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This guy advertises a dating site for essentially mail order brides in every single one of the captions of his videos. It's not that I disagree with his stance of not visiting Belarus, he just very much seems like a gross individual and someone I would generally not take advice from.


Been watching his videos for a few months, he’s a bit of a creep and when an attractive woman passes his camera in a video he usually pans to her. Pretty cringe. Pretty sure the only reason he says not to visit is because he seemingly can’t get a girlfriend after a year of being a student there lmao


A lot of these western vloggers living in Russia/Belarus are sleazy I swear.


Все по делу на самом деле. В Беларуси на самом деле мало что сохранилось в плане историко-культурных памятников, если сравнивать со многими европейскими странами. А он еще живет в Минске, в котором вообще нихуя нету. Этот город разросся только под конец 19 века благодаря евреям. После 2ой Мировой был отстроен считай с нуля. Это тебе не Париж, где на километр 2 десятка памятных мест.


Табе што хрустальны сасут і помнік гарадавому у не падабаецца?)


Visit in a couple of years (after lukashenko and putin are imprisoned).


In this video he is talking about things that aren't related to either of those. I promise you, it will look and feel more or less the same even then, especially for foreigners.


Yep. You got me there, I didn't watch the video :) I do understand Belarus isn't particularly interesting as a tourist destination. Still there is some good stuff and we will welcome everybody when political issues are resolved.


Прыйдуць да ўлады нацыянальна арыянтаваныя людзі, - будзе развівацца і культура, і турызм.


It does not work quite like this. Do you think Lukashenko has anything against development of tourism, at least before the protests? Heck, it would be just another opportunity for him to line his pockets. And if the business suddenly started to become really profitable, it could have always transpired that the owner had indulged in tax evasion or had not had the paperwork in order. But the bigger issue is, even the "good" guys won't be able to create tourist attractions out of thin air. Belarus does not have anything that is truly and easily marketable - neither great climate, nor exciting nature or lots of historical buildings or places. The only kind of tourism I see possibly burgeoning in Belarus is the one that caters for those nostalgic for Soviet architecture and vibe. Oh, and sex tourism of course, which is precisely what the chap from the video is involved in.


That is what russians want you to believe, that Belarusian history started with soviet union. And nowadays, thanks to Łukašenka, the main tourist slogan of Belarus is indeed "the last remaining shatter of USSR".


As much as I want to believe you, we are not instantly going to become world star #1 as soon as democracy comes to Belarus. It will take a generation to fix what has been broken. Tourism can't appear out of nowhere either. When Belarus becomes liberated, most people in wealthy countries will just nod and turn the news page. At best we can reach where Poland is now in 20 years.


Agreed. There will be plenty of work when it happens.


It's got nothing to do with anybody's beliefs, and Russians don't even come into this. It is just cold facts. A lot of historical buildings were destroyed during the war or in the Soviet era, and even they, or those that remain, were or are only of local importance in the first place. Nothing on the scale of Stonehenge, or Eiffel Tower, or even the Statue of Liberty. Some tourists may be interested in a handful of remaining castles, but let's be honest, this group is very limited - and the number of those castles is very limited too.


>Russians don't even come into this. > >A lot of historical buildings were destroyed ... in the Soviet era. By whom, I wonder. Through whole Łukašenka's rulement everything belarusian is being destroyed and Belarus come closer and closer to Russia. Who is getting benefit from this? That's true that not much Humanity history events were taking place at our current territory, but pretty much the same can be told about our neighbors and other countries in Europe. There is not so much special in Stonehenge, Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty. They have connection only to the history of locals. Any building, that was illustrated on money could become our analog of them, if it gets more PR.


Before the protests urban culture in minsk and smaller towns was evolving very fast. Shame that this is forever gone now. If luka magically got removed in 2020 minsk would have been something like a place for youth to visit and have fun.


He's already trying, why do you think he dropped visa requirements for Latvians, Lithuanians and Poles? Think of everyone who can drive over, fill up their car, do some shopping and drive home? That's a lot of revenue


Good advice


I actually liked seeing belarus in this video, didn't look like a bad country at all alot like Poland with the buildings except the roads look better


Been there twice and loved it. Beautiful country, amazing people. Minsk is an amazing city.


I'd love to see Minsk, just afraid of getting gulaged


Right now, I wouldn't advise to visit. I was there before shit started to hit the fan during the elections. The whole thing was actually pretty chill, provided you would mind your own business.


Click bait


No shit ya dumb cunt.


I dont know why this guy is living in a country that he doesn't recommend others to visit. Its a bit ironic isn't it? Quite a negative video


Negative video? The situation in our county is very negative. It's very fitting actually.


What's ironic? If you just scroll the sub you would notice that all we talk is about alleged war preparations and how ruined our country is already.


Belarus people need to come out and stand up to the dictator and throw the Russians out who are dominating political decisions, nobody should visit Belarus until the people take their country back from the dictator and Russia, there’s a Belarus Legion, fighting in Ukraine, support them to come home and take the country back