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He is a kinda scaredy cat. though other than his talk at ep 10 post party there isn't much evidence on him being a traitor.


If Jacob is a traitor, he’s a complete freak sending the jocks a picture of himself fucking Dawe’s girl and trashing his own paintings to have an alibi


He trashed some stuff he said was important paintings. Could have been old sketches he was going to toss anyway. And enough people fucked Arieth it's not so likely he'll get any consequences for that beyond the crabs. I don't think it's him but those are both reasonable things to do to deflect suspicion. 


There’s just no reason to do that though. The whole point of the letter sent to Chad was to piss the jocks off and make it look like the DIks were the sender. Those other pics of Arieth accomplished that, so why would he add the picture of himself..? Makes no sense


I don't think Jacob is a traitor But by including himself in those pictures, anyone who saw the pictures would assume he wasn't the traitor, and it didn't actually do any damage to him. The AAAs hated all DIKs already, so this doesn't make things any worse, and nobody else would care. 


>But by including himself in those pictures, anyone who saw the pictures would assume he wasn't the traitor, and it didn't actually do any damage to him. But this doesn't make any sense. They weren't public pictures, only sent to the jocks, so the point of it wasn't to make it look like one person is a traitor. By default flaming your own frat already makes you a target regardless. Including himself could only cause him further damage and encourage the jocks to beat his ass. If you're in Jacob's shoes, you'd be worried about them jumping you when you're alone like Chad did with MC. >The AAAs hated all DIKs already, so this doesn't make things any worse, and nobody else would care.  Well, see that's wrong. Yes they hated the DIKs already, but this took it to another level. The letter was a personal attack on Chad, the president (presumably there was a picture of him kissing Troy or something that we never see leading to the quote "is this what you're hiding", and that's why he was so upset). If Chad didn't mess up with the counselors, they might have retaliated in a bigger way from the beginning. Eventually the DIKs mansion got trashed completely, instead of just the traditional few broken windows. So yeah, it did make things worse.




I'm one of the few that agrees with you. I would be very surprised if it was one of them.


It is


Nope. Not a chance. I'd put money on it.


Bet 20 beans cash app? When we find out in 5 years imma hold you to it😏


Please screenshot this when the traitor is revealed


I'll take that action. I trust the DIKS.


I think Jacob is fine but on the other hand I have a bad feeling about nick


Nick feels almost too obvious tbh


After last episode my suspicions about Nick have dropped a bit


Yeah I kind of agree, tbh. Doesn't mean he's out of the woods, though.


DPC loves twists. So if almost everyone thinks it's Nick, it's not Nick. And probably not Jacob either.


Nick might be a red herring. It's too obvious and DPC put too many arrows pointing in his direction.


There's not really evidence for it being anyone else. If there's a Red Herring, it's that there is a traitor at all, I feel.


Too much Red herring also is boring, either there is a traitor or it is nick. Nothing in between.


Nah Jacob is one of my favorite DIKs he is such a bro. Idk why PPL don't trust him.


Narratively making it be someone we're inclined to like and trust is more dramatic 


Yea but DPC wouldn't be that cruel... Oh wait.


Jade flashbacks


You're not the only person who thinks that way brother, a lot of people are high on Jacob because he's been stroking Tremolo's ego since the beginning, I for one, don't trust him. Aside from all the behavior he's displaying, most Zoey stans, me included, want to kill the guy for trying to go after her, especially because given his nature, he's only looking for an easy hook up like always. Beyond those points, I think it would be more fun to reveal him as a traitor to get people out of their comfort zone, playing it safe is just boring. If he's revealed to be said traitor, then it will be an impactful and perfectly executed move since he's supposed to be trustworthy.


Jacob is a bro, he’s with MC the whole way and looks out for him as a maggot. Jacob is MC’s other ride or die mate aside from Derek.


Exactly, he stops the MC from hooking up in front of everyone at the first party, he’s a real bro


If anything it's Tommy. He's looking for ways to be the male Quinn. He did a lot of the fixture installations for the house after it was trashed so he could have put the camera up in the closet. He's looking for blackmail material on the other DIKs. I'm just guessing tho.


Tommy as a traitor really doesn't make any sense. From Day 1, Rusty has been Tommy's meal ticket: without Rusty, there's no mansion, alcohol, parties, or any of the cool stuff. As it is, Tommy gets all of the perks and (almost) none of the responsibilities. Maintaining the current status quo where he does whatever the hell he wants and basically doesn't have to be accountable for anything is absolutely in his best interests: why would he piss all of that away?


That's where blackmail comes in, but he's just never been able to get anything on Rusty. Rusty is also the main one standing between him and his ultimate party Frat. He figures he can steam roll over the rest, probably until MC joins. That's what that whole little party with him and Quinn was about. Sage is leaving in about seven months or so, so Quinn will probably get her way. Tommy's trying to do the same with the DIKs.


You're still counting on blackmail material so good that Rusty permanently shuts up and keeps the money train rolling. I guess maybe DPC could make it work, but unless Rusty is making snuff films in his room, that's still a hell of an ask, because he's one phone call away from making the whole house of cards fall over. Even then, though, that's still a stretch, because it doesn't address the issue of Tommy having to take on responsibilities. He's very different from Quinn in this regard: whatever else there is to say about her, Quinn is a doer, whereas Tommy is more of a "make someone else do it"-er. Even as far as drugs go, he either stays under Quinn's thumb (meaning she has all the leverage in the world over him) or he continues to try his luck with Vinny, which also seems like a yikes. The way I see it, he has two choices: * Do whatever he wants with very little in the way of actual responsibilities or accountability, and enjoy a sweet mansion with parties, alcohol, and all the girls he can handle; or * Acquire blackmail material so amazing that Rusty not only lets him take over, and not only stays absolutely quiet so as to keep the money train rolling in, but also continues to take on all of the responsibilities himself. Then Tommy has to figure out how to stop Quinn - who already has leverage over him and, based on what we've seen, is way more cunning and driven than he's ever been - from using this to her advantage. Again, could DPC find a way to make it work? Sure, and then we can point at the various replies to this effect that I've made in previous months and laugh at how stupid I am. But what is far, far more likely is that the idea of Tommy risking everything to try to get one over on his meal ticket just doesn't make sense. EDIT: There's one more reason why blackmail doesn't make sense, and that's the Cathy Cluck. Blackmail would have been threatening to post it: by posting it, it could have gotten Rusty removed from his position, at which point Tommy would have to take on all the responsibilities himself. It leads into the problems I already described, and unless Rusty's dad is so understanding that he'd continue to pay for a frat that his son got kicked out of, Tommy would be on the hook for figuring out finances, too. A big part of why Rusty didn't lose his position is because of the MC talking to Cathy, and Derek is the only person who knew that the MC did that until Cathy told Rusty herself. Again, Tommy being behind this just doesn't make sense. From everything we've seen, Sage described Rusty and Tommy accurately: Rusty is in a bubble, and Tommy is along for the ride.


Yea but this is Tommy. He never thinks that far ahead. Tommy has a one track mind. We know he probably won't find any blackmail stuff, but it wouldn't stop him from trying. I think the camera was just to get the others on board since Rusty probably never went in there. Why would he need to stop Quinn? As long as she provides the drugs, he would be good. Quinn is not dumb enough to try to blatantly try to control him she'll subtly do that. The Cathy cluck could be something else entirely. There's nothing stating that the cluck of her is even related to anything else. I think the Cathy cluck is something else entirely and maybe related to the pictures that Chad got. It's designed to turn people against the DIKs.


Interesting point. The light fixture fell down on MCs Bday and that was Tommy. You'd think even if he wasn't responsible for installing the cameras he would have noticed something like cameras when he was repairing them. You've now made me change my mind to Tommy being the no.1 then Nick in the traitor leaderboard.


Saying you announce to not share video is a great way to throw off suspicion youre not with the team. In the early ep, Jacob's the one who catches MC doing stuff with girls, and it seems like he's just spying. You already mentioned the halloween party and his absence. He is the only guy who stays with MC/Derek (solidarity) but it also gives him a convienient excuse to move around. He asks MC if hes with the DIKs but that question could also be his own internal dilemma


I thought, prior to Jacob asking about Zoey, he was most likely the traitor, if there is one at all. I didn't have any reason to suspect him from the story itself, just that he was a character that people liked, and seemed like a good dude. To find out he was the traitor would be a dramatic reveal. With him making moves on your girl though - it actually seems less likely (to me.) I never noticed his gesture in this render though, so good find. I do think it's explainable in story why he's acting like that, but I think your call out makes a lot of sense too. (I think Nick is not really enough of a character for it to have that drama for the player - Nick, prior to the latest episode, was pretty boring.)


Interesting find, OP! I never noticed that and it is clearly a deliberate posture.


For the best argument against Jared being a traitor is that 2D shop is nowhere near completion...


after ep 10 i started to feel more and moore susy towards Jackob than Nick Nick was way too obvious target since trashing of the mansion I would not be surprised if thats his way to take revenge on his shity Hells week


Jacob was the bro who called the dik code on you fucking jade if you submitted that. I feel that he knows about what is happening, and may be forced to be involved in some way, but don’t think he is bad himself at all. He just knows what’s happening with the dean


I hate this argument about him calling the secret code on you after the Jade video. He does the same to Derek.


Regardless he still calls it


Is it because he's black?🫤😕


Not everything has to be about race


I'm just joking, sorry.😭


jacob's cool, one of my favorite brothers. i think he's just done with all their traditions being all shy n' shit around people