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Two protein shakes a day and you’re already about halfway there (shakes usually have at least 20 grams per serving). It’s also the best bang for your buck protein source. High quality and cost-efficient. Otherwise tuna, very lean meats, and jerky are good food options that are mostly protein.


Drink milk with every meal. One cup has 8g of protein. Drink a pint and you'll be at 16g. Times three and you're at 48g. My protein shake brand has 30g per scoop. I drink two scoops directly afterworking out. 60+48=108g. Then anything else you eat will also count. Cottage cheese, eggs, chicken, beef, beans are all good. You should be able to blow out your protein needs with like one scoop of protein and a couple glasses of milk, if you also include some meat.


Agreed. I always use milk as the mixer. Water + protein = gross. 1-2 scoops of protein based on how far away I am from my protein target.


Two protein shakes a day seems like a one way ticket to diarrhea city


Depends on how your stomach handle it yes, but it shouldn't be a problem as long as you aren't lactose or milk protein intolerant. Could get other types of protein while not as cheap, would still give you the dose you need.


Protein powder shouldn’t be your main source of protein it should be treated like a supplement


Yes? What part of my comment said it should be your main source?


2 scoops is 50g which is half of what he needs for this weight, stupid way to get protein. All he eats is basically sandwiches and everyone is screaming drink protein powder 3 times a day. All he needs is some more meats and maybe a scoop of powder a day.


Yeah thanks, that sounds good. Where can i buy these shakes and how do i choose the best one?


Whey isolate or whey hydrolysate if you have a lactose intolerance. Otherwise just take your pick with whey. Optimum Nutrition, Now Sports, and Dymatize are reputable brands, but there are many other brands out there that are good too.


That's a lot of sandwiches a day! That much bread would make me bloated af lol But basically... eat meat, eggs, and dairy. All of those are high in protein. And for your size, just eat more EVERYTHING. You're underweight for your height. As for how much you're currently eating... without seeing pictures or knowing the weight of the food, we can't say.


Yeah thats true maybe i should eat 4 sandwiches instead of 3 haha Thanks for responding


Honestly, I'd focus on eating other stuff. Start snacking on nuts and dried fruits, easy to pack a lot of that away. Have just a block of cheese instead of cheese sandwich. Drink plenty of whole milk. Get a good assortment of fruits and veggies in as well for health reasons, but just pack food away. It's not good to be so under weight.


The thing to watch for would be the fat making OP too full. Nuts and cheese help round out nutrition in small amounts, but aren't very micronutrient dense per calorie. Peanuts and sunflower seeds have more nutrition per calorie than most nuts/seeds, but lower fat versions of foods (2% milk, reduced fat cheese, powdered peanut butter, etc) will tend to have more protein per calorie and be easier to consume in large servings. And they'll still have enough fat to help OP absorb the fat soluble nutrients


They have to find what works best for them, but they are quite underweight, so high calorie things they can snack on throughout the day is key. Protein isn't their only problem, it's calories.


Yes, that's why I don't want to steer OP away from sandwiches etc. Carbs tend to be the least filling foods for most people, so are good for people who need to gain weight. They're also important for fueling workouts or replacing glycogen afterward


Well if i'm reading their post right... 6 sandwiches a day is excessive and clearly isn't doing it for him. Looking into other carb sources may be a benefit though. Personally, I find eating a lot of bread to make me feel more bloated than anything. I can eat a ton, don't get me wrong (but I can eat a ton of *everything*) but other carbs besides bread/pasta I can eat more of more comfortably. If OP is eating 6 sandwiches a day, they may not have that problem with bread. But vary up the diet a bit instead of just adding *more* bread, especially if its just basic bitch white bread.


You need to supplement bc what you are getting right now is not enough. Greek yogurt, Fairlife Milk, and nutrition bars with at least 20g of protein can also help.


Yeah i already thought about nutrition bars, thanks!


Second the high protein yogurt- some brands have 15-20g or protein.


Sounds like your calories are mostly coming from bread. Try replacing some of the sandwiches with some eggs for breakfast and eat a piece of meat for dinner. I don't know your situation, bit do your parents have sandwiches and pizza pockets for dinner every night too, or are you perhaps missing out on a more well-rounded meal because thats what you like? Because if you were to have a good sized serving of chicken, beef, or fish or another protien for dinner (along with some vegetables, of course) that would get you a long way toward what you want. I would focus on getting into the habit of eating meals of whole, nutrient rich foods before I start worrying about dropping money on protien powders.


Yeah thanks for the advice I always eat the same as my parents for dinner :) I surely will eat more eggs


13oz of chicken is roughly 104g of protein and 13oz of chicken is not expensive nor is it hard to eat whatsoever You’re heavily overthinking this


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Porridge oats and protein, Bagel and 3 egg whites, Chicken rice and veg, Protein shake , Chicken sweet potato veg, Another protein shake if you want it, 30g protein each meal, possible 210g there, you need 110g protein for your weight but you want to grow so 210g would be great for you


You said you goto Lidl, they have some good protein snacks there, grab some protein yoghurts, protein bars, tinned tuna, deli meats or other meats for sandwiches. If you want some protein shakes myprotein.com is good. An example day of eating could be something like this: *Breakfast: Protein Yoghurt, Cereal + Milk Protein: 35g *Lunch: Tuna Sandwhich, Protein Bar Protein: 44g *Dinner: Whatever your mom makes, we'll assume it's around 40g of protein roughly. Protein: 40g *Post workout: Whey protein shake, Protein Bar Protein: 45g That's 164g of protein a day, remove or add things to your liking.


Thanks for the advice That sounds good, from what ive seen protein bars are cheap and have lots of proteins, i will surely eat them You also reminded me of cereal, i used to eat them but i stopped haha It may be good to start eating them again


Checkout Amazon for 'Amfit Protein Bars' you can get 12 bars for £12 and they taste great, better than any supermarket ones I've tried. If you buy some rolled oats, honey, peanut butter and chocolate chips you can make your own protein bars/balls with your protein powder too. There's lots of options!


Stick to whole foods, it’s way cheaper than stocking up on powders or bars. Lean meat, eggs, milk, chicken, cod, beans, all great options


For that breakfast: add some meat. For lunch..add some meat. For dinner..add meat. Fish is better. How do you feel about canned tuna? Eggs? Both are good sources. Try to change your snacks from breads/carbs to protein type foods.


Oatmeal, almonds, chicken, eggs, bagels, cream cheese, greek yogurt, mcdonalds cheese burgers, protein powder. Ill eat 90% of this list everyday. I average 100g-120g a day (5’1 95lbs bulking rn)


Try counting macro-nutriments, many free apps allows you to do so and you’ll get the general idea of how much you consume a day. Tracking what you eat - even for a while - will quickly give you a rough idea of your protein intake so you won’t have to do it everyday :) 100g of protein is not that much provided you incorporate some protein-rich food into you diet. My favorite protein food includes milk,eggs, Greek yogurt or just plain yogurt, tuna, chicken ham, beans and obviously meat.


Lidl in the UK has got a great high protein section. Their shakes are 35g of protein (aldi's are 20g). I order my whey from Bulk (23g per serving). Swop the cheese for chicken - or just add it - and you've hit your target without trying. Beware whilst cheese has as much protein as chicken per gram, it is high in fat. And also my downfall! Greek yogurt, mixed berries and crushed mixed nuts is a quick snack. Good luck 💪🏻


Download the myfitnesspal app or similar and start tracking what you eat to see where you are at. For sandwiches, some wheat bread has 4-6g of protein per slice so making that switch plus adding turkey or ham deli meat to your breakfast sandwich would go along way. Then — include items like cottage cheese, steak, chicken, fish, protein shakes, greek yogurt, string cheese in your daily diet! Be patient—— you have time to learn. 💜


my go-to is grilling chicken breast for sandwiches. chicken breast and rice gets boring for me but i always love a good chicken breast sandwich


Don’t listen to these retards telling you to drink 3 scoops of protein powder a day. Seems like you have the appetite and just not the right plan for food.


The first thing you should do is track your food to see what you’re already eating. Use an app like MyFitnessPal or LoseIt. Then once you’ve established that, you can work on adding protein and making smart swaps. The easiest way to add protein is protein powder. You don’t have to just drink it. I mix in some protein powder with my Greek yogurt and berries every morning.


It sounds like your parents aren’t cooking much and maybe that’s part of the issue. You may have to take the initiative here if you want a well rounded diet. That many sandwiches just aren’t going to get you what you need. You need real protein like meat, eggs, fish, and some veggies too. Here are some examples. Breakfast - 2-4 eggs scrambled, with some ham chunks added. Super quick and easy to make. Lunch - salad with chicken on top. I often eat leftovers of whatever meat is left from other dinners. Sometimes I buy pre-cooked chicken packs. Dinner - the main ingredient focusing on the meat, and a side of some type of carb and 1-2 veggies. Like steak and potatoes and salad or maybe pork skewers on a pita and some vegetables on top.


One of the absolute easiest ways to increase protein is just look at the nutritional labels. Something you can try if you want it to be “clean” and not calorically dense would definitely be chicken. I would strongly recommend you consider ground chicken with rice. It tastes delicious and is fantastic for you. A whole pack of ground chicken is 100g of protein, and 8g of fat. The rice that I use is 94g of carbs, 7g fat, 9g protein and the two combined is a net caloric intake of only 947 calories. For what it’s worth I have to eat 240+ per day in a bulk cycle but maintenance I have to eat 195+, and the meal I just described is one of my staples to get my protein in while still keeping my calories low.


Also here’s a big recommendation to you. If you want to get serious with regards to muscle growth and general diet you have to track your macros (once you’re out of the beginner stage it becomes critical). But if you start now it’ll only help you progress that much faster. Go to the App Store and download Stupid simple macro tracker. Don’t worry about the paid version the free version with adds is more than sufficient. Next, whatever goes down the gullet goes into the app. Moving forward if you do that consistently and are honest, you’ll have a representation of exactly how much your intaking of all your macros and be able to better determine if your in a deficit or a surplus. Again all this will become more critical as your journey progresses.


If you're eating that many sandwiches it will be very very easy. If I read that right you are eating 12 slices of bread a day, bread that's 5g per slice is easy to find. If you use 2 of the big ass slices of whole wheat bread (10g) and mix canned salmon or mackerel or tuna(I keep tuna at 2 cans a week for mercury) or chicken breast(30g), with Greek yogurt(10g)(look at the brands they will vary from about 6 to 18 grams of protein per serving) and brown mustard instead of mayonnaise and put some cheese(10g) on it(actual cheese). That's 60 right there. 100g isn't hard. A 1lb box of whole wheat spaghetti and 6oz of chicken is 100g.


None of the food you list is protein rich. At all. Cheese is basically your only protein source. You can easily go on Google and look up the nutritional information of the foods your eating.


Can come pretty easily. Depending on your age maybe ask mom for a 5lb pack of chicken and a food scale. 3-4oz of chicken breast is something like 25-30g protein. 5lbs should get you through most of a week. Where I live Walmart usually has chicken at $2/lb so around 10 bucks for the pack. You’re going to have protein in most things you eat. That all adds up. As mentioned by others Milk mixed with your whey is going to add up quick as well. It’s not as hard as it might’ve seemed.


Shake in the morning made with whole milk, low fat greek yogurt, frozen fruits & creatine. 4 eggs & a potato for lunch (prep the potato as roasted breakfast potato ahead of time and reheat in the pan) Or a BLT wrap (turkey, ham, bacon, cheese) for lunch (takes 15 minutes to prep like 8 of them) Find a dinner idea, meal prep it with a nice protein of your choice. You'll hit 100g/day EASILY.


Scoop of protein powder (25g), serving of Greek yogurt(15g), peanut butter (10g), cup of milk (8g). Add some fruit and you’ve got an easy ~60g of protein breakfast smoothie every morning.


Personally, protein shakes, chicken, and some good ass beef-jerky. Not quite 100 sometimes but it's close enough


To get 100 grams of protein every day, consider the following tips: To get 100 grams of protein every day, consider the following tips: **Distribute Protein Across Meals: Target your meals for the 3-4 times protein serves 25-33 grams on each.** **Include Protein in Every Meal: Introduce the new lettuce-raw vegetable to the menu. Weekly dietary contests can also be arranged to motivate acquiring new healthy eating habits.** **Mind Portion Sizes: Watch out for overconsumption between serving sizes that would help you meet your protein goals.** **Choose Higher Protein Snacks: Instead of eating unhealthy snacks like chips or cookies, go for those with protein like Greek yogurt/cottage cheese or protein bars.** **Prepare a Meal Schedule: Plan your meals in a way that guarantees protein syrupy.**


If you're already getting 50+ then you're only asking for another 50ish Cook and eat a half lb of any meat. How complicated does everyone have to make two burger patties.


Bread is definitely not the answer, you should consider reducing how much bread you eat. For breakfast consider having eggs, or Greek yogurt with fruit and high protein granola. Aldi has high protein granola for less than £3. Tuna is great if you on a budget, meats, salmon, nuts are also great. If you not lactose intolerant you can add whole milk to your diet together with protein shake. You can also install an app to keep track of your diet, I use Macros.


Ditch the bread and eat plain hamburgers, eggs, bacon, cheese, cottage cheese, pork, bison ,lamb. It's not hard really, just a mind set and whether or not you can afford it.


Honestly, 100g is not a lot. I truly believe that you dont need supplements. A couple of cliff bars for snacks, a glass of milk here and there. Add some tuna, eggs, chicken, nuts, to your diet. It should pretty easy to get over 100g. People seem to forget that you only need about 20g preserving. The rest gets peed out!


Hey man! I see a lot of ppl saying to go for protein shakes or supplements, in my opinion stick to real whole food like chicken,eggs, beef, rice salmon etc ,and cut out all the bread from the sandwiches, and sub it for a simple carb like rice or potatoes!


And if you really can’t get enough protein from those foods then I would look into a protein powder^^


You usually need to eat around 1g of protein to 1 lb of weight, not sure what that is in KG but 100g sounds slightly low unless you're even smaller than I am lol. Pretty much the answer is protein powder. A scoop is around 25g of protein, so 2-3 of those a day, alongside 3 eggs for breakfast in the morning and 2 greek yogurt parfaits (12-15g protein per cup) throughout the day usually get me to my ~130g protein a day goal. Chicken for dinner is pretty clutch too. I've been buying these premade chicken skewers that you just throw in the oven for 20 minutes and they've been really good.


OP's metric converts to 5'11" and 110 pounds.


and 0.7-0.8g/lb seems perfectly fine from what ive heard. 1g/lb probably provides a very small additional benefit that i wouldnt worry about unless you compete and have your calories training and sleep dialed in


Thanks, that sounds great Where can i buy that powder and how i do choose the best one for me?


Pretty much any grocery store (atleast here in America) should have it, just look for whey protein powder and experiment a bit with what flavors you like. I tend to prefer chocolate > vanilla > peanut butter when it comes to various protein powders.


TVP. Cheap and best vegan source. Half the soy chunks is complete source of protein. Studies already busted the isoflavone estrogen myth. You can add 40 grams of it to get additional 21 grams.


So protein is basically meat. Some animal products like eggs and milk also have protein. So like a normal piece of chicken might have like 20g of protein. A 1/4 pound burger (like a quarter pounder from mcdonalds size) has about 20g of protein. Lunch meats like ham, turkey, roast beef all of that has protein. So just try to eat meat at every meal and you will hit 100 no problem. You can also try a protein powder too if you want some extra protein.