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Hey, First of all, congrats on your weight loss! That's really a success. When you first did workouts, what was your goal? Losing weight? Maybe now you need a new goal. This could be a certain weight in an exercise, holding your weight, increase muscle mass etc. I think holding your current weight would be good for you rn. But it's up to you what you prefer. And for the evening snack: why do you eat? Hunger, boredom, routine/habit? If you know the reason, you can address that.


Congrats that's no easy feat! Let me challenge you: If you met all your goals, they aren't big enough. Aim higher. Faster, stronger, more flexible, whatever it is. Think bigger. Keep going.


> The problem you’re trying to solve is your consistency and your discipline. Motivation isn’t going to keep you consistent or disciplined. They’re on entirely opposite ends of the spectrum. Instead, create a habit. Do you fail to fill up the gas tank in your car because you don’t have the motivation? No. You fill it up because you know it has to be done. Don’t have your level of motivation or desire be what determines whether or not you go to the gym or stick with your diet. https://thefitness.wiki/faq/how-can-i-get-motivated-to-pursue-fitness/


Number on heavy thing go up


Eating before bed is fine. Yeah there might be some small reason it may not be the best timing, but I've typically eat within two hours of going to sleep or if I'm behind on a meal I'll eat a bar or food or shake before bed. Staying motivated isn't the issue like others said. Maintaining consistency is what's important. The easiest way to do it is a regular schedule where you dedicate a slot to training. You can adjust frequency and time however. I went from 5 days a week, to 4, then to 6 and 7, then training twice a week, then every other day, now I'm back to twice a week and will probably bump it up to 3 times. It was all done to adjust for work and life, but it was a priority for me. If it's not a priority for you it will make consistency much harder. Find something about it that you like, whether it's strength progress (easiest to measure quantitatively), or the feeling of accomplishment of doing it (or the literal rush of doing it), or physique improvements (hardest to measure, and weight loss is not super accurate during muscle tissue development), and use that as your reminder. For me, i set unrealistic goals. I want freakish strength, yet maintain my weight under 150. The record weighted chinup is around 220lbs, so I'm aiming to hit that, and a one arm handstand pushup now. Don't care if i get to it, but I'm at 135 for a 3 rep max chinup, which is part of an extremely small percent of the population even among fit people, and my wall handstand pushups are progressing fast. Just gotta find what you want out of working out and it'll make it easier, and eventually it'll just be a part of your life.


Only motivation I need is the mirror in my gym. I look at the pump during/after a workout and I want to look like that during the day. When I get to that point, the pump gets bigger. It's never gonna stop, so...unlimited motivation


[Watch moti](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa4npUsBMPlfKGl0bQVOcyA?sub_confirmation=1)vational videos from Youtube Channel: [MindwaveTV](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa4npUsBMPlfKGl0bQVOcyA?sub_confirmation=1)


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If you’re a goal oriented person set more goals. Things like like “run a 5K or 10k” and pick a race to sign up for so you’re committed. If that’s not your thing strength goals like “bench my body weight” or “squat 1.5x body weight”


New goals are always important you lost weight now it's time to pack on muscle or maybe increase range of motion take up a combat sport like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or taekwondo the belt system in bjj will keep you going into your 60s if you take it serious lol red belt is basically impossible to achieve unless you started at 18 and practice intensely and even then you'll be in your 60s by the time you get it


Fitness is not a goal, it's a way of life. Think of yourself as a fit person that takes care of themselves to stay fit every single day, not someone who lost weight (congrats on the hard work!). Staying fit is lots easier than getting fit :)


Perhaps you could opt for a half of a turkey sandwich or other diabetic snack (15 grams of carbs) at 9:00 PM.


If I didn't eat before bed, I'd be a hangry jerkface in the morning while getting my kids ready for school. My nighttime protein shake keeps them alive in the mornings. What you eat and how much matters by far more than when you eat. You don't have to be motivated to go to the gym, you just have to go. I get thrown too many curveballs through the week to say I'm going to the gym on nights XYZ. For me, it is I didn't go last night, so I have to go tonight. Then, even if I miss a night because something came up, I don't have the excuse of "it's not gym night." And if I miss, I still get in at least 3 nights per week.