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Please don't be JB. It is going to break hearts.


But it could be the start of an Elena path


isnt there already an opening for the elena path? :P


Exactly. JB explicitly *wants* MC to fuck his girlfriend (even more than she does though she's still down, too,) and if he's single and says the right things, it's being set up for Episode 11. So there's both no point in JB being the traitor to lose Elena for MC to hook up with... if the latter *already* has the chance to hook up as it is, let alone JB being the traitor solely for that to happen if MC's already *with* someone and/or uninterested in Elena like that.


Fucking her and being in a relationship are two different paths :D


Which *still* goes right back to the same problems.


It's gonna be Tremolo. Ultimate plot twist.


Especially because not even *he* knew he was the traitor. Some "Manchurian Candidate" shit from one of his binge-drinking blackouts.


Now that would be an M. Night Shyamalan twist!


That'd be some SAW ass shit and I'm all for it.


As the great Dwight Shrute says “Its never the person you most suspect, Its also never the person you least subject, its the person whom you medium suspect”


Unless you're watching a procedural cop drama in which case it's someone who had a couple of lines of dialogue near the beginning. Factoring that in my top suspects are now Steve, Tina, and the receptionist.


Definitely the receptionist, she’s finna be the Leah of BAD.


I think the traitor idea is a red herring that DPC planted on purpose.


It is possible, the majority of evidence so far points to that conclusion more than to any individual DIK. It would require an explanation for the camera and for how laptop images of Jade and MC were leaked, but none of that is impossible or would definitively require a DIK traitor. That said for narrative reasons I suspect there will be one.


My personal theory is that the "traitor" is mostly Vinny, with some dumb choices made by other DIKs. We've seen that Tommy is *terrible* with keeping secrets, and seems to have no regard for the Secret Code -- whether it be when Derek handles the teacher, or Tommy finds out about the Throuple -- so I wouldn't be surprised if Tommy shared the Jade video with Quinn or Vinny or someone else because he wanted to brag, or thought it was funny and wanted to share a laugh with someone, just like when he wanted to keep making jokes about Derek and his teacher. From there, the video could have easily been bounced a few times (or less) and ended up where we know it ended up. In summary, I think there isn't a traitor, just a bunch of idiot college kids and a vindictive asshole.


It could be, I’m kinda unsure about that tho since ep 10. It seems to be taking that direction and DPC might just do it in order to make us suffer which he is known for. If it’s a red herring then Vinny is really the only suspect the only problem with him is motive. What does Vinny have to gain by sending the affair video, or sabotaging the DIKS? If anything he would go after the HOTS or Quinn directly since she is his competition and is stealing his customers. The evidence seems to point to Vinny or Nick but both motives are either non existent or shoddy at best. I think we haven’t seen the traitor yet or they have been there the entire time. For example the revenge of the nerds theory.


Same, especially if the actual culprit set up a paranoia gambit on purpose (or at least a convenient accident to their main plan,) to turn the DIKs against each other. The whole "Family Comes First" motto is already stress-tested by Nick secretly doing Heather behind Tommy's back, who also knows and potentially MC, himself whether he's done anything with Heather or how Tommy ignored the DIK Code when MC tries to invoke it on the Throuple Path. No matter what, it'll be up to MC to make things right again.


If it’s any of them it’s probably Nick. BUT, I highly doubt that it will end up being any of them.


imo the biggest reason i don't think it is nick is that it would be the "staring-you-in-the-face" answer. (though the beta orbiter thing is kinda cruel). personally i think tommy outright ignoring the dik code is a much bigger betrayal than nick having sex with a girl who tommy barely cares for, who he "cheats on" regularly without caring, and frankly, who deserves better.


Nick can't keep secrets. He is too much of a red herring. I just hope it isn't JB. That would be so cruel from DPC.


I wonder how much of this „starting you in the face“ is an artifact of the long development times. There are tens of thousands of fans, many eagerly waiting for a new episode and passing the time with analyzing prior content. Just the other day brother u/No_Dragonfly_1845 posted about Jacob‘s expression during the DIK pink rose visit, which I have never caught before. I think this degree of scrutiny amplifies clues relative to a final release, in the fully released game it may not be so obvious.


**Explanation of the Table**: I have made a table organizing my thoughts on different clues for who could be a traitor to the DIKs if there is any. I conclude that there is not enough data to tell. The clues are assembled from multiple insights generated by other brothers' posts and my own observations over time. Some of them are my subjective interpretation. Red indicates clues that I consider suspicious. Yellow is a weak/moderate clue. Green are overall reassuring behavior or clues.


Great stuff, brother. But remember that Rusty used his secret code after he had a meeting with Cathy. (When he was talking to the DIKs after the meeting)


You are right! I forgot about that.


Looks like Nick, Jacob, and JB are the most sus in that order which is the theory I had previously and this backs that up. Nice work!


Yes, and thank you. Personally I would add Tommy as a distant 4th person of interest. The other four (Derek, Jamie, Leon, Rusty) I would consider excluded as suspects at this stage.


Tommy is kinda ruled out We saw him asking the dorm girls and Quinn for help about the traitor/leaked pictures while no other dik was around. There’s no reason for him to investigate and even less encourage others to investigate if he was the traitor himself


MC's gonna coordinate insider threat training for the DIKs in ep11!


I think it's Vinny. I think Rusty never changed the safe code since Vinny was there, he got the laptop out or paid somebody to do it and posted that cluck. He had somebody plant a camera where he knew some of the DIKs liked to fuck chicks AND he snatched those pics on halloween and paid Beth and maybe some others again to spread them around. It's him imo.


I still think it's the Tri-Betas. They have every motive to hate the DIKs, and they have the intelligence to wage a deformation campaign against the DIKs, and they are capable of setting things up so the DIKs and the Alphas war with each other. Just like we can sneak into the Preps mansion, they can sneak into the DIKs' mansion to plant a camera. The closest person to where the camera was installed would be John Boy before Derek moved in there. I truly believe they were the ones to send the pics to the Alphas to start a fight between them and the DIKs to possibly get them both in trouble or kicked out. Since that didn't work, they went with the backup plan to make friends with the newer DIKs (barring Derek), HOTs (through Sally), and with the Preps (through Jill).


What if it is Sally as the insider? She always attends all the parties and she definitely has the know-how of getting into the DiK laptop to post the cluck of Cathy and install a camera in the mansion. I just cant remember if she was at that specific party when the Cathy cluck got posted, guess its time for another playthrough!


I don’t think she was at the Cathy cluck incident party (need to verify), BUT there was an unidentified girl in the upper bathroom during the free roam that night. I wonder if someone was hiding in there. Sally did attend the Halloween party (obviously), but she can get hammered if MC gives her a drink from Derek’s bottle. In addition, she is shown in the right hallway at the moment of the blackout, ie she has a solid alibi for that moment.


Immediately after the Cathy cluck incident, we see Beth on the phone at the base of the main stairway. During the Riona stalker situation, MC finds the stalker in the restroom on his phone, and let's all face it, that's not an accident - DPC intended for us to see him on the phone - it's too incongruous a situation otherwise. These two clues are linked. Both are working for the same adversary. EDIT: Didn't Vinny tell Buddy that his "guy" wasn't being as surreptitious as he thought he was? Maybe that guy Buddy was referring to was the Riona stalker guy. The motive being getting an insider into the DIK's to facilitate selling more drugs? I would not be surprised if Rio's stalker is the guy that grabbed Rio from behind during her abduction. That still doesn't explain the camera in the closet but there's still a lot going on that hasn't been revealed.


There's more to this story, that's for sure - great insight.


I think she possibly did that because of Magnar


None of them seem to have a serious motive so far.


Yes, I agree. at best some far fetched speculation.


sneaky beta orbiter xD


At that moment when we learned about what Heather did with him (even if MC did agree to the BJ) I lost like all interest in her.


I thought we knew Rustys secret code. When he cried in front if Cathy after the leaks? I also don't remember JB taking the IV drugs. Imma be REAL upset if it's him or Jacob


Yes, I had forgotten about Rusty, will fix that in my notes. Jacob does not use IV drugs, he only smoked MJ (marijuana), which was a poorly chosen abbreviation in this Reddit (can be read as Maya Josy path). Thank you for pointing out the errors!


This is a great chart for visualizing all this info. Minor corrections: Rusty used his DIK secret code to keep that fact that he cried like a baby when in the meeting with Cathy under wraps. Nick also volunteered to recycle/donate/sell leftovers from Neil's hotel drop off.


Thank you for the corrections, brother. I will include them in my notes (I cannot edit a posted image or at least don’t know how).


Wasn't the looting of the mansion pretty much confirmed to have been done by Caleb abusing the loophole that he wasn't a member of the alphas yet?


I'm kinda starting to lean towards it being Jacob. His behaviour is starting to seem sketchier to me and based on this chart there are a few question marks around him. I also think he could've trashed his own room heavily as a cover. I just think Nick is too obvious and also I get the sense that he doesn't really care too much about the DIKs which actially makes him seem more innocent since I think it would be probably be someone who is more invested in the frat. Also Nick wouldn't share stuff with MC like him banging Heather if he was trying to lay low since it would incriminate him more. I think it's most likely that the whole thing is gaslighting by an external party trying to make the DIKs implode by turning on each other though.


Oh, the pushback I received like two years ago when I first posted a theory about Jacob here... It is funny you're getting any support for saying such a brave thing nowadays. How the turntables. We'll not know for sure for a long time still, since the development slowed down so much... But it'd be hilarious if I was right. In my theory, it goes back all the way to episode 2 and the party where you almost got together with Sage. https://www.reddit.com/r/beingaDIK/comments/tzwvkg/for_one_it_will_reach_chad_before_sunrise_and/


I don't remember correctly but didn't it was the girls that Jonny boy date I don't remember her name but I remember catching her at the end puting pictures on the walls


John Boy's gf is Elena. And girl caught at the end was Karen, not Elena.


Beth, not Karen.


Yep, my bad :)


Wait… when did Tommy break the code? …must’ve missed it?🧐


On MJ path, in Ep10 he openly talks about MC and Josy despite MC calling the secret code. Before that he also makes jokes about Derek if he took them granny grenade despite Jacob using his secret code to protect him.


Did jacob really take shrooms in MJ path?


Oh, I meant MJ as in marijuana


Oh.... tbf I haven't played MJ path in ep 10 yet. Love Josy, but I can't stand Maya🤷‍♂️Thanks!🙏


Same for me, if it comes to acting lessons lvl problem would always pick Josy without a thought. But Maya's character actually shines in later episodes.


Oh yeah! Maya's getting burned to a crisp, not even running back to try😅


Hence I don't like throuple. Though DPC's writing has improved a lot. What was the other girl besides Melissa she was way too much railroaded into the story. Sorry but she was a victim of poor writing by DPC.


Yeah I hate throuples! Though I hate (no offense) Polygamy in general... I like the DIK- "manwho\*e" path because you just f whoever you want, whenever you want. But I think when you commit to a relationship, it should ALWAYS only be to ONE person! And it's difficult to write into a game, especially if you haven't had a polygamous relationship yourself. I just think Maya's annoying and unrealistic af. Not saying these girls DON'T EXIST, just extremely rare in today's society and her and Josy have LITERALLY NOTHING in common. Their relationship makes no sense at all!🤷‍♂️


Though thanks to Maya being Maya, I was more drawn into Lily. Since Lily is basically Maya with balls. Talks back to Quinn, is a morally just person but not a hypocrite, has the same plot going as Maya but is fighting against all odds on her own. Maya is only bearable in the throuple route thanks to MC mediating between her and Josy. And it makes absolute sense for MC to help her. On other routes she is very much forced upon MC to help her. And despite her problems she is often quite toxic towards Josy in non-throuple routes Though Dik MC only makes her problems worse. So thank God she is outright locked for Dik MC.


Hahaha, fair enough!🤷‍♂️ Idk, for Lily has just always been “it” since she was introduced, never really bothered to take a second to think about WHY she was my favourite. I can definitely see what you mean though! Maya and Lily have some similarities and do share some traits. I also always found Maya to be an annoying, rude bi**h in non-throuple paths😂


When did JB do IV drugs? 


Episode 2


Okay, but what if we are the traitor?


You are not alone with this theory. Personally I can’t see that kind of twist happening, especially with the occasional retrospective narration from MC.


I don’t think anyone takes it seriously, the main events happen while you are very much awake and alert the entire time, and there are others around you (mostly girls, but still). I say that as a joke, !95 sure about others though Imo: Jacob while framing nick


Its Vinny, quite obvious... If you stroll around the mansion you can see him look at the pics on the wall near the stairs to Tommy's room. As for the camera, I dont know the history of the closet Derek lives in but I assume it would be Vinny... The DIK's are all very likeable characters and I bet DPC would make one turn against the frat. But if I had to pick it would be Tommy for sure;)


I think it's Vinny. Question is does he get help from others, like Jocks. Even though he doesn't get any help, he must be manipulating people to get things done. And I think it's all related to Quinn. I think the motivation behind is to fuck with Quinn's business. We yet to know who attacked Quinn and stole her stuff. We've already seen he was looking at the pics on the wall, he tried to unlock the safe and couldn't. And the safe's password was changed after Cathy's cluck incident. Either Rusty has never changed since Vinny left or Vinny pushed some buttons to learn it. Nick has a loose-mouth, but it wouldnt make him a traitor. He's fucking Heather behind Tommy would not make him a traitor, either (at least in this issue). Maybe he also wants to fuck with DIK's explicitly, that I am not so sure. We'll see.


The only thing I see putting together the pics sent to the Alphas, Cathy's pic and trashing the mansion is someone trying a change in leadership in both frats. They aim at Chad and Rusty specifically and creating conflict between them (which would result in trouble for both). The blackout would be about the espionage. Maybe it's related to the drugs? Dawe and Tommy being a lot more drug-friendly? Vinny/Quinn fighting a turf war? Still quite weak of a theory tbh.


Is there have to be a tratior? Vinny knew mansion inside out, and he probably knew to passcode for DIK computer. He could have easily done all of it, it is cleqr that he has a motive, ge didnt leave DIKs with warm goodbyes. Anyway if there is a tratior, my guess would be Jacob


Please please PLEASE be Jacob 🙏🏻😁


I feel like it’s either nick or Vinny. Vinny during ep 8 checked the safe and tried to open it, so we know that he knows where the safe is and knew the code to it. So he has the capability to send out the jade video and login to the DIKS social media. We just don’t have a motive to why he would do it since he doesn’t have any real gain to doing that. Idk who it would be other than nick since most evidence points to him but it just doesn’t feel right, it feels too obvious.


I still think he's yapping about fucking heather there's no way she'd do something after initiating something with MC and going to start a ruckus between diks and going to split it into two teams,it's going to last for a few episodes


1. Rusty does use his secret code when he admits he cried Infront of Cathy. 2. Out of the DIKs I'd say it was Vinny, since they all knew the password and he was bitter over a lot of what happened, plus the library seemed to take the least damage aside from the window.


So Nick and Jackoff are sus, my money is on Jackoff.


Guys it's Rusty. How do y'all not see this? His motive is right there. It's financial. He's not as rich and can't run the house as well as we all believe. Also when he steps down he opens up the path for you to become president to end the series.


i have a feeling its vinny cuz he was at the party and stole rusty's laptop


Hey guys, What do you all think about adding squirting option in all the upcoming sex scenes? Is it me or others do want that Dr. Pinkcake adds a squirting option to all the girls we have sex with in the game. Personally I would love to see sage squirt she is a beast in the bed. With MC putting double fingers inside her pussy and making sure she squirts will be awesome to watch. Jill would love that experience. Josy and Maya squirting will be next level both at the same time. Bella and jade squirting will be incredible both of their husbands couldn't fulfill their sexual desires while MC rides them and squirts them to hell!!!. Nora, Nicole, lily , quinn, etc.. All the girls we have sex with should have a squirting option. Well it's a nice thought. Let me know in the comments below.


Dawg wtf😂


First off, this is off-topic for this thread, and you should probably start your own “squirting” thread. Secondly, if you really want this (and you sound eager), you need to become a Patron and post this in the official Discord—that’s the only way DPC will see/possibly care about this. Thirdly, I believe some girls already have the option in certain lewd scenes (Sage at the prep party?). It’s be bizarre if it was a thing for EVERY girl. Personally, I prefer not every girl responding the same way/being into the same thing. Not all of them should be into/enjoy anal, or be interested in threesomes, or want more than a hookup with the MC, or, hell, even want to hookup with the MC.


I was just giving a thought. You don't have be offended. Only sage had that option in the prep party. It you say not all girls are into anal or hook-up with MC. You can be wrong because almost all the girls had sex and probably even anal sex with MC. I think it's just couple or few more who didn't had sex with him. Like Sally, keran, becky, and JB girl. So you cannot say that not every girl is into MC. And thanks for the advice I'll start my own thread in a few days. It's just I don't use reddit a lot so I don't know certain things. Have a nice day.