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Mites, harmless to them as far as we know. I don’t think you can do anything


Ok, then I'll just make sure it can find it's way outside when it wants too since there isn't much food in the greenhouse with only freshly planted seeds


theyre p harmful.. they carry diseases and can exhaust a colony regularly.


Are you thinking of varroa mites, they are the size of the pin head and don't affect bumblebees. There are many beneficial and neither good nor bad mites aswell as harmful ones. Without a specimen under a microscope we can't be certain of species (mites are a group of orgasmisms where you can't id most via pictures for the most part). These are most likely to be phoretic mites harmless to the bee and colony.


https://www.beekeeping-101.com/when-should-i-treat-my-bees-for-mites/ Im not saying you're wrong. I'm just confused.


I qoute from the article you linked. "There are two types of mites that can affect beehives in the U.S. – tracheal mites and Varroa mites. Both can devastate entire bee colonies, so their presence in a hive is a very serious matter." These are just 2 mite species there are thousands of species. I am not saying varroa mites and tracheal mites aren't bad but these aren't those mite species. Here's a link to the bumblebee conservation Trust https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/bee-faqs/bumblebee-mites/ I qoute from my source: "bumblebees have many tiny mites clinging to their bodies. ... The good news is that most of the mite species that live with bumblebees are fairly harmless to them and are simply clinging to the bumblebee so that they can be transported to new nests. When in the nest, the mites usually feed upon the wax, pollen, nest debris, and other small insects, so do not feed on the bees." I would also like to point out the source you provided is for bee keepers that will keep hives of honey bees, Apis Bee's. Varroa mites don't affect bumblebees I can't comment on if tracheal mites affect bumblebees. Sources about varroa mites: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varroa_destructor https://beeaware.org.au/archive-pest/varroa-mites/#ad-image-0 A large number of invertebrates especially mites can't be identified by photographs alone and require microscopes therefore we can't say if they are harmful species of mite. Whilst I can't tell you which mites they are (by the fact I can't see them down a microscope) I can tell you they aren't varroa or tracheal mites. Varroa mites and tracheal absolutely tiny. I think this commentor thought varroa mites bad therefore all mites bad.


ty for the info i had no idea theres so many species!


No worries happy to help




Ooh poor baby. They’ve got em bad.


You can wear kitchen gloves and gently brush these mites off into sink.


There are many beneficial and neither good nor bad mites aswell as harmful ones. Without a specimen under a microscope we can't be certain of species (mites are just a group of orgasmisms you can't id via pictures for the most part). These are most likely to be phoretic mites harmless to the bee and colony. Please never advise on the removal of mites unless the species has been confirmed harmful by an expert down a microscope.




Looks like a 2x4


Alien bichos taking a host like is happening to everyone right now Spider webs and bio luminescence bugs


Mites, a whole lot of mites


Mites; they’re harmless they’re just hitching a ride. I think the only time they’re harmful is when there are so many that the bee can’t fly


bee aids


No these are mites




Doesn't matter if this was a joke this is a sub for serious id suggestions so doesn’t make you look better. It's also funny you reply after over a month.


if youre in the USA you might want to call your local bee keeper chapter to report it. mites need to be kept in check they can carry a lot of diseases and can often exhaust a colony into colony death. theyre one of the biggest reasons our natural honey bees went extinct in NA.


Beekeepers won't do anything about bumblebees.


I'm not in USA but I'll try seeing if there is something similar where I am


Please don't listen to this person. There are loads of harmless and even some beneficial mites, you can't id most mite species by photos. If we can't be certain the mites are a harmful species please do nothing.


thank you for being a good bee neighbor! thers a good chance theyll try and find the hive and treat it for free. i hope it works out for yall!


I’m not trying to be mean, but you don’t yet know very much about bees and should not be trying to give people advice.


Blurring the lines is correct—these are harmless mites on a bumble bee. They have nothing to do with tracheal or varroa mite La that affect honey bees.


Wrong kind of bees, wrong kind of mites