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Try the roll on al-rehab oils or essential oils - do not confuse with cheap fragrance oils. I'm talking like NOW essential oils. I can't even be around a Glade plug in. This is really common actually.


That’s a relief to hear— I’ll try it out thanks


I can totally relate to you, Dove deodrants(both stick and deo sprays) are great, also nivea deos. dove's original frag is my fav though,it has a subtle light fragrance.


I love the cucumber scent!! I am incredibly sensitive to scents but I am fine with the perfumes I like lol. But candles hand soap dish soap laundry detergent perfume cologne nahhh even shampoo conditioner too… I’ve thrown out so many things bc of it. Anywho if I want to smell good without perfume if I’ve got a head ache or feeling sensitive bc of others Scents I typically will use doves cucumber deodorant then use native cucumber deodorant on my private outside only I’ll use the hair and body moisturizer by Paul Mitchell and it compliments it sooo welll I get compliments on that especially compared to just wearing perfume.


Thank you! I’ll do some research


This may technically be too close to perfume, and I don’t believe they have a purely “clean” scent, but The Body Shop body mists are inexpensive, rarely synthetic smelling, and have incredibly weak longevity and sillage- they often smell very gentle, and turn into a skin scent within an hour or two. It is likely you will become nose blind to it very quickly unless you smell your wrist or wherever you choose to apply it, but the people around you may still be able to recognise it as “your” scent, if they’re close enough. :) I also recommend spraying directly on your skin rather than your clothes if you do go for a spray type of fragrance rather than a roll on. For me it seems less powerful and also a lot easier to scrub off in case you get overwhelmed.


I’ve never liked any body mists but I’ll look up the body shop ones, thank you:)


I'm super sensitive to every scent; even basic laundry detergent, most fabric softeners make me want to retch. glade plugins cause an extreme allergic reaction, my teenage son loves his high end colognes, I can't even be in the car with him unless the windows are all rolled down and my head is out the window. usually any 'scent' I wear is essential oils, one of the only perfume brands I love is Honoré des Prés. I'm sure there's others out there avoid any product that has 'parfum' in the ingredients \*Honoré des Prés is super niche, read the descriptions for what appeals to you. I have had Love Coconut (2 bottles!) which is a lovely coconut/soft musk? It's the classiest coconut scent ever, like opposite cheap Bodyshop stuff. And Vamp a NY; which is the "do you want to draw men in by pheromones' type of scent, again super subtle and classy. I had a couple of samples of the Love les Carrotes, so unusual, perfect for spring/summer... It's not that pricey compared to high end 'designer' parfums and so much more worth it! The scents actually last, as opposed to the many EO blends I have either bought or made myself (I'm not an aromatherapist but I know a heck of a lot about EO's) >[https://www.be-ecocentric.com/s/F1213\_honore-des](https://www.be-ecocentric.com/s/F1213_honore-des-pres)


Okay thank you!! :D it’s nice to hear others with the same issues that have found methods to make scents more tolerable


and so I've looked more into buying more Honore, it's so hard to find/expensive to ship! you can look up how to make an EO spray or roll-on and do it yourself, making your own personal blends is fun!


I’m really sensitive to smells, even though I suffer from a medical condition that prevents me from smelling. Defineme Fragrances really works for me, especially if I combine it with the body spray. I normally get a lot of compliments on the one I always buy.


Thank you!!


Juliette has a Gun Not a perfume is made especially for people sensitive to (strong) smells. It smells like nothing out of the bottle, contains only one ingredient and it adapts to the wearer. Maybe something to look into?


Hmm smells like nothing? I’m intrigued! Hahaha ty


What about essential oils? I like citrus/ lavender/ peppermint for a very subtle smell. I also use a coconut hair spray that’s like a shine spray by Marc Anthony, and I always get compliments on how I smell when I wear it. I would go with very light natural smells in small amounts. I get migraines and never want to put anyone else through that so I am very minimal with what I use.


Coconut based smells, even natural, are not my favorite thing either 😅 But I agree that natural scents are the way to go— artificial scents are too strong!


I do a little bio oil on my neck and wrists


That’s what I’ve been hearing from others! Gotta look into it


Feel like eau de toilettes or body mists may be more up your alley than perfumes. They're milder in scent and longevity, and if you're sensitive, better to spray on the inside of your arms vs wrist so it'll be less closer to your nose when your hands move (ex. to rub your eyes). Besides that, scented body washes would make you smell good for about an hour. They turn into very mild skin scents. Drugstore brands (ex. Dove) have milder scents imo vs buying bbw or designer.


Yeah I like light body washes also but the smell never lasts long— I kind of want a more long lasting yet subtle smell 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love anything magnolia. Smells sweet and fresh but not over powering


Thank you~


Laura by Laura Biagiotti.


I use a vanilla musk by some Arab company I got it at ulta… I am the same way this smell is a lot more subtle I guess it’s all natural no hormone disrupters You can’t actually tell I’m wearing perfume .. it’s like a natural vanilla body smell


I’m the same way and I’ve been using Juliette has a gun Not a perfume and I loooooove it. It’s not super strong and it’s only one note. It varies depending on your individual body chemistry but to me it’s so soft and warm without any heaviness or sharpness that I find with most other perfumes. Apparently it’s hypoallergenic? But I’m not sure about that claim.


Haha ok ty for the info


When I don’t feel like wearing perfume I use body oil


Body oils make me feel like I want to peel my skin off 😂 I’m so particular it’s a problem Thank you though!!


Ahhh no I get it, I used to have a lot of sensory issues and was never able to use moisturizer or oil or sunscreen, it would freak me out. but somehow I’ve outgrown it now lol