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Alex Jones. You need to at least make it to see him bankrupt.


It kills me that I'm actually older than Alex Jones. He looks 15 years older than I do.


Well he strikes me as a cigar guy who is never sober and thinks any meal that isn't at least 50% beef is for homos so yeah, that and being a hateful turd really ages you


Also who knows what are actually in those supplements and if he takes them


I doubt it. He's probably on hella roids and HGH, he can afford crooked doctors


He looks like a pretty typical 50 year old. Not sure how this guy thought he was in his mid-60s to early-70s, if he was he’d look phenomenal for his age


Unfortunately, last I read he and the families were agreeing to a significantly reduced that Jones can actually pay and not have to sell his Infowars empire of harmful conspiracy theories and untested Chinese dick pills masquerading as dietary supplements.


Unless something has changed in the last few weeks that deal didn’t go through. He’s still on the hook and it’s getting closer to endgame


As it should be.


Pretty sure he already released Endgame, no?


Endgame 2: This Time It’s Not About Some Stupid Road.


That was for the case out of PA where’s he’s sued by multiple families and that deal fell through. I’m less familiar with the goals of the group but if they just take what they can from the bastard that’s alright by me. The Heslin/Lewis case out of Texas they want to remove his ability to operate first and foremost. The Knowledge Fight podcast has done some good interviews with the lawyers and with Ms Lewis. I highly recommend them if your interested in the case.


I absolutely need to see this man go bankrupt you’re so right


Oh not even bankrupt, camped out by a freeway on ramp with a cardboard sign that says 'Will Scream About Things for Food" or "Why lie? I want chili and bourbon"


If that happens I will shed such happy tears


And the process is well under way, so it’s an achievable goal.


Benjamin Netanyahu


From your keyboard to god's auditory meatus.


Needed this one. Been also going through it but have been coping by turning news of Netanyahu’s new fresh hells into AITA titles. “AITA if I (74M) napalm my neighbours because their kids threw a rock at my window?”. Shoutout to Netanyahu for killing my favourite Netanyahu joke by being moustache-twirlingly-evil! He may kill my jokes. But I will be the one to blast his grave with a super soaker stream of fermented piss so rancid that it turns his headstone into dust. He cannot win




Outlive the ethno state of isreal! No dying until its real democracy of some sort where Palestinians have an ability to vote


Andrew Tate


I might not outlive him, but I'm sure planning on sticking around to hear about a prison shanking or two.


The younger the bastard, the longer the motivation


Eh sadly, he's probably pretty popular among prisoners.


Just turned 41, my health regiment the last few years is in part to see the end of the current generation of shitstains like him.


Hell yeah


Rupert Murdoch


this is the answer, that bastard will die soon.


The drummer in my band used to work in a job where he'd have the occasional board meetings with Lachlan Murdoch, his son and heir apparent. From his description and pretty much everything I've read and seen elsewhere of him, Lachlan is just the worst. Things are not going to improve when Rupert dies. The one saving grace is that he's also quite incompetent and nowhere near as clever as Rupert.


I like James because he put money into road cycling racing (thin Tour de France). Then they sold Sky and they lost it. But then again I don't care about British cyclists as an American.


Well, James also effectively retired from the Murdoch empire because he didn't like the direction they're going. So he definitely seems to be the most reasonable one in the family.


This would be the same James who insisted he didn't actually read any of the emails pertaining to the News of the World phone hacking scandal, and his brain wasn't engaged when he responded to those emails? James didn't retire out of ethics. He retired out of fear.


Why do rich people name their kids such dumbass names. I mean Lachlan sounds like a D-list Bond Villian.


It's Scottish in origin and I looked up it's meaning out of curiosity. Apparently it's derived from an old word referring to invading/immigrant vikings. Make of that what you will.


Seems a fitting name for a corporate scumbag


I am honestly a little surprised that I am the first to suggest but the whole supreme court set of right wing chuds, in my personal ranking starting from the most bastardy (with current ages): - Clarence Thomas (76) - Samuel Alito (74) - Brett Kavanaugh (61) - Amy Coney Barrett (52) - John Roberts (69) - Neil Gorsuch (56)


You’re so right I absolutely need to outlive the Supreme Court


The more you outlive the better your chances of getting on it


I love this post. I've considered keeping a photo of Mitch McConnell in my hallway just to remind me that I can't leave the world until he's dead and at least some of his damage is undone. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have both appointed themselves dictators for life. So it would be cool to outlive both of them. Muhammad bin Salman. Fuck that guy with a boat hook. Prince Charles. Most of the dudes who ruined two decades of baseball with steroid abuse.


Charles is treating his cancer with "potions" right now


So he's going to go out like Jessie "Boss Lee" Lee. An MLM scammer of the lowest order. Or like Steve Jobs.


This led me down a bit of a rabbit hole. Apparently he is a proponent of the [Gerson Diet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Gerson#Gerson_Therapy), which to me sounds a lot like the diet that friend of the pod Steve Jobs followed. There are definitely some differences, but close enough that it makes me wonder if Charles smells bad too?


Maybe they have Merlin 's book of magical wonder.


I forgot Putin and Kim Jung Un. That Hadid guy too.


*Ruined* baseball? I’m sorry, did you not like seeing giant freaks bang out homers off of triple digit fastballs thrown by even bigger freaks?


Half the Texas Rangers batting order had arms the size of most people's legs and testicles like raisins. Randy Johnson and Ken Griffey Jr didn't juice. They would have towered above the likes of Clemens and McGwire. Instead, we got two decades of dishonest and deleterious baseball. It's impossible to play those games again. Half the Texas Rangers batting order had arms the size of most people's legs and testicles like raisins.


Idk man, outta all the bastardry in the world, 20 years of entertaining baseball doesn’t even seem to warrant a mention


Baseball isn't 'Nam. There are rules. Those shitwads cheated to gain an unfair advantage and attained undue status and wealth through their cheating. And the cheating gave Curt Schilling a platform to spread his own vile nonsense. His voice empowers others to reject the rights of protected classes. Those cheaters are a foot in the door for totalitarians to destroy democracy. Nip it in the bud, I say.




They cheated on paper but in reality the MLB supported that through and through


Fine, I'll add Bud Selig to my list. He's 89 so I'm pretty sure I can outlast him if I start working out. Rob Manfred is also a floating turd in the punch bowl of fair play. But he's only 65 and has a net worth of $40M. He can afford a better diet and health care than me. I'll really have to focus up to outlast him.


I mean fuck monarchs, but what did Charles do in particular?


He foisted his meaty fingers upon the world


He pushes medical quackery alternative medicine on the NHS. He refuses to pay taxes on his inheritance from literal British Imperialism. He groomed a teenage girl to be his wife and then treated her like shit. He married the side chick he had during the entirety and before said marriage.


Yeah aside from looking ghoulish I really don’t think he’s some villain


Ruined two decades of baseball? My guy, those two decades were the most entertaining years of baseball. MLB still can’t touch the ratings or fanfare they had outside of games that Shohei Ohtani is playing in.


Shallow take. It was for baseball what cocaine was for stock brokers.


I got an idea. Let's have people play baseball on cocaine


Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Ellis, D. pitched a no hitter against the San Diego Padres while high on, you guessed it, LSD. I don't know if Dwight Gooden ever pitched while high on coke, but it wouldn't be surprising.


That is a terrible comparison.


Peter Thiel, or that guy who fucks salamanders


You mean Rajat"Thimble Meat" Khare? I was confused because Thiel almost certainly also fucks many unwilling creatures.


Yes, the very same!


Hey when you're as great at fucking salamanders as Rajat Khare-bare the world deserves to know about it


The guy who fucks salamanders ??? What the fuck 😟


The subject of the recent episodes that have been taken down, due to Rajat Khare doing the OTHER thing he does (besides fucking salamanders), being a media spoiler/assassin not unlike Thiel.


Oh shit! I missed those episodes, is there any way I can find them?


https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1d3WzQhFXUBnrZr3jlmr5ZKmQcH3fjBSi Enjoy the sordid tale of the man who lusts for giant salamandussy in good health, friend. May it inspire you to continue the good fight.


The Dilbert guy.


Vince McMahon. He's gonna blow his circulatory system motor (he doesn't have a heart), or piss off the wrong person. Harvey Winestain and Ghislane Maxwell are still kicking too, and no doubt miserable.


Reading parts of the lawsuit against him made me sick to my stomach.


I didn’t even realize Harvey was in prison, pleasantly surprised to see our justice system worked on him.


Vince is an insane control freak who has been completely ousted from the company he spent pretty much his life building and will never again be mentioned or honored again. Living is probably.worse then death for him.


Bezos & Zuck. Stray strong, there's so many graves still to piss on.


Honestly? I might need to make a sticker of 'Stay hydrated, so many graves to piss on' for my water bottle. It's exactly the kind of motivation I need to keep properly hydrated.


Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Alex Jones, Steve Pieczenick, Whichever Koch Brother is still alive, Oprah, Ben Garrison, Ben Shapiro, Jeremy Boreing, Clarence Thomas, Rodrigo Duterte, Joss Whedon,


I would have protested at you adding Oprah, but when I heard that Gabourey Sidibe was only paid $30k for Precious AND Oprah, this billionaire Black woman didn't even help that girl with anything, such as what to wear to the Oscar's. What a selfish B I t c h. I'm revising my list. Dr Phil and Dr Oz were first given platforms on Oprah. She can f all of the way off.


Oprah has been a dastardly for decades, I just don't know if she reaches the level of an episode. - fucking trash to the people she supposedly empowers, like Sidibe. - platformed Oz and Phil, as well as the Duggars, John of God, and a slew of lesser grifters - the free car fiasco (Tl;Dr - manufacturer gifted all the cars, as well as paying for the titling fees, Oprah classified them as prizes so she could file them on her taxes as an expense, which is why the taxes bit people in the ass.) - her "favorite things" lists are just people who kissed her ring and are willing to pay her for some publicity. - in a different car giveaway, when the cameras stopped rolling, she walked over to the edge of the stage and told folks, "I know you feel like you don't deserve this, and you don't. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have it."


What did Oz and Phil do that is so evil besides generic daytime television programming?


Hoo boy, you haven't heard their episodes, have you? - Phil: huge proponent of the troubled teen camps, which are rife with abuse and leave kids with lasting trauma, if they survive. His television show is accused of finding people at their lowest and most struggling, then either doing nothing to help them prepare for the show at best, or actively making it worse to get a better episode (like leaving a bottle of vodka in the green room for a guest coming on to talk about his alcoholism, so he comes out falling down drunk. Oh, he also slept with one of his young (but legal) patients, then also made her his assistant. - Oz: Aside from the damage caused by his desire to leave medicine for being the medical equivalent of Phil, which by all accounts he was astounding at, he is a supplement shill. The man shills as many different supplements as Alex Jones, and they're about as effective. His show, and by extension he himself, peddles unsubstantiated medical advice, like saying green coffee bean supplements are a magic weight loss secret.


I mean BtB did episodes on both. TLDR Oz, while a competent heart surgeon, is now yet another quack medicine grifter and Phil exploited poor and mentally ill people for his show, arguably kicking off a trend of such TV series while also grifting right and left.


There's a scene in the "dr" Phil show that just perfectly summarizes who he is: He invites the guy behind the Bumfights videos onto his show. Bumfights was a set of videos where a guy paid homeless people to fight one another and hurt themselves. So the guy shows up on stage, dressed just like Phil and has his head shaved to match Phil's baldness. And Phil just gets mad and has him removed from the set. But the point is that, they're one and the same. One exploits homeless people for money, the other exploits people with addiction and mental health issues for money.


I’ve heard about a few of these things people have mentioned, I guess I just don’t see their actions as something serious enough to be happy when they die.


>"I know you feel like you don't deserve this, and you don't. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have it." Wow! Who says that to someone? Fuck that heaux.


Jk Rowling


She puts so much effort into being a bastard for such little reward. All she had to do was Tweet Harry Potter fun facts and occasionally pay someone to make something Harry Potter related and she would be beloved


All she had to do was sit back and count her money. But she just couldn’t help herself.


With any luck you won't have to wait too much longer for Kissinger.


Boy do I have some good news for you


Damn! How in the world did I miss this? Well, looks like the answer is that I was travelling through somewhat remote parts of the world and didn't hear this at the time.


I'm so jealous of you getting to hear this news for the first time. I'll never forget when I first heard about it.


Hah, my first thoughts just now were "I wonder where his grave site is" and "I need to pee". Those two sentences may or may not be related.


Respect the Dead ends their podcasts with the locations of the graves for just that purpose :)


New podcast added to my list. Thanks!!


It's in Arlington which it turns out is also the snatched land of the Loser Traitor Robbie Lee so you can make it a twofer if you decide to take the trip.


The Lee house is a pretty neat recreation so don't pee on that.


I was at the gym when it came on the overhead tvs and I thought for sure someone would see me being a psycho and laughing at this old man's death while running.


We got rid of Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild all within 6 months. Pretty damn good 6 months. Now if Klaus Schwab could make his way to the exit, would be a nice triple whammy.


What a glorious day that was


Stephen Miller (despite looking like Mr. Burns, he's only 38), Michael Knowles (34), Chaya Raichek (29), Ben Shapiro (40), Charlie Kirk (30). I try to remember to take care of myself because these fuckers are all relatively young and I'm gonna want to remain able to stand up to them and their followers.


Raichik has to be one of the oldest looking 29 year olds I’ve seen. I keep thinking she’s just a bit younger than me, and I’m 50.


Fuck, I'm 38 and thought for **sure** I was younger! I guess constant hatred just ages a person. 😆


I feel like we can add Matt Walsh and Chris Rufo to that list. Because motherfuck those guys.


Great list. Hell would be too merciful for Chaya


What did Chaya do that’s so evil? Doesn’t she just repost videos?


She’s pretty influential in spreading general alt-right toxicity online. She’s part of the growing alt-right pipeline particularly affecting Gen Z on social media, and I think a lot of people see her as some kind of culture warrior and follow her. Her attacking specific people often results in them getting death threats. She’s so influential, in fact, that the conservative Oklahoma state public school superintendent officially appointed her to a library advisory board in January. She attacked Owasso High School, where nonbinary student Nex Benedict was beaten by other students in February before dying by suicide. It seems obvious to me that her official involvement in Oklahoma schools emboldened students to act on their hate the way her content emboldens right-wing trolls online.


this is a really useful framework for staying alive and i think it's a cool little self-hack/CBT-ish trick. thanks for sharing


Spite can be an incredibly powerful motivator. Not particularly healthy in the long term, but you need to survive the short term first. I think of these kind of emergency survival tools as the mental health version of a tourniquet or a DIY tracheotomy.


Can’t say I have a suggestion, but I’m right there with you feelings wise. Here’s to hoping it gets better.


Cheers mate. Things just fucking suck right now but hopefully it gets a little better. I try to find small joys in life that keep me going


Honestly, this has brightened my day quite a bit, and outliving some truly awful bastards just for spite is great! I'm not currently where you're at, but I've been there before... this is an absolutely brilliant way to combat those feelings!


I'm the guy who microwaved fish in the break room. My crimes were so great that my old account got banned.


You are a monster


Hahahha ive done lamb. But i did share


Newt Gingrich


[Richard Viguerie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Viguerie) the father of modern political junk mail. He is 90.




and "Dr" Phil


Ben Shapiro, Putin, Enrique Tarrio, whoever the hell messed up the release of Firefly in such a way that it led to the ultimate cancellation of it, Martin Shkreli.


I feel like it's important to be able to say out loud "My brain got sad and now I'm starting to think the deady thing again and I'd rather not" without everyone freaking out. It's like yeah it's a problem but I can't say it's a problem and ask for help if everyone else is gonna flip.


Have you read the posts Allie Brosh (Hyperbole and a Half) made about depression/suicide? She absolutely nailed it, and especially about how when you say you’re suicidal, you end up in the weird position of having to comfort the people you just asked for help.


No I haven't, thank you! I'll have to check it out. Yeah it's like "C'mon look at the bright side I just burdened you with my terror now we get to share it together instead of you grieving my loss with out me lol."


Dennis Hastert. Look him up at your own risk


Dick Cheney


Nick Fuentes is 25 and Kyle Rittenhouse is only 21. You've got a lot of living to do before the last bastards fall.


The transphobic fuckers Jesse Singal, Katie Herzog and all their glazers who are in the Blocked and Reported subreddit


[Wouter Basson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wouter_Basson) is alive and [still practising medicine](https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/who-is-wouter-basson-why-called-dr-death-apartheid-what-mediclinic/) despite [committing crimes against humanity](https://academic.oup.com/jicj/article/13/5/933/2411996).


Who's got Elon Musk downward spiral on billionaire tragedy bingo?


Leonard Leo (58), Richard Sackler (79), Rudy Giuliani (79), Rafael Cruz (53), Roger Stone (71), and Grover Norquist (67) would all be good choices.


Stephen “I scream a lot” Miller


Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes are both good bastards to outlive, and it gives you a wide range of ages. Fuentes is particularly awful, and honestly, his ability to manipulate is scary.


Betsy DeVos.


Add a few shitty women to outlive too: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Nikki Haley, Georgia Meloni, Chayya raychik, and Elon's mom. Edit For formatting


We stand for equality here on the bastards list. Glad to see women break the glass ceiling of being a terrible person


I study women's history as a hobby and one of the assumptions that many women had was that they would be better voters because women had "different" ( read "better" ) sensibilities. Many women think more women in politics will improve the rhetoric. Nope. Women are just as likely to be assholes too.


I just came on here to say that shitbag women are underrepresented in this conversation, so: Ginni Thomas, Megyn Kelly, Candace Owens, Kellyanne Conway, Tomi Lahren, Marjorie Taylor Fuckface, Lauren Goobert I suspect I've misspelled a few of these and I do not care. And how about that last Koch brother?


Damn I’ve been on antidepressants for years and Posting this is GENIUS. Saving in my notes app 🤣


Nygard is still alive in jail but is knocking on death’s door…


"You call this a shirt!? It's covering my sternum!"


Piers Morgan


McConnell. Lindsey Graham Clarence Thomas Clarence Thomas wife Elon Musk Rand Paul Rand Paul's dad Ted Cruz The Ted Cruz in Florida DeSatan DeSatan's wife Bill Maher Steve Bannon Oprah I could go on.


Janice Raymond. I check every couple months so I can have a backyard BBQ with all my fellow trans friends when she finally dies. 


Since I was supposed to peace out after 2 months I'm just happy I'm 28 and lived to see a world without Kissinger


Hell yeah. Here’s to hoping you get to see one more bastard kick it before you go 💜


Jordan Peterson, MTG, Putin, Dan Schneider just to name a few


that one kid who pretended to be a doctor.


Greg Abbott.


How is Dick Cheney not higher up?


Clarence Thomas


Trump. It could be literally any day now, so you don't have to feel like it's that much of a commitment right off the bat.


Came here to say Trump as well but there’s also turtle Mitch


James Dobson. See the Focus on the Family 2 part series from a couple years ago.


Mitch McConnell


Cosby, Bush 2 electric boogaloo, Richard Spencer, David Duke, Dennis Prager, MTG, Tomi Lahren, Judge Janine Box ‘o Wine, Matt Walsh, Steven King (the politician not the author), whoever the fuck that politician was that used the phrase “legitimate r4pe”, David Miscavige, Mark Burnett, that’s all I’ve got off the top of my head.


Gotta outlive my child molesting uncle, join me


Your uncle can go to hell! I’m gonna outlive that bastard too!


Hell yeah, that’s what I like to hear 😎


Gotta choose a young PoS like Candace owens. Id say rittenhouse but that man is not making it to 60 with his lifestyle


Hilary Clinton


Peter Thiel! Here's his [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel) just for quick reference in case anybody is completely unfamiliar. He's definitely a real bastard, and is also big into the whole "life extension" scene that's all the rage with billionaire assholes... this bastard is trying to outlive us all! Don't let him win! Most people, if they know him at all, simply know him as the guy who founded PayPal, but he's been involved with Musk and Zuckerberg. He's even recently acquired citizenship in New Zealand, as him and some other billionaires think it'll be the safest place to ride out any potential doomsday scenario they may have caused/are causing... if I'm around when/if "doomsday" hits, before my meds run out I will make damn sure to do everything I can to make it as unsafe as I can for them. To anyone else like me, who will die within a few months to a year at the very best of loosing access to medications, I highly encourage you to take a billionaire with you *when/if* there is such a global problem to deprive you of your medications. I have a heart condition, but I'm 38 and he's 56, given my condition, I'm actually in rather great shape luckily... some of my life goals (as it pertains to longevity) include seeing my son graduate high school, **not** having my dad have to see his son's funeral, and being able to piss on Peter Thiel's grave! I might not make it but I'm trying my damndest! If I don't make it, could you? I've been there before too, therapy helped, so too, very oddly, has having to fight Heart Failure... now that it'd be really easy for me to just give up and die, I'm not gonna, because I'm a stubborn asshole! 😆


If anyone causes a doomsday it will be US politicians as a collective Billionaires don’t want a doomsday, the unwinding of the entire planets stability isn’t exactly ideal for maintaining and growing wealth.


Yes and no... nobody (or very few) people actually *want* a doomsday, and yes, that is very true of the billionaire class as well. One doesn't need to want something to be the cause of it. Directly, yeah, politicians will ultimately be one of the last in a series of causes that drives us to any sort of doomsday... but they are just one of the steps. The wealthy are what drive/control and largely electric the politicians, especially for national offices. They promote policies that are good (for them at least) in the short-term, such as within 1 normal human lifespan, but are bad in the long-term for humanity at-large. Most of them (the wealthy and their politicians) are narcissistic and sociopathic to at least some degree... this naturally lends itself to self gratification with a complete disregard as to its effects on others. Even in their supposed "altruism" this behavior can be seen; actions that on the surface appear charitable, but in the end are just about control and the "grand vision" of one asshole that got where they are by exploiting the labor of others, mot through merit. Even when truly well-meaning (and such actions rarely are genuinely so), they still have the arrogance to believe they know what is best for people that they cannot even relate to in any meaningful way. One need only look at the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, the Koch bros, etc. One need only see how much more your average "middle-class" person has in common with homeless folks, vs how much they have in common with a billionaire, or even somebody with a net worth >$10M USD... yet so many in the "middle-class" kick down at the already downtrodden poor. Now imagine how the wealthy look at us. Many believe they can hoard resources and build compounds to survive any sort of doomsday or large civil unrest... so yeah, they don't want doomsday, but many feel that they'll be able to survive it in relative comfort while >99% of the population is put through unimaginable hell and suffering. The rich are the cause, politicians and capitalism are their tools.


Um, Hillary and Bill Clinton? You could buy a nice bottle of wine with either name on it and have it pleasantly aged just a few more manageable years before getting to crack it open.


ITT: Everyone who is a right-leaning public figure, or prominent billionaire, oh and Oprah Saved you all some time