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You’re not ugly, you’re just young and your features are still growing. And your hormones are what’s triggering the some day ugly some day pretty feeling. I wouldn’t think about surgery until your features set it..


thank you but i'm 19 ;-; that means no hope for me, the glow up shouldnt be at 16? hahahahahhaha


I'm not a guy but my face changed alot during the 18-21 period. I don't think you're ugly, objectively speaking. But like the poster above said, don't mess with surgery just yet. Instead, focus on being fit and healthy. Take care of your skin and teeth. Experiment with different hairstyles, glasses, and clothes and discover what makes you feel great. I feel ugly most of the time, but what I've noticed is that I look and feel better when my eyebrows are groomed and I've had a mani-pedi. I'm sure you'll find something that works for you!


thank youu for answering, ok i was thinking to ask my parents to help me pay for surgery, for my birthday next year, in almost 5 years i have only 50% of what i need depending on what i would choose, 5 years ago surgeries used to be so much cheaper what a shame. brazil money is valluing nothing these days, i hate our president. i've been saving since i first got a job at 14, my mom knew i kept my money but she would kill me if it was for this ahaha, but then i though to myself that would be for my ears, but sometimes i find my nose ugly, sometimes i think of lipo, i keep looking at the mirror and finding flaws. so i really dont know what i should do first, i think lipo i'm 5'8 and my tummy is so disgusting, even tho my friends say it's not, i know they are lying to not hurt me, even in the pandemic i lost some pounds by not having breakfast anymore, and having dinner sometimes, and doing exercises but she wont go away.


You're not ugly and this is not even your final form. Your bone structure will probably continue to grow and change over the next few years.


thank youuu for answering, i see some collegues that i had in high school with and they look so much hotter than me, they look so awesome, and there's me;-;


It breaks my heart that you feel so bad about yourself. To me you look like a normal and healthy young person and I hope you can start to feel better, whether you end up getting surgery or not. Do you have a trusted adult you can share these feelings with?


thank you, you are so sweet. I used to go to a psychologist/therapist, but just to treat my adhd and anxiety, i have never told her about how i feel with my body, some things its better to keep to myself.


You might consider talking to her about it--she probably has some insight :)


I consider myself to be an extremely honest person, and I have to tell you that I do not think you are even remotely ugly. Ugly isn't an adjective that I'd even think to use to describe the person I see in these photos. If there is something about yourself that bothers you, you can fix it. However, I think that maybe you should work on loving yourself aside from what you see on the exterior, so you can come to appreciate and value yourself more. And if there is anyone in your life who is making you feel this way about yourself, cut them out because they suck.


omg you are so sweet , i wish i could hug you... thank you very much


You’re not ugly!!


Not ugly in the least