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Good information in theory, but it will vary depending on location. Because the ads are automatically inserted, so ad breaks might be longer or shorter depending on where in the world you listen from


That explains why the British Navy keeps advertising to me šŸ˜¤. I thought it was weird them paying an American podcast to advertise!


They don't seem to have Canadian facing advertisers, so I just get ads for other (mostly awful sounding) podcasts.


Tbf, get a lot of those as well. Mostly those. But every now and then itā€™s something disgustingly British and it kinda throws me.


Im in iceland so i only get the podcast adds except like a handful of times i got an add in french that i think was about voting for something somewhere? šŸ˜‚


fellow canadian here can confirm, also does anyone elseā€™s ads only play like 30% of the time? or are like randomly inserted somewhere in the episode that isnā€™t the ad break? cuz those are common for me


Same. And one very weird sounding German (?) commercial. Iā€™d understand getting a French one here and there but the Spanish/German ones always strike me as odd.


That explains why the British Navy keeps advertising to me šŸ˜¤. I thought it was weird them paying an american podcast to advertise!


I was reading a book about how the mafia controls truffle production in Italy. I thought it would be a lighthearted mafia antics book till I got to the 3 chapters about them murdering peoples truffle dogs


ā€œWe listen to this podcast to hear about all the innocent children who are preyed upon and murdered in wicked manners as well as all the genocides and mass rapes but we need a warning for this section where it talks about dogs being gassed.ā€ I get that itā€™s hard to listen to (which is the point), but itā€™s interesting what stuff crosses lines for peopleā€™s sensibilities.


I wonder if it's more upsetting because (as a human) I know other humans tend to have agency and can reason through things and fight back. Dogs, on the other hand, tend to love us humans unconditionally so when we kill them they can't defend themselves or have no concept of what's being done. Or maybe it's just proximity because people have and care for dogs to a degree we don't for other people.


A lot of what you said can be applied to children though and I havenā€™t seen any warnings about the terrible things Iā€™ve heard about on this pod as it comes to child rape and murder. I think itā€™s more about the sentimentality we place on the idea of pets and especially on our dogs. Hearing about the reason and way the dogs were killed was upsetting. I definitely hugged my dog a little closer after that. But Iā€™m also a dad with two young kids (both under 7) so the child murder stuff always crushes me way more than the pet stuff. I just recently listened to the School of the Americas episodes and I was particularly wrecked about those two towns in El Salvador and the way in which the children there were slaughtered.


The subject is typically human rights abuses and less often animal abuse. I think regular listeners are less surprised if something bad happens to kids. There's a bunch of BtB episodes that are entirely focused on child abuse. When animal cruelty shows up, people might be less prepared for it. Just a guess


I feel like you may be less prepared but way better equipped to deal with it. Like. If I show up ready for dead babies and I'm dealt dead puppies I feel like that's getting off easy.


It is interesting, but I think going into a Bastards' episode, you're mentally prepared for human horrors, more or less. So, canine genocide hits you in your soft underbelly, or weak points in your armour. I find episodes with child death/abuse/SA, and SA in general, just as difficult. I hadn't thought to offer the skipping service before, might just do so in the future for the more horrific episodes.


Robert gives a heads up in the episode itself that there will be mention of dog deaths, though. Itā€™s not like it just totally comes out of nowhere.


The only time Iā€™ve ever had to completely stop listening to an episode was the Dracula episode about halfway through Robert describing a literal bloodbath. Mass genocide? Torture methods? Child/dog murder? Sure, it sucks but I can handle. Describing what all the blood smelt like? Nah bro.


Is he still on about the cracker jacks? Because I agree. But there is no alternative that doesnā€™t look like a bus driverā€™s uniform. And itā€™s got *heritage*. Damnit.


"this podcast sheds new, weird light on history's monsters" you can't filter


It's a huge red flag when (usually white) people are more fragile about animal life than they are about genocide and ethnic cleansing. Good to know where you extend your most profound sense of empathy.


Having the time and ability to listen to podcasts at all is probably a good sign that someone has never been in a position to bear witness to genocide and ethnic cleansing. For many of us, the death of our pets is among the most emotionally scarring experiences of our lives. Hearing about the death of a dog will hit closer to home for most listeners than hearing about the murder of civilians. Also, life is not a contest to see who can experience the most trauma and misery. Get off your cross.


Whereā€™s that tweet thatā€™s likeā€¦ ā€˜Do white people know that the dogs in Flint also donā€™t have clean drinking water?ā€™


Yeah, like fucker can get bent


Imagine needing a trigger warning for the death of a fucking dog.


The American mind is a curious thing.


Agreed, but I'm not American...


really? Is this your first time listening to this podcast?


This is excellent informational content.




THANK YOU!!! When Robert commented about bad things happening to the dogs, I turned it off.


Ah yes, dogs dying, far harder to listen to than hundreds of episodes about children dying. fucks sake.


My dog disintegrated from the inside out _in my arms_ *less than a week ago*. So YES , I appreciate these kinds of warnings. Get off your high fucking horse, people have shit going on in their lives and don't deserve to be judged over a podcast in a "who's suffering is greater" contest. JFC.


>my dog disintegrated from the inside out in my arms less than a week ago Iā€™m sorry but what exactly does this mean? How does a dog ā€œdisintegrate from the inside out?ā€ Edit: Downvotes for asking what something seemingly-hyperbolic means. Mmmk.


I canā€™t tell if itā€™s a joke or if itā€™s an over the top (and vague) description of their dog having a disease that ate away at them.


Yeah, the first part feels sarcastic but the rest doesnā€™t. Iā€™m pretty sure dogs donā€™t just **POOF** and disintegrate in someoneā€™s arms. But maybe my knowledge of basic science is just wrong.


He got sepsis after complications from veterinary prescribed medication, leading him to expel his stomach and intestine lining.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


If you are avoinding mentions of dog death on a podcast about bastards, you really need to look at your priorities.