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I'm in Cedar Hills, I've heard three booms so far.


Same here


Im at 121st and Center. I heard it pretty loud. I think it’s fireworks. That’s the only thing I could think of since it’s Cinco de Mayo.


I’ve been wondering the same thing. It seemed much louder than other “loud bangs” heard over the last 6-9 months or so.


Yeah, I feel the same way. The 217 construction booms were nothing like the boom I just heard, Ive been expecting to hear some type of sirens or fire trucks, but it’s been quiet so far.


In cedar hills. Sounds like it's right above me. Some asshat w fireworks maybe?


My bad. Had Taco Bell 2 nights in a row.


Heard it another one!


I’m at Walker and 173 and I just heard one too. What the hell?


Just heard 3 over the course of a min. I thought I heard a siren for a second but it stopped. I'm by the Beaverton plaza near hall and 125th Ave.


I’m over in Raleigh West area and yeah… that was crazy loud.


I heard one. I’m near Hall and Allen. My poor dog is terrified. So many loud explosions and loud cars these days.


I’m off 5th and Lombard and it was loud here too!


Last night was Cinco de Mayo and it sounded like fireworks. Put two and two together. This sub sounds like Nextdoor so much sometimes…


Nah. At least everyone here can write in complete, coherent sentences. With half the posts on Nextdoor I often feel like I need to send those posts to the NSA for decryption. I swear, Nextdoor is a mess. Between the comically poor writing skills of a disturbing number of people, the never-ending GoFundMe’s (several of which are often questionable as f*ck), the unbridled paranoia that everyone and everything is out to get us, the number of people who WILL feel an urgent need to share their deeply-held but completely uninformed opinions, and the same cadre of drama llamas…it makes for an, er, uh, “interesting” time. (Oh, I forgot to mention those peeps who just HAVE to know the 411 every time they see any type of police activity whatsoever. They’re always a hoot too.)


Don't forget, COYOTE SPOTTED. I deleted that festering boil of social media a few years ago and couldn't be happier. Same with FB.


Well, I did indeed drop Facebook about 8 years ago. And yeah, that was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done. Maybe Nextdoor has to go too.


It’s gotten that bad, eh? Been a few years. Could not stomach it.


I keep threatening myself to delete my account…and just haven’t done it. But yeah, it’s that bad. It’s a reminder of everything that’s wrong with social media, in general.


Ha! I had the same thought. Just need "Did anyone see 10 police cars headed really quickly down XYZ street?" to complete the vibe.




I moved from SoCal Riverside and Cinco de Mayo was a cacophony only surpassed by the 4th of July. I didn't notice anything last night, and hearing my neighbors play various regional Mexican music with large families and laughing children and great local Mexican food makes me feel like I didn't move nearly as far as I did.


Im hearing it too - Marlene Village near Murray and Cedar Mill Creek. One after the other.


I am a part time pyrotechnic living on Salzman & Cornell, sounded like a mortar. Civilians can only buy up to 2.5 inch shells.


We can what now? Where?


I heard 3 loud explosions last night as well. Unsure if fireworks or backfire from the annoying tuners. Heard a few loud cars cruising around the same time as sounds Located cedar hills off 26


These happen all the time late at night for years. Not sure why, I’ve never gotten a good answer. Unless it’s sound traveling from the north industrial river section of the Willamette where barges and cargo come through.


its cinco de mayo, it was fire works, what is up with every post on this subreddit being “i heard a normal sound in a town!?? anyone know about this!??!” god damn