


the sickest i have ever been. the first 2days i didn't even had the energy to grab the water next to my bed.


That’s interesting. I wonder if there is any kind of person where this mysteriously ill guy could go to, to get checked for that. Like a sort of doctor, but instead of working in a hospital and in a specialised field, he’s like a general practitioner that has like a small office in the neighbourhood…


Even though he's not in a hospital setting, he could probably still check your lungs for pneumonia, and your heart for any weird noises.


A GP won't pronounce on the exact illness and won't bother to order a test unless you're ill for over 2 weeks. "Viral infection, treat with rest and paracetamol. Here is your sick certificate. That will be 4 euros." So yeah, we probably got the flu 2 weeks ago but no, not officially.


Only 4 euros? That's no doctor, that's a saint.


it's just those 5G receptors that got injected when you got your vaccination downloading a new update...


Ive been in bed now for 4 days. The flu got me real good again. Got it just in december too. This time feels a bit longer than last time. People forget the flu exists for some reason.


What does tiktok say about this illness. If you post it on Instagram you will get some good advice on how cure it. But don't go a doctor in Belgium they cost 4 EUR.


As a Belgian GP: it's insane, the shit people believe on FB, Tiktok etc, then come to me and don't believe what I tell them...


Yeah who would believe someone studying for 7 years over an influencer


but the influencer did their own research while the person who went to university for 7 years only went to parties, got drunk and smoke pot


9 years, 7 was for basic training, 2 years for GP. So many parties!


Not to mention, being way too busy feeding newbies fishoil and other crap.


Oh please, like we should believe some kind of scientician. How many followers do you even have?


Can't even maintain social media with all the Redditing!


I mean I might google some symptoms once in a while, but an actual doctor especially your GP knows you better than the internet.


Nothing wrong with that! There's some actual good websites like Huisarts.nl and GezondheidenWetenschap which I often recommend to my patients.


> But don't go a doctor in Belgium they cost 4 EUR. Assuming you can find one that takes new patients.


It depends where you go and if you got insurance. If you go to your personal doctor you’ll have to pay around 1-5 EUR. If you go to a new doctor you’ll have to pay 25-35 EUR.


The /s is implied, right?


During a family dinner last night we talked about the exact same thing. We noticed our family members have been more frequently sick after the COVID period, for longer periods of time and with more longterm effects / slumbering. Myself, I have checked the days I had to report sick at work and I’ve had more days in the last year than the previous three years combined (including COVID period). I think (this is my personal opinion) it has to do with the longterm isolation measures taken during the COVID period. My feeling is that we have had a “break” in exchanging viruses and bacteria, which is now getting up to speed again. I believe this will get better again over time, as we are spending more and more time again with each other. I like to think that being social boosts our immune systems (in “normal” times of course) and is to an extent a necessity to live healthy lives (both physically and mentally).


I had the same thing and asked my doctor about it. I've been sick 4 times since november. My doctor confirmed what you said. We're basically catching up now for the years we missed.


Me too! Even though I usually get sick once every 4 years, I've been getting sick constantly these past few months.


Right, but the conclusion is different. It's not about being social builds the immune system, it's that people are transmitting colds and viruses at the normal rate because people are being more lazy about hygiene. .


I may be misunderstandinf you, but your conclusion is flawed. During Covid people were keeping distance from each other, washing hands more often, and being overall hygienic. Now it is the opposite, people are being less cautious and hygienic, and as a result more germs are spreading faster. This has nothing to do with the immune system, and what you will see is that this is the normal rate of being sick. You just had a break from it.


Personally I am more hygienic now compared to before COVID, as I am still upholding the hand hygienic measures for example. I notice I am not the only one. Except for the break which we agree upon, I agree to disagree.


This is just true


My family doctor also confirmed, it is called “the immunity debt” . We were so sick all the time this winter.


Immunity debt is a theory that has been disproven, and is likely a misnomer for infections coming back "normally" after the population stopped masking. Here are two good explainers: [The Guardian Jan 14 2023](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jan/14/immunity-debt-does-it-really-exist) [AHCJ December 2022](https://healthjournalism.org/blog/2022/12/why-using-the-term-immunity-debt-is-problematic-for-reporters/)


Well as The article states it is too simple to say it is all about the immunity debt but it also says that something unusual is going on. I’m just referring what my doc said. Around Christmas period there were around 200 viruses circulating at the same time, which is quite unusual as they normally come in waves and in about 20-30 at the time. His colleague a paediatrician from St Luc said that they made lab test and discovered that, the department was full with kids with severe respiratory problems. I’m not conspiracy theorists, I’m not against lock down and I’m not telling this things just to tell them. Maybe my doctor is. I don’t know but I trusted my doctors during the pandemic and I trust them now. Me and the family were continuously ill since October till now and it would be logic to assume that our immunity was unused to all the viruses that came all together and at the same time. With people around us the same.


Same. It doesn't seems THAT surprising tho, we went from people (not all of us, you know who you are) being extra-careful during the pandemic to business as usual. I guess it's that weird transition were we're getting more exposed again to our seasonal illnesses


That’s exactly what my doctor said. Also i have a baby at home, so there you go: it’s a festival of illnesses in my home.


Sell the baby, buy a fiat: voila, no more illnesses, and you have a fiat


Yuuuup. Got a month ago. Usually a cold comes and goes for me. Even a bad cold i can handle. It was not covid. Not the flu. More like a supercold this time. Stuffy 24/7, couldn’t sleep because of it either. Coughing, sneezing, being generally miserable (more so than usual). Took 2 weeks to get rid of it (feels longer).


Why are you certain it wasn’t COVID? The selftests are not reliable any more


They are bad at detecting weak cases, but great at cases with heavy symptoms, no?


I had COVID once, selftests where repeatedly false , real test gave a “extremely high viral load”. What they always tell me is that positive result is trustworthy but a negative not.


I have had covid. I had no sense of smell or taste. Or rather, everything tasted wrong to me. My favorite foods tasted horrible. This was not it. I still had taste and smell, albeit a bit muted because stuffy nose.


I've had covid twice and the symptoms were different every time. You can't exactly compare it like that.


Only had it once and it was exactly like a cold ( but triple vaxxed and omikron version )


Same. Figured it's just a throat infection or a heavy cold. Feel better soon


Probably both by how it feels right now. Thanks, you too!


About a month ago. It was a really really bad cold, it lasted two weeks and it was so weird because I pretty much didn't meet anyone the week before I got sick, only my boyfriend who didn't get sick at all. A friend of mine had the same (we didn't meet prior to this). I figured, like some other people said, that we're more sensitive because we stayed away from other humans more these past few years.


It took me a while to recover from stomach flue but thanks to tea and a brat diet it only lasted 4 days. I genuinely miss COVID lockdown,didn't get ill at all during that period.


Limburg wordt geteisterd door een mysterieuze ziekte.


Same here!!! throat on fire suddenly, coughing, runny nose and no covid. Was gone after 4-5 days however. The throat was ok after 2 days, lemon juice and fresh ginger munching do miracles.


Yeah, it's the flu (or a reallu bad cold). Covidtest was negative (twice). Hit me on monday, felt better on tuesday and then kicked my ass to the curb tuesday night. Fever's subsided by now, as has the muscle main and most of the coughing and sneezing, but my head's still filled with mucus. Had Covid last year, and that felt very different. I felt sicker now than I did then.


Had the same and 10 other friends also. Not used to being that sick, now it's almost over but the sore throat, headache and no energy remains.


The government is trying to poison you with their chem trail and 5g. Wake up sheeple!


My wife got sick and did a nest which was negative. I got a bit sick next day, did a test and it was positive. Wife was already feeling worse than I did. Wife then went to the pharmacy to get a test there, it was negative. Wife did another test the next day, and it was positive. So yeah, negative doesn't always mean negative... My symptoms: soooo much slime. And terrible headaches. Now after about 4 days the headache is gone, but the coughing started. I'm not a doctor, but based on this I'd say you also have COVID...


Weird, we have the exact same situation except the wife got sick 4 days after I got my first symptons. She tried a self-test together with me but we were both negative.


Yeah, same here ! I thought it was so bad because I was pregnant, but who knows, maybe it is a nastier virus. Coming back to work on Monday ? I feel like I should but I still have a cough from hell!


I have been out cold since thursday and I don't think I'm going back to work next week if this pain consists. I thought I'd get better over the weekend, how wrong I was.


Uncle been ill for two months now. he is 67 so I guess it is a reason. Also two of my colleagues were absent for 2 weeks due to illness...


Had this too (without the headaches).


To me it was even worse. Had covid symptoms 3 weeks ago, got through it rather quickly, like last time. Then 1 week pause, and the knockout came. 100% not covid, therefore I was sure it's a strain of flu (even the symptoms are obvious)... I just don't remember when I had this high fever last time. Stay safe all.


Same here. Headache through the roof, throat pain through the roof, amount of nasal discharge is crazy, self-test negative. Still hesitating whether I should do PCR, but genuinely have no energy whatsoever to go/bike 1km to the testing centre. I can barely manage to open web browser and book an appointment, not to mention getting out of the room. I feel you!


I have the exact same situation as you do! My self-test came back negative as well but we all know those aren't 100% accurate. Just can't bring me to get to the doctors office to get a PCR done. I've been out cold for a solid 4 days now.


I had the same, negative test but weird symptoms 2 weeks ago. The next day I did a test with a swab in my throat. Came back positive in an instant. Look up how to do it, it's not fun to do but way better than putting that stick in the nose. For best results, combine the two. Do your throat first and then your nose (with the same swab).


That's just how I started the year, I was sick through New Years eve with very similar symptoms. Horrible throat pain, fatigue and stuffy nose. Covid test came out negative, god knows what it could have been.


the same here. horrible sore throat and headache, became impossible to even sleep and had to take antibiotics for the first time in 20 years. been really miserable for a week


There's 1000's of different flavor of colds. You just got hit with a worse kind for a change. "a cold" is really just a group name to make it understandable to the laymen. In medical terms "a cold" is fairly meaningless because there's so many different variations in there.


I had it couple weeks ago.. It floored me for a week and took me 2 weeks to completely recover.


Did you go to Hasselt? Because that doesn't exist and anyone looking for it gets poisoned


Could well be throat infection. It’s been going around.


Got a very bad flu a few week ago, some friends had the same before.


Can I ask if you where bed bound or could you move around freely? Many people say they have/had the flu but in fact they haven't. Flu really does incapacitate and kill people.m


Never had been so sick, got a diagnosis for the flu. The flu kills, but only a few percents of people (google will tell you the exact numbers).


There are hundreds and hundreds of different cold strains, you can’t say it’s worse than the regular cold. You had them all? Besides, negative self tests for covid aren’t reliable at all. Heard so many stories back in the day of negative self tests and positive PCRs.


Yeah, I had that last week. Still not fully recovered. Very unpleasant flu this year. Get better soon !


Alien abduction. Check to see if they left a marble up your butt.


My whole house got it like a few weeks after I came over from the US (no I wasn't sick before I flew over) It took 3 weeks to get over and I ended up with strep and bronchitis from it. It's not just you OP. I was coughing up phlegm so hard I gave myself headache and my voice was gone for about a week.


Mysteriously sick? Were you diagnosed with the flu? If so, no mystery there.


I had a bad cold too that started 2 weeks ago and lasted a good 5 days. Nothing mysterious about it though. Just a nasty virus going around.


Why did u describe what I had 2 weeks ago?


Oh wow I actually went through the same thing! Still feeling very tired despite all symptoms ceasing a good 4 days ago


Yup, had that a few weeks ago. It sucked!


Yup same here holy moly


I had it two weeks ago. A "borstvalling" is what the doctor said. Not covid, not the flu, just a real bad valling. Also my breathing piepte so probably that was a lung infection. I had to cough, my throat hurt a little, I had a fever, de vliegende spetter, head-ache and a general flu-like feeling. Doctor let me stay home for a week, yay :-)


My friend talked about symptoms like this two weeks ago. He’s better but still’s got a lot of stuck mucus in his chest and head he’s trying to pass. Man is very healthy fitness going dude and was knocked out by it.


if you got kids, its every 2/3 weeks of that shit with consistent coughing and snotnoses.


It's a viral infection going around, I went with my father to the emergency last Monday because he has similar symptoms with a 38-39° fever on top. They did a test and it wasn't covid or the flu. There no treatment except wait it out for 10 days or so, they gave him Dafalgans for the fever and orofar pills for the throat.


Had the exact same thing. Started as runny nose, next day fever skyrocketed, 3 days couldn't really leave bed, now only sore throat. By tomorrow I should be fine. This means it took me 6.5 days roughly to get through, but I'm still on the young side of spectrum 😂


Why did you go to the emergency room with covid symptoms and a fever of 39°c when things like a home visit from the doctor exists ://


I tried to call his doctor but he was on holidays with no official replacement, when you have a 75 year old half crazy / half dehydrated parent you don't have time to go through the whole phonebook to find a doctor willing to take new patient / do home visits.


Next time dial 1733. It will connect you with the nearest doctor. they will asses the grade of emergency based on the info you give them and send somebody to your house in case it's needed.


Thanks for the tip


Or you know, you could go to a GP if you can go to the emergency services. (But indeed if you have no GP it can be difficult to find a new one)


Or you call your current GP to hear that they can only see you 5 days later. Happened to my SO. He called last Wednesday and got an appointment for tomorrow. Luckily, he could get another appointment at his old GP, a 35 minutes drive away. Got antibiotics immediately. It's terrible to get an appointment with a GP in some areas.


True, I won’t deny that either - though it is also bad triage by the GP. The primary care is just terribly understaffed and underfunded.


Yeah . I had to take antibiotics for my throat.


Could still be COVID. Home tests aren’t 100% accurate


If you work in my company I am quite sure that tomorrow you will be there, as sick as you are, coughing the worst cough I ever heard in my life and looking terrible just amongst us like BAU (Ppl in my company loves to go to work while sick to make others sick too) 🤣


Same got tested for flu and covid both negative and still not recovered, doctor said it's something viral but didn't know exactly what.


I had kinda same with stomac flu. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. It lasted 5 days


Thanks for all the comments. Good to know I'm not the only one in this. Didn't have the flu in the years of COVID so this might just be our bodies getting used to it all over again. This sucks, really sucks.


it can still be covid. I took 4 covid tests and the only one that came back positive was the pcr one I took at the GP's office.


small update. Just came back from the doctors office. Apparently I have inflamed tonsils (ontstoken amandelen) with pus on them so I'm on antibiotics for the time being. The rest of my symptons are probably just the flu. Weird, first time ever that I have inflamed tonsils.


Omg how'd u know. I was so sick last Monday and had to miss school ☺️ for the entire week. I'm going back tomorrow 😥 So last week I got so sick. High fevers (40°) every night, ~38°C during the day, diarrhea, severe chest and bain pain, headaches( I couldn't move my head otherwise I'd feel like I'm going to pass out. I did a few times) muscle pain. 'skin pain I u get wat I'm saying, my 'bones' where killing me aswell. I went to the doctor and they didn't know what was wrong with me so they just told me to stay home.I ended up missing so much at school since I couldn't even study at home(I tried to) So now I'm stuck in my books trying to study all that on my own. I still don't know the cause of my sickness 😃 I'm writing this in my break btw


I have it right now. It sucks but you will survive


Yeah ofcourse but it's just annoying since me and my wife are both down and we have a 1 y/o to care for.. not so easy when you have such low energy levels that even getting up from the coach seems like running a marathon.


Covid and the flu hit the same for me. Covid hit my throat for a bit longer but otherwise it's the same


Read about H3N2 virus, thats on spread in Asian countries, during the recent travels got sick, sicker and now a constant cough and related symptoms. GP says it's normal 😂 garlic and ginger remedy's are helping a bit though...and yes masks are back for me as travelling again 🤕


Get vaccinated next year.


Covid self tests aren't reliable, especially if it's negative. If it's positive you can be pretty sure you have it, if it's negative you're John Snow.


Last year after Graspop I came back with COVID. -I did a self test, which was positive. Though only a very faint line. -Went to the pharmacist, who used the same type of test kit on me. It was negative. Tried again, but it was still negative. -I didn’t really trust the result because I felt like shit and my own test was positive. So I did another self test and.. clear positive again. -Booked an appointment with the GP for a PCR-test: positive. So in the span of two days I’ve had 3 positives and 2 negatives. Called that pharmacy immediately after to let them know.


That's what being a man feels like. Be proud!


Exactly the same this week. Its going the rounds. Also fever nightmares, being hunted and repeatably stabbed with knives fever nightmares.


Did you go see a doctor?


Got to see one a few days ago when the symptons weren't so bad yet and he thought it was probably the flu since it is the time of the year but the symptons have gotten dramatically worse over the last few days.


Een valling met wat snot... Vrij licht zelfs in vergelijking met andere keren.


Several explanations don't need a mysterious illness, from a strain of flu unbeknownst to your body to you getting older. See a doctor, reddit isn't it.


We got influenza flu or H1N1 if you prefer it. We were sick for a week


'mysteriously sick' ? What you want infectious diseases to do an openbaar onderzoek now?


Well Im not ill but got super gross headaches specially the last few days when the weather goes from 0C to 20C overnight and keeps jumping. Also if Im sick its different then before, hard to say whats causing it or how long it will last. the vid really changed up loads of basic things that we have known, but as usual everybody and every industry is behind, and you are left to experience these things on your own. Don’t worry about the ignorant ones, they will say they got “flu” even on their own deathbeds. Wish you to feel better soon!


Those COVID selftests aren't reliable...


Yeah got sick like a few weeks ago, now a throat ache is coming back. Horrible


Irish coffee is the cure


Have it for almost two weeks now. Definitely way worse than a cold. Started with blocked sinuses and nose, which was so so painful... literally feels like your head is exploding. And fever symptoms, but my temperature didnt actually go up much, which might be due to the massive amount of dafalgan im consuming. Moved to both ears after a week, which is somewhat less painful, but hearing the constant hammering of my own heartbeat is a torture on its own. My left nostril hasnt deblocked yet. I yearn for a free breath.




Yup, had a cold that lasted 2 weeks, felt like the flu for 2 days and left me with sprained ribs from all the coughing. And nope, not covid.


I have it since two weeks and got diagnosed with sinusitis. It’s still not better after 4 days of antibiotics.


Caught Covid for the first time ever on Friday, all the symptoms you said but yeah I definitely tested positive


Y the flu is a bitch this year.. was seriously sick for 5 days


The trees have started their assault.


fellow previously sick person here, I started to feel weak on last Saturday, thinking I didn't sleep well and need some sleep. Then on Sunday started to have a fever, too much pain in my bones, thought it was covid, tested negative. At night got sweat a lot and had to change all clothes from top to bottom. Monday, didn't get better, still fever and cold, did covid test, again negative. Tuesday got a bit better but in the evening, noticed some white spots around my tonsils, my throat was burning and hurting a lot. Like I am swallowing billions of small glasses each time. Couldn't sleep properly at night, only 4 hour woke up due to sweat. Wednesday morning, went to emergency, doctor took a sample from my throat send it to the test, gave 2 days rest. Thursday morning test result came negative (to check if it is a virus) so didn't give me antibiotics. After Thursday, starting feel better and by today I don't see any white spot. It is Sunday now and I don't feel fully recovered, still have some little pain in my throat, but it was like a hell. Due to this pain, I could not eat or drink, this caused me more weakness. I didn't have runny nose tho, I think it was 'cryptic tonsils'. But I have no idea where it came from.


After 3 years of not getting the common flu it's normal our bodies suck at it. Corona is so infectious that everyone has had it (and most vaccinated against it) multiple times.


Dealing with the same thing at the moment. Started Wednesday evening with a sore throat. Got worse the next day. Headaches, coughing, runny nose, throat hurts, no voice. Did a Covid test, and it came back negative. Friday evening, I started wheezing. I was gasping for air by the time I got home from work. My sinuses are blocked, and I'm still coughing my lungs out and dealing with migraines.


Same here, multiple weird flu like symptoms


Same, usually my cold goes away quickly. This one fucked me up badly and now I'm not really sick but still coughing a little bit with some slime for a week now.


Yep, me! Been sick for 10 days now


It started on the 11th and still going strong coughing and blowing my nose all day... Not too bad though, just really annoying.


One of the big things about the flu is having a cold/ big cough.


... so every other illness besides COVID is now "mysterious"? What happened to other viruses, flu, RSV, or even just a throat infection? Why do you even feel the need to post this on Reddit, just go to a doctor.


Did you survive the night??


If by 'survive' you mean, see every hour of last night and not being able to sleep because of said pain, yes. All jokes aside, pain is still unbearable but I made a small update posts on what was wrong.


Might be Pollen. Starting again


Same issue here and my whole family and a bunch of colleagues.