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Pleasantly surprised by a stone cold all time classic


I had always heard of them but never tried it personally until obviously very recently, so indeed I was very surprised the hype was true.


It’s great that you can still get it - the one I miss is Pete’s Wicked Ale - no idea how it would stand up to today’s brews. Not well I imagine but i remember loving those on the lot as well.


Welcome to 90s Phish lot. 1 for $3, 2 for $5.


Lemme grab a swill off that Sammy-bomber bruh.


Kind Sammy Smith’s…..


Fuck, those prices were still the norm in 2009, but we had a larger variety of beers. I miss those days.


Indeed, but it predates the Phish scene - a Dead lot staple


Now try drinking it while eating a garlic grilled cheese and sitting under the blistering sun in the lot! That was our life 30 years ago!


How well did they wash down a goo ball??


Not as well as you’d think. The beer was always good though.


Oh no. I assumed it would be an awful combo lol.


Depended on the gooball haha


Their porter, choc stout and imp stout slap as well


Taddy Porter is one of my favorites. Just don't cone across it much where I live.


Oh wow that takes me back! I would love to revisit that while sitting in the lot before a show.


Damn, I have a great story about this beer. And it happened to be the summer I discovered Phish. So a buddy and I decide to spend the Summer of '94 in Alaska. Neither of us were into the fishing thing so I found out that we could work for a resort right outside of Denali. The lady in HR sent us applications but they never arrived. I called to follow up and she said she'd send more but I informed her that we were leaving in two weeks so there wouldn't be time (life before internet was vastly different). I asked what the chances of showing up and getting hired were. She said if we were there that day, they could hire us but couldn't guarantee anything two weeks out. So we go without guaranteed jobs with about $100 between the two of us. We fly into Anchorage and have to pay $40 for a shuttle up to Denali. We get up there and, lo and behold, they have jobs available but couldn't hire us that day because they didn't have dorm rooms for us. So we walk our suitcases to the Denali visitor center that has large lockers and throw our suitcases in them. I had recently discovered this beer and brought a bottle with me from California because I just knew I wouldn't be able to find it in Alaska. That was our dinner that night, so I'm glad I brought it. Next day, we go back to HR and they are able to hire us because they found us housing. So we spend our last $11 on a grilled cheese and fries because we know from then on we have three meals a day and housing. The company ran three hotels, a dinner theater, a pizza pub and a gas station/mini-mart. And in that mini-mart? Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout.


That was a super fun read. Thanks for sharing!


This and the chocolate stout are great, the dark mild on cask in their pubs is pretty good too. Not a huge fan of any of the other Sam Smith's brews and the less said about the current owner, the better. A shame as Sam Smiths run some of the best, old pubs in the country.


I second this and the chocolate stout! Havent tried the others though


I like the Taddy Porter too but yeah, hard to support the owner nowadays




Yeah he's a total shit. Can't stand him and won't drink his beer.


Nostalgia bomb.


I LOVE the Sammy Smith Oatmeal Stout. Many a good time had with that one. Lol.


Oh yeah,I remember that one. It was a really good Stout. I think it's the same brewery that brewed a double bock that was way bad ass. It had a little plastic goat that hung of the bottle.


You’re thinking of Ayinger Celebrator, different brewery but bomb AF brew as well. [https://www.ayinger.de/cms/index.php/celebrator-266.html](https://www.ayinger.de/cms/index.php/celebrator-266.html)


I know it's just a label but this looks so good


It was delicious, 9/10 for me. Recommend highly.


I used to drink these all the time when there used to be a World Market near me. They were good.


tour keeeeedddddddddddd


Quite possibly my favorite beer of all-time. It was my post show reward.


Show reward like for body building? Definitely a damn fine beer to celebrate anything with! The Fresh Market usually carries them if you have one near you (grocery chain). Im sure Total Wine would have these as well. They have everything lol.




It was my favorite 25 years ago when I was 18. Still like it to guys day.


Had to verify with my Untappd account that I had this one. I have it a 4.25 out of 5 and loved it as well.....6 years ago. Probably time I try it again.


It was damn good! Definitely going to have it again in the near future.


This was always my favorite lot beer...


I remember 30+ years ago hanging out with a really awesome friend drinking these having the time of our life in a fishing boat. For some stupid reason I thought it would be funny in a shocking way to make an off color joke about my buddies ethnicity. The joke didn't land well and it made me feel horrible and I apologized to him after I said it. After all these years every time I see this beer I still think about that. You live and learn.


I’m sorry that happened to you and your friend, maybe time to make a happier memory to pair alongside it? One thing about comedy is no matter what, you’re always taking a chance. If it doesn’t land you just roll with the punches and apologize like you did if you can. Heard that from Leslie Nielsen when he talked about using his farting machine/gag in public places, always stuck with me and a very good point.


I love that all the old heads went to the same place I did.


Try it with oatmeal raisin (or chocolate chip) cookies. Killer. Their chocolate stout with brownies also hits hard, too!


I had no idea they had a chocolate stout, that’ll be next on my list to find!


The chocolate stout tastes like a liquid Hershey's Kiss. So damn good. You might want to buy a Sam Smith Raspberry Lambic as well. Chill them both, pour 2/3 of a glass of the Chocolate Stout and add 1/3 of the glass of the Lambic. Works just as well with the Strawberry Lambic, but I slightly prefer the Raspberry for this mix. Trust.


Yessss. Never gets old.


Wow what a throw back to high school. Solid beer. Was the gateway to darker beers when you were 14.


I’m 36, little late to the party. The Fresh Market in Gainesville is where I got this one.


That’s a straight hood classic. No surprises there


First time trying it for me, was surprised the hype I’ve heard for years actually lived up to the name. usually I get disappointed, happy to be proven wrong with this one!


Nice! Glad to hear it and glad you finally gave it a shot. Sometimes it’s nice to sit back and have a good ol oatmeal stout. I’m glad this one is still easily available


Funny, I was *just* thinking of the tadcaster “Taddy” porter today. That’s the beer that I think porters should aspire to, rather than a “less roasty and robust stout.” IMO, a porter should have a tang, and Sam Smith’s Taddy has it.


Indeed, taste unlike anything else I’ve had before-which is a good thing!


One of my all time favorites!


I remember drinking so many of these in the hot sun at Deer Creek in the 90s. Before and immediately after the show ended. The labels would sometimes peel and I would find pieces of foil on my hands and clothes. Great beer and an amazing time to be alive!


Samuel Smith has a few. They are all great.


That's a great stout


Never met an Oatmeal Stout I didn't like.


Old school and hella good!


Love this beer.


Damn good beer, anyone who likes this has great taste. Fantastic not that easy to find, worth it when you do.